A module for running jobs on the local machine.
When transitioning to Python 3, use
`subprocess.run() <https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.run>`_
import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from arc.common import get_logger
from arc.exceptions import SettingsError
from arc.imports import settings
from arc.job.ssh import check_job_status_in_stdout
logger = get_logger()
servers, check_status_command, submit_command, submit_filenames, delete_command, output_filenames = \
settings['servers'], settings['check_status_command'], settings['submit_command'], settings['submit_filenames'],\
settings['delete_command'], settings['output_filenames']
[docs]def execute_command(command: Union[str, List[str]],
shell: bool = True,
no_fail: bool = False,
executable: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[list], Optional[list]]:
Execute a command.
If ``no_fail`` is ``True``, then a warning is logged and ``False`` is returned
so that the calling function can debug the situation.
command (Union[str, List[str]]): An array of string commands to send.
shell (bool, optional): Specifies whether the command should be executed using bash instead of Python.
no_fail (bool, optional): If ``True`` then ARC will not crash if an error is encountered.
executable (str, optional): Select a specific shell to run with, e.g., '/bin/bash'.
Default shell of the subprocess command is '/bin/sh'.
Returns: Tuple[list, list]:
- A list of lines of standard output stream.
- A list of lines of the standard error stream.
error = None
if not isinstance(command, list):
command = [command]
command = [' && '.join(command)]
i, max_times_to_try = 1, 30
sleep_time = 60 # Seconds
while i < max_times_to_try:
if executable is None:
completed_process = subprocess.run(command, shell=shell, capture_output=True)
completed_process = subprocess.run(command, shell=shell, capture_output=True, executable=executable)
return _format_stdout(completed_process.stdout), _format_stdout(completed_process.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
error = e # Store the error so we can raise a SettingsError if needed.
if no_fail:
_output_command_error_message(command, e, logger.warning)
return None, None
_output_command_error_message(command, e, logger.error)
logger.error(f'ARC is sleeping for {sleep_time * i} seconds before retrying.\nPlease check whether '
f'this is a server issue by executing the command manually on the server.')
logger.info('ZZZZZ..... ZZZZZ.....')
time.sleep(sleep_time * i) # In seconds
i += 1
# If unsuccessful:
raise SettingsError(f'The command "{command}" is erroneous, got: \n{error}'
f'\nThis maybe either a server issue or the command is wrong.'
f'\nTo check if this is a server issue, please run the command on server and restart ARC.'
f'\nTo correct the command, modify settings.py'
f'\nTips: use "which" command to locate cluster software commands on server.'
f'\nExample: type "which sbatch" on a server running Slurm to find the correct '
f'sbatch path required in the submit_command dictionary.')
def _output_command_error_message(command: List[str],
error: subprocess.CalledProcessError,
logging_func: Union[logger.warning, logger.error],
) -> None:
Formats and logs the error message returned from a command at the desired logging level
command (List[str]): The command that threw the error.
error (subprocess.CalledProcessError): The exception caught by python from subprocess.
logging_func: ``logging.warning`` or ``logging.error`` as a function object.
logging_func('The server command is erroneous.')
logging_func(f'Tried to submit the following command:\n{command}')
logging_func('And got the following status (cmd, message, output, return code)')
def _format_stdout(stdout: bytes) -> List[str]:
Format the stdout as a list of unicode strings
stdout (bytes): The standard output.
List(str): The decoded lines from stdout.
lines, list_of_strs = stdout.splitlines(), list()
for line in lines:
return list_of_strs
[docs]def check_job_status(job_id: int) -> str:
Possible status values: ``before_submission``, ``running``, ``errored on node xx``, ``done``
Status line formats:
540420 0.45326 xq1340b user_name r 10/26/2018 11:08:30 long1@node18.cluster
14428 debug xq1371m2 user_name R 50-04:04:46 1 node06
PBS (taken from zeldo.dow.com)::
Req'd Req'd Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
----------------------- ----------- -------- --------------- ------ ----- ------ --------- --------- - ---------
2016614.zeldo.local u780444 workq scan.pbs 75380 1 10 -- 730:00:00 R 00:00:20
2016616.zeldo.local u780444 workq scan.pbs 75380 1 10 -- 730:00:00 R 00:00:20
HTCondor (using ARC's modified condor_q command)::
3261.0 R 10 28161 a2719 56
3263.0 R 10 28161 a2721 23
3268.0 R 10 28161 a2726 18
3269.0 R 10 28161 a2727 17
3270.0 P 10 28161 a2728 23
server = 'local'
cmd = check_status_command[servers[server]['cluster_soft']]
stdout = execute_command(cmd)[0]
return check_job_status_in_stdout(job_id=job_id, stdout=stdout, server=server)
[docs]def delete_job(job_id: Union[int, str]):
Deletes a running job.
cmd = f"{delete_command[servers['local']['cluster_soft']]} {job_id}"
success = not bool(execute_command(cmd, no_fail=True)[1])
if not success:
logger.warning(f'Detected possible error when trying to delete job {job_id}. Checking to see if the job is '
f'still running...')
running_jobs = check_running_jobs_ids()
if job_id in running_jobs:
logger.error(f'Job {job_id} was scheduled for deletion, but the deletion command has appeared to errored. '
f'The job is still running.')
raise RuntimeError(f'Could not delete job {job_id}')
logger.info(f'Job {job_id} is no longer running.')
[docs]def check_running_jobs_ids() -> List[str]:
Check which jobs are still running on the server for this user.
List[str]: List of job IDs.
cluster_soft = servers['local']['cluster_soft'].lower()
if cluster_soft not in ['slurm', 'oge', 'sge', 'pbs', 'htcondor']:
raise ValueError(f"Server cluster software {servers['local']['cluster_soft']} is not supported.")
cmd = check_status_command[servers['local']['cluster_soft']]
stdout = execute_command(cmd)[0]
running_job_ids = parse_running_jobs_ids(stdout, cluster_soft=cluster_soft)
return running_job_ids
[docs]def parse_running_jobs_ids(stdout: List[str],
cluster_soft: Optional[str] = None,
) -> List[str]:
A helper function for parsing job IDs from the stdout of a job status command.
stdout (List[str]): The stdout of a job status command.
cluster_soft (Optional[str]): The cluster software.
List(str): List of job IDs.
cluster_soft = cluster_soft or servers['local']['cluster_soft'].lower()
i_dict = {'slurm': 0, 'oge': 1, 'sge': 1, 'pbs': 4, 'htcondor': -1}
split_by_dict = {'slurm': ' ', 'oge': ' ', 'sge': ' ', 'pbs': '.', 'htcondor': '.'}
running_job_ids = list()
for i, status_line in enumerate(stdout):
if i > i_dict[cluster_soft]:
job_id = status_line.strip().split(split_by_dict[cluster_soft])[0]
job_id = f'{job_id}' # job_id is sometimes a byte, this transforms b'bytes' into "b'bytes'"
if "b'" in job_id:
job_id = job_id.split("b'")[1].split("'")[0]
return running_job_ids
[docs]def submit_job(path: str,
cluster_soft: Optional[str] = None,
submit_cmd: Optional[str] = None,
submit_filename: Optional[str] = None,
recursion: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
Submit a job.
path (str): The job's folder path, where the submit script is located (just the folder path, w/o the filename).
cluster_soft (str, optional): The server cluster software.
submit_cmd (str, optional): The submit command.
submit_filename (str, optional): The submit script file name.
recursion (bool, optional): Whether this call is within a recursion.
Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: job_status, job_id
cluster_soft = cluster_soft or servers['local']['cluster_soft']
job_status, job_id = '', ''
submit_cmd = submit_cmd or submit_command[cluster_soft]
submit_filename = submit_filename or submit_filenames[cluster_soft]
cmd = f'cd "{path}"; {submit_cmd} {submit_filename}'
stdout, stderr = execute_command(cmd)
if not len(stdout):
stdout, stderr = execute_command(cmd)
if stderr:
if cluster_soft.lower() == 'slurm' and any('AssocMaxSubmitJobLimit' in err_line for err_line in stderr):
logger.warning(f'Max number of submitted jobs was reached, sleeping...')
time.sleep(5 * 60)
if cluster_soft.lower() == 'pbs' and (any('qsub: would exceed' in err_line for err_line in stderr ) or any('qsub: Maximum number of jobs' in err_line for err_line in stderr)):
logger.warning(f'Max number of submitted jobs was reached, sleeping...')
time.sleep(5 * 60)
elif cluster_soft.lower() == 'pbs' and any('qsub: Illegal attribute or resource value' in err_line for err_line in stderr):
raise ValueError(f'Got the following error when trying to submit job:\n{stderr}. Please check your submit script')
if not len(stdout) or recursion:
return None, None
if len(stderr) > 0 or len(stdout) == 0:
logger.warning(f'Got the following error when trying to submit job:\n{stderr}.')
job_status = 'errored'
job_id = _determine_job_id(stdout=stdout, cluster_soft=cluster_soft)
job_status = 'running' if job_id else job_status
return job_status, job_id
def _determine_job_id(stdout: List[str],
cluster_soft: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
Determine the job ID right after it was submitted from the stdout.
stdout (List[str]): The stdout got from submitting a job.
cluster_soft (str, optional): The server cluster software.
str: The determined job ID.
job_id = ''
cluster_soft = cluster_soft or servers['local']['cluster_soft']
cluster_soft = cluster_soft.lower() if cluster_soft is not None else None
if cluster_soft in ['oge', 'sge'] and 'submitted' in stdout[0].lower():
job_id = stdout[0].split()[2]
elif cluster_soft == 'slurm' and 'submitted' in stdout[0].lower():
job_id = stdout[0].split()[3]
elif cluster_soft == 'pbs':
job_id = stdout[0].split('.')[0]
elif cluster_soft == 'htcondor' and 'submitting' in stdout[0].lower():
if len(stdout) and len(stdout[1].split()) and len(stdout[1].split()[-1].split('.')):
job_id = stdout[1].split()[-1].split('.')[0]
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized cluster software: {cluster_soft}')
return job_id
[docs]def get_last_modified_time(file_path_1: str,
file_path_2: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
Returns the last modified time of ``file_path_1`` if the file exists,
else returns the last modified time of ``file_path_2`` if the file exists.
file_path_1 (str): The path to file 1.
file_path_2 (str, optional): The path to file 2.
timestamp = None
if os.path.isfile(file_path_1):
timestamp = os.stat(file_path_1).st_mtime
except (IOError, OSError):
if timestamp is None and file_path_2 is not None:
timestamp = os.stat(file_path_2).st_mtime
except (IOError, OSError):
return None
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) if timestamp is not None else None
[docs]def write_file(file_path: str, file_string: str) -> None:
Write ``file_string`` as the file's content in ``file_path``.
file_path (str): The file path.
file_string (str): The content to be written into the file.
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
[docs]def rename_output(local_file_path: str,
software: str,
) -> None:
Rename the output file to "output.out" for consistency between software.
local_file_path (str): The full path to the output.out file.
software (str): The software used for the job by which the original output file name was determined.
software = software.lower()
for i in range(5):
if not os.path.isfile(local_file_path) \
and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), output_filenames[software])):
# Wait for file to be transferred on the server (the head node might be busy).
# Nothing to rename.
return None
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), output_filenames[software])):
shutil.move(src=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(local_file_path), output_filenames[software]), dst=local_file_path)
[docs]def change_mode(mode: str,
file_name: str,
recursive: bool = False,
path: str = '',
) -> None:
Change the mode of a file or a directory.
mode (str): The mode change to be applied, can be either octal or symbolic.
file_name (str): The path to the file or the directory to be changed.
recursive (bool, optional): Whether to recursively change the mode to all files
under a directory. ``True`` for recursively change.
path (str, optional): The directory path at which the command will be executed.
if os.path.isfile(path):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
recursive = ' -R' if recursive else ''
command = [f'cd "{path}"'] if path else []
command.append(f'chmod{recursive} {mode} {file_name}')
[docs]def delete_all_local_arc_jobs(jobs: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None) -> None:
Delete all ARC-spawned jobs (with job name starting with `a` and a digit) from the local server.
Make sure you know what you're doing, so unrelated jobs won't be deleted...
Useful when terminating ARC while some (ghost) jobs are still running.
jobs (List[Union[str, int]], optional): Specific ARC job IDs to delete.
server = 'local'
if server in servers:
print('\nDeleting all ARC jobs from local server...')
cmd = check_status_command[servers[server]['cluster_soft']]
stdout = execute_command(cmd, no_fail=True)[0]
for status_line in stdout:
s = re.search(r' a\d+', status_line)
if s is not None:
job_name = s.group()[1:]
cluster_soft = servers[server]['cluster_soft'].lower()
server_job_id = None
if jobs is None or job_name in jobs:
if cluster_soft == 'slurm':
server_job_id = status_line.split()[0]
elif cluster_soft == 'pbs':
server_job_id = status_line.split()[0]
elif cluster_soft in ['oge', 'sge']:
elif cluster_soft == 'htcondor':
server_job_id = status_line.split()[0].split('.')[0]
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized cluster software {cluster_soft}.')
aux_text = f' ({server_job_id} on server)' if server_job_id is not None else ''
print(f'deleted job {job_name}{aux_text}.')