A module for parsing information from various files.
import os
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import qcelemental as qcel
from rmgpy.exceptions import InputError as RMGInputError
from arkane.exceptions import LogError
from arkane.ess import ess_factory, GaussianLog, MolproLog, OrcaLog, QChemLog, TeraChemLog
from arc.common import determine_ess, get_close_tuple, get_logger, is_same_pivot, is_str_float, read_yaml_file
from arc.exceptions import InputError, ParserError
from arc.species.converter import hartree_to_si, str_to_xyz, xyz_from_data
logger = get_logger()
[docs]def parse_frequencies(path: str,
software: Optional[str] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Parse the frequencies from a freq job output file.
path (str): The log file path.
software (str, optional): The ESS.
Returns: np.ndarray
The parsed frequencies (in cm^-1).
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'freqs' in content.keys():
return np.array(content['freqs'], dtype=np.float64)
software = software.lower() if software is not None else identify_ess(path)
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
freqs = np.array([], np.float64)
if software is None:
return freqs
if software == 'qchem':
for line in lines:
if ' Frequency:' in line:
items = line.split()
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if i:
freqs = np.append(freqs, [(float(item))])
elif software == 'gaussian':
with open(path, 'r') as f:
line = f.readline()
while line != '':
# this line intends to only capture the last occurrence of the frequencies
if 'and normal coordinates' in line:
freqs = np.array([], np.float64)
if 'Frequencies --' in line:
freqs = np.append(freqs, [float(frq) for frq in line.split()[2:]])
line = f.readline()
elif software == 'molpro':
read = False
for line in lines:
if 'Nr' in line and '[1/cm]' in line:
if read:
if line == os.linesep:
read = False
freqs = np.append(freqs, [float(line.split()[-1])])
if 'Low' not in line and 'Vibration' in line and 'Wavenumber' in line:
read = True
elif software == 'orca':
with open(path, 'r') as f:
line = f.readline()
read = True
while line:
while read:
if not line.strip():
line = f.readline()
elif not line.split()[0] == '0:':
line = f.readline()
read = False
while line.strip():
if float(line.split()[1]) != 0.0:
freqs = np.append(freqs, [float(line.split()[1])])
line = f.readline()
line = f.readline()
elif software == 'terachem':
read_output = False
for line in lines:
if '=== Mode' in line:
# example: '=== Mode 1: 1198.526 cm^-1 ==='
freqs = np.append(freqs, [float(line.split()[3])])
elif 'Vibrational Frequencies/Thermochemical Analysis After Removing Rotation and Translation' in line:
read_output = True
elif read_output:
if 'Temperature (Kelvin):' in line or 'Frequency(cm-1)' in line:
if not line.strip():
# example:
# 'Mode Eigenvalue(AU) Frequency(cm-1) Intensity(km/mol) Vib.Temp(K) ZPE(AU) ...'
# ' 1 0.0331810528 170.5666870932 52.2294230772 245.3982965841 0.0003885795 ...'
freqs = np.append(freqs, [float(line.split()[2])])
elif software == 'xtb':
read_output = False
for line in lines:
if read_output:
if 'eigval :' in line:
splits = line.split()
for split in splits[2:]:
freq = float(split)
if freq:
freqs = np.append(freqs, freq)
if 'vibrational frequencies' in line:
read_output = True
if freqs.size == 0:
# Could not read freqs from output.out, try reading from vibspectrum
vibspectrum_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'vibspectrum')
if os.path.isfile(vibspectrum_path):
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path=vibspectrum_path)
for line in lines:
if '$' not in line and '#' not in line:
splits = line.split()
if len(splits) < 5:
freq = float(splits[-4]) if is_str_float(splits[-4]) else 0
if freq:
freqs = np.append(freqs, freq)
raise ParserError(f'parse_frequencies() can currently only parse Gaussian, Molpro, Orca, QChem, TeraChem and xTB '
f'files, got {software}')
logger.debug(f'Using parser.parse_frequencies(). Determined frequencies are: {freqs}')
return freqs
[docs]def parse_normal_mode_displacement(path: str,
software: Optional[str] = None,
raise_error: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Parse frequencies and normal mode displacement.
path (str): The path to the log file.
software (str, optional): The software to used to generate the log file.
raise_error (bool, optional): Whether to raise an error if the ESS isn't implemented.
NotImplementedError: If the parser is not implemented for the ESS this log file belongs to.
Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
The frequencies (in cm^-1) and the normal mode displacements.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'freqs' in content.keys() and 'modes' in content.keys():
return content['freqs'], content['modes']
software = software.lower() if software is not None else identify_ess(path) or determine_ess(path)
freqs, normal_mode_disp, normal_mode_disp_entries = list(), list(), list()
if software == 'xtb':
g98_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'g98.out')
if os.path.isfile(g98_path):
path = g98_path
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
if software in ['gaussian', 'xtb']:
num_of_freqs_per_line = 3
parse, parse_normal_mode_disp = False, False
for line in lines + ['']:
if 'Harmonic frequencies (cm**-1)' in line:
# e.g.: Harmonic frequencies (cm**-1), IR intensities (KM/Mole), Raman scattering
parse = True
if parse and len(line.split()) in [0, 1, 3]:
parse_normal_mode_disp = False
normal_mode_disp_entries = list()
if parse and 'Frequencies --' in line:
# e.g.: Frequencies -- -18.0696 127.6948 174.9499
splits = line.split()
freqs.extend(float(freq) for freq in splits[2:])
num_of_freqs_per_line = len(splits) - 2
normal_mode_disp_entries = list()
elif parse_normal_mode_disp:
# parsing, e.g.:
# Atom AN X Y Z X Y Z X Y Z
# 1 6 -0.00 0.00 -0.09 -0.00 0.00 -0.18 0.00 -0.00 -0.16
# 2 7 -0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.00 0.02 0.00 -0.00 0.26
splits = line.split()[2:]
for i in range(num_of_freqs_per_line):
if len(normal_mode_disp_entries) < i + 1:
normal_mode_disp_entries[i].append(splits[3 * i: 3 * i + 3])
elif parse and 'Atom AN X Y Z' in line or 'Atom AN X Y Z' in line:
parse_normal_mode_disp = True
elif parse and not line or '-------------------' in line:
parse = False
elif raise_error:
raise NotImplementedError(f'parse_normal_mode_displacement() is currently not implemented for {software}.')
freqs = np.array(freqs, np.float64)
normal_mode_disp = np.array(normal_mode_disp, np.float64)
return freqs, normal_mode_disp
[docs]def parse_geometry(path: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, tuple]]:
Parse the xyz geometry from an ESS log file.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
Returns: Optional[Dict[str, tuple]]
The cartesian geometry.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
for key in ['xyz', 'opt_xyz']:
if isinstance(content, dict) and key in content.keys():
return content[key] if isinstance(content[key], dict) else str_to_xyz(content[key])
software = identify_ess(path)
xyz_str = ''
if software == 'xtb':
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
final_structure, coord, first_line = False, False, True
for line in lines:
if '$' in line or 'END' in line or len(line.split()) < 10:
coord = False
if coord:
splits = line.split()
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(splits[3])} {splits[0]} {splits[1]} {splits[2]}\n'
if final_structure and ('$coord' in line or len(line.split()) > 15):
coord = True
if len(line.split()) > 15 and first_line:
splits = line.split()
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(splits[3])} {splits[0]} {splits[1]} {splits[2]}\n'
first_line = False
if 'final structure:' in line:
final_structure = True
return str_to_xyz(xyz_str)
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
coords, number, _ = log.load_geometry()
except LogError:
logger.debug(f'Could not parse xyz from {path}')
# Try parsing Gaussian standard orientation instead of the input orientation parsed by Arkane.
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
for i in range(len(lines)):
if 'Standard orientation:' in lines[i]:
xyz_str = ''
j = i
while len(lines) and not lines[j].split()[0].isdigit():
j += 1
while len(lines) and '-------------------' not in lines[j]:
splits = lines[j].split()
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(int(splits[1]))} {splits[3]} {splits[4]} {splits[5]}\n'
j += 1
if xyz_str:
return str_to_xyz(xyz_str)
return None
return xyz_from_data(coords=coords, numbers=number)
[docs]def parse_t1(path: str) -> Optional[float]:
Parse the T1 parameter from a Molpro or Orca coupled cluster calculation.
path (str): The ess log file path.
Returns: Optional[float]
The T1 parameter.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'T1' in content.keys():
return content['T1']
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
t1 = log.get_T1_diagnostic()
except (LogError, NotImplementedError):
logger.warning('Could not read t1 from {0}'.format(path))
t1 = None
return t1
[docs]def parse_e_elect(path: str,
zpe_scale_factor: float = 1.,
software: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Optional[float]:
Parse the electronic energy from an sp job output file.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
zpe_scale_factor (float): The ZPE scaling factor, used only for composite methods in Gaussian via Arkane.
software (str, optional): The ESS.
Returns: Optional[float]
The electronic energy in kJ/mol.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'sp' in content.keys():
return content['sp']
e_elect = None
software = software or identify_ess(path)
if software is not None and software.lower() == 'xtb':
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if 'TOTAL ENERGY' in line:
e_elect = hartree_to_si(float(line.split()[3]))
return e_elect
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
e_elect = log.load_energy(zpe_scale_factor) * 0.001 # convert to kJ/mol
except (LogError, NotImplementedError):
logger.warning(f'Could not read e_elect from {path}')
return e_elect
[docs]def identify_ess(path: str) -> Optional[str]:
Identify the software that generated a specific output file.
This function supports ESS not identified by Arkane.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
Optional[str]: The ESS.
software = None
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'adapter' in content.keys():
return content['adapter']
with open(path, 'r') as f:
for _ in range(25):
line = f.readline()
if 'x T B' in line:
software = 'xtb'
return software
[docs]def parse_zpe(path: str) -> Optional[float]:
Determine the calculated ZPE from a frequency output file
path (str): The path to a frequency calculation output file.
Returns: Optional[float]
The calculated zero point energy in kJ/mol.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
software = identify_ess(path)
if software == 'xtb':
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
for line in lines:
if 'total energy' in line:
return hartree_to_si(float(line.split()[3]))
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
zpe = log.load_zero_point_energy() * 0.001 # convert to kJ/mol
except (LogError, NotImplementedError):
logger.warning(f'Could not read zpe from {path}')
zpe = None
return zpe
[docs]def parse_1d_scan_energies(path: str,
initial_angle: float = 0.0,
) -> Tuple[Optional[List[float]], Optional[List[float]]]:
Parse the 1D torsion scan energies from an ESS log file.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
initial_angle (float, optional): The initial dihedral angle.
InputError: If ``path`` is invalid.
Returns: Tuple[Optional[List[float]], Optional[List[float]]]
The electronic energy in kJ/mol and the dihedral scan angle in degrees.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
energies, angles = None, None
software = identify_ess(path)
if software == 'xtb':
scan_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'xtbscan.log')
energies = list()
if os.path.isfile(scan_path):
lines = _get_lines_from_file(scan_path)
for line in lines:
if 'energy:' in line:
min_e = min(energies)
energies = [e - min_e for e in energies]
resolution = 360.0 / len(energies)
angles = [initial_angle + i * resolution for i in range(len(energies))]
return energies, angles
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
energies, angles = log.load_scan_energies()
energies *= 0.001 # convert to kJ/mol
angles *= 180 / np.pi # convert to degrees
except (LogError, NotImplementedError, ZeroDivisionError):
logger.warning(f'Could not read energies from {path}')
return energies, angles
[docs]def parse_1d_scan_coords(path: str) -> List[Dict[str, tuple]]:
Parse the 1D torsion scan coordinates from an ESS log file.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
List[Dict[str, tuple]]: The Cartesian coordinates.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
software = identify_ess(path)
traj = list()
if software == 'xtb':
scan_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), 'xtbscan.log')
if os.path.isfile(scan_path):
lines = _get_lines_from_file(scan_path)
xyz_str = ''
for line in lines:
splits = line.split()
if len(splits) == 1:
if xyz_str:
xyz_str = ''
if 'energy:' in line:
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(splits[0])} {splits[1]} {splits[2]} {splits[3]}\n'
return traj
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
if not isinstance(log, GaussianLog):
raise NotImplementedError(f'Currently parse_1d_scan_coords only supports Gaussian files, got {type(log)}')
done = False
i = 0
while not done:
if i >= len(lines) or 'Normal termination of Gaussian' in lines[i] or 'Error termination via' in lines[i]:
done = True
elif 'Optimization completed' in lines[i]:
while i < len(lines) + 10 and 'Input orientation:' not in lines[i] or 'Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in lines [i + 7]:
i += 1
if 'Error termination via' in lines[i]:
return traj
i += 5
xyz_str, skip_traj = '', False
while len(lines) and '--------------------------------------------' not in lines[i]:
if 'DIIS: error' in lines[i]:
skip_traj = True
splits = lines[i].split()
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(int(splits[1]))} {splits[3]} {splits[4]} {splits[5]}\n'
i += 1
if not skip_traj:
i += 1
return traj
[docs]def parse_nd_scan_energies(path: str,
software: Optional[str] = None,
return_original_dihedrals: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[dict, Optional[List[float]]]:
Parse the ND torsion scan energies from an ESS log file.
path (str): The ESS log file to parse from.
software (str, optional): The software used to run this scan, default is 'gaussian'.
return_original_dihedrals (bool, optional): Whether to return the dihedral angles of the original conformer.
``True`` to return, default is ``False``.
InputError: If ``path`` is invalid.
Returns: Tuple[dict, Optional[List[float]]]
The "results" dictionary, which has the following structure::
results = {'directed_scan_type': <str, used for the fig name>,
'scans': <list, entries are lists of torsion indices>,
'directed_scan': <dict, keys are tuples of '{0:.2f}' formatted dihedrals,
values are dictionaries with the following keys and values:
{'energy': <float, energy in kJ/mol>, * only this is used here
'xyz': <dict>,
'is_isomorphic': <bool>,
'trsh': <list, job.ess_trsh_methods>}>
The dihedral angles of the original conformer
software = software or determine_ess(path)
results = {'directed_scan_type': f'ess_{software}',
'scans': list(),
'directed_scan': dict(),
if software == 'gaussian':
# internal variables:
# - scan_d_dict (dict): keys are scanning dihedral names (e.g., 'D2', or 'D4'), values are the corresponding
# torsion indices tuples (e.g., (4, 1, 2, 5), or (4, 1, 3, 6)).
# - dihedrals_dict (dict): keys are torsion tuples (e.g., (4, 1, 2, 5), or (4, 1, 3, 6)),
# values are lists of dihedral angles in degrees corresponding to the torsion
# (e.g., [-159.99700, -149.99690, -139.99694, -129.99691, -119.99693]).
# - torsions (list): entries are torsion indices that are scanned, e.g.: [(4, 1, 2, 5), (4, 1, 3, 6)]
with open(path, 'r', buffering=8192) as f:
line = f.readline()
symbols, torsions, shape, resolution, original_dihedrals = list(), list(), list(), list(), list()
scan_d_dict = dict()
min_e = None
while line:
line = f.readline()
if 'The following ModRedundant input section has been read:' in line:
# ' The following ModRedundant input section has been read:'
# ' D 4 1 2 5 S 36 10.000'
# ' D 4 1 3 6 S 36 10.000'
line = f.readline()
while True:
splits = line.split()
if len(splits) == 8:
torsions.append(tuple([int(index) for index in splits[1:5]]))
shape.append(int(splits[6]) + 1) # the last point is repeated
line = f.readline()
results['scans'] = torsions
if 'Symbolic Z-matrix:' in line:
# ---------------------
# HIR calculation by AI
# ---------------------
# Symbolic Z-matrix:
# Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1
# c
# o 1 oc2
# o 1 oc3 2 oco3
# o 1 oc4 2 oco4 3 dih4 0
# h 2 ho5 1 hoc5 3 dih5 0
# h 3 ho6 1 hoc6 4 dih6 0
# Variables:
# oc2 1.36119
# oc3 1.36119
# oco3 114.896
# oc4 1.18581
# oco4 122.552
# dih4 180.
# ho5 0.9637
# hoc5 111.746
# dih5 20.003
# ho6 0.9637
# hoc6 111.746
# dih6 -160.
for i in range(2):
while 'Variables' not in line:
line = f.readline()
if 'Initial Parameters' in line:
# ----------------------------
# ! Initial Parameters !
# ! (Angstroms and Degrees) !
# -------------------------- --------------------------
# ! Name Definition Value Derivative Info. !
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ! R1 R(1,2) 1.3612 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! R2 R(1,3) 1.3612 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! R3 R(1,4) 1.1858 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! R4 R(2,5) 0.9637 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! R5 R(3,6) 0.9637 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! A1 A(2,1,3) 114.896 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! A2 A(2,1,4) 122.552 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! A3 A(3,1,4) 122.552 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! A4 A(1,2,5) 111.746 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! A5 A(1,3,6) 111.746 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! D1 D(3,1,2,5) 20.003 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! D2 D(4,1,2,5) -159.997 Scan !
# ! D3 D(2,1,3,6) 20.0 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
# ! D4 D(4,1,3,6) -160.0 Scan !
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for i in range(5):
line = f.readline()
# original_zmat = {'symbols': list(), 'coords': list(), 'vars': dict()}
while '--------------------------' not in line:
splits = line.split()
# key = splits[2][:-1].replace('(', '_').replace(',', '_')
# val = float(splits[3])
# original_zmat['symbols'].append(symbols[len(original_zmat['symbols'])])
# original_zmat['vars'][key] = val
if 'Scan' in line:
scan_d_dict[splits[1]] = \
tuple([int(index) for index in splits[2][2:].replace(')', '').split(',')])
line = f.readline()
elif 'Summary of Optimized Potential Surface Scan' in line:
# ' Summary of Optimized Potential Surface Scan (add -264.0 to energies):'
base_e = float(line.split('(add ')[1].split()[0]) if '(add' in line and 'to energies):' in line else 0.0
energies, dihedrals_dict = list(), dict()
dihedral_num = 0
while 'Grad' not in line and 'Largest change from initial coordinates' not in line:
line = f.readline()
splits = line.split()
numbers = re.findall(r'-?\d+\.\d+', line)
if 'Eigenvalues --' in line:
# convert Hartree energy to kJ/mol
energies = [(base_e + float(e)) * 4.3597447222071e-18 * 6.02214179e23 * 1e-3
for e in numbers]
min_es = min(energies)
min_e = min_es if min_e is None else min(min_e, min_es)
dihedral_num = 0
if splits[0] in list(scan_d_dict.keys()) \
and scan_d_dict[splits[0]] not in list(dihedrals_dict.keys()):
# parse the dihedral information
# ' D1 20.00308 30.00361 40.05829 50.36777 61.07341'
# ' D2 -159.99700-149.99690-139.99694-129.99691-119.99693'
# ' D3 19.99992 19.99959 19.94509 19.63805 18.93967'
# ' D4 -160.00000-159.99990-159.99994-159.99991-159.99993'
dihedrals = [float(dihedral) for dihedral in line.replace('-', ' -').split()[1:]]
for i in range(len(dihedrals)):
if 0 > dihedrals[i] >= -0.0049999:
dihedrals[i] = 0.0
dihedrals_dict[scan_d_dict[splits[0]]] = dihedrals
dihedral_num += 1
if len(list(dihedrals_dict.keys())) == len(list(scan_d_dict.keys())):
# we have all the data for this block, pass to ``results`` and initialize ``dihedrals_dict``
for i, energy in enumerate(energies):
dihedral_list = [dihedrals_dict[torsion][i] for torsion in torsions] # ordered
key = tuple(f'{dihedral:.2f}' for dihedral in dihedral_list)
# overwrite previous values for a close key if found:
key = get_close_tuple(key, results['directed_scan'].keys()) or key
results['directed_scan'][key] = {'energy': energy}
dihedrals_dict = dict() # keys are torsion tuples, values are dihedral angles
line = f.readline()
raise NotImplementedError(f'parse_nd_scan_energies is currently only implemented for Gaussian, got {software}.')
for key in results['directed_scan'].keys():
results['directed_scan'][key] = {'energy': results['directed_scan'][key]['energy'] - min_e}
if return_original_dihedrals:
return results, original_dihedrals
return results, None
[docs]def parse_xyz_from_file(path: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, tuple]]:
Parse xyz coordinated from:
- .xyz: XYZ file
- .gjf: Gaussian input file
- .out or .log: ESS output file (Gaussian, Molpro, Orca, QChem, TeraChem) - calls parse_geometry()
- .yml or .yaml files
- other: Molpro or QChem input file
path (str): The file path.
ParserError: If the coordinates could not be parsed.
Returns: Optional[Dict[str, tuple]]
The parsed cartesian coordinates.
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
if path.endswith('.yml'):
content = read_yaml_file(path)
if isinstance(content, dict) and 'xyz' in content.keys():
return content['xyz']
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
file_extension = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
xyz = None
relevant_lines = list()
if file_extension == '.xyz':
for i, line in enumerate(reversed(lines)):
splits = line.strip().split()
if len(splits) == 1 and all([c.isdigit() for c in splits[0]]):
# this is the last number of atoms line (important when parsing trajectories)
num_of_atoms = int(splits[0])
raise ParserError(f'Could not identify the number of atoms line in the xyz file {path}')
index = len(lines) - i - 1
relevant_lines = lines[index + 2: index + 2 + num_of_atoms]
elif file_extension == '.gjf':
start_parsing = False
for line in lines:
if start_parsing and line and line != '\n' and line != '\r\n':
elif start_parsing:
splits = line.split()
if len(splits) == 2 and all([s.isdigit() for s in splits]):
start_parsing = True
elif 'out' in file_extension or 'log' in file_extension:
xyz = parse_geometry(path)
elif "yml" in file_extension or 'yaml' in file_extension:
content = read_yaml_file(path=path)
if "xyz" in content.keys():
xyz = content["xyz"]
elif "opt_xyz" in content.keys():
xyz = content["opt_xyz"]
if isinstance(xyz, str):
xyz = str_to_xyz(xyz)
record = False
for line in lines:
if '$end' in line or '}' in line:
if record and len(line.split()) == 4:
elif '$molecule' in line:
record = True
elif 'geometry={' in line:
record = True
if not relevant_lines:
raise ParserError(f'Could not parse xyz coordinates from file {path}')
if xyz is None and relevant_lines:
xyz = str_to_xyz(''.join([line for line in relevant_lines if line]))
return xyz
[docs]def parse_trajectory(path: str) -> Optional[List[Dict[str, tuple]]]:
Parse all geometries from an xyz trajectory file or an ESS output file.
path (str): The file path.
ParserError: If the trajectory could not be read.
Returns: Optional[List[Dict[str, tuple]]]
Entries are xyz's on the trajectory.
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
ess_file = False
if path.split('.')[-1] != 'xyz':
log = ess_factory(fullpath=path, check_for_errors=False)
ess_file = True
except (InputError, RMGInputError):
ess_file = False
if ess_file:
if not isinstance(log, GaussianLog):
raise NotImplementedError(f'Currently parse_trajectory only supports Gaussian files, got {type(log)}')
traj = list()
done = False
i = 0
while not done:
if i >= len(lines) or 'Normal termination of Gaussian' in lines[i] or 'Error termination via' in lines[i]:
done = True
elif 'Input orientation:' in lines[i]:
i += 5
xyz_str = ''
while len(lines) and '--------------------------------------------' not in lines[i]:
splits = lines[i].split()
xyz_str += f'{qcel.periodictable.to_E(int(splits[1]))} {splits[3]} {splits[4]} {splits[5]}\n'
i += 1
i += 1
# this is not an ESS output file, probably an XYZ format file with several Cartesian coordinates
skip_line = False
num_of_atoms = 0
traj, xyz_lines = list(), list()
for line in lines:
splits = line.strip().split()
if len(splits) == 1 and all([c.isdigit() for c in splits[0]]):
if len(xyz_lines):
if len(xyz_lines) != num_of_atoms:
raise ParserError(f'Could not parse trajectory, expected {num_of_atoms} atoms, '
f'but got {len(xyz_lines)} for point {len(traj) + 1} in the trajectory.')
traj.append(str_to_xyz(''.join([xyz_line for xyz_line in xyz_lines])))
num_of_atoms = int(splits[0])
skip_line = True
xyz_lines = list()
elif skip_line:
# skip the comment line
skip_line = False
if len(xyz_lines):
# add the last point in the trajectory
if len(xyz_lines) != num_of_atoms:
raise ParserError(f'Could not parse trajectory, expected {num_of_atoms} atoms, '
f'but got {len(xyz_lines)} for point {len(traj) + 1} in the trajectory.')
traj.append(str_to_xyz(''.join([xyz_line for xyz_line in xyz_lines])))
if not len(traj):
logger.error(f'Could not parse trajectory from {path}')
return None
return traj
[docs]def parse_dipole_moment(path: str) -> Optional[float]:
Parse the dipole moment in Debye from an opt job output file.
path: The ESS log file.
Returns: Optional[float]
The dipole moment in Debye.
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
log = ess_factory(path, check_for_errors=False)
dipole_moment = None
if isinstance(log, GaussianLog):
# example:
# Dipole moment (field-independent basis, Debye):
# X= -0.0000 Y= -0.0000 Z= -1.8320 Tot= 1.8320
read = False
for line in lines:
if 'dipole moment' in line.lower() and 'debye' in line.lower():
read = True
elif read:
dipole_moment = float(line.split()[-1])
read = False
elif isinstance(log, MolproLog):
# example: ' Dipole moment /Debye 2.96069859 0.00000000 0.00000000'
for line in lines:
if 'dipole moment' in line.lower() and '/debye' in line.lower():
splits = line.split()
dm_x, dm_y, dm_z = float(splits[-3]), float(splits[-2]), float(splits[-1])
dipole_moment = (dm_x ** 2 + dm_y ** 2 + dm_z ** 2) ** 0.5
elif isinstance(log, OrcaLog):
# example: 'Magnitude (Debye) : 2.11328'
for line in lines:
if 'Magnitude (Debye)' in line:
dipole_moment = float(line.split()[-1])
elif isinstance(log, QChemLog):
# example:
# Dipole Moment (Debye)
# X 0.0000 Y 0.0000 Z 2.0726
# Tot 2.0726
skip = False
read = False
for line in lines:
if 'dipole moment' in line.lower() and 'debye' in line.lower():
skip = True
elif skip:
skip = False
read = True
elif read:
dipole_moment = float(line.split()[-1])
read = False
elif isinstance(log, TeraChemLog):
# example: 'DIPOLE MOMENT: {-0.000178, -0.000003, -0.000019} (|D| = 0.000179) DEBYE'
for line in lines:
if 'dipole moment' in line.lower() and 'debye' in line.lower():
splits = line.split('{')[1].split('}')[0].replace(',', '').split()
dm_x, dm_y, dm_z = float(splits[0]), float(splits[1]), float(splits[2])
dipole_moment = (dm_x ** 2 + dm_y ** 2 + dm_z ** 2) ** 0.5
raise ParserError('Currently dipole moments can only be parsed from either Gaussian, Molpro, Orca, QChem, '
'or TeraChem optimization output files')
if dipole_moment is None:
raise ParserError('Could not parse the dipole moment')
return dipole_moment
[docs]def parse_polarizability(path: str) -> Optional[float]:
Parse the polarizability from a freq job output file, returns the value in Angstrom^3.
path: The ESS log file.
Returns: Optional[float]
The polarizability in Angstrom^3.
lines = _get_lines_from_file(path)
polarizability = None
for line in lines:
if 'Isotropic polarizability for W' in line:
# example: Isotropic polarizability for W= 0.000000 11.49 Bohr**3.
# 1 Bohr = 0.529177 Angstrom
polarizability = float(line.split()[-2]) * 0.529177 ** 3
return polarizability
def _get_lines_from_file(path: str) -> List[str]:
A helper function for getting a list of lines from a file.
path (str): The file path.
InputError: If the file could not be read.
Returns: List[str]
Entries are lines from the file.
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
raise InputError(f'Could not find file {path}')
return lines
[docs]def parse_str_blocks(file_path: str,
head_pat: Union[Match, str],
tail_pat: Union[Match, str],
regex: bool = True,
tail_count: int = 1,
block_count: int = 1,
) -> List[str]:
Return a list of blocks defined by the head pattern and the tail pattern.
file_path (str): The path to the readable file.
head_pat (str/regex): Str pattern or regular expression of the head of the block.
tail_pat (str/regex): Str pattern or regular expresion of the tail of the block.
regex (bool, optional): Use regex (True) or str pattern (False) to search.
tail_count (int, optional): The number of times that the tail repeats.
block_count (int, optional): The max number of blocks to search. -1 for any number.
InputError: If the file could not be found.
Returns: List[str]
List of str blocks.
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
raise InputError('Could not find file {0}'.format(file_path))
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
blks = []
# Different search mode
if regex:
def search(x, y):
return re.search(x, y)
def search(x, y):
return x in y
# 'search' for the head or 'read' until the tail
mode = 'search'
line = f.readline()
while line != '':
if mode == 'search':
# Stop searching if enough blocks were found.
if (len(blks)) == block_count:
# Check if matching the head pattern.
match = search(head_pat, line)
# Switch to 'read' mode.
if match:
tail_repeat = 0
mode = 'read'
elif mode == 'read':
match = search(tail_pat, line)
if match:
tail_repeat += 1
# If there are enough tail patterns, switch to 'search' mode.
if tail_repeat == tail_count:
mode = 'search'
line = f.readline()
# Remove the last incomplete search
if len(blks) > 0 and (tail_repeat != tail_count):
return blks
[docs]def parse_scan_args(file_path: str) -> dict:
Get the scan arguments, including which internal coordinates (IC) are being scanned, which are frozen,
what is the step size and the number of atoms, etc.
file_path (str): The path to a readable output file.
NotImplementedError: If files other than Gaussian log is input
Returns: dict
A dictionary that contains the scan arguments as well as step number, step size, number of atom::
{'scan': <list, atom indexes of the torsion to be scanned>,
'freeze': <list, list of internal coordinates identified by atom indexes>,
'step': <int, number of steps to scan>,
'step_size': <float, the size of each step>,
'n_atom': <int, the number of atoms of the molecule>,
log = ess_factory(fullpath=file_path, check_for_errors=False)
scan_args = {'scan': None, 'freeze': [],
'step': 0, 'step_size': 0, 'n_atom': 0}
if isinstance(log, GaussianLog):
# g09, g16
scan_blk = parse_str_blocks(file_path, 'The following ModRedundant input section has been read:',
'Isotopes and Nuclear Properties', regex=False)[0][1:-1]
except IndexError: # Cannot find any block
# g03
scan_blk_1 = parse_str_blocks(file_path, 'The following ModRedundant input section has been read:',
'GradGradGradGrad', regex=False)[0][1:-2]
scan_blk_2 = parse_str_blocks(file_path, 'NAtoms=',
'One-electron integrals computed', regex=False)[0][:1]
scan_blk = scan_blk_1 + scan_blk_2
scan_pat = r'[DBA]?(\s+\d+){2,4}\s+S\s+\d+[\s\d.]+'
frz_pat = r'[DBA]?(\s+\d+){2,4}\s+F'
value_pat = r'[\d.]+'
for line in scan_blk:
if re.search(scan_pat, line.strip()):
values = re.findall(value_pat, line)
scan_len = len(values) - 2 # atom indexes + step + stepsize
scan_args['scan'] = [int(values[i]) for i in range(scan_len)]
scan_args['step'] = int(values[-2])
scan_args['step_size'] = float(values[-1])
if re.search(frz_pat, line.strip()):
values = re.findall(value_pat, line)
scan_args['freeze'].append([int(values[i]) for i in range(len(values))])
if 'NAtoms' in line:
scan_args['n_atom'] = int(line.split()[1])
raise NotImplementedError(f'parse_scan_args() can currently only parse Gaussian output '
f'files, got {log}')
return scan_args
[docs]def parse_ic_info(file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get the information of internal coordinates (ic) of an intermediate scan conformer.
file_path (str): The path to a readable output file.
NotImplementedError: If files other than Gaussian log is input
Returns: pd.DataFrame
A DataFrame containing the information of the internal coordinates
log = ess_factory(fullpath=file_path, check_for_errors=False)
ic_dict = {item: []
for item in ['label', 'type', 'atoms', 'redundant', 'scan']}
scan_args = parse_scan_args(file_path)
max_atom_ind = scan_args['n_atom']
if isinstance(log, GaussianLog):
ic_info_block = parse_str_blocks(file_path, 'Initial Parameters', '-----------', regex=False,
for line in ic_info_block:
# Line example with split() indices:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# ! R1 R(1, 2) 1.3581 calculate D2E/DX2 analytically !
terms = line.split()
ic_dict['type'].append(terms[1][0]) # 'R: bond, A: angle, D: dihedral
atom_inds = re.split(r'[(),]', terms[2])[1:-1]
ic_dict['atoms'].append([int(atom_ind) for atom_ind in atom_inds])
# Identify redundant, cases like 5 atom angles or redundant atoms
if (ic_dict['type'][-1] == 'A' and len(atom_inds) > 3) \
or (ic_dict['type'][-1] == 'R' and len(atom_inds) > 2) \
or (ic_dict['type'][-1] == 'D' and len(atom_inds) > 4):
# Sometimes, redundant atoms with weird indices are added.
# Reason unclear. Maybe to better define the molecule, or to
# solve equations more easily.
weird_indices = [index for index in ic_dict['atoms'][-1]
if index <= 0 or index > max_atom_ind]
if weird_indices:
# Identify ics being scanned
if len(scan_args['scan']) == len(atom_inds) == 4 \
and is_same_pivot(scan_args['scan'], ic_dict['atoms'][-1]):
elif len(scan_args['scan']) == len(atom_inds) == 2 \
and set(scan_args['scan']) == set(ic_dict['atoms'][-1]):
# Currently doesn't support scan of angles.
raise NotImplementedError(f'parse_ic_info() can currently only parse Gaussian output '
f'files, got {log}')
ic_info = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ic_dict)
ic_info = ic_info.set_index('label')
return ic_info
[docs]def parse_ic_values(ic_block: List[str],
software: Optional[str] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get the internal coordinates (ic) for an intermediate scan conformer
ic_block (list): A list of strings containing the optimized internal coordinates of
an intermediate scan conformer
software(str, optional): The software to used to generate the log file.
NotImplementedError: If the software is not supported
pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing the values of the internal coordinates
ic_dict = {item: [] for item in ['label', 'value']}
if software == 'gaussian':
for line in ic_block:
# Line example with split() indices:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# ! R1 R(1,2) 1.3602 -DE/DX = 0.0 !
terms = line.split()
raise NotImplementedError(f'parse_ics() can currently only parse Gaussian output '
f'files, got {software}')
ics = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(ic_dict)
ics = ics.set_index('label')
return ics