Sensitivity Analysis¶
This module contains classes for sensitivity analysis of kinetics and pressure-dependent jobs.
- class arkane.sensitivity.KineticsSensitivity(job, output_directory)¶
class represents an instance of a sensitivity analysis job performed for a KineticsJob. The attributes are:Attribute
A list of the conditions at which the sensitivity coefficients are calculated
The KineticsJob object
A list of forward rates from job at the respective conditions in the appropriate units
A list of reverse rates from job at the respective conditions in the appropriate units
A dictionary with Species as keys and each value is a list of forward rates from job at the respective conditions in the appropriate units after perturbing the corresponding Species’ E0
Same as f_sa_rates, only for the reverse direction
A dictionary with Species keys and sensitivity coefficients in the forward direction as values
A dictionary with Species keys and sensitivity coefficients in the reverse direction as values
- execute()¶
Execute the sensitivity analysis for a :class:KineticsJob: object
- perturb(species)¶
Perturb a species’ E0
- plot()¶
Plot the SA results as horizontal bars
- save()¶
Save the SA results as tabulated data as well as in YAML format
- unperturb(species)¶
Return the species’ E0 to its original value
- class arkane.sensitivity.PDepSensitivity(job, output_directory, perturbation, max_iters=5)¶
class represents an instance of a sensitivity analysis job performed for a PressureDependenceJob. The attributes are:Attribute
A list of the conditions (each entry is a list of one T and one P quantities) at which the sensitivity coefficients are calculated
The PressureDependenceJob object
A dictionary with net_reactions as keys. Values are lists of forward rates from job for the respective path reaction at the respective conditions in the appropriate units
A dictionary with string representations of net_reactions as keys. Values are dictionaries with Wells or TransitionStates as keys and each value is a list of forward rates from job at the respective conditions after perturbing the corresponding well or TS’s E0
A dictionary with similar structure as sa_rates, containing the sensitivity coefficients in the forward direction
- execute()¶
Execute the sensitivity analysis for a :class:PressureDependenceJob: object
- perturb(entry, unperturb=False)¶
Perturb E0 of entry which could be either a :class:TransitionState or a :class:Configuration In the latter case, only the first species in the Configuration.species list is perturbed. The perturbation is done by addition of the energy amount in self.perturbation. If unperturb is False, the perturbation is addition of the energy amount in self.perturbation. If unperturb is False, this is done by subtracting.
- plot(wells, transition_states)¶
Draw the SA results as horizontal bars
- save(wells, transition_states)¶
Save the SA output as tabulated data as well as in YAML format
- unperturb(entry)¶
A helper function for calling self.perturb cleanly when unperturbing