3.2.1. Binary Installation Using Anaconda for Unix-Based Systems: Linux and Mac OSX

  1. Install the conda package manager, if you do not already have it (or Anaconda). Select one of the following options:

    1. Users of Fedora Linux and Red Hat derivatives (RHEL, CentOS Stream) may install from the official repositories and EPEL, respectively, with the command

      sudo dnf install conda
    2. All other users, download and install Miniconda.

      The download will be a .sh file with a name like Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh. Open a terminal in the same directory as this file, and type the following to install Conda (replace the name of your .sh file below).

      bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh

      When prompted to append Anaconda to your PATH, select or type Yes. Install the Conda folder inside your home directory (typically /home/YourUsername/ in Linux and /Users/YourUsername in Mac).

      Note that you should reinitialize or restart your terminal in order for the changes to take effect, as the installer will tell you.

  2. Install both RMG and the RMG-database binaries through the terminal. Dependencies will be installed automatically. It is safest to make a new conda environment for RMG and its dependencies. Type the following command into the terminal to create the new environment named ‘rmg_env’ containing the latest stable version of the RMG program and its database.

    conda create -c defaults -c rmg -c rdkit -c cantera -c pytorch -c conda-forge --name rmg_env rmg rmgdatabase

    Whenever you wish to use it you must first activate the environment:

    conda activate rmg_env
  3. You may now run an RMG test job. Save the Minimal Example Input File to a local directory. Use the terminal to run your RMG job inside that folder using the following command

    rmg.py input.py

    If you encounter the ImportError related to libmkl_rt.so.2, refer to the Fixing the ImportError related to libmkl_rt.so.2 section below to fix the error and re-run the RMG test job.

You may now use RMG-Py, Arkane, as well as any of the Standalone Modules included in the RMG-Py package. Updating your binary installation of RMG in Linux or Mac OSX

If you had previously installed a binary version of the RMG package, you may check and update your installation to the latest stable version available on Anaconda by typing the following command on the terminal

source activate rmg_env
conda update rmg rmgdatabase -c rmg