A module for working with levels of theory.
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union
import arkane.encorr.data as arkane_data
from arkane.encorr.bac import BAC
from arkane.modelchem import METHODS_THAT_REQUIRE_SOFTWARE, LevelOfTheory, standardize_name
from arc.common import ARC_PATH, get_logger, get_ordered_intersection_of_two_lists, read_yaml_file
from arc.imports import settings
logger = get_logger()
levels_ess, supported_ess = settings['levels_ess'], settings['supported_ess']
[docs]class Level(object):
Uniquely defines the settings used for a quantum calculation level of theory.
Either ``repr`` or ``method`` must be specified.
repr (str, dict, Level optional): A dictionary or a simple string representation of the level of theory,
e.g. "wb97xd/def2-tzvp", or {'method': 'b3lyp', 'basis': '6-31g'}.
Not in ``LevelOfTheory``.
method (str, optional): Quantum chemistry method.
basis (str, optional): Basis set.
auxiliary_basis (str, optional): Auxiliary basis set for correlated methods.
dispersion (str, optional): The DFT dispersion info (if not already included in method).
cabs (str, optional): Complementary auxiliary basis set for F12 calculations.
method_type (str, optional): The level of theory method type (DFT, wavefunction, force field, semi-empirical,
or composite). Not in ``LevelOfTheory``.
software (str, optional): Quantum chemistry software.
software_version (Union[int, float, str], optional): Quantum chemistry software version.
solvation_method (str, optional): Solvation method.
solvent (str, optional): The solvent. Values are strings of "known" solvents, see https://gaussian.com/scrf/.
solvation_scheme_level (Level, optional): A Level class representing the level of theory to calculate a
solvation energy correction at. Not in ``LevelOfTheory``.
args (Dict[Dict[str, str]], optional): Additional arguments provided to the software.
Different than the ``args`` in ``LevelOfTheory``.
compatible_ess (list, optional): Entries are names of compatible ESS. Not in ``LevelOfTheory``.
def __init__(self,
repr: Optional[Union[str, dict, Level]] = None,
method: Optional[str] = None,
basis: Optional[str] = None,
auxiliary_basis: Optional[str] = None,
dispersion: Optional[str] = None,
cabs: Optional[str] = None,
method_type: Optional[str] = None,
software: Optional[str] = None,
software_version: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None,
compatible_ess: Optional[List[str]] = None,
solvation_method: Optional[str] = None,
solvent: Optional[str] = None,
solvation_scheme_level: Optional[Level] = None,
args: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Iterable, str]] = None,
self.repr = repr
self.method = method
if self.repr is not None and self.method is not None:
raise ValueError(f'Either repr or method must be specified, not both.\n'
f'Got: "{self.repr}" and "{self.method}".')
if self.repr is None and self.method is None:
raise ValueError('Either repr or method must be specified, got neither.')
self.basis = basis
self.auxiliary_basis = auxiliary_basis
self.dispersion = dispersion
self.cabs = cabs
self.method_type = method_type
self.software = software
self.software_version = software_version
self.compatible_ess = compatible_ess
self.solvation_method = solvation_method
self.solvent = solvent
if isinstance(solvation_scheme_level, (dict, str)):
solvation_scheme_level = Level(repr=solvation_scheme_level)
if solvation_scheme_level is not None \
and (solvation_scheme_level.solvent is not None
or solvation_scheme_level.solvation_method is not None
or solvation_scheme_level.solvation_scheme_level is not None):
raise ValueError('Cannot represent a solvation_scheme_level which itself has solvation attributes.')
self.solvation_scheme_level = solvation_scheme_level
if self.solvation_method is not None and self.solvent is None:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot represent a level of theory with a solvation method ("{self.solvation_method}") '
f'that lacks a solvent.')
self.args = args or {'keyword': dict(), 'block': dict()}
if self.repr is not None:
if self.method_type is None:
if self.dispersion is not None and self.method_type not in ['dft', 'composite']:
raise ValueError(f'Dispersion is only allowed for DFT (or composite) methods, got {self.dispersion} '
f'for {self.method} which is a {self.method_type}')
if self.software is None:
# it wasn't set by the user, try determining it
def __eq__(self, other: Level) -> bool:
Determine equality between Level object instances.
if isinstance(other, Level):
return str(self) == str(other)
if isinstance(other, LevelOfTheory):
if self.method == other.method and self.basis == other.basis:
return True
return False
def __str__(self) -> str:
Return a humane-readable string representation of the object.
str: The level of theory string representation.
str_ = self.method
if self.basis is not None:
str_ += f'/{self.basis}'
if self.auxiliary_basis is not None:
str_ += f', auxiliary_basis: {self.auxiliary_basis}'
if self.dispersion is not None:
str_ += f', dispersion: {self.dispersion}'
if self.cabs is not None:
str_ += f', cabs: {self.cabs}'
if self.solvation_method is not None:
str_ += f', solvation_method: {self.solvation_method}'
if self.solvent is not None:
str_ += f', solvent: {self.solvent}'
if self.solvation_scheme_level is not None:
str_ += f", solvation_scheme_level: '{str(self.solvation_scheme_level)}'"
if self.software is not None:
str_ += f', software: {self.software}'
if self.software_version is not None:
str_ += f', software_version: {self.software_version}'
if self.args is not None and self.args and all([val for val in self.args.values()]):
if any([key == 'keyword' for key in self.args.keys()]):
str_ += ', keyword args:'
for key, arg in self.args.items():
if key == 'keyword':
str_ += f' {arg}'
return str_
[docs] def copy(self):
A method to create a copy of the object.
Level: A copy of the object.
return Level(repr=self.as_dict())
[docs] def simple(self) -> str:
Return a simple humane-readable string representation of the object.
str: The simple level of theory string representation.
str_ = self.method
if self.basis is not None:
str_ += f'/{self.basis}'
return str_
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict:
Returns a minimal dictionary representation from which the object can be reconstructed.
Useful for ARC restart files.
original_dict = self.__dict__
clean_dict = {}
for key, val in original_dict.items():
if val is not None and key != 'args' or key == 'args' and all([v for v in self.args.values()]):
clean_dict[key] = val
return clean_dict
[docs] def build(self):
Assign object attributes from a dictionary representation of the object or a simple string ("method/basis").
Useful for ARC restart files.
level_dict = {'method': '',
'basis': None,
'auxiliary_basis': None,
'dispersion': None,
'cabs': None,
'method_type': None,
'software': None,
'software_version': None,
'compatible_ess': None,
'solvation_method': None,
'solvent': None,
'solvation_scheme_level': None,
'args': None}
allowed_keys = list(level_dict.keys())
if isinstance(self.repr, str):
if ' ' in self.repr:
# illegal inputs like 'dlpno-ccsd(t)/def2-svp def2-svp/c' or 'b3 lyp'
raise ValueError(f'{self.repr} has empty spaces. Please use a dictionary format '
f'to clearly specify method, basis, auxiliary basis, and dispersion in this case. '
f'See documentation for more details.')
if self.repr.count('/') >= 2:
# illegal inputs like 'dlpno-ccsd(t)/def2-svp/def2-svp/c'
raise ValueError(f'{self.repr} has multiple slashes. Please use a dictionary format '
f'to specify method, basis, auxiliary basis, and dispersion in this case. '
f'See documentation for more details.')
if '/' not in self.repr:
# e.g., 'AM1', 'XTB', 'CBS-QB3'
# Note that this function is not designed to distinguish between composite and semi-empirical methods.
level_dict['method'] = self.repr
splits = self.repr.split('/')
level_dict['method'] = splits[0]
level_dict['basis'] = splits[1]
elif isinstance(self.repr, dict):
# also treats representations of LevelOfTheory.as_dict from a restart file
if 'method' not in self.repr.keys():
raise ValueError(f'The repr dictionary argument must at least have a "method" key, got:\n{self.repr}')
for key, value in self.repr.items():
if key in allowed_keys and value:
level_dict[key] = value
elif key not in allowed_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Got an illegal key "{key}" in level of theory dictionary representation'
elif isinstance(self.repr, Level):
level_dict = self.repr.as_dict()
raise ValueError(f'The repr argument must be either a string, a dictionary or a Level type.\n'
f'Got {self.repr} which is a {type(self.repr)}.')
self.repr = None # reset
[docs] def lower(self):
Set arguments to lowercase.
self.method = self.method.lower()
if self.basis is not None:
self.basis = self.basis.lower()
if self.auxiliary_basis is not None:
self.auxiliary_basis = self.auxiliary_basis.lower()
if self.dispersion is not None:
self.dispersion = self.dispersion.lower()
if self.cabs is not None:
self.cabs = self.cabs.lower()
if self.method_type is not None:
self.method_type = self.method_type.lower()
if self.software is not None:
self.software = self.software.lower()
if isinstance(self.software_version, str):
self.software_version = self.software_version.lower()
if self.solvation_method is not None:
self.solvation_method = self.solvation_method.lower()
if self.solvent is not None:
self.solvent = self.solvent.lower()
args = {'keyword': dict(), 'block': dict()}
# 1st level dict, set self.args in place
if isinstance(self.args, (list, tuple)):
for arg in self.args:
if not isinstance(arg, str):
raise ValueError(f'All entries in the args argument must be strings.\n'
f'Got {arg} which is a {type(arg)} in {self.args}.')
self.args = ' '.join([arg.lower() for arg in self.args])
if isinstance(self.args, str):
self.args = {'keyword': {'general': args.lower()}, 'block': dict()}
elif self.args is not None and not isinstance(args, dict):
raise ValueError(f'The args argument must be either a string, an iterable or a dictionary.\n'
f'Got {self.args} which is a {type(self.args)}.')
# 2nd level dict, set in args, then transfer to self.args
for key1, val1 in self.args.items():
args[key1.lower()] = dict()
if isinstance(val1, dict):
for key2, val2 in val1.items():
new_val2 = str(val2) if isinstance(val2, (int, float)) else val2
if not isinstance(new_val2, str):
raise ValueError(f'All entries in the args argument must be str, int, or float types.\n'
f'Got {new_val2} which is a {type(new_val2)} in {self.args}.')
args[key1.lower()][key2.lower()] = new_val2.lower()
elif isinstance(val1, str):
args[key1.lower()]['general'] = val1.lower()
elif isinstance(val1, (list, tuple)):
for v1 in val1:
if not isinstance(v1, str):
raise ValueError(f'All entries in the args argument must be strings.\n'
f'Got {v1} which is a {type(v1)} in {self.args}.')
args['keyword']['general'] = ' '.join([v1.lower() for v1 in val1])
raise ValueError(f'Values of the args dictionary must be either dictionaries, strings, or lists, '
f'got {val1} which is a {type(val1)}.')
self.args = args
[docs] def to_arkane_level_of_theory(self,
variant: Optional[str] = None,
bac_type: str = 'p',
comprehensive: bool = False,
raise_error: bool = False,
warn: bool = True,
) -> Optional[LevelOfTheory]:
Convert ``Level`` to an Arkane ``LevelOfTheory`` instance.
variant (str, optional): Return a variant of the Arkane ``LevelOfTheory`` that matches an Arkane query.
Allowed values are ``'freq'``, ``'AEC'``, ``'BEC'``. Returns ``None`` if no
functioning variant was found.
bac_type (str, optional): The BAC type ('p' or 'm') to use when searching for a ``LevelOfTheory`` variant
for BAC.
comprehensive (bool, optional): Whether to consider all relevant arguments if not looking for a variant.
raise_error (bool, optional): Whether to raise an error if an AEC variant could not be found.
warn (bool, optional): Whether to output a warning if an AEC variant could not be found.
Optional[LevelOfTheory]: The respective Arkane ``LevelOfTheory`` object
level_aec = read_yaml_file(os.path.join(ARC_PATH, 'data', 'AEC.yml'))
if self.method in level_aec.keys():
return None
if variant is None:
if not comprehensive:
# only add basis and software if needed
kwargs = {'method': self.method}
if self.basis is not None:
kwargs['basis'] = self.basis
kwargs['software'] = self.software
return LevelOfTheory(**kwargs)
# consider all relevant arguments
kwargs = self.__dict__.copy()
del kwargs['solvation_scheme_level']
del kwargs['method_type']
del kwargs['repr']
del kwargs['compatible_ess']
del kwargs['dispersion']
del kwargs['args']
if self.args is not None and self.args and all([val for val in self.args.values()]):
# only pass keyword arguments to Arkane (not blocks)
if any([key == 'keyword' for key in self.args.keys()]):
kwargs['args'] = list()
for key1, val1 in self.args.items():
if key1 == 'keyword':
for val2 in val1.values():
kwargs['args'] = None
if self.dispersion is not None:
if 'args' not in kwargs:
kwargs['args'] = [self.dispersion]
if kwargs['method'] is not None:
kwargs['method'].replace('f12a', 'f12').replace('f12b', 'f12')
if kwargs['basis'] is not None:
kwargs['basis'].replace('f12a', 'f12').replace('f12b', 'f12')
return LevelOfTheory(**kwargs)
# search for a functioning variant
if variant not in ['freq', 'AEC', 'BAC']:
raise ValueError(f'variant must be either "freq", "AEC", or "BAC", got "{variant}".')
kwargs = {'method': self.method}
if self.basis is not None:
kwargs['basis'] = self.basis
if standardize_name(self.method) in METHODS_THAT_REQUIRE_SOFTWARE:
# add software if mandatory (otherwise, Arkane won't accept this object initialization)
kwargs['software'] = self.software
var_2 = LevelOfTheory(**kwargs)
kwargs['software'] = self.software # add or overwrite software
# start w/ the software argument (var_1) in case there are several entries that only vary by software
var_1 = LevelOfTheory(**kwargs)
except ValueError:
var_1 = None
if variant == 'freq':
return var_2
if variant == 'AEC':
return var_1
except KeyError:
return var_2
except KeyError:
if raise_error:
raise ValueError(f'Missing Arkane atom energy corrections for {var_1}\n'
f'(If you did not mean to compute thermo, set the compute_thermo '
f'argument to False to avoid this error.)')
if warn:
logger.warning(f'Missing Arkane atom energy corrections for {var_1}.')
return None
if variant == 'BAC':
if bac_type not in ['p', 'm']:
raise ValueError(f'bac_type must be either "p" or "m", got "{bac_type}".')
bac = BAC(level_of_theory=var_1, bac_type=bac_type)
if bac.bacs is None:
bac = BAC(level_of_theory=var_2, bac_type=bac_type)
if bac.bacs is None:
logger.warning(f'Missing Arkane BAC for {var_2}.')
return None
return var_2
return var_1
[docs] def deduce_method_type(self):
Determine the type of a model chemistry:
DFT, wavefunction, force field, semi-empirical, or composite
wave_function_methods = ['hf', 'cc', 'ci', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'cp', 'cep', 'nevpt', 'dmrg', 'ri', 'cas', 'ic', 'mr',
'bd', 'mbpt']
semiempirical_methods = ['am', 'pm', 'zindo', 'mndo', 'xtb', 'nddo']
force_field_methods = ['amber', 'mmff', 'dreiding', 'uff', 'qmdff', 'gfn', 'gaff', 'ghemical', 'charmm', 'ani']
# all composite methods supported by Gaussian
composite_methods = ['cbs-4m', 'cbs-qb3', 'cbs-qb3-paraskevas', 'rocbs-qb3', 'cbs-apno', 'w1u', 'w1ro', 'w1bd',
'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g2mp2', 'g3mp2', 'g3b3', 'g3mp2b3', 'g4mp2']
# Composite methods
if self.method in composite_methods:
self.method_type = 'composite'
# Special cases
elif self.method in ['m06hf', 'm06-hf']:
self.method_type = 'dft'
# General cases
elif any(wf_method in self.method for wf_method in wave_function_methods):
self.method_type = 'wavefunction'
elif any(sm_method in self.method for sm_method in semiempirical_methods):
self.method_type = 'semiempirical'
elif any(ff_method in self.method for ff_method in force_field_methods):
self.method_type = 'force_field'
# assume DFT
self.method_type = 'dft'
[docs] def deduce_software(self,
job_type: Optional[str] = None):
Deduce the ESS to be used for a given level of theory.
Populates the .software attribute.
job_type (str, optional): An ARC job type, assists in determining the software.
# OneDMin
if job_type == 'onedmin':
if 'onedmin' not in supported_ess:
raise ValueError(f'Could not find the OneDMin software to compute Lennard-Jones parameters.\n'
f'levels_ess is:\n{levels_ess}')
self.software = 'onedmin'
# QChem
if job_type == 'orbitals':
# currently we only have a script to print orbitals on QChem,
# could/should be elaborated to additional ESS
if 'qchem' not in supported_ess:
raise ValueError(f'Could not find the QChem software to compute molecular orbitals.\n'
f'levels_ess is:\n{levels_ess}')
self.software = 'qchem'
# Orca
if 'dlpno' in self.method:
if 'orca' not in supported_ess:
raise ValueError(f'Could not find Orca to run a DLPNO job.\nlevels_ess is:\n{levels_ess}')
self.software = 'orca'
# Gaussian
if self.method_type == 'composite' or job_type == 'composite' or job_type == 'irc' \
or any([sum(['iop' in value.lower() for value in subdict.values()]) for subdict in self.args.values()]):
if 'gaussian' not in supported_ess:
raise ValueError(f'Could not find Gaussian to run the {self.method}.\n'
f'levels_ess is:\n{levels_ess}')
self.software = 'gaussian'
# TorchANI
if 'torchani' in self.method:
self.software = 'torchani'
# xTB
if 'xtb' in self.method or 'gfn' in self.method:
self.software = 'xtb'
# User phrases from settings (levels_ess)
if self.software is None:
for ess, phrase_list in levels_ess.items():
for phrase in phrase_list:
if self.software is None and \
(phrase in self.method or self.basis is not None and phrase in self.basis):
self.software = ess.lower()
if self.software is None:
preferred_ess_order = ['gaussian', 'qchem', 'orca', 'molpro', 'terachem', 'cfour']
if self.method_type in ['force_field', 'semiempirical']:
preferred_ess_order = ['gaussian', 'qchem', 'orca', 'molpro', 'terachem']
elif self.method_type in ['wavefunction']:
preferred_ess_order = ['molpro', 'gaussian', 'orca', 'cfour', 'qchem']
elif self.method_type in ['composite']:
preferred_ess_order = ['gaussian']
elif self.method_type in ['dft']:
preferred_ess_order = ['gaussian', 'qchem', 'terachem', 'orca']
relevant_software = get_ordered_intersection_of_two_lists(self.compatible_ess, supported_ess)
self.software = get_ordered_intersection_of_two_lists(preferred_ess_order, relevant_software)[0] \
if relevant_software else None
[docs] def determine_compatible_ess(self):
Determine compatible ESS.
if self.compatible_ess is None:
# Don't append if the user already specified a restricted list.
self.compatible_ess = list()
ess_methods = read_yaml_file(path=os.path.join(ARC_PATH, 'data', 'ess_methods.yml'))
ess_methods = {ess: [method.lower() for method in methods] for ess, methods in ess_methods.items()}
for ess in supported_ess:
if ess in ess_methods and self.method in ess_methods[ess]:
[docs]def get_params_from_arkane_level_of_theory_as_str(arkane_level: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
Get the method, basis set, and software (if any) of an str representation of an Arkane LevelOfTheory object instance.
arkane_level (str): The Arkane level.
Dict[str, str]: Keys are 'method', 'basis', 'software'.
# LevelOfTheory(method='b3lyp',basis='6311+g(3df,2p)',software='gaussian')
level_dict = {'method': '',
'basis': '',
'software': '',
for key in level_dict.keys():
if key in arkane_level:
splits = arkane_level.split(f"{key}='")
level_dict[key] = splits[1].split("'")[0]
return level_dict
[docs]def assign_frequency_scale_factor(level: Union[str, Level]) -> Optional[int]:
Assign a frequency scaling factor to a level of theory.
level (Union[str, Level]): The level of theory.
Optional[int]: The frequency scaling factor.
freq_scale_factors = read_yaml_file(os.path.join(ARC_PATH, 'data', 'freq_scale_factors.yml'))['freq_scale_factors']
if isinstance(level, str):
if level in freq_scale_factors:
return freq_scale_factors[level]
level = Level(repr=level)
level_str = str(level)
if level_str in freq_scale_factors:
return freq_scale_factors[level_str]
return None