The ARC troubleshooting ("trsh") module
import math
import os
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
from arc.common import (check_torsion_change,
from arc.exceptions import InputError, SpeciesError, TrshError
from arc.imports import settings
from arc.level import Level
from arc.job.local import execute_command
from arc.job.ssh import SSHClient
from arc.species import ARCSpecies
from arc.species.conformers import determine_smallest_atom_index_in_scan
from arc.species.converter import (displace_xyz, ics_to_scan_constraints)
from arc.species.species import determine_rotor_symmetry
from arc.species.vectors import calculate_dihedral_angle, calculate_distance
from arc.parser import (parse_1d_scan_coords,
logger = get_logger()
delete_command, inconsistency_ab, inconsistency_az, maximum_barrier, preserve_params_in_scan, rotor_scan_resolution, \
servers, submit_filenames = settings['delete_command'], settings['inconsistency_ab'], settings['inconsistency_az'], \
settings['maximum_barrier'], settings['preserve_params_in_scan'], \
settings['rotor_scan_resolution'], settings['servers'], settings['submit_filenames']
[docs]def determine_ess_status(output_path: str,
species_label: str,
job_type: str,
job_log: Optional[str] = None,
software: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, List[str], str, str]:
Determine the reason that caused an ESS job to crash, assign error keywords for troubleshooting.
output_path (str): The path to the ESS output file.
species_label (str): The species label.
job_type (str): The job type (e.g., 'opt, 'freq', 'ts', 'sp').
job_log (str, optional): The path to the server job log file (not the ESS output file) or its content.
software (str, optional): The ESS software.
Returns: Tuple[str, List[str], str, str]
- The status. Either 'done' or 'errored'.
- The standardized error keywords.
- A description of the error.
- The parsed line from the ESS output file indicating the error.
keywords, error, line = determine_job_log_memory_issues(job_log=job_log)
if error:
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
if software is None:
software = determine_ess(log_file=output_path)
keywords, error, = list(), ''
with open(output_path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if len(lines) < 5:
return 'errored', ['NoOutput'], 'Log file could not be read', ''
forward_lines = tuple(lines)
reverse_lines = tuple(lines[::-1])
if software == 'gaussian':
for line in forward_lines[-1:-20:-1]:
if 'Normal termination' in line:
return 'done', list(), '', ''
for i, line in enumerate(reverse_lines):
if 'termination' in line:
if 'l9999.exe' in line or 'link 9999' in line:
cycle_issue = False
neg_eigenvalues = False
for j in range(i,len(reverse_lines)):
if 'Number of steps exceeded' in reverse_lines[j]:
keywords = ['MaxOptCycles', 'GL9999']
error = 'Maximum optimization cycles reached.'
cycle_issue = True
line = 'Number of steps exceeded'
elif "Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues" in reverse_lines[j]:
keywords = ['NegEigenvalues', 'GL9999']
error = 'Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues'
neg_eigenvalues = True
line = 'Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues'
if not cycle_issue and not neg_eigenvalues:
keywords = ['Unconverged', 'GL9999'] # GL stand for Gaussian Link
error = 'Unconverged'
elif 'l101.exe' in line:
keywords = ['InputError', 'GL101']
error = 'The blank line after the coordinate section is missing, ' \
'or charge/multiplicity was not specified correctly.'
elif 'l103.exe' in line:
keywords = ['InternalCoordinateError', 'GL103','NoSymm']
error = 'Internal coordinate error'
elif 'l108.exe' in line:
keywords = ['InputError', 'GL108']
error = 'There are two blank lines between z-matrix and ' \
'the variables, expected only one.'
elif 'l202.exe' in line:
keywords = ['OptOrientation', 'GL202']
error = 'During the optimization process, either the standard ' \
'orientation or the point group of the molecule has changed.'
elif 'l301.exe' in line:
keywords = ['GL301']
elif 'l401.exe' in line:
keywords = ['GL401']
elif 'l502.exe' in line:
# Check if Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu
inacc_quad = False
for j in range(i + 300, i, -1):
if 'Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu' in reverse_lines[j]:
inacc_quad = True
keywords = ['InaccurateQuadrature', 'GL502']
error = 'Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu'
line = 'Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu'
if not inacc_quad:
keywords = ['SCF', 'GL502', 'NoSymm']
error = 'Unconverged SCF'
elif 'l508.exe' in line:
keywords = ['no_xqc', 'GL508']
error = 'Unconverged'
elif 'l716.exe' in line:
keywords = ['ZMat', 'GL716']
error = 'Angle in z-matrix outside the allowed range 0 < x < 180.'
elif 'l906.exe' in line:
keywords = ['MP2', 'GL906']
error = 'The MP2 calculation has failed. It may be related to pseudopotential. ' \
'Basis sets (CEP-121G*) that are used with polarization functions, ' \
'where no polarization functions actually exist.'
elif 'l913.exe' in line:
keywords = ['MaxOptCycles', 'GL913']
error = 'Maximum optimization cycles reached.'
elif 'l123.exe' in line:
delta_x = False
gs2_opt = False
for j in range(i + 1, len(reverse_lines)):
if 'Delta-x Convergence NOT Met' in reverse_lines[j]:
delta_x = True
keywords = ['DeltaX', 'GL123']
error = 'Delta-x Convergence NOT Met'
line = 'Delta-x Convergence NOT Met'
elif 'GS2 Optimization Failure' in reverse_lines[j]:
gs2_opt = True
keywords = ['GS2Opt', 'GL123']
error = 'GS2 Optimization Failure'
line = 'GS2 Optimization Failure'
if any([keyword in ['GL301', 'GL401'] for keyword in keywords]):
additional_info = forward_lines[len(forward_lines) - i - 2]
if 'No data on chk file' in additional_info \
or 'Basis set data is not on the checkpoint file' in additional_info \
or 'Error in GetGes' in additional_info:
keywords = ['CheckFile']
error = additional_info.strip()
elif 'GL301' in keywords:
if 'Atomic number out of range for' in forward_lines[len(forward_lines) - i - 2]:
error = f'The basis set {forward_lines[len(forward_lines) - i - 2].split()[6]} ' \
f'is not appropriate for the this chemistry.'
error = 'Either charge, multiplicity, or basis set was not ' \
'specified correctly. Alternatively, a specified atom does not match any ' \
'standard atomic symbol.'
elif 'GL401' in keywords:
error = 'The projection from the old to the new basis set has failed.'
elif 'Erroneous write' in line or 'Write error in NtrExt1' in line:
keywords = ['DiskSpace']
error = 'Ran out of disk space.'
line = ''
elif 'NtrErr' in line:
keywords = ['CheckFile']
error = 'An operation on the check file was specified, but a .chk was not found or is incomplete.'
line = ''
elif 'malloc failed' in line or 'galloc' in line:
keywords = ['Memory']
error = 'Memory allocation failed (did you ask for too much?)'
line = ''
elif 'PGFIO/stdio: No such file or directory' in line:
keywords = ['Scratch']
error = 'Wrongly specified the scratch directory. Correct the "GAUSS_SCRDIR" ' \
'variable in the submit script, it should point to an existing directory. ' \
'Make sure to add "mkdir -p $GAUSS_SCRDIR" to your submit script.'
line = ''
if 'a syntax error was detected' in line.lower() or 'an ambiguous keyword was detected' in line.lower():
keywords = ['Syntax']
error = 'There was a syntax error in the Gaussian input file. Check your Gaussian input file ' \
'template under arc/job/inputs.py. Alternatively, perhaps the level of theory is not ' \
'supported by Gaussian in the specific format it was given.'
line = ''
if keywords:
error = error if error else 'Gaussian job terminated for an unknown reason. ' \
'It is possible there was a server node failure.'
keywords = keywords if keywords else ['Unknown']
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
elif software == 'qchem':
done = False
for line in reverse_lines:
if 'Thank you very much for using Q-Chem' in line:
done = True
# If this is an opt job, we must also check that the max num of cycles hasn't been reached,
# so don't break yet.
if 'opt' not in job_type and 'conf_opt' not in job_type and 'ts' not in job_type:
elif 'SCF failed' in line:
keywords = ['SCF']
error = 'SCF failed'
elif 'error' in line and 'DIIS' not in line:
# These are **normal** lines that we should not capture:
# "SCF converges when DIIS error is below 1.0E-08", or
# "Cycle Energy DIIS Error"
keywords = ['SCF', 'DIIS']
error = 'SCF failed'
elif 'Invalid charge/multiplicity combination' in line:
raise SpeciesError(f'The multiplicity and charge combination for species '
f'{species_label} are wrong.')
if 'opt' in job_type or 'conf_opt' in job_type or 'ts' in job_type:
keywords = ['MaxOptCycles']
error = 'Maximum optimization cycles reached.'
elif 'OPTIMIZATION CONVERGED' in line and done: # `done` should already be assigned
done = True
if done:
return 'done', keywords, '', ''
error = error if error else 'QChem job terminated for an unknown reason.'
keywords = keywords if keywords else ['Unknown']
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
elif software == 'orca':
done = False
for i, line in enumerate(reverse_lines):
# not done yet, things can still go wrong (e.g., SCF energy might blow up)
for j, info in enumerate(forward_lines):
if 'Starting incremental Fock matrix formation' in info:
while not is_str_float(forward_lines[j + 1].split()[1]):
j += 1
scf_energy_initial_iteration = float(forward_lines[j + 1].split()[1])
if 'TOTAL SCF ENERGY' in info:
# this value is very close to the scf energy at last iteration and is easier to parse
scf_energy_last_iteration = float(forward_lines[j + 3].split()[3])
# Check if final SCF energy makes sense
scf_energy_ratio = scf_energy_last_iteration / scf_energy_initial_iteration
scf_energy_ratio_threshold = 2 # it is rare that this ratio > 2
if scf_energy_ratio > scf_energy_ratio_threshold:
keywords = ['SCF']
error = f'The SCF energy seems diverged during iterations. SCF energy after initial ' \
f'iteration is {scf_energy_initial_iteration}. SCF energy after final iteration ' \
f'is {scf_energy_last_iteration}. The ratio between final and initial SCF energy ' \
f'is {scf_energy_ratio}. This ratio is greater than the default threshold of ' \
f'{scf_energy_ratio_threshold}. Please consider using alternative methods or larger ' \
f'basis sets.'
line = ''
done = True
elif 'ORCA finished by error termination in SCF' in line:
keywords = ['SCF']
for j, info in enumerate(reverse_lines):
if 'Please increase MaxCore' in info:
# e.g., Please increase MaxCore to more than: 289 MB
estimated_mem = float(info.split()[-2]) + 500
except ValueError:
error = 'Insufficient job memory.'
# e.g., Error (ORCA_SCF): Not enough memory available!
line = reverse_lines[j + 3].rstrip()
error = f'Orca suggests to increase per cpu core memory to {estimated_mem} MB.'
error = 'SCF error in Orca.'
elif 'ORCA finished by error termination in MDCI' in line:
keywords = ['MDCI']
for j, info in enumerate(reverse_lines):
if 'Please increase MaxCore' in info:
estimated_mem_list = []
for message in reverse_lines:
if 'Please increase MaxCore' in message:
# e.g., Please increase MaxCore - by at least ( 9717.9 MB)
# This message appears multiple times, and suggests different memory at each
# appearance. Need to store all suggested memory values, and then pick the
# largest one. This error msg appears in Orca version 4.2.x
estimated_mem = math.ceil(float(message.split()[-2]))
except ValueError:
# e.g., Please increase MaxCore
# In old Orca versions, there is no indication on the minimum memory requirement
error = 'Insufficient job memory.'
if estimated_mem_list:
estimated_max_mem = np.max(estimated_mem_list) + 500
error = f'Orca suggests to increase per cpu core memory to {estimated_max_mem} MB.'
line = info
elif 'parallel calculation exceeds number of pairs' in info:
# e.g., Error (ORCA_MDCI): Number of processes (16) in parallel calculation exceeds
# number of pairs (10) - error msg in Orca version 4.2.x
max_core = int(info.split()[-1].strip('()'))
error = f'Orca cannot utilize cpu cores more than electron pairs in a molecule. The ' \
f'maximum number of cpu cores can be used for this job is {max_core}.'
except ValueError:
# e.g., Error (ORCA_MDCI): Number of processes in parallel calculation exceeds
# number of pairs - error msg in Orca version 4.1.x
error = 'Orca cannot utilize cpu cores more than electron pairs in a molecule. ARC ' \
'will estimate the number of cpu cores needed based on the number of heavy ' \
'atoms in the molecule.'
line = info
error = 'MDCI error in Orca. Assuming memory allocation error.'
elif 'Error : multiplicity' in line:
keywords = ['Input']
error = f'The multiplicity and charge combination for species {species_label} are wrong.'
keywords = ['Syntax']
line = reverse_lines[i - 1] # this line in the log file suggests which keyword might be problematic
problematic_keyword = line.split()[0]
error = f'There was keyword syntax error in the Orca input file. In particular, keywords ' \
f'{problematic_keyword} can either be duplicated or illegal. Please check your Orca ' \
f'input file template under arc/job/inputs.py. Alternatively, perhaps the level of ' \
f'theory or the job option is not supported by Orca in the format it was given.'
elif 'There are no CABS' in line:
# e.g., ** There are no CABS basis functions on atom number 2 (Br) **
keywords = ['Basis']
problematic_atom = line.split()[-2].strip('()')
error = f'There was a basis set error in the Orca input file. In particular, basis for atom type ' \
f'{problematic_atom} is missing. Please check if specified basis set supports this atom.'
elif 'This wavefunction IS NOT FULLY CONVERGED!' in line:
keywords = ['Convergence']
error = 'Specified wavefunction method is not converged. Please restart calculation with larger ' \
'max iterations or with different convergence flags.'
elif 'ORCA finished by error termination in GTOInt' in line:
error = 'GTOInt error in Orca. Assuming memory allocation error.'
if done:
return 'done', keywords, '', ''
error = error if error else 'Orca job terminated for an unknown reason.'
keywords = keywords if keywords else ['Unknown']
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
elif software == 'molpro':
for line in reverse_lines:
if 'molpro calculation terminated' in line.lower() \
or 'variable memory released' in line.lower():
return 'done', list(), '', ''
elif 'No convergence' in line and '?No convergence in rhfpr' not in line:
keywords = ['Unconverged']
error = 'Unconverged'
elif 'error exit can be avoided using the IGNORE_ERROR option on the ORBITAL directive' in line:
keywords = ['IGNORE_ERROR in the ORBITAL directive']
error = 'Unconverged'
elif 'A further' in line and 'Mwords of memory are needed' in line and 'Increase memory to' in line:
# e.g.: `A further 246.03 Mwords of memory are needed for the triples to run.
# Increase memory to 996.31 Mwords.` (w/o the line break)
keywords = ['Memory']
for line0 in reverse_lines:
if ' For full I/O' in line0 and 'increase memory by' in line0 and 'Mwords to' in line0:
memory_increase = re.findall(r"[\d.]+", line0)[0]
error = f"Additional memory required: {memory_increase} MW"
error = f'Additional memory required: {line.split()[2]} MW' if 'error' not in locals() else error
elif 'insufficient memory available - require' in line:
# e.g.: `insufficient memory available - require 228765625 have
# 62928590
# the request was for real words`
keywords = ['Memory']
error = f'Additional memory required: {float(line.split()[-2]) / 1e6} MW'
elif 'Insufficient memory to allocate' in line or 'The problem occurs in memory' in line:
# e.g.: `Insufficient memory to allocate a new array of length 321843600 8-byte words
# The problem occurs in memory`
keywords = ['Memory']
error = 'Additional memory required'
elif 'Basis library exhausted' in line:
# e.g.:
# ` SETTING BASIS = 6-311G**
# Using spherical harmonics
# Searching for I S 6-311G
# Library contains the following bases:
# ? Error
# ? Basis library exhausted
# ? The problem occurs in Binput`
keywords = ['BasisSet']
basis_set = None
for line0 in reverse_lines:
if 'SETTING BASIS' in line0:
basis_set = line0.split()[-1]
error = f'Unrecognized basis set {basis_set}'
elif 'the problem occurs' in line:
keywords = ['Unknown']
error = 'Unknown'
error = error if error else 'Molpro job terminated for an unknown reason.'
keywords = keywords if keywords else ['Unknown']
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
elif software == 'terachem':
for line in lines[::-1]:
if 'Job finished:' in line:
return 'done', list(), '', ''
elif 'incorrect method' in line.lower():
keywords = ['IncorrectMethod']
error = 'incorrect method'
elif 'error: ' in line.lower():
# e.g.: "ERROR: Closed shell calculations can't have spin multiplicity 0."
keywords = ['Unknown'] # Todo
error = line.split()[1]
elif 'unable to open file: ' in line.lower() and 'basis' in line.lower():
# e.g.: "Unable to open file /<..path..>/TeraChem/basis/6-311++g[d,p]"
keywords = ['MissingBasisSet']
error = 'Could not find basis set {0} in TeraChem'.format(
line.split('/')[-1].replace('[', '(').replace(']', ')'))
error = error if error else 'TeraChem job terminated for an unknown reason.'
keywords = keywords if keywords else ['Unknown']
return 'errored', keywords, error, line
return '', list(), '', ''
[docs]def determine_job_log_memory_issues(job_log: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[List[str], str, str]:
Determine the reason that caused an ESS job to crash, assign error keywords for troubleshooting.
job_log (str, optional): The path to the server job log file (not the ESS output file) or its content.
Returns: Tuple[List[str], str, str]
- The standardized error keywords.
- A description of the error.
- The parsed line from the ESS output file indicating the error.
keywords, error, line = list(), '', ''
if job_log is not None:
if os.path.isfile(job_log):
with open(job_log, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines = job_log.splitlines()
mem_usage = ''
for line in lines:
if 'MemoryUsage of job' in line:
# E.g.: " 3162 - MemoryUsage of job (MB)"
mem_usage = f', used only {0.001 * int(line.split()[0])} GB'
if 'memory exceeded' in line.lower():
keywords = ['Memory']
error = 'Insufficient job memory.'
if 'using less than' in line and 'percent of requested' in line:
# e.g., "using less than 20 percent of requested"
keywords = ['Memory']
error = f'Memory requested is too high{mem_usage}.'
line = line if error else ''
return keywords, error, line
[docs]def trsh_negative_freq(label: str,
log_file: str,
neg_freqs_trshed: list = None,
job_types: list = None):
Troubleshooting cases where non-TS species have negative frequencies.
We take +/-1.1 displacements, generating several new initial geometries.
label (str): The species label.
log_file (str): The frequency job log file.
neg_freqs_trshed (list, optional): A list of negative frequencies the species was troubleshooted for.
job_types (list, optional): The job types used for ARC, e.g., ['opt', 'rotors'].
* get all torsions of the molecule (if weren't already generated),
identify atom/s with largest displacements (top 2)
determine torsions with unique PIVOTS where these atoms are in the "scan" and "top" but not pivotal
generate a 360 scan using 30 deg increments and append all 12 results as conformers
(consider rotor symmetry to append less conformers?)
Returns: Tuple[list, list, list, list]
- The current troubleshooted negative frequencies.
- The new conformers to try optimizing.
- Errors to report.
- Warnings to report.
TrshError: If a negative frequency could not be determined.
neg_freqs_trshed = neg_freqs_trshed if neg_freqs_trshed is not None else list()
job_types = job_types if job_types is not None else ['rotors']
output_errors, output_warnings, conformers, current_neg_freqs_trshed = list(), list(), list(), list()
factors = [0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5]
factor = factors[0]
max_times_to_trsh_neg_freq = len(factors) + 1
freqs, normal_modes_disp = parse_normal_mode_displacement(path=log_file, raise_error=False)
if not len(normal_modes_disp):
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot negative frequency for species {label}.')
return [], [], output_errors, []
if len(neg_freqs_trshed) > max_times_to_trsh_neg_freq:
logger.error(f'Species {label} was troubleshooted for negative frequencies too many times.')
if 'rotors' not in job_types:
logger.error('The rotor scans feature is turned off, '
'cannot troubleshoot geometry using dihedral modifications.')
output_warnings.append('rotors = False; ')
logger.error('Invalidating species.')
output_errors.append('Error: Encountered negative frequencies too many times; Invalidating species; ')
neg_freqs_idx = list() # store indices w.r.t. vibfreqs
largest_neg_freq_idx = 0 # index in vibfreqs
for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
if freq < 0:
if freqs[i] < freqs[largest_neg_freq_idx]:
largest_neg_freq_idx = i
# assuming frequencies are ordered, break after the first positive freq encountered
if freqs[largest_neg_freq_idx] >= 0 or len(neg_freqs_idx) == 0:
raise TrshError(f'Could not determine a negative frequency for species {label} '
f'while troubleshooting for it.')
if len(neg_freqs_idx) == 1 and not len(neg_freqs_trshed):
# species has one negative frequency, and has not been troubleshooted for it before
logger.info(f'Species {label} has a negative frequency ({freqs[largest_neg_freq_idx]}). Perturbing its '
f'geometry using the respective vibrational normal mode displacement(s), '
f'using an amplitude of {factor}.')
neg_freqs_idx = [largest_neg_freq_idx] # indices of the negative frequencies to troubleshoot for
elif len(neg_freqs_idx) == 1 \
and any([np.allclose(freqs[0], vf, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-02) for vf in neg_freqs_trshed]) \
and len(neg_freqs_trshed) < len(factors):
# Species has one negative frequency, and has been troubleshooted for it before.
factor = factors[len(neg_freqs_trshed)]
logger.info(f'Species {label} has a negative frequency ({freqs[largest_neg_freq_idx]}) for the '
f'{get_number_with_ordinal_indicator(len(neg_freqs_trshed))} time. '
f'Perturbing its geometry using the respective vibrational '
f'normal mode displacement(s), this time using a larger factor (x {factor})')
neg_freqs_idx = [largest_neg_freq_idx] # indices of the negative frequencies to troubleshoot for
elif len(neg_freqs_idx) > 1 and not any([np.allclose(freqs[0], vf, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-02)
for vf in neg_freqs_trshed]):
# species has more than one negative frequency, and has not been troubleshooted for it before
logger.info(f'Species {label} has {len(neg_freqs_idx)} negative frequencies. Perturbing its geometry using '
f'the vibrational normal mode displacement(s) of its largest negative frequency, '
neg_freqs_idx = [largest_neg_freq_idx] # indices of the negative frequencies to troubleshoot for
elif len(neg_freqs_idx) > 1 and any([np.allclose(freqs[0], vf, rtol=1e-04, atol=1e-02)
for vf in neg_freqs_trshed]):
# species has more than one negative frequency, and has been troubleshooted for it before
logger.info(f'Species {label} has {len(neg_freqs_idx)} negative frequencies. Perturbing its geometry '
f'using the vibrational normal mode displacement(s) of ALL negative frequencies')
# Convert a numpy array to a list, important for saving the neg_freqs_trshed species attribute in the restart
freqs_list = freqs.tolist()
current_neg_freqs_trshed = [round(freqs_list[i], 2) for i in neg_freqs_idx] # record trshed negative freqs
xyz = parse_xyz_from_file(log_file)
for neg_freq_idx in neg_freqs_idx:
xyz_1, xyz_2 = displace_xyz(xyz=xyz, displacement=normal_modes_disp[neg_freq_idx], amplitude=factor)
return current_neg_freqs_trshed, conformers, output_errors, output_warnings
[docs]def trsh_scan_job(label: str,
scan_res: Union[int, float],
scan: list,
scan_list: list,
methods: dict,
log_file: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[str, int]:
Troubleshooting rotor scans.
Using the following methods:
1. freeze specific internal coordinates identified by scan_quality_check()
2. freeze all torsions other than the rotor to be scanned
3. increasing the scan resolution
label (str): The species label.
scan_res (int, float): The scan resolution in degrees.
scan (list): The four atom indices representing the torsion to be troubleshooted.
scan_list (list): Entries are the four-atom scan lists (1-indexed) of all torsions
(without duplicate pivots) in this species.
methods (dict): The troubleshooting method/s to try. Example::
{'inc_res': None,
'freeze': 'all' or [[1, 2, 3, 4], ...]}
log_file (str, optional): The related output file path.
1. ``scan`` is not included in the ``scan_list``
2. Freeze method includes an invalid internal coordinates.
3. Freeze method does not provide any solution.
InputError: Invalid `methods` input.
Returns: Tuple[str, int]
- The scan troubleshooting keywords to be appended to the Gaussian input file.
- The new scan resolution in degrees.
if scan not in scan_list:
raise TrshError(f'Could not find the scan to troubleshoot in the scan list of species {label}')
if methods is None:
raise InputError('Expected to get a dict of methods, got None.')
# Method 1 and method 2
if 'freeze' in methods:
# 1. Freeze specific internal coordinates identified by scan_quality_check()
if methods['freeze'] != 'all':
scan_args = parse_scan_args(log_file)
except Exception as e:
# Cannot read scan arguments, fall back to freeze all torsions
logger.debug(f'Could not use freeze method for troubleshooting scan '
f'job for {label} with the current ESS.\nGot:{e}')
methods['freeze'] = 'all'
# methods = {'freeze': [[1,2,3,4], ...]}
if not methods['freeze']:
raise InputError(
f'Could not use freeze method for troubleshooting scan job '
f'for {label} as no information is given.')
problematic_ic = methods['freeze']
# Read internal coordinates already frozen from the previous job
already_frozen = scan_args['freeze']
to_freeze = []
# 1.1 Extract to-be-frozen bonds and angles, no need to prune:
for ic in problematic_ic:
if len(ic) == 2 or len(ic) == 3:
elif len(ic) != 4:
raise TrshError(
f'Could not use freeze method for troubleshooting scan job for '
f'{label} as invalid internal coordinate {ic} is given.')
# Remove bonds and angles in the problematic_ic
problematic_ic = [ic for ic in problematic_ic if len(ic) == 4]
# 1.2 First treat torsions that share the same pivots as the scanned rotor.
# They cannot be frozen, so they need special treatments.
to_freeze_tmp = trsh_special_rotor(special_rotor=scan,
to_freeze += to_freeze_tmp
# 1.3 Treat torsions which are frozen in the previous run. For some torsions, although
# one of the dihedrals are frozen, other dihedrals could be still problematic.
for frozen_ic in already_frozen:
if len(frozen_ic) == 4:
to_freeze_tmp = trsh_special_rotor(special_rotor=frozen_ic,
to_freeze += to_freeze_tmp
# 1.4 For other dihedrals, if encountering torsions with the same pivots
# just freeze the one first seen.
pruning = []
for torsion in problematic_ic:
if torsion in pruning \
or torsion in to_freeze \
or torsion[::-1] in to_freeze:
pruning += [ic for ic in problematic_ic if is_same_pivot(torsion, ic)]
# 2. Freeze all torsions other than the rotor to be scanned
if methods['freeze'] == 'all':
to_freeze = scan_list
already_frozen = []
# Check the solution quality, should not include already frozen ics
if not len(to_freeze):
# Start with problematic ICs, but cannot come up with a good solution.
raise TrshError(f'Freeze method does not yield a solution for rotor '
f'scan on {scan} of {label}.')
# Convert to_freeze into an input block str
to_freeze += already_frozen
software = determine_ess(log_file)
scan_trsh = ics_to_scan_constraints(ics=to_freeze, software=software)
# If 'freeze' is not included in the method
scan_trsh = ''
# 3. Increasing the scan resolution
if 'inc_res' in methods:
scan_res = min(4, int(scan_res / 2))
# make sure mod(360, scan res) is 0:
if scan_res not in [4, 2, 1]:
scan_res = min([4, 2, 1], key=lambda x: abs(x - scan_res))
return scan_trsh, scan_res
[docs]def trsh_special_rotor(special_rotor: list,
problematic_ic: list,
special_type: str = 'scan',
) -> list:
Troubleshoot special rotor cases given all problematic torsional internal
coordinates. Special rotors include rotor to be scanned and rotor already frozen.
For example: If scan = [1, 2, 3, 4], `scan_quality_check()` might find [1, 2, 3, 5]
problematic. However, we cannot simply freeze [1, 2, 3, 5] which definitely makes
the scan failed. `trsh_special_rotor()` helps figure out the internal coordinates
we need to actually freeze to troubleshoot the scan.
special_rotor (list): A list of four atoms indicating the special torsion
problematic_ic (list): A list of torsions identified as problematic by
check_scan_quality. This list will be pruned.
special_type: Indicate the type of the special rotor. Either ``scan`` for
the rotor to be scanned or `frozen` for the rotor were frozen
in the previous job
Returns: list
A list of internal coordinates to be frozen
pruning = []
same_pivots_torsions = []
to_freeze = []
# Find the torsion sharing three common atoms with the special_rotor
for torsion in problematic_ic:
if torsion[1:] == special_rotor[1:] or torsion[:-1] == special_rotor[:-1]:
if torsion[1:] == special_rotor[1:]:
# special_rotor = [1, 2, 3, 4], torsion = [5, 2, 3, 4], freeze [5, 1, 2, 3] (top alignment)
# to avoid flip
to_freeze.append([torsion[0]] + special_rotor[:-1])
# remove all [5, 2, 1, *] or [*, 1, 2, 5] or [1, 2, 5, *] or [*, 5, 2, 1]
sublist = [torsion[0], special_rotor[1], special_rotor[0]]
# special_rotor = [1, 2, 3, 4], ic = [1, 2, 3, 5], freeze[2, 3, 4, 5] to avoid flip
to_freeze.append(special_rotor[1:] + [torsion[-1]])
# remove all [*, 4, 3, 5] or [4, 3, 5, *] or [*, 5, 3, 4] or [5, 3, 4, *]
sublist = [torsion[-1], special_rotor[-2], special_rotor[-1]]
pruning += [ic for ic in problematic_ic
if (is_same_pivot(ic, special_rotor)
or is_same_sequence_sublist(sublist, ic)
or is_same_sequence_sublist(sublist[::-1], ic))]
elif is_same_pivot(torsion, special_rotor):
# The following block will be executed only when bond break
# is not triggered and same_pivots_torsions is not empty.
for torsion in same_pivots_torsions:
if special_type == 'scan':
# A rare case which might be due to a double flip of adjacent sp2 atoms.
# Freeze alignments of both tops.
to_freeze.append([torsion[0]] + special_rotor[:-1])
to_freeze.append(special_rotor[1:] + [torsion[-1]])
elif special_type == 'frozen':
# If no better solution, just freeze all the torsions of the same pivots.
# Remove pruned internal coordinates from the problematic_ic list.
for torsion in pruning:
if torsion in problematic_ic:
return to_freeze
[docs]def trsh_ess_job(label: str,
level_of_theory: Union[Level, dict, str],
server: str,
job_status: dict,
job_type: str,
software: str,
fine: bool,
memory_gb: float,
num_heavy_atoms: int,
cpu_cores: int,
ess_trsh_methods: list,
is_h: bool = False,
) -> tuple:
Troubleshoot issues related to the electronic structure software, such as convergence.
label (str): The species label.
level_of_theory (Union[Level, dict, str]): The original level of theory dictionary of the problematic job.
server (str): The server used for this job.
job_status (dict): The ESS job status dictionary with standardized error keywords
as generated using the `determine_ess_status` function.
job_type (str): The original job type.
software (str): The ESS software.
fine (bool): Whether the job used an ultrafine grid, `True` if it did.
memory_gb (float): The memory in GB used for the job.
num_heavy_atoms (int): Number of heavy atoms in a molecule.
cpu_cores (int): The total number of cpu cores requested for a job.
ess_trsh_methods (list): The troubleshooting methods tried for this job.
is_h (bool): Whether the species is a hydrogen atom (or its isotope). e.g., H, D, T.
- Change server to one that has the same ESS if running out of disk space.
Returns: tuple
- output_errors (list): Errors to report.
- ess_trsh_methods (list): The updated troubleshooting methods tried for this job.
- remove_checkfile (bool): Whether to remove the checkfile from the job, `True` to remove.
- level_of_theory (Level): The new level of theory dictionary to use.
- software (str, optional): The new ESS software to use.
- job_type (str): The new job type to use.
- fine (bool): whether the new job should use a fine grid, `True` if it should.
- trsh_keyword (str): The troubleshooting keyword to use.
- memory (float): The new memory in GB to use for the job.
- shift (str): The shift to use (only in Molpro).
- cpus (int): The total number of cpu cores requested for a job.
- couldnt_trsh (bool): Whether a troubleshooting solution was found. `True` if it was not found.
level_of_theory = Level(repr=level_of_theory)
output_errors = list()
remove_checkfile, couldnt_trsh = False, False
trsh_keyword, shift = '', ''
memory = memory_gb
if server is not None and 'memory' not in servers[server]:
servers[server]['memory'] = 64
logger.warning(f'A "memory" key (relating to the *maximum* physical node memory) was not defined '
f'for server {server}. Setting it to 64 GB (as a guess). This will affect job troubleshooting '
f'methods which attempt to increase the job memory. This value should be specified in the '
f'servers dictionary in settings.py')
if 'DiskSpace' in job_status['keywords']:
output_errors.append(f'Error: Could not troubleshoot {job_type} for {label}! '
f'The job ran out of disc space on {server}; ')
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot {job_type} for {label}! The job ran out of disc space on {server}')
couldnt_trsh = True
elif 'BasisSet' in job_status['keywords']\
and ('Unrecognized basis set' in job_status['error']
or 'is not appropriate for the this chemistry' in job_status['error']):
output_errors.append(f'Error: Could not recognize basis set {job_status["error"].split()[-1]} in {software}; ')
couldnt_trsh = True
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} that failed with '
'"Basis set data is not on the checkpoint file" by removing the checkfile.')
elif software == 'gaussian':
trsh_keyword = [] # initialize as a list
logger_phrase = f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label}'
logger_info = []
couldnt_trsh = True
attempted_ess_trsh_methods = ess_trsh_methods.copy() if ess_trsh_methods else None
# Check if Checkfile removal is in the keywords. Removal occurs when:
# - Basis Set Mismatch
# - Corrupt or Incomplete Data
# - Changing Computational Parameters
remove_checkfile, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_checkfile(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh)
if remove_checkfile:
logger_info.append('that failed with "Basis set data is not on the checkpoint file" by removing the checkfile.')
# Check if InternalCoordinateError is in the keyword or opt=(cartesian)
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_cartesian(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, job_type, trsh_keyword,couldnt_trsh)
if 'cartesian' in ess_trsh_methods:
logger_info.append('using opt=cartesian')
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_intaccuracy(ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
if 'int=(Acc2E=14)' in ess_trsh_methods:
logger_info.append('using int=(Acc2E=14)')
# Check if SCF is in the keyword
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_scf(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
scf_list = [i for i in ess_trsh_methods if i.startswith('scf=')]
if scf_list:
formatted_string = f'using {scf_list[0]}'
for i in scf_list[1:]:
formatted_string += f', {i}'
# Check if InaccurateQuadrature in the keyword
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_inaccurate_quadrature(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
# Check if NoSymm
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_nosymm(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
if 'NoSymm' in ess_trsh_methods:
logger_info.append('using nosymm')
# Check if unconverged is in the keyword
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, fine, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_unconverged(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh, fine)
if fine:
logger_info.append('using a fine grid')
# Check if NegEigenvalues is in the keyword
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_neg_eigen(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
# Troubleshoot by increasing opt max cycles
#P opt=(calcfc,maxstep=5,tight,maxcycle=200) guess=mix wb97xd/def2tzvp integral=(grid=ultrafine, Acc2E=14) IOp(2/9=2000) scf=(direct,tight,maxcycle=512) iop(3/33=1)
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_opt_maxcycles(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
# print out any words that beging with 'opt='
opt_list = [i for i in ess_trsh_methods if i.startswith('opt=')]
if opt_list:
formatted_string = f'using {opt_list[0]}'
for i in opt_list[1:]:
formatted_string += f', {i}'
# Check for L123 errors
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_l123(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
irc_list = [i for i in ess_trsh_methods if i.startswith('irc=')]
if irc_list:
formatted_string = f'using {irc_list[0]}'
for i in irc_list[1:]:
formatted_string += f', {i}'
# Remove qc from ess_trsh_methods if 'no_qc' is in the keywords
ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh = trsh_keyword_no_qc(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh)
if 'no_qc' in ess_trsh_methods:
logger_info.append('removed QC')
# Check if memory is in the keyword
if 'Memory' in job_status['keywords'] and 'too high' not in job_status['error'] and server is not None:
# Increase memory allocation
couldnt_trsh = False
max_mem = servers[server].get('memory', 128) # Node memory in GB, defaults to 128 if not specified
memory = min(memory_gb * 2, max_mem * 0.95)
if memory > memory_gb:
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using more memory: {memory} GB '
f'instead of {memory_gb} GB')
if attempted_ess_trsh_methods:
if attempted_ess_trsh_methods == ess_trsh_methods:
logger.info(f'{logger_phrase} was not successful. Already attempted all possible troubleshooting methods. Will not troubleshoot again.')
couldnt_trsh = True
if logger_info:
logger.info(f'{logger_phrase} {", ".join(logger_info)}')
elif logger_info:
logger.info(f'{logger_phrase} {", ".join(logger_info)}')
elif software == 'qchem':
if 'MaxOptCycles' in job_status['keywords'] and 'max_cycles' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# this is a common error, increase max cycles and continue running from last geometry
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using max_cycles')
trsh_keyword = '\n GEOM_OPT_MAX_CYCLES 250' # default is 50
elif 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'DIIS_GDM' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# change the SCF algorithm and increase max SCF cycles
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using the DIIS_GDM SCF algorithm')
trsh_keyword = '\n SCF_ALGORITHM DIIS_GDM\n MAX_SCF_CYCLES 1000' # default is 50
elif 'SYM_IGNORE' not in ess_trsh_methods: # symmetry - look in manual, no symm if fails
# change the SCF algorithm and increase max SCF cycles
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using SYM_IGNORE as well as the '
f'DIIS_GDM SCF algorithm')
couldnt_trsh = True
elif 'orca' in software:
if 'Memory' in job_status['keywords']:
# Increase memory allocation.
# job_status will be for example
# `Error (ORCA_SCF): Not enough memory available! Please increase MaxCore to more than: 289 MB`.
if 'memory' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# parse Orca's memory requirement in MB
estimated_mem_per_core = float(job_status['error'].split()[-2])
except ValueError:
estimated_mem_per_core = estimate_orca_mem_cpu_requirement(num_heavy_atoms=num_heavy_atoms,
# round up to the next hundred
estimated_mem_per_core = int(np.ceil(estimated_mem_per_core / 100.0)) * 100
if 'max_total_job_memory' in job_status['keywords']:
per_cpu_core_memory = np.ceil(memory_gb / cpu_cores * 1024)
logger.info(f'The crashed Orca job {label} was ran with {cpu_cores} cpu cores and '
f'{per_cpu_core_memory} MB memory per cpu core. It requires at least '
f'{estimated_mem_per_core} MB per cpu core. Since the job had already requested the '
f'maximum amount of available total node memory, ARC will attempt to reduce the number '
f'of cpu cores to increase memory per cpu core.')
if 'cpu' not in ess_trsh_methods:
cpu_cores = math.floor(cpu_cores * per_cpu_core_memory / estimated_mem_per_core) - 2 # be conservative
if cpu_cores > 1:
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting job {label} using {cpu_cores} cpu cores.')
elif cpu_cores == 1: # last resort
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting job {label} using only {cpu_cores} cpu core. Notice that the '
f'required job time may be unrealistically long or exceed limits on servers.')
logger.info(f'Not enough computational resource to accomplish job {label}. Please consider cheaper '
f'methods or allocate more resources if possible.')
couldnt_trsh = True
if not couldnt_trsh:
memory = estimated_mem_per_core * cpu_cores # total memory for all cpu cores
memory = np.ceil(memory / 1024 + 5) # convert MB to GB, add 5 extra GB (be conservative)
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using {memory} GB total memory '
f'and {cpu_cores} cpu cores.')
elif 'cpu' in job_status['keywords']:
# Reduce cpu allocation.
# job_status will be for example (Orca varsion 4.2.x)
# Error (ORCA_MDCI): Number of processes (16) in parallel calculation exceeds number of pairs (10)
cpu_cores = int(job_status['error'].split()[-1].strip('.')) # max_cpu_cores_allowed
except ValueError:
cpu_cores = estimate_orca_mem_cpu_requirement(num_heavy_atoms=num_heavy_atoms, server=server,
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using {cpu_cores} cpu cores.')
if 'cpu' not in ess_trsh_methods:
elif 'dlpno' in level_of_theory.method and is_h:
logger.error('DLPNO method is not supported for H atom (or its isotope D or T) in Orca.')
couldnt_trsh = True
couldnt_trsh = True
elif 'molpro' in software:
if 'Memory' in job_status['keywords']:
# Increase memory allocation.
# molpro gives something like `'errored: additional memory (mW) required: 996.31'`.
# job_status standardizes the format to be: `'Additional memory required: {0} MW'`
# The number is the ADDITIONAL memory required in GB
add_mem_str = job_status['error'].split()[-2] # parse Molpro's requirement in MW
if all(c.isdigit() or c == '.' for c in add_mem_str):
add_mem = float(add_mem_str)
add_mem = int(np.ceil(add_mem / 100.0)) * 100 # round up to the next hundred
memory = memory_gb + add_mem / 128. + 5 # convert MW to GB, add 5 extra GB (be conservative)
# The required memory is not specified
memory = memory_gb * 3 # convert MW to GB, add 5 extra GB (be conservative)
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using memory: {memory:.2f} GB '
f'instead of {memory_gb} GB')
elif 'shift' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Try adding a level shift for alpha- and beta-spin orbitals
# Applying large negative level shifts like {rhf; shift,-1.0,-0.5}
# will often stabilize convergence at the expense of making it somewhat slower.
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using shift')
shift = 'shift,-1.0,-0.5;'
elif 'vdz' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# degrade the basis set
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using vdz')
trsh_keyword = 'vdz'
elif 'vdz & shift' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# try adding a level shift for alpha- and beta-spin orbitals
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using vdz')
ess_trsh_methods.append('vdz & shift')
shift = 'shift,-1.0,-0.5;'
trsh_keyword = 'vdz'
elif 'memory' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Increase memory allocation, also run with a shift
memory = servers[server]['memory'] # set memory to the value of an entire node (in GB)
logger.info(f'Troubleshooting {job_type} job in {software} for {label} using memory: {memory:.2f} GB '
f'instead of {memory_gb} GB')
shift = 'shift,-1.0,-0.5;'
couldnt_trsh = True
elif 'terachem' in software:
scf diis+a
maxit 50
solve in freq:
Maximum gradient component at reference geometry: 2.19e-02
Maximum component of gradient is too large
Optimize the geometry and try again
couldnt_trsh = True
logger.error(f'Troubleshooting methods are not implemented for {software}')
couldnt_trsh = True
if couldnt_trsh:
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot geometry optimization for {label}! '
f'Tried troubleshooting with the following methods: {ess_trsh_methods}')
output_errors.append(f'Error: Could not troubleshoot {job_type} for {label}! '
f'Tried troubleshooting with the following methods: {ess_trsh_methods}; ')
return (output_errors,
[docs]def trsh_job_queue(server: str,
job_name: str,
max_time: int = 24,
attempted_queues: list = None,
) -> Tuple[dict, bool]:
""" A function to troubleshoot job queue issues. This function will attempt to determine if the user has provided a queue that provides more time than the walltime failed queue.
If not, it will attempt to determine if there are any other queues available on the server that provide more time than the walltime failed queue.
server (str): Name of the server
job_name (str): Name of the job
max_time (int, optional): The max time that the current queue that the job failed on provied. Defaults to 24, measured in hours.
attempted_queues (list, optional): Any queues that have already been attempted to run the job on. Defaults to None.
Tuple[dict, bool]: A dictionary of the available queues and a boolean indicating if the function was successful.
server_queues = servers[server].get('queues', dict())
cluster_soft = servers[server].get('cluster_soft','Undefined')
excluded_queues = servers[server].get('excluded_queues', list())
# Check if there are any available queues in server_queues that hasn't been tried yet
if len(server_queues) > 1:
# Make sure that the queue is not already in the attempted_queues list
server_queues = {
queue: walltime for queue, walltime in server_queues.items()
if (attempted_queues is None or queue not in attempted_queues)
and convert_to_hours(walltime) >= max_time
if len(server_queues) == 0:
logger.error(f' Could not troubleshoot {job_name} on {server} as all available queues have been tried. Will attempt to query the server for additional queues.')
return server_queues, True
# If the server is PBS, query which queues are available
if cluster_soft.lower() == 'pbs':
# First determine which group the current user belongs to
cmd = 'groups'
output = execute_command(cmd, shell=True)
if 'Error' in output:
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot {job_name} on {server} as the groups command failed.')
return None, False
# (['users zeus-users vkm-users gaussian grinberg-dana_prj docker'], [])
user_groups = output[0][0].split()
if len(user_groups) == 0:
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot {job_name} on {server} as the groups command did not return any groups.')
return None, False
# check if the term '-users' is in the group name, if so, remove it
elif any('-users' in group for group in user_groups):
user_groups = [group.replace('-users', '') for group in user_groups]
# Now query the queues
cmd = 'qstat -q'
output_queues = execute_command(cmd, shell=True)
if 'Error' in output_queues:
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot {job_name} on {server} as the qstat command failed.')
return None, False
# Need to parse output
# Example:
# Queue Memory CPU Time Walltime Node Run Que Lm State
# ---------------- ------ -------- -------- ---- ----- ----- ---- -----
# workq -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- D S
# maytal_q -- -- -- -- 7 0 -- E R
# vkm_all_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- D R
# zeus_temp -- -- 24:00:00 -- 0 0 -- D S
# dagan_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# frankel_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# vkm_gm_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# zeus_all_scalar -- -- 24:00:00 -- 0 0 -- D S
# yuval_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# dan_q -- -- -- -- 7 0 -- E R
# zeus_all_q -- -- 24:00:00 -- 4 0 -- E R
# zeus_long_q -- -- 168:00:0 -- 0 0 -- E R
# zeus_short_q -- -- 03:00:00 -- 0 0 -- E R
# gpu_v100_q -- -- 480:00:0 -- 0 0 -- E R
# brandon_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# karp_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# mafat_gm_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# training_q -- -- 24:00:00 -- 0 0 -- E R
# mafat4_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- D R
# zeus_new_q -- -- 72:00:00 -- 0 0 -- E R
# zeus_combined_q -- -- 24:00:00 -- 17 0 -- E R
# zeus_comb_short -- -- 03:00:00 -- 0 0 -- E R
# mafat_new_q -- -- -- -- 46 0 -- E R
# dagan_comb_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# dan_comb_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# karp_comb_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- D R
# brandon_comb_q -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- E R
# train_gpu_q -- -- 24:00:00 -- 0 0 -- E R
# ----- -----
# 81 0
# 1. Get the queue names in the first column, and check if the state is 'E' (enabled) or 'D' (disabled) - Select only enabled queues
# 2. Once we have a list of queues, we need to make sure we can submit to them. We can do this by check qstat -Qf <queue_name> and see output of acl_groups
# 3. We also need to get the wall time for each queue
queues = {}
for line in output_queues[0]:
if line.strip() and not line.startswith("Queue") and not line.startswith('----') and not line.startswith('server'):
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) >= 9 and parts[8] == 'E':
queue_name = parts[0]
acl_groups = None
cmd = f'qstat -Qf {queue_name}'
output_specific_queue = execute_command(cmd, shell=True)
# Parse Example:
# Queue: mafat_new_q
# queue_type = Execution
# total_jobs = 44
# state_count = Transit:0 Queued:0 Held:0 Waiting:0 Running:44 Exiting:0 Begu
# n:0
# resources_default.walltime = 3600:00:00
# acl_group_enable = True
# acl_groups = grinberg-dana_prj,halupovich_prj,yuvallevy_prj
# default_chunk.qlist = mafat_new_q
# resources_assigned.mem = 376625977kb
# resources_assigned.mpiprocs = 132
# resources_assigned.ncpus = 3254
# resources_assigned.nodect = 47
# max_run_res.ncpus = [o:PBS_ALL=3584]
# enabled = True
# started = True
for line_queue in output_specific_queue[0]:
# Check walltime
if line_queue.strip().startswith('resources_default.walltime'):
walltime = line_queue.split('=')[1].strip()
queues[queue_name] = walltime
if line_queue.strip().startswith('acl_groups'):
acl_groups = True
groups = line_queue.split('=')[1].strip().split(',')
if any(group in user_groups for group in groups):
break # User is in one of the acl_groups, keep the queue
queues.pop(queue_name, None) # User is not in acl_groups, remove the queue
if not any(group in queue_name for group in user_groups) and acl_groups is None:
queues.pop(queue_name, None) # Queue name does not contain any of the user's groups, remove the queue
# Check if any of the found queues are part of the excluded queues list
if excluded_queues:
for queue in excluded_queues:
if queue in queues:
queues.pop(queue, None)
if len(queues) == 0:
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot {job_name} on {server} as no queues were found.')
return None, False
return queues, True
logger.error(f'Could not troubleshoot queue for {job_name} since the server is {cluster_soft} and not PBS.')
return None, False
[docs]def trsh_job_on_server(server: str,
job_name: str,
job_id: Union[int, str],
job_server_status: str,
remote_path: str,
server_nodes: list = None):
Troubleshoot server errors.
server (str): The server name.
job_name (str): The job's name (e.g., 'opt_a103').
job_id (int, str): The job's ID on the server.
job_server_status (str): The job server status (either 'initializing', 'running', 'errored', or 'done').
remote_path (str): The remote path to the job folder.
server_nodes (list, optional): The nodes already tried on this server for this job.
Returns: Tuple[str, bool]
- The new node on the server (or None).
- Whether to re-run the job, `True` to rerun.
server_nodes = server_nodes if server_nodes is not None else list()
cluster_soft = servers[server]['cluster_soft']
if job_server_status != 'done':
logger.error(f'Job {job_name} has server status "{job_server_status}" on {server}.')
# delete current server run
if server == 'local':
cmd = delete_command[cluster_soft] + ' ' + str(job_id)
return None, True
with SSHClient(server) as ssh:
# find available node
logger.error('Troubleshooting by changing node.')
ssh = SSHClient(server)
nodes = ssh.list_available_nodes()
for node in nodes:
if node not in server_nodes:
logger.error(f'Could not find an available node on the server {server}')
# TODO: continue troubleshooting; if all else fails, put the job to sleep,
# and try again searching for a node
return None, False
# modify the submit file
remote_submit_file = os.path.join(remote_path, submit_filenames[cluster_soft])
with SSHClient(server) as ssh:
content = ssh.read_remote_file(remote_file_path=remote_submit_file)
if cluster_soft.lower() == 'oge':
node_assign = '#$ -l h='
insert_line_num = 7
elif cluster_soft.lower() == 'slurm':
node_assign = '#$BATCH -w, --nodelist='
insert_line_num = 5
# Other software?
logger.denug(f'Unknown cluster software {cluster_soft} is encountered when '
f'troubleshooting by changing node.')
return None, False
for i, line in enumerate(content):
if node_assign in line:
content[i] = node_assign + node
content.insert(insert_line_num, node_assign + node)
content = ''.join(content) # convert list into a single string, not to upset paramiko
# resubmit
with SSHClient(server) as ssh:
submit_filenames[cluster_soft]), file_string=content)
return node, True
[docs]def scan_quality_check(label: str,
pivots: list,
energies: list,
scan_res: float = rotor_scan_resolution,
used_methods: Optional[list] = None,
log_file: Optional[str] = None,
species: Optional[ARCSpecies] = None,
preserve_params: Optional[list] = None,
trajectory: Optional[list] = None,
original_xyz: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Tuple[bool, str, str, dict]:
Checks the scan's quality:
1. Based on intermediate conformers if available:
- whether the initial and final points are consistent
- whether it is relatively "smooth"
2. Based on the PES curve (if intermediate conformers are unavailable):
- whether the initial and final points are consistent
- whether it is relatively "smooth"
3. Common:
- whether the optimized geometry indeed represents the minimum energy conformer (for a non-TS species)
- whether the barrier height is reasonable
4. Based on requested parameters to preserve:
- whether specified atom distances to preserve criteria aren't violated
label (str): The species label.
pivots (list): The rotor pivots.
energies (list): The scan energies in kJ/mol.
scan_res (float, optional): The scan resolution in degrees.
used_methods (list, optional): Troubleshooting methods already tried out.
log_file (str, optional): The path to the output file.
species (ARCSpecies, optional): The ARCSpecies this scan is related to.
preserve_params (list, optional): Entries are length 2 lists of atom indices (1-indexed) between which the
distance as well as a torsion dihedral angle with these atoms as its pivots
must be preserved throughout the scan to a tolerance.
trajectory (list, optional): Entries are Cartesian coordinates along the scan trajectory.
original_xyz (dict, optional): The optimized coordinated for the species.
Returns: Tuple[bool, str, str, dict]
- Whether to invalidate this rotor, ``True`` to invalidate.
- Reason for invalidating this rotor.
- Error or warning message.
- Troubleshooting methods to apply, including conformational changes.
- adjust to ND
message, invalidation_reason = '', ''
invalidate = False
actions = dict()
used_methods = used_methods or list()
energies = np.array(energies, np.float64)
scan_conformers = None
# Check if the conformer based method is valid
if log_file:
scan_conformers = parse_scan_conformers(log_file)
except NotImplementedError:
message = f'Rotor scan quality check using conformer internal coordinates ' \
f'has not been implemented for current ESS. Using PES curve based ' \
f'check for rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots}.'
# 1. Check based on intermediate conformers
if scan_conformers is not None and (species is None or not species.is_ts):
bonds = scan_conformers[scan_conformers['type'] == 'R']
angles = scan_conformers[scan_conformers['type'] == 'A']
non_scan_rotor = scan_conformers[(scan_conformers['type'] == 'D') & (scan_conformers['scan'] == False)]
scan_rotor = scan_conformers[scan_conformers['scan'] == True]
# 1.1 Find significant changes of internal coordinates
expected_step_num = int(360 / scan_res)
# 5 below refers to type, atoms, scan, redundant and initial guess
actual_step_num = scan_conformers.shape[1] - 5
step_num = min(expected_step_num, actual_step_num)
changed_ic_dict = {}
for index_1 in range(step_num + 1):
if index_1 != 0:
# Compare the 'adjacent' conformers
index_2 = index_1 - 1
delta = scan_res # scan[index_1] - scan[index_2] = scan_res
elif step_num == expected_step_num:
# Compare the first and the last conformer
index_2 = step_num
delta = 0
# When the scan is not finished as desired
# Identify changes by type
bond_change = (2 * (bonds[index_1] - bonds[index_2]) /
(bonds[index_1] + bonds[index_2])).abs() > preserve_params_in_scan['bond']
angle_change = (angles[index_1] - angles[index_2]).abs() > preserve_params_in_scan['angle']
non_scan_rotor_change = check_torsion_change(torsions=non_scan_rotor,
scan_rotor_change = check_torsion_change(torsions=scan_rotor,
# Summarize changes
change_sum = pd.concat([bond_change,
changed_ics = change_sum[change_sum == True].index.to_list()
# Save changes in the format of {conformer index: problematic ics}
if changed_ics:
invalidate = True
changed_ic_dict.update({index_1: changed_ics})
# 1.2 Check broken bond and any lowest conformation
# Exclude those with broken bonds (different species)
# Better to just freeze the broken bond when bond changing first happens
for conf_index, ics in changed_ic_dict.items():
# R(X,Y) refers to bonds in ics
broken_bonds = [ic for ic in ics if 'R' in ic]
if broken_bonds and conf_index != 0:
# Find the bond that changes the most, to avoid accompanied changes, like C-O transforms
# to C=O, which we don't want to freeze. If other bonds need to be frozen as well,
# it can be done in the following troubleshooting.
bonds = scan_conformers.loc[broken_bonds, :]
bond_change = (2 * (bonds[conf_index] - bonds[conf_index - 1]) /
(bonds[conf_index] + bonds[conf_index - 1])).abs()
broken_bond_label = bond_change.sort_values().index[-1] # the largest change
# Freeze the bonds, no further freezing other ics to prevent over-constraining
broken_bonds = [scan_conformers['atoms'][broken_bond_label]]
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'Bond ({broken_bonds}) broke during the scan.'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} has broken bonds: ' \
f'{broken_bonds}. ARC will attempt to troubleshoot this rotor scan.'
actions = {'freeze': broken_bonds}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# If no bond broke, ideally all conformers should be isomorphic.
# Switch to the lowest conformer
energy_diff = energies[0] - np.min(energies)
# Use tighter threshold to find lower conformer
if energy_diff >= 0.5 or energy_diff > 0.5 * (max(energies) - min(energies)) \
and (species is None or not species.is_ts):
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'Another conformer for {label} exists which is ' \
f'{energy_diff:.2f} kJ/mol lower.'
message = f'Species {label} is not oriented correctly around pivots {pivots}, ' \
f'searching for a better conformation...'
# Find the dihedrals in degrees of the lowest conformer:
min_index = np.argmin(energies)
conf_xyzs = parse_1d_scan_coords(log_file)
if len(conf_xyzs) > min_index:
actions = {'change conformer': conf_xyzs[min_index]}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# 1.3 Check consistency
if 0 in changed_ic_dict.keys() and len(changed_ic_dict) == 1:
# A smooth scan with different initial and final conformer.
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = 'Inconsistent initial and final conformers'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} has inconsistent initial ' \
f'and final conformers.\nInternal coordinates {changed_ic_dict[0]} are different. ' \
f'ARC will attempt to troubleshoot this rotor scan.'
actions = {'freeze': [scan_conformers['atoms'][ic_label]
for ic_label in changed_ic_dict[0]]}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
elif len(changed_ic_dict) > 0:
# Not a smooth scan.
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = 'Significant difference observed between consecutive conformers'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} is inconsistent between ' \
f'two consecutive conformers.\nInconsistent consecutive conformers and problematic ' \
f'internal coordinates:'
changed_ic_label = []
for index, ics in changed_ic_dict.items():
if index > 0: # Do not include the initial/final differences which may include more ics
message += f'\nconformer #{index:>3d} / #{index+1:>3d} '
message += ', '.join(ics)
changed_ic_label += ics
message += '\nARC will attempt to troubleshoot this rotor scan.'
# list(set()) is used to remove duplicate labels
changed_ic_label = list(set(changed_ic_label))
actions = {'freeze': [scan_conformers['atoms'][ic_label]
for ic_label in changed_ic_label]}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# 2. Check rotor scan quality according to the PES curve
# 2.1. Check consistency between initial and final points
if abs(energies[-1] - energies[0]) > inconsistency_az:
# initial and final points differ by more than `inconsistency_az` kJ/mol.
# seems like this rotor broke the conformer. Invalidate
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'initial and final points are inconsistent by more than {inconsistency_az:.2f} kJ/mol'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} is inconsistent by more ' \
f'than {inconsistency_az:.2f} kJ/mol between initial and final positions. ' \
f'Initial energy = {energies[0]:.2f}, final energy = {energies[-1]:.2f}. ARC will ' \
f'attempt to troubleshoot this rotor scan.'
actions = {'inc_res': None, 'freeze': 'all'}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# 2.2. Check consistency between consecutive points
for j in range(len(energies) - 1):
if abs(energies[j] - energies[j + 1]) > inconsistency_ab * np.max(energies):
# Two consecutive points on the scan differ by more than `inconsistency_ab` kJ/mol.
# This is a serious inconsistency. Invalidate
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'Two consecutive points are inconsistent by more than ' \
f'{inconsistency_ab * max(energies):.2f} kJ/mol'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} is inconsistent by ' \
f'more than {inconsistency_ab * max(energies):.2f} kJ/mol between ' \
f'two consecutive points. ARC will attempt to troubleshoot this rotor scan.'
# Propose a method
# Try increasing resolution firstly, and try increasing res. and freezing all
# torsions jointly, afterwards.
# TODO: If we figure out that solely increasing res. is not effective,
# we can simplify the process to actions = {'inc_res': None, 'freeze': 'all'}
if any(['scan_res' in used_method for used_method in used_methods]):
# Check if increasing scan resolution is ever applied
if not any([used_method['scan_trsh'] != '' for used_method in used_methods]):
# Case where freezing torisions has not been applied
actions = {'inc_res': None, 'freeze': 'all'}
# Since all torsions are frozen, there's not much we can do except increasing
# scan resolution. But it is not that effective either. So stop and do nothing.
# Case where neither increasing scan resolution nor freezing
# torisions has been applied
actions = {'inc_res': None}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# 2.3 Check energy and change conformation if needed:
energy_diff = energies[0] - np.min(energies)
if energy_diff >= 2 or energy_diff > 0.5 * (max(energies) - min(energies)) \
and (species is None or not species.is_ts):
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'Another conformer for {label} exists which is {energy_diff:.2f} kJ/mol lower.'
message = f'Species {label} is not oriented correctly around pivots {pivots}. ' \
f'Another conformer exists which is {energy_diff:.2f} kJ/mol lower. ' \
f'searching for a better conformation...'
# Find the lowest conformer, and use the new conformer for further jobs.
# Since at this point, the scan has passed previous checks, the possibility
# to switch to a non-isomorphic conformer is low.
min_index = np.argmin(energies)
conf_xyzs = parse_1d_scan_coords(log_file)
actions = {'change conformer': conf_xyzs[min_index]}
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
# 3. Check the barrier height
if (np.max(energies) - np.min(energies)) > maximum_barrier:
# The barrier for the internal rotation is higher than `maximum_barrier`
num_wells = determine_rotor_symmetry(label=label,
if num_wells == 1:
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = f'The rotor scan has a barrier of {np.max(energies) - np.min(energies):.2f} ' \
f'kJ/mol, which is higher than the maximal barrier for rotation ' \
f'({maximum_barrier:.2f} kJ/mol)'
message = f'Rotor scan of {label} between pivots {pivots} has a barrier ' \
f'larger than {maximum_barrier:.2f} kJ/mol. Invalidating rotor.'
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
logger.warning(f'The maximal barrier for rotor {pivots} of {label} is '
f'{(np.max(energies) - np.min(energies)):.2f} kJ/mol, which is higher than the set threshold '
f'of {maximum_barrier} kJ/mol. Since this mode when treated as torsion has {num_wells}, '
f'this mode is not invalidated: treating it as a vibrational mode will be less accurate than '
f'the hindered rotor treatment, since the entropy contribution from the population of '
f'this species at the higher wells will not be taken into account. NOT invalidating this '
f'torsional mode.')
# 4. Check requested atom constraints are preserved (particularly useful for TSs)
if preserve_params is not None:
success = True
pivots = list()
for atoms in preserve_params:
for i, xyz in enumerate(trajectory):
if i != 0:
# check that the distance between this atom pair is preserved relative to the previous entry
# in the trajectory, as well as relative to the original value (final_xyz).
current_distance = calculate_distance(coords=xyz, atoms=atoms, index=1)
previous_distance = calculate_distance(coords=trajectory[i - 1], atoms=atoms, index=1)
original_distance = calculate_distance(coords=original_xyz, atoms=atoms, index=1)
if previous_distance * (1.0 - preserve_params_in_scan['bond']) < \
current_distance < \
previous_distance * (1.0 + preserve_params_in_scan['bond']) \
or original_distance * (1.0 - preserve_params_in_scan['bond']) < \
current_distance < \
original_distance * (1.0 + preserve_params_in_scan['bond']):
success = False
message = f"The rotor breaks the TS around pivots {pivots}: In trajectory {i}, the distance " \
f"between pivots is {current_distance} Angstroms, which is " \
f"{current_distance / previous_distance:.2f} of the previous frame, and " \
f"{current_distance / original_distance:.2f} of the original geometry."
if species.mol is not None:
scan = [determine_smallest_atom_index_in_scan(atom1=species.mol.atoms.index(atoms[0]),
# check that a dihedral angle with this atom pair as its pivots is preserved relative to the
# previous entry in the trajectory, as well as relative to the original value (final_xyz).
current_dihedral = calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=xyz, torsion=scan, index=1)
previous_dihedral = calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=trajectory[i - 1], torsion=scan, index=1)
original_dihedral = calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=original_xyz, torsion=scan, index=1)
if abs(current_dihedral - previous_dihedral) < preserve_params_in_scan['dihedral'] \
or abs(current_dihedral - original_dihedral) < preserve_params_in_scan['dihedral']:
success = False
message = f"The rotor breaks the TS around pivots {pivots}: In trajectory {i}, the " \
f"dihedral angle is {current_dihedral} degrees, a " \
f"{abs(current_dihedral - previous_dihedral)} change relative to the previous " \
f"frame, and a {abs(current_dihedral - original_dihedral)} change relative to " \
f"the original geometry."
if species.mol is None:
f'Cannot check that the dihedral angle of {species.label} is consistent throughout rotor '
f'scans without a .mol attribute')
if not success:
invalidate = True
invalidation_reason = message
actions = dict()
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
return invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions
[docs]def trsh_keyword_checkfile(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[bool, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires removal of checkfile
if 'CheckFile' in job_status.get('keywords', '') and 'checkfile=None' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
return True, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh
elif 'checkfile=None' in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
return True, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh
return False, ess_trsh_methods, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_intaccuracy(ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of 2 electron integral accuracy
if 'int=(Acc2E=14)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'int=(Acc2E=14)' not in trsh_keyword and 'int=(Acc2E=14)' in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_cartesian(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, job_type, trsh_keyword: list, couldnt_trsh: bool) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of cartesian coordinate
if 'InternalCoordinateError' in job_status['keywords'] \
and 'cartesian' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'cartesian' in ess_trsh_methods and \
job_type == 'opt' and 'cartesian' not in trsh_keyword:
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_scf(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of scf
scf_pattern = r"scf=\((.*?)\)" # e.g., scf=(xqc,MaxCycle=1000), will match xqc,MaxCycle=1000
if 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'scf=(qc)' not in ess_trsh_methods and 'no_qc' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# try both qc and nosymm
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'scf=(NDamp=30)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Switching off Pulay's Direct Inversion
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'scf=(NoDIIS)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# DIIS is the default method for speeding up the SCF convergence, but sometimes it make SCF not converge.
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'guess=INDO' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
# If we have attempted all scf methods above, then we will try last resort methods
if 'SCF' in job_status['keywords'] and 'scf=(qc)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NDamp=30)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NoDIIS)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'guess=INDO' in ess_trsh_methods \
and 'scf=(Fermi)' not in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(Noincfock)' not in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NoVarAcc)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Uses Fermi broadening to help SCF convergence
# Gaussian uses Incremental Fock by default to construct the Fock matrix in an approximate manner to significantly save time at each step of the iterative process, but may thus hinder convergence
couldnt_trsh = False
if 'no_qc' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(qc)' in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
if any('scf' in keyword for keyword in ess_trsh_methods):
scf_list = [match for element in ess_trsh_methods for match in re.findall(scf_pattern, element)] if any(re.search(scf_pattern, element) for element in ess_trsh_methods) else []
trsh_keyword.append('scf=(' + ','.join(scf_list) + ')')
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_unconverged(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh, fine) -> Tuple[List, List, bool, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of scf
if 'Unconverged' in job_status['keywords'] and 'fine' not in ess_trsh_methods and not fine:
# try a fine grid for SCF and integral
fine = True
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, fine, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_nosymm(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of nosymm
if 'NoSymm' in job_status['keywords'] and 'NoSymm' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'nosymm' not in trsh_keyword and any('NoSymm' in keyword for keyword in ess_trsh_methods):
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_opt_maxcycles(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of opt(maxcycle=200)
opt_pattern = r"opt=\((.*?)\)"
if 'MaxOptCycles' in job_status['keywords'] and 'opt=(maxcycle=200)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'MaxOptCycles' in job_status['keywords'] and 'opt=(RFO)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'MaxOptCycles' in job_status['keywords'] and 'opt=(RFO)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'opt=(GDIIS)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'MaxOptCycles' in job_status['keywords'] and 'opt=(RFO)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'opt=(GDIIS)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'opt=(GEDIIS)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
if any('opt' in keyword for keyword in ess_trsh_methods):
opt_list = [match for element in ess_trsh_methods for match in re.findall(opt_pattern, element)] if any(re.search(opt_pattern, element) for element in ess_trsh_methods) else []
if opt_list:
filtered_methods = prioritize_opt_methods(opt_list)
new_opt_keyword = 'opt=(' + ','.join(filtered_methods) + ')'
trsh_keyword = [kw if not kw.startswith('opt') else new_opt_keyword for kw in trsh_keyword]
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_inaccurate_quadrature(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Check if the job requires change of inaccurate quadrature
The integral not enough, under DFT calculations with some basis sets.
Check the input file, whether there was some miss in basis set or unreasonable structure. If not, use one of following keywords:
1. int=ultrafine (default in Gaussian 16), or int=grid=300590.
2. SCF=novaracc.
3. guess=INDO.
If not work, use (1)~(3) at same time.
if 'InaccurateQuadrature' in job_status['keywords'] and 'int=grid=300590' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'InaccurateQuadrature' in job_status['keywords'] and 'int=grid=300590' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NoVarAcc)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Gaussian automatically reduces the integration grid at the beginning of the calculation to speed it up, but there is a risk that SCF may not converged. For the calculations using diffuse functions with SCF not converged error use NoVarAcc
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'InaccurateQuadrature' in job_status['keywords'] and 'int=grid=300590' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NoVarAcc)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'guess=INDO' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Change the convergence method to INDO
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'InaccurateQuadrature' in job_status['keywords'] and 'int=grid=300590' in ess_trsh_methods and 'scf=(NoVarAcc)' in ess_trsh_methods and 'guess=INDO' in ess_trsh_methods and 'int=ultrafine' not in ess_trsh_methods:
# Try all methods above
# NoVarAcc is not included in trsh_keyword, because it will be in ess_trsh_methods
scf_pattern = r"scf=\((.*?)\)" # e.g., scf=(xqc,MaxCycle=1000), will match xqc,MaxCycle=1000
if any('scf' in keyword for keyword in ess_trsh_methods):
scf_list = [match for element in ess_trsh_methods for match in re.findall(scf_pattern, element)] if any(re.search(scf_pattern, element) for element in ess_trsh_methods) else []
trsh_keyword.append('scf=(' + ','.join(scf_list) + ')')
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_l123(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
When a job fails with l123.exe error, there are two possible solutions based upon the error message:
1. If Delta-X issue, will need to adjust the maxcycle of IRC job. If fails, then change algorithm to LQA.
2. GS2 Optimization failed, then try to change the algorithm to LQA.
irc_pattern = r"irc=\((.*?)\)"
if 'DeltaX' in job_status['keywords'] and 'irc=(maxcycle=200)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'DeltaX' in job_status['keywords'] and 'irc=(LQA)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
elif 'GS2Opt' in job_status['keywords'] and 'irc=(LQA)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
if any('irc' in keyword for keyword in ess_trsh_methods):
scf_list = [match for element in ess_trsh_methods for match in re.findall(irc_pattern, element)] if any(re.search(irc_pattern, element) for element in ess_trsh_methods) else []
trsh_keyword.append('irc=(' + ','.join(scf_list) + ')')
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
[docs]def trsh_keyword_neg_eigen(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
Gaussian will check the number of negative frequency after finishing the TS optimization.
If there is more than one negative frequency, Gaussian will stop the calculation.
if 'NegEigenvalues' in job_status['keywords'] and 'opt=(noeigen)' not in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh
def prioritize_opt_methods(opt_methods):
preferred_order = ['GEDIIS', 'GDIIS', 'RFO']
selected_method = None
for method in preferred_order:
if method in opt_methods:
selected_method = method
filtered_methods = [method for method in opt_methods if method not in preferred_order or method == selected_method]
return filtered_methods
[docs]def trsh_keyword_no_qc(job_status, ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh) -> Tuple[List, List, bool]:
When a job fails with no qc, there are two possible solutions based upon the error message:
1. If SCF fails, then try to change the algorithm to LQA.
2. If SCF fails, then try to change the algorithm to LQA.
if 'no_xqc' in job_status['keywords'] and 'scf=(qc)' in ess_trsh_methods:
couldnt_trsh = False
return ess_trsh_methods, trsh_keyword, couldnt_trsh