Source code for arc.scheduler

A module for scheduling ARC jobs
Includes spawning, terminating, checking, and troubleshooting various jobs

import datetime
import itertools
import os
import pprint
import shutil
import time

import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import arc.rmgdb as rmgdb
from arc import parser, plotter
from arc.checks.common import get_i_from_job_name, sum_time_delta
from arc.checks.ts import check_imaginary_frequencies, check_ts, check_irc_species_and_rxn
from arc.common import (extremum_list,
from arc.exceptions import (InputError,
from arc.imports import settings
from arc.job.adapters.common import all_families_ts_adapters, default_incore_adapters, ts_adapters_by_rmg_family
from arc.job.factory import job_factory
from arc.job.local import check_running_jobs_ids
from arc.job.ssh import SSHClient
from arc.job.trsh import (scan_quality_check,
from arc.level import Level
from arc.species.species import (ARCSpecies,
from arc.species.converter import (check_isomorphism,
from arc.species.vectors import get_angle, calculate_dihedral_angle

    from arc.job.adapter import JobAdapter
    from arc.reaction import ARCReaction

logger = get_logger()

    default_job_types, rotor_scan_resolution, default_ts_adapters, max_rotor_trsh = \
    settings['LOWEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ'], settings['HIGHEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ'], settings['default_job_settings'], \
    settings['default_job_types'], settings['rotor_scan_resolution'], settings['ts_adapters'], settings['max_rotor_trsh']

[docs]class Scheduler(object): """ ARC's Scheduler class. Creates jobs, submits, checks status, troubleshoots. Each species in `species_list` has to have a unique label. Dictionary structures:: job_dict = {label_1: {'conformers': {0: Job1, 1: Job2, ...}, 'tsg': {0: Job1, 1: Job2, ...}, # TS guesses 'opt': {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, 'sp': {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, 'freq': {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, 'composite': {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, 'scan': {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, <job_type>: {job_name1: Job1, job_name2: Job2, ...}, ... } label_2: {...}, } output = {label_1: {'job_types': {job_type1: <status1>, # boolean job_type2: <status2>, }, 'paths': {'geo': <path to geometry optimization output file>, 'freq': <path to freq output file>, 'sp': <path to sp output file>, 'composite': <path to composite output file>, 'irc': [list of two IRC paths], }, 'conformers': <comments>, 'isomorphism': <comments>, 'convergence': <status>, # Optional[bool] 'restart': <comments>, 'info': <comments>, 'warnings': <comments>, 'errors': <comments>, }, label_2: {...}, } Note: The rotor scan dicts are located under Species.rotors_dict Args: project (str): The project's name. Used for naming the working directory. ess_settings (dict): A dictionary of available ESS and a corresponding server list. species_list (list): Contains input :ref:`ARCSpecies <species>` objects (both wells and TSs). rxn_list (list): Contains input :ref:`ARCReaction <reaction>` objects. project_directory (str): Folder path for the project: the input file path or ARC/Projects/project-name. composite_method (str, optional): A composite method to use. conformer_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for conformer comparisons. opt_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for geometry optimizations. freq_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for frequency calculations. sp_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for single point energy calculations. scan_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for torsion scans. ts_guess_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for TS guess comparisons. irc_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for IRC calculations. orbitals_level (Union[str, dict], optional): The level of theory to use for calculating MOs (for plotting). adaptive_levels (dict, optional): A dictionary of levels of theory for ranges of the number of heavy atoms in the species. Keys are tuples of (min_num_atoms, max_num_atoms), values are dictionaries with job type tuples as keys and levels of theory as values. 'inf' is accepted in max_num_atoms rmg_database (RMGDatabase, optional): The RMG database object. job_types (dict, optional): A dictionary of job types to execute. Keys are job types, values are boolean. bath_gas (str, optional): A bath gas. Currently used in OneDMin to calc L-J parameters. Allowed values are He, Ne, Ar, Kr, H2, N2, O2. restart_dict (dict, optional): A restart dictionary parsed from a YAML restart file. max_job_time (float, optional): The maximal allowed job time on the server in hours (can be fractional). allow_nonisomorphic_2d (bool, optional): Whether to optimize species even if they do not have a 3D conformer that is isomorphic to the 2D graph representation. memory (float, optional): The total allocated job memory in GB (14 by default). testing (bool, optional): Used for internal ARC testing (generating the object w/o executing it). dont_gen_confs (list, optional): A list of species labels for which conformer jobs were loaded from a restart file, or user-requested. Additional conformer generation should be avoided. n_confs (int, optional): The number of lowest force field conformers to consider. e_confs (float, optional): The energy threshold in kJ/mol above the lowest energy conformer below which force field conformers are considered. fine_only (bool): If ``True`` ARC will not run optimization jobs without ``fine=True``. kinetics_adapter (str, optional): The statmech software to use for kinetic rate coefficient calculations. freq_scale_factor (float, optional): The harmonic frequencies scaling factor. trsh_ess_jobs (bool, optional): Whether to attempt troubleshooting failed ESS jobs. Default is ``True``. ts_adapters (list, optional): Entries represent different TS adapters. report_e_elect (bool, optional): Whether to report electronic energy. Default is ``False``. skip_nmd (bool, optional): Whether to skip normal mode displacement check. Default is ``False``. Attributes: project (str): The project's name. Used for naming the working directory. servers (list): A list of servers used for the present project. species_list (list): Contains input :ref:`ARCSpecies <species>` objects (both species and TSs). species_dict (dict): Keys are labels, values are :ref:`ARCSpecies <species>` objects. rxn_list (list): Contains input :ref:`ARCReaction <reaction>` objects. unique_species_labels (list): A list of species labels (checked for duplicates). job_dict (dict): A dictionary of all scheduled jobs. Keys are species / TS labels, values are dictionaries where keys are job names (corresponding to 'running_jobs' if job is running) and values are the Job objects. running_jobs (dict): A dictionary of currently running jobs (a subset of `job_dict`). Keys are species/TS label, values are lists of job names (e.g. 'conformer3', 'opt_a123'). server_job_ids (list): A list of relevant job IDs currently running on the server. output (dict): Output dictionary with status per job type and final QM file paths for all species. output_multi_spc (dict): Output dictionary with status per job type of multi-species clusters. ess_settings (dict): A dictionary of available ESS and a corresponding server list. restart_dict (dict): A restart dictionary parsed from a YAML restart file. project_directory (str): Folder path for the project: the input file path or ARC/Projects/project-name. save_restart (bool): Whether to start saving a restart file. ``True`` only after all species are loaded (otherwise saves a partial file and may cause loss of information). restart_path (str): Path to the `restart.yml` file to be saved. max_job_time (float): The maximal allowed job time on the server in hours (can be fractional). testing (bool): Used for internal ARC testing (generating the object w/o executing it). rmg_database (RMGDatabase): The RMG database object. allow_nonisomorphic_2d (bool): Whether to optimize species even if they do not have a 3D conformer that is isomorphic to the 2D graph representation. dont_gen_confs (list): A list of species labels for which conformer jobs were loaded from a restart file, or user-requested. Additional conformer generation should be avoided for them. memory (float): The total allocated job memory in GB (14 by default). n_confs (int): The number of lowest force field conformers to consider. e_confs (float): The energy threshold in kJ/mol above the lowest energy conformer below which force field conformers are considered. job_types (dict): A dictionary of job types to execute. Keys are job types, values are boolean. bath_gas (str): A bath gas. Currently used in OneDMin to calc L-J parameters. Allowed values are He, Ne, Ar, Kr, H2, N2, O2. composite_method (str): A composite method to use. conformer_level (dict): The level of theory to use for conformer comparisons. opt_level (dict): The level of theory to use for geometry optimizations. freq_level (dict): The level of theory to use for frequency calculations. sp_level (dict): The level of theory to use for single point energy calculations. scan_level (dict): The level of theory to use for torsion scans. ts_guess_level (dict): The level of theory to use for TS guess comparisons. irc_level (dict): The level of theory to use for IRC calculations. orbitals_level (dict): The level of theory to use for calculating MOs (for plotting). adaptive_levels (dict): A dictionary of levels of theory for ranges of the number of heavy atoms in the species. Keys are tuples of (min_num_atoms, max_num_atoms), values are dictionaries with job type tuples as keys and levels of theory as values. 'inf' is accepted in max_num_atoms rmg_database (RMGDatabase, optional): The RMG database object. fine_only (bool): If ``True`` ARC will not run optimization jobs without ``fine=True``. kinetics_adapter (str): The statmech software to use for kinetic rate coefficient calculations. freq_scale_factor (float): The harmonic frequencies scaling factor. trsh_ess_jobs (bool): Whether to attempt troubleshooting failed ESS jobs. Default is ``True``. ts_adapters (list): Entries represent different TS adapters. report_e_elect (bool): Whether to report electronic energy. skip_nmd (bool): Whether to skip normal mode displacement check. """ def __init__(self, project: str, ess_settings: dict, species_list: list, project_directory: str, composite_method: Optional[Level] = None, conformer_level: Optional[Level] = None, opt_level: Optional[Level] = None, freq_level: Optional[Level] = None, sp_level: Optional[Level] = None, scan_level: Optional[Level] = None, ts_guess_level: Optional[Level] = None, irc_level: Optional[Level] = None, orbitals_level: Optional[Level] = None, adaptive_levels: Optional[dict] = None, rmg_database: Optional = None, job_types: Optional[dict] = None, rxn_list: Optional[list] = None, bath_gas: Optional[str] = None, restart_dict: Optional[dict] = None, max_job_time: Optional[float] = None, allow_nonisomorphic_2d: Optional[bool] = False, memory: Optional[float] = None, testing: Optional[bool] = False, dont_gen_confs: Optional[list] = None, n_confs: Optional[int] = 10, e_confs: Optional[float] = 5, fine_only: Optional[bool] = False, trsh_ess_jobs: Optional[bool] = True, kinetics_adapter: str = 'arkane', freq_scale_factor: float = 1.0, ts_adapters: List[str] = None, report_e_elect: Optional[bool] = False, skip_nmd: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: self.project = project self.ess_settings = ess_settings self.species_list = species_list self.project_directory = project_directory self.rmg_database = rmg_database or rmgdb.make_rmg_database_object() self.restart_dict = restart_dict self.rxn_list = rxn_list if rxn_list is not None else list() self.max_job_time = max_job_time or default_job_settings.get('job_time_limit_hrs', 120) self.job_dict = dict() self.server_job_ids = list() self.completed_incore_jobs = list() self.running_jobs = dict() self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d = allow_nonisomorphic_2d self.testing = testing self.memory = memory or default_job_settings.get('job_total_memory_gb', 14) self.bath_gas = bath_gas self.adaptive_levels = adaptive_levels self.n_confs = n_confs self.e_confs = e_confs self.dont_gen_confs = dont_gen_confs or list() self.job_types = job_types if job_types is not None else default_job_types self.fine_only = fine_only self.trsh_ess_jobs = trsh_ess_jobs self.kinetics_adapter = kinetics_adapter self.freq_scale_factor = freq_scale_factor self.ts_adapters = ts_adapters if ts_adapters is not None else default_ts_adapters self.ts_adapters = [ts_adapter.lower() for ts_adapter in self.ts_adapters] self.output = dict() self.output_multi_spc = dict() self.report_e_elect = report_e_elect self.skip_nmd = skip_nmd self.species_dict, self.rxn_dict = dict(), dict() for species in self.species_list: self.species_dict[species.label] = species for rxn in self.rxn_list: self.rxn_dict[rxn.index] = rxn if self.restart_dict is not None: self.output = self.restart_dict['output'] self.output_multi_spc = self.restart_dict['output_multi_spc'] if 'output_multi_spc' in self.restart_dict else dict() if 'running_jobs' in self.restart_dict: self.restore_running_jobs() self.initialize_output_dict() self.restart_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'restart.yml') self.report_time = time.time() # init time for reporting status every 1 hr self.servers = list() self.composite_method = composite_method self.conformer_level = conformer_level self.ts_guess_level = ts_guess_level self.opt_level = opt_level self.freq_level = freq_level self.sp_level = sp_level self.scan_level = scan_level self.irc_level = irc_level self.orbitals_level = orbitals_level self.unique_species_labels = list() self.save_restart = False if len(self.rxn_list): rxn_info_path = self.make_reaction_labels_info_file()"\nLoading RMG's families...") rmgdb.load_families_only(self.rmg_database) for rxn in self.rxn_list:'\n\n') # 1. Update the ARCReaction object and generate an ARCSpecies object for its TS. rxn.r_species, rxn.p_species = list(), list() for spc in self.species_list: if spc.label in rxn.reactants: rxn.r_species.append(spc) if spc.label in rxn.products: rxn.p_species.append(spc) rxn.rmg_reaction_from_arc_species() rxn.check_attributes() rxn.determine_family(rmg_database=self.rmg_database) family_text = '' if is not None: family_text = f'identified as belonging to RMG family {}''Considering reaction: {rxn.label}') if family_text:'({family_text})') if rxn.rmg_reaction is not None: display(rxn.rmg_reaction.copy()) rxn.ts_label = rxn.ts_label if rxn.ts_label is not None else f'TS{rxn.index}' with open(rxn_info_path, 'a') as f: f.write(f'{rxn.ts_label}: {rxn.label}') if family_text: family_text = f'\n({family_text})' f.write(str(family_text)) f.write(str('\n\n')) # 2. Create the TS Species object if needed. if not any([spc.label == rxn.ts_label for spc in self.species_list]): ts_species = ARCSpecies( is_ts=True, label=rxn.ts_label, rxn_label=rxn.label, rxn_index=rxn.index, multiplicity=rxn.multiplicity, charge=rxn.charge, compute_thermo=False, ts_number=rxn.index, preserve_param_in_scan=rxn.preserve_param_in_scan, ) ts_species.number_of_atoms = sum(reactant.number_of_atoms for reactant in rxn.r_species) self.species_list.append(ts_species) self.species_dict[ts_species.label] = ts_species self.initialize_output_dict(ts_species.label) else: # The TS species was already loaded from a restart dict or an Arkane YAML file. ts_species = None for spc in self.species_list: if spc.label == rxn.ts_label: ts_species = spc if ts_species.rxn_label is None: ts_species.rxn_label = rxn.label if ts_species.rxn_index is None: ts_species.rxn_index = rxn.index break if ts_species is None: raise SchedulerError(f'Could not identify a TS species for {rxn}') rxn.ts_species = ts_species # 3. Generate TSGuess objects for all methods, start with the user guesses for i, user_guess in enumerate(rxn.ts_xyz_guess): # This is a list of user guesses, could be empty. ts_species.ts_guesses.append( TSGuess(method=f'user guess {i}', xyz=user_guess, rmg_reaction=rxn.rmg_reaction, index=len(rxn.ts_species.ts_guesses), success=True, project_directory=self.project_directory, ) ) rxn.check_atom_balance() rxn.check_done_opt_r_n_p()'\n\n') for species in self.species_list: if not isinstance(species, ARCSpecies): raise SpeciesError(f"Each species in 'species_list' must be an ARCSpecies object. " f"Got type {type(species)} for {species.label}") if species.label in self.unique_species_labels: raise SpeciesError(f"Each species in 'species_list' has to have a unique label. " f"Label of species {species.label} is not unique.") if species.mol is None and not species.is_ts: # we'll attempt to infer .mol for a TS after we attain xyz for it # for a non-TS, this attribute should already be set by this point self.output[species.label]['errors'] = 'Could not infer a 2D graph (a .mol species attribute); ' if species.multi_species is None: self.unique_species_labels.append(species.label) elif species.multi_species not in self.unique_species_labels: self.unique_species_labels.append(species.multi_species) if self._does_output_dict_contain_info() and species.label in list(self.output.keys()): self.output[species.label]['restart'] += f'Restarted ARC at {}; ' if species.label not in self.job_dict: self.job_dict[species.label] = dict() if species.yml_path is None: if self.job_types['rotors'] and not species.number_of_rotors and species.rotors_dict is not None: # if species.rotors_dict is None, it means the species is marked to not spawn rotor scans species.determine_rotors() if not self.job_types['opt'] and species.final_xyz is not None: # opt wasn't asked for, and it's not needed, declare it as converged self.output[species.label]['job_types']['opt'] = True if not self.job_types['conformers'] and len(species.conformers) == 1: # conformers weren't asked for, assign initial_xyz species.initial_xyz = species.conformers[0] if species.label not in self.running_jobs: self.running_jobs[species.label if not species.multi_species else species.multi_species] = list() if self.output[species.label]['convergence']: continue if species.is_monoatomic(): if not self.output[species.label]['job_types']['sp'] \ and not self.output[species.label]['job_types']['composite'] \ and 'sp' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys()) \ and 'composite' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys()): # No need to run opt/freq jobs for a monoatomic species, only run sp (or composite if relevant) if self.composite_method: self.run_composite_job(species.label) else: self.run_sp_job(label=species.label) if self.job_types['onedmin']: self.run_onedmin_job(species.label) elif species.get_xyz(generate=False) and not self.job_types['conformers'] and not self.job_types['opt']: if self.job_types['freq']: self.run_freq_job(species.label) if self.job_types['sp']: self.run_sp_job(species.label) if self.job_types['rotors']: self.run_sp_job(species.label, level=self.scan_level) if not self.job_types['opt']: self.run_scan_jobs(species.label) elif ((species.initial_xyz is not None or species.final_xyz is not None) or species.is_ts and species.rxn_label is None) and not self.testing: # For restarting purposes: check before running jobs whether they were already terminated # (check self.output) or whether they are "currently running" (check self.job_dict) # This section takes care of restarting a Species (including a TS), but does not # deal with conformers nor with ts_guesses if self.composite_method: # composite-related restart if not self.output[species.label]['job_types']['composite'] \ and 'composite' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys())\ and not os.path.isfile(self.output[species.label]['paths']['geo']): # doing composite; composite hasn't finished and is not running; spawn composite self.run_composite_job(species.label) elif 'composite' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys()) \ and species.irc_label is None: # composite is done; do other jobs if not self.output[species.label]['job_types']['freq'] \ and 'freq' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys()) \ and (species.is_ts or species.number_of_atoms > 1): self.run_freq_job(species.label) if self.job_types['rotors']: self.run_scan_jobs(species.label) else: # non-composite-related restart if ('opt' not in self.job_dict[species.label].keys() and not self.job_types['fine']) or \ (self.job_types['fine'] and 'opt' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys()) and 'fine' not in list(self.job_dict[species.label].keys())): # opt/fine isn't running if not self.output[species.label]['paths']['geo'] and self.job_types['opt']: # opt/fine hasn't finished (and isn't running), so run it self.run_opt_job(species.label, fine=self.fine_only) if self.output[species.label]['paths']['geo'] and 'sp' not in self.job_dict[species.label].keys() \ and not self.output[species.label]['paths']['sp'] and self.job_types['sp']: self.run_sp_job(species.label) if self.output[species.label]['paths']['geo'] and 'freq' not in self.job_dict[species.label].keys() \ and not self.output[species.label]['paths']['freq'] and self.job_types['freq']\ and (species.is_ts or species.number_of_atoms > 1): self.run_freq_job(species.label) if self.output[species.label]['paths']['geo'] and self.job_types['rotors'] and \ any(spc.rotors_dict is not None and any(rotor_dict['success'] is False and not rotor_dict['invalidation_reason'] for rotor_dict in spc.rotors_dict.values()) for spc in self.species_list): # Additional restart-related checks are performed within run_scan_jobs(). self.run_scan_jobs(species.label) else: # Species is loaded from an Arkane YAML file (no need to execute any job) self.output[species.label]['convergence'] = True self.output[species.label]['info'] += 'Loaded from an Arkane YAML file; ' if species.is_ts: # This is a TS loaded from a YAML file species.ts_conf_spawned = True self.save_restart = True self.timer = True if not self.testing: self.schedule_jobs()
[docs] def schedule_jobs(self): """ The main job scheduling block """ for species in self.species_dict.values(): if species.initial_xyz is None and species.final_xyz is None and species.conformers \ and any([e is not None for e in species.conformer_energies]): # The species has no xyz, but has conformers and at least one of the conformers has energy. self.determine_most_stable_conformer(species.label) if species.initial_xyz is not None: if self.composite_method: self.run_composite_job(species.label) else: self.run_opt_job(species.label, fine=self.fine_only) self.run_conformer_jobs() self.spawn_ts_jobs() # If all reactants/products are already known (Arkane yml or restart), spawn TS searches. while self.running_jobs != {}: self.timer = True for label in self.unique_species_labels: if label in self.output and self.output[label]['convergence'] is False: # Skip unconverged species. if label in self.running_jobs: del self.running_jobs[label] continue # Look for completed jobs and decide what jobs to run next. self.get_server_job_ids() # updates ``self.server_job_ids`` self.get_completed_incore_jobs() # updates ``self.completed_incore_jobs`` if label not in self.running_jobs.keys(): continue job_list = self.running_jobs[label] for job_name in job_list: if 'conformer' in job_name: i = get_i_from_job_name(job_name) job = self.job_dict[label]['conformers'][i] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): # this is a completed conformer job successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: troubleshooting_conformer = self.parse_conformer(job=job, label=label, i=i) if troubleshooting_conformer: break # Just terminated a conformer job. # Are there additional conformer jobs currently running for this species? for spec_jobs in job_list: if 'conformer' in spec_jobs and spec_jobs != job_name: break else: # All conformer jobs terminated. # Check isomorphism and run opt on most stable conformer geometry.'\nConformer jobs for {label} successfully terminated.\n') if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.determine_most_likely_ts_conformer(label) else: self.determine_most_stable_conformer(label) # also checks isomorphism if self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz is not None: # if initial_xyz is None, then we're probably troubleshooting conformers, don't opt if not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label, fine=self.fine_only) else: self.run_composite_job(label) self.timer = False break if 'tsg' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['tsg'][get_i_from_job_name(job_name)] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): # This is a successfully completed tsg job. It may have resulted in several TSGuesses. self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if job.local_path_to_output_file.endswith('.yml'): for rxn in job.reactions: rxn.ts_species.process_completed_tsg_queue_jobs(yml_path=job.local_path_to_output_file) # Just terminated a tsg job. # Are there additional tsg jobs currently running for this species? for spec_jobs in job_list: if 'tsg' in spec_jobs and spec_jobs != job_name: break else: # All tsg jobs terminated. Spawn confs.'\nTS guess jobs for {label} successfully terminated.\n') self.run_conformer_jobs(labels=[label]) self.timer = False break elif 'opt' in job_name: # val is 'opt1', 'opt2', etc., or 'optfreq1', optfreq2', etc. job = self.job_dict[label]['opt'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: multi_species = any(spc.multi_species == label for spc in self.species_list) if multi_species: self.multi_species_path_dict = plotter.make_multi_species_output_file(species_list=self.species_list, label=label, path=job.local_path_to_xyz or job.local_path_to_output_file) success = self.parse_opt_geo(label=label, job=job) if success: if not self.job_types['sp']: self.parse_opt_e_elect(label=label, job=job) self.spawn_post_opt_jobs(label=label, job_name=job_name) if multi_species: plotter.delete_multi_species_output_file(species_list=self.species_list, label=label, multi_species_path_dict=self.multi_species_path_dict ) self.timer = False break elif 'freq' in job_name: # this is NOT an 'optfreq' job job = self.job_dict[label]['freq'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: self.check_freq_job(label=label, job=job) self.timer = False break elif 'sp' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['sp'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: self.check_sp_job(label=label, job=job) self.timer = False break elif 'composite' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['composite'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: success = self.parse_composite_geo(label=label, job=job) if success: self.spawn_post_opt_jobs(label=label, job_name=job_name) self.timer = False break elif 'directed_scan' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['directed_scan'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: self.check_directed_scan_job(label=label, job=job) if 'cont' in job.directed_scan_type and job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': # This is a continuous restricted optimization, spawn the next job in the scan. xyz = parser.parse_xyz_from_file(job.local_path_to_output_file) \ if not hasattr(job, 'opt_xyz') else job.opt_xyz self.spawn_directed_scan_jobs(label=label, rotor_index=job.rotor_index, xyz=xyz) if 'brute_force' in job.directed_scan_type: # Just terminated a brute_force directed scan job. # Are there additional jobs of the same type currently running for this species? self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['number_of_running_jobs'] -= 1 if not self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['number_of_running_jobs']: # All brute force scan jobs for these pivots terminated.'\nAll brute force directed scan jobs for species {label} between ' f'pivots {job.pivots} successfully terminated.\n') self.process_directed_scans(label, pivots=job.pivots) shutil.rmtree(job.local_path, ignore_errors=True) self.timer = False break elif 'scan' in job_name and 'directed' not in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['scan'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination \ and (job.directed_scan_type is None or job.directed_scan_type == 'ess'): self.check_scan_job(label=label, job=job) elif successful_server_termination and job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'errored': self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level) self.timer = False break elif 'irc' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['irc'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: self.spawn_post_irc_jobs(label=label, job=job) self.timer = False break elif 'orbitals' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['orbitals'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: # copy the orbitals file to the species / TS output folder folder_name = 'rxns' if self.species_dict[label].is_ts else 'Species' orbitals_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, label, 'geometry', 'orbitals.fchk') if os.path.isfile(job.local_path_to_orbitals_file): try: shutil.copyfile(job.local_path_to_orbitals_file, orbitals_path) except shutil.SameFileError: pass self.timer = False break elif 'onedmin' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['onedmin'][job_name] if not (job.job_id in self.server_job_ids and job.job_id not in self.completed_incore_jobs): successful_server_termination = self.end_job(job=job, label=label, job_name=job_name) if successful_server_termination: # Copy the lennard_jones file to the species output folder (TS's don't have L-J data). lj_output_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'Species', label, 'lennard_jones.dat') if os.path.isfile(job.local_path_to_lj_file): try: shutil.copyfile(job.local_path_to_lj_file, lj_output_path) except shutil.SameFileError: pass self.output[label]['job_types']['onedmin'] = True self.species_dict[label].set_transport_data( lj_path=os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'Species', label, 'lennard_jones.dat'), opt_path=self.output[label]['paths']['geo'], bath_gas=job.bath_gas, opt_level=self.opt_level) self.timer = False break if not len(job_list): self.check_all_done(label) if not self.running_jobs[label]: # Delete the label only if it represents an empty entry. del self.running_jobs[label] if self.timer and len(job_list): time.sleep(30) # wait 30 sec before bugging the servers again. t = time.time() - self.report_time if t > 3600 and self.running_jobs: self.report_time = time.time()'Currently running jobs:\n{pprint.pformat(self.running_jobs)}') # Generate a TS report: self.generate_final_ts_guess_report()
[docs] def run_job(self, job_type: str, conformer: Optional[int] = None, cpu_cores: Optional[int] = None, dihedral_increment: Optional[float] = None, dihedrals: Optional[list] = None, directed_scan_type: Optional[str] = None, ess_trsh_methods: Optional[list] = None, fine: Optional[bool] = False, irc_direction: Optional[str] = None, job_adapter: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, level_of_theory: Optional[Union[Level, dict, str]] = None, memory: Optional[int] = None, max_job_time: Optional[int] = None, rotor_index: Optional[int] = None, reactions: Optional[List['ARCReaction']] = None, queue: Optional[str] = None, attempted_queues: Optional[list] = None, scan_trsh: Optional[str] = '', shift: Optional[str] = '', trsh: Optional[Union[str, dict, list]] = None, torsions: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, times_rerun: int = 0, tsg: Optional[int] = None, xyz: Optional[Union[dict, List[dict]]]= None, ): """ A helper function for running (all) jobs. Args: job_type (str): The type of job to run. conformer (int, optional): Conformer number if optimizing conformers. cpu_cores (int, optional): The total number of cpu cores requested for a job. dihedral_increment (float, optional): The degrees increment to use when scanning dihedrals of TS guesses. dihedrals (list, optional): The dihedral angles of a directed scan job corresponding to ``torsions``. directed_scan_type (str, optional): The type of the directed scan. ess_trsh_methods (list, optional): A list of troubleshooting methods already tried out for ESS convergence. fine (bool, optional): Whether to run an optimization job with a fine grid. `True` to use fine. irc_direction (str, optional): The direction to run the IRC computation. job_adapter (str, optional): An ESS software to use. label (Union[str, List[str]], optional): The species label, or a list of labels in case of multispecies. level_of_theory (Level, optional): The level of theory to use. memory (int, optional): The total job allocated memory in GB. max_job_time (int, optional): The maximal allowed job time on the server in hours. rotor_index (int, optional): The 0-indexed rotor number (key) in the species.rotors_dict dictionary. reactions (List[ARCReaction], optional): Entries are ARCReaction instances, used for TS search methods. scan_trsh (str, optional): A troubleshooting method for rotor scans. shift (str, optional): A string representation alpha- and beta-spin orbitals shifts (molpro only). times_rerun (int, optional): Number of times this job was re-run with the same arguments (no trsh methods). torsions (List[List[int]], optional): The 0-indexed atom indices of the torsion(s). trsh (str, optional): A troubleshooting keyword to be used in input files. tsg (int, optional): TSGuess number if optimizing TS guesses. xyz (Union[dict, List[dict]], optional): The 3D coordinates for the species. """ max_job_time = max_job_time or self.max_job_time # if it's None, set to default ess_trsh_methods = ess_trsh_methods if ess_trsh_methods is not None else list() species = None if isinstance(label, str) and label in self.output: species = self.species_dict[label] elif isinstance(label, list): species = [spc for spc in self.species_list if spc.label in label] run_multi_species = all([spc.multi_species is not None for spc in species]) if isinstance(species, list) else False memory = memory if memory is not None else self.memory checkfile = self.species_dict[label].checkfile if isinstance(label, str) else None if torsions is None and rotor_index is not None: torsions = species.rotors_dict[rotor_index]['torsion'] torsions = [torsions] if not isinstance(torsions[0], list) else torsions if self.adaptive_levels is not None and label is not None: level_of_theory = self.determine_adaptive_level(original_level_of_theory=level_of_theory, job_type=job_type, heavy_atoms=self.species_dict[label].number_of_heavy_atoms) job_adapter = job_adapter.lower() if job_adapter is not None else \ self.deduce_job_adapter(level=Level(repr=level_of_theory), job_type=job_type) args = {'keyword': {}, 'block': {}} if trsh: if isinstance(trsh, (str, list)): args['trsh'] = {'trsh': trsh} elif isinstance(trsh, dict) and 'trsh' in args: for key, value in trsh.items(): if isinstance(args['trsh'][key], list) and isinstance(value, list) and key in args['trsh']: args['trsh'][key].extend(value) else: args['trsh'][key] = value else: args['trsh'] = trsh if shift: args['shift'] = shift if scan_trsh: args['keyword']['scan_trsh'] = scan_trsh if isinstance(level_of_theory, Level) and level_of_theory.args is not None: args.update(level_of_theory.args) job = job_factory(job_adapter=job_adapter, project=self.project, project_directory=self.project_directory, job_type=job_type, level=Level(repr=level_of_theory) if level_of_theory is not None else None, args=args, bath_gas=self.bath_gas, checkfile=checkfile, conformer=conformer, constraints=None, cpu_cores=cpu_cores, dihedral_increment=dihedral_increment, dihedrals=dihedrals, directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, ess_settings=self.ess_settings, ess_trsh_methods=ess_trsh_methods, execution_type='incore' if job_adapter in default_incore_adapters else 'queue', fine=fine, irc_direction=irc_direction, job_memory_gb=memory, max_job_time=max_job_time, reactions=[reactions] if reactions is not None and not isinstance(reactions, list) else reactions, rotor_index=rotor_index, server_nodes=None, queue = queue if queue is not None else None, attempted_queues=attempted_queues if attempted_queues is not None else list(), species=[species] if species is not None and not isinstance(species, list) else species, times_rerun=times_rerun, torsions=torsions, tsg=tsg, xyz=xyz, run_multi_species=run_multi_species, ) label = label or reactions[0].ts_species.label label = species[0].multi_species if run_multi_species else label if label not in self.job_dict.keys(): self.job_dict[label] = dict() if conformer is None and tsg is None: # this is NOT a conformer DFT job nor a TS guess job self.running_jobs[label] = list() if label not in self.running_jobs else self.running_jobs[label] self.running_jobs[label].append(job.job_name) # mark as a running job if job_type not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # Jobs of this type haven't been spawned for label self.job_dict[label][job_type] = dict() self.job_dict[label][job_type][job.job_name] = job elif conformer is not None: # Running a conformer DFT job. Append differently to job_dict. self.running_jobs[label] = list() if label not in self.running_jobs else self.running_jobs[label] self.running_jobs[label].append(f'conformer{conformer}') # mark as a running job if 'conformers' not in self.job_dict[label]: self.job_dict[label]['conformers'] = dict() self.job_dict[label]['conformers'][conformer] = job # save job object elif tsg is not None: # Running a TS guess job. Append differently to job_dict. self.running_jobs[label] = list() if label not in self.running_jobs else self.running_jobs[label] self.running_jobs[label].append(f'tsg{tsg}') # mark as a running job if 'tsg' not in self.job_dict[label]: self.job_dict[label]['tsg'] = dict() self.job_dict[label]['tsg'][tsg] = job # save job object if job.server is not None and job.server not in self.servers: self.servers.append(job.server) job.execute() self.save_restart_dict()
[docs] def deduce_job_adapter(self, level: Level, job_type: str) -> str: """ Deduce the job adapter (the software) to be used for jobs other than TS searches. Args: level (Level): The level of theory that will be used for the job. job_type (str): The job's type. Returns: str The deduced job adapter. """ level.deduce_software(job_type=job_type) if is not None: job_adapter = else: logger.error(f'Could not determine software for job type {job_type}') logger.error(f'Using level_of_theory: {level}') available_ess = list(self.ess_settings.keys()) if 'gaussian' in available_ess: logger.error('Setting it to Gaussian') = 'gaussian' elif 'qchem' in available_ess: logger.error('Setting it to QChem') = 'qchem' elif 'orca' in available_ess: logger.error('Setting it to Orca') = 'orca' elif 'molpro' in available_ess: logger.error('Setting it to Molpro') = 'molpro' elif 'terachem' in available_ess: logger.error('Setting it to TeraChem') = 'terachem' job_adapter = return job_adapter.lower()
[docs] def end_job(self, job: 'JobAdapter', label: str, job_name: str, ) -> bool: """ A helper function for checking job status, saving in csv file, and downloading output files if needed. Args: job (JobAdapter): The job object. label (str): The species label. job_name (str): The job name from the running_jobs dict. Returns: bool: ``True`` if job terminated successfully on the server, ``False`` otherwise. """ if job.job_status[0] != 'done' or job.job_status[1]['status'] != 'done': try: job.determine_job_status() # Also downloads the output file. except IOError: if job.job_type not in ['orbitals']: logger.warning(f'Tried to determine status of job {job.job_name}, ' f'but it seems like the job never ran. Re-running job.') self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label) if job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: self.running_jobs[label].pop(self.running_jobs[label].index(job_name)) if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'errored' and job.job_status[1]['keywords'] == ['memory']: original_mem = job.job_memory_gb if 'insufficient job memory' in job.job_status[1]['error'].lower(): job.job_memory_gb *= 3 logger.warning(f'Job {job.job_name} errored because of insufficient memory. ' f'Was {original_mem} GB, rerunning job with {job.job_memory_gb} GB.') self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label) elif 'memory requested is too high' in job.job_status[1]['error'].lower(): used_mem = None if 'used only' in job.job_status[1]['error']: used_mem = int(job.job_status[1]['error'][-2]) logger.warning(f'Job {job.job_name} errored because the requested memory is too high. ' f'Was {original_mem} GB, rerunning job with {job.job_memory_gb} GB.') job.job_memory_gb = used_mem * 4.5 if used_mem is not None else job.job_memory_gb * 0.5 self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label) if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'errored' and job.job_status[1]['keywords'] == ['ServerTimeLimit']: logger.warning(f'Job {job.job_name} errored because of a server time limit. ' f'Rerunning job with {job.max_job_time * 2} hours.') job.max_job_time *= 2 run_again = job.troubleshoot_queue() if run_again: self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label) if job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: self.running_jobs[label].pop(self.running_jobs[label].index(job_name)) return False if not os.path.isfile(job.local_path_to_output_file) and not job.execution_type == 'incore': job.rename_output_file() if not os.path.isfile(job.local_path_to_output_file) and not job.execution_type == 'incore': if 'restart_due_to_file_not_found' in job.ess_trsh_methods: job.job_status[0] = 'errored' job.job_status[1]['status'] = 'errored' logger.warning(f'Job {job.job_name} errored because for the second time ARC did not find the output ' f'file path {job.local_path_to_output_file}.') elif job.job_type not in ['orbitals']: job.ess_trsh_methods.append('restart_due_to_file_not_found') logger.warning(f'Did not find the output file of job {job.job_name} with path ' f'{job.local_path_to_output_file}. Maybe the job never ran. Re-running job.') self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label) if job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: self.running_jobs[label].pop(self.running_jobs[label].index(job_name)) return False if job.job_status[0] != 'running' and job.job_status[1]['status'] != 'running': if job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: self.running_jobs[label].pop(self.running_jobs[label].index(job_name)) self.timer = False job.write_completed_job_to_csv_file()' Ending job {job_name} for {label} (run time: {job.run_time})') if job.job_status[0] != 'done': return False if job.job_adapter in ['gaussian', 'terachem'] and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(job.local_path, 'check.chk')) \ and job.job_type in ['opt', 'optfreq', 'composite']: check_path = os.path.join(job.local_path, 'check.chk') if os.path.isfile(check_path): if 'directed_scan' in job.job_name and 'cont' in job.directed_scan_type: folder_name = 'rxns' if job.is_ts else 'Species' r_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, job.species_label, 'rotors') if not os.path.isdir(r_path): os.makedirs(r_path) shutil.copyfile(src=check_path, dst=os.path.join(r_path, 'directed_rotor_check.chk')) self.species_dict[label].checkfile = os.path.join(r_path, 'directed_rotor_check.chk') elif label in self.output: self.species_dict[label].checkfile = check_path if job.job_type == 'scan' or job.directed_scan_type == 'ess': for rotors_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): if rotors_dict['pivots'] in [job.pivots, job.pivots[0]]: rotors_dict['scan_path'] = job.local_path_to_output_file self.save_restart_dict() return True
def _run_a_job(self, job: 'JobAdapter', label: str, rerun: bool = False, ): """ A helper function to run an ARC job (used internally). Args: job (JobAdapter): The job object. label (str): The species label. rerun (bool optional): Whether this job is being re-run. """ self.run_job(job_type=job.job_type, conformer=job.conformer, cpu_cores=job.cpu_cores, dihedrals=job.dihedrals, directed_scan_type=job.directed_scan_type, ess_trsh_methods=job.ess_trsh_methods, fine=job.fine, irc_direction=job.irc_direction, job_adapter=job.job_adapter, label=label, level_of_theory=job.level, memory=job.job_memory_gb, max_job_time=job.max_job_time, rotor_index=job.rotor_index, reactions=job.reactions, queue=job.queue if job.queue is not None else None, attempted_queues=job.attempted_queues if job.attempted_queues is not None else list(), trsh=job.args['trsh'] if 'trsh' in job.args else {}, torsions=job.torsions, times_rerun=job.times_rerun + int(rerun), tsg=job.tsg,, )
[docs] def run_conformer_jobs(self, labels: Optional[List[str]] = None): """ Select the most stable conformer for each species using molecular dynamics (force fields) and subsequently spawning opt jobs at the conformer level of theory, usually a reasonable yet cheap DFT, e.g., b97d3/6-31+g(d,p). The resulting conformer is saved in a string format xyz in the Species initial_xyz attribute. Args: labels (list): Labels of specific species to run conformer jobs for. If ``None``, conformer jobs will be spawned for all species in self.species_list. """ labels_to_consider = labels if labels is not None else [spc.label for spc in self.species_list] log_info_printed = False for label in labels_to_consider: if not self.species_dict[label].is_ts and not self.output[label]['job_types']['opt'] \ and 'opt' not in self.job_dict[label] and 'composite' not in self.job_dict[label] \ and all([e is None for e in self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies]) \ and self.species_dict[label].number_of_atoms > 1 and not self.output[label]['paths']['geo'] \ and self.species_dict[label].yml_path is None and not self.output[label]['convergence'] \ and (self.job_types['conformers'] and label not in self.dont_gen_confs or self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False) is None): # This is not a TS, opt (/composite) did not converge nor is it running, and conformer energies were # not set. Also, either 'conformers' are set to True in job_types (and it's not in dont_gen_confs), # or they are set to False (or it's in dont_gen_confs), but the species has no 3D information. # Generate conformers. if not log_info_printed:'\nStarting (non-TS) species conformational analysis...\n') log_info_printed = True if self.species_dict[label].force_field == 'cheap': # Just embed in RDKit and use MMFF94s for opt and energies. if self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz is None: self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = self.species_dict[label].get_xyz() else: # Run the combinatorial method w/o fitting a force field. n_confs = self.n_confs if self.species_dict[label].multi_species is None else 1 self.species_dict[label].generate_conformers( n_confs=n_confs, e_confs=self.e_confs, plot_path=os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'Species', label, 'geometry', 'conformers')) self.process_conformers(label) # TSs: elif self.species_dict[label].is_ts \ and self.species_dict[label].tsg_spawned \ and not self.species_dict[label].ts_conf_spawned \ and all([tsg.success is not None for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses]) \ and any([tsg.success for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses]): # This is a TS Species for which all TSGs were spawned, but conformers haven't been spawned, # and all tsg.success flags contain a values (either ``True`` or ``False``), so they are done. # We're ready to spawn conformer jobs for this TS Species self.run_ts_conformer_jobs(label=label) self.species_dict[label].ts_conf_spawned = True if label in self.dont_gen_confs \ and (self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz is not None or self.species_dict[label].final_xyz is not None or len(self.species_dict[label].conformers)) \ and not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: # The species was defined with xyzs. self.process_conformers(label)
[docs] def run_ts_conformer_jobs(self, label: str): """ Spawn opt jobs at the ts_guesses level of theory for the TS guesses. Args: label (str): The TS species label. """ self.species_dict[label].cluster_tsgs() plotter.save_conformers_file( project_directory=self.project_directory, label=label, xyzs=[tsg.initial_xyz for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], level_of_theory=self.ts_guess_level, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge, is_ts=True, ts_methods=[f'{tsg.method} ' f'{tsg.method_direction if tsg.method_direction is not None else ""} ' f'{tsg.method_index if tsg.method_index is not None else ""} ' for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], ) successful_tsgs = [tsg for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses if tsg.success] if len(successful_tsgs) > 1: self.job_dict[label]['conformers'] = dict() for i, tsg in enumerate(successful_tsgs): self.run_job(label=label, xyz=tsg.initial_xyz, level_of_theory=self.ts_guess_level, job_type='conformers', conformer=i, ) tsg.conformer_index = i # Store the conformer index in the TSGuess object to match them later. elif len(successful_tsgs) == 1: if 'opt' not in self.job_dict[label].keys() and 'composite' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # proceed only if opt (/composite) not already spawned rxn = '' if self.species_dict[label].rxn_label is not None: rxn = ' of reaction ' + self.species_dict[label].rxn_label'Only one TS guess is available for species {label}{rxn}, ' f'using it for geometry optimization') self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[0].energy = 0.0 # Set relative energy to 0, no other guesses. self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = successful_tsgs[0].initial_xyz self.species_dict[label].mol_from_xyz(get_cheap=False) if not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label, fine=self.fine_only) else: self.run_composite_job(label) self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts_method = self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[0].method
[docs] def run_opt_job(self, label: str, fine: bool = False): """ Spawn a geometry optimization job. The initial guess is taken from the `initial_xyz` attribute. Args: label (str): The species label. fine (bool): Whether a fine grid should be used during optimization. """ if 'opt' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # Check whether opt jobs have been spawned yet. # we're spawning the first opt job for this species self.job_dict[label]['opt'] = dict() self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz \ or self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False) if self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz is None: raise SpeciesError(f'Cannot execute opt job for {label} without xyz (got None for Species.initial_xyz)') label_single_spc = None key = None if self.species_dict[label].multi_species: key = 'fine' if fine else 'opt' if self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species].get(key, False): return label_single_spc = label label = [species.label for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species] self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz if isinstance(label, str) else None, level_of_theory=self.opt_level, job_type='opt', fine=fine) if label_single_spc is not None and key is not None: self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label_single_spc].multi_species][key] = True
[docs] def run_composite_job(self, label: str): """ Spawn a composite job (e.g., CBS-QB3) using 'final_xyz' for species ot TS 'label'. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if not self.composite_method: raise SchedulerError(f'Cannot run {label} as a composite method without specifying a method.') if 'composite' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # Check whether composite jobs have been spawned yet. # We're spawning the first composite job for this species. self.job_dict[label]['composite'] = dict() xyz = self.species_dict[label].final_xyz if self.species_dict[label].final_xyz is not None \ else self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz if self.species_dict[label].multi_species: if self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species].get('composite', False): return self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species]['composite'] = True label = [species.label for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species] self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=self.composite_method, job_type='composite', fine=self.job_types['fine'])
[docs] def run_freq_job(self, label): """ Spawn a freq job using 'final_xyz' for species ot TS 'label'. If this was originally a composite job, run an appropriate separate freq job outputting the Hessian. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if 'freq' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # Check whether freq jobs have been spawned yet. # We're spawning the first freq job for this species. self.job_dict[label]['freq'] = dict() if self.species_dict[label].multi_species: if self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species].get('freq', False): return self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species]['freq'] = True label = [species.label for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species] if self.job_types['freq']: self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory=self.freq_level, job_type='freq')
[docs] def run_sp_job(self, label: str, level: Optional[Level] = None, ): """ Spawn a single point job using 'final_xyz' for species ot TS 'label'. If the method is MRCI, first spawn a simple CCSD job, and use orbital determination to run the MRCI job. Args: label (str): The species label. level (Level): An alternative level of theory to run at. If ``None``, self.sp_level will be used. """ level = level or self.sp_level # determine_occ(, charge=self.charge) if level == self.opt_level and not self.composite_method \ and not ( == 'xtb' and self.species_dict[label].is_ts) \ and 'paths' in self.output[label] and 'geo' in self.output[label]['paths'] \ and self.output[label]['paths']['geo']:'Not running an sp job for {label} at {level} since the optimization was done at the ' f'same level of theory. Using the optimization output to parse the sp energy.') recent_opt_job_name, recent_opt_job = 'opt_a0', None if 'opt' in self.job_dict[label].keys(): for opt_job_name, opt_job in self.job_dict[label]['opt'].items(): if int(opt_job_name.split('_a')[-1]) > int(recent_opt_job_name.split('_a')[-1]): recent_opt_job_name, recent_opt_job = opt_job_name, opt_job if recent_opt_job is not None: recent_opt_job.rename_output_file() self.post_sp_actions(label=label, sp_path=os.path.join(recent_opt_job.local_path_to_output_file), level=level, ) # If opt is not in the job dictionary, the likely explanation is this job has been restarted elif 'geo' in self.output[label]['paths']: # Then just use this path directly self.post_sp_actions(label=label, sp_path=self.output[label]['paths']['geo'], level=level, ) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to set the path for the sp job for species {label}') return if 'sp' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # Check whether single-point energy jobs have been spawned yet. # We're spawning the first sp job for this species. self.job_dict[label]['sp'] = dict() if self.composite_method: raise SchedulerError(f'run_sp_job() was called for {label} which has a composite method level of theory') if 'mrci' in level.method: if self.job_dict[label]['sp']: # Parse orbital information from the CCSD job, then run MRCI job0 = None job_name_0 = 0 for job_name, job in self.job_dict[label]['sp'].items(): if int(job_name.split('_a')[-1]) > job_name_0: job_name_0 = int(job_name.split('_a')[-1]) job0 = job with open(job0.local_path_to_output_file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() core = val = 0 for line in lines: if 'NUMBER OF CORE ORBITALS' in line: core = int(line.split()[4]) elif 'NUMBER OF VALENCE ORBITALS' in line: val = int(line.split()[4]) if val * core: break else: raise SchedulerError(f'Could not determine number of core and valence orbitals from CCSD ' f'sp calculation for {label}') self.species_dict[label].occ = val + core # the occupied orbitals are the core and valence orbitals self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory='ccsd/vdz', job_type='sp') else: # MRCI was requested but no sp job ran for this species, run CCSD first'running a CCSD job for {label} before MRCI') self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory='ccsd/vdz', job_type='sp') if self.job_types['sp']: if self.species_dict[label].multi_species: if self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species].get('sp', False): return self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species]['sp'] = True label = [species.label for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species] self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory=level, job_type='sp', )
[docs] def run_scan_jobs(self, label: str): """ Spawn rotor scan jobs using 'final_xyz' for species (or TS). Args: label (str): The species label. """ if self.job_types['rotors'] and isinstance(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict, dict): for i, rotor in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.items(): if rotor['scan_path'] and os.path.isfile(rotor['scan_path']): continue # Since this function is relevant for in multiple cases, all cases are listed for debugging # [have not started] success = None, and scan_path = '' # [first time calculating] success = None, and scan_path = '' # [converged, good] success = True, and scan_path is file # [converged, invalidated] success = False, and scan_path is file # [previous converged, troubleshooting] success = None, and scan_path (previous scan) is file # [previous converged, lower conformer] success = None, and scan_path (previous scan) is file # [not a torsion] success = False, and scan_path = '' if rotor['success'] is not None: if rotor['scan_path'] and not os.path.isfile(rotor['scan_path']): # For some reason the output file does not exist. rotor['success'] = None else: continue torsions = rotor['torsion'] if not isinstance(torsions[0], list): # Check that a 1D rotor is not linear. coords = xyz_to_coords_list(self.species_dict[label].get_xyz()) v1 = [c1 - c2 for c1, c2 in zip(coords[torsions[0]], coords[torsions[1]])] v2 = [c2 - c1 for c1, c2 in zip(coords[torsions[1]], coords[torsions[2]])] v3 = [c1 - c2 for c1, c2 in zip(coords[torsions[2]], coords[torsions[3]])] angle1, angle2 = get_angle(v1, v2, units='degs'), get_angle(v2, v3, units='degs') if any([is_angle_linear(angle, tolerance=0.3) for angle in [angle1, angle2]]): # This is not a torsional mode, invalidate rotor. rotor['success'] = False rotor['invalidation_reason'] = \ f'not a torsional mode (angles = {angle1:.2f}, {angle2:.2f} degrees)' continue directed_scan_type = rotor['directed_scan_type'] if 'directed_scan_type' in rotor else '' if directed_scan_type != 'ess': # This is a directed scan. # Check that this job isn't already running on the server (from a restarted project). if 'directed_scan' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # We're spawning the first brute force scan jobs for this species. self.job_dict[label]['directed_scan'] = dict() # Check that this job isn't already running on the server (from a restarted project). for directed_scan_job in self.job_dict[label]['directed_scan'].values(): if directed_scan_job.torsions == torsions \ and directed_scan_job.job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: break else: if 'cont' in directed_scan_type: for directed_pivots, job in self.job_dict[label]['directed_scan'].items(): if directed_pivots == rotor['pivots'] \ and self.job_dict[label]['directed_scan'][directed_pivots]: # The previous job hasn't finished. break else: self.spawn_directed_scan_jobs(label, rotor_index=i) else: self.spawn_directed_scan_jobs(label, rotor_index=i) else: # This is a "normal" scan (not directed). # Check that this job isn't already running on the server (from a restarted project). if 'scan' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): # We're spawning the first scan job for this species. self.job_dict[label]['scan'] = dict() # Check that this job isn't already running on the server (from a restarted project). for scan_job in self.job_dict[label]['scan'].values(): if torsions == scan_job.torsions and scan_job.job_name in self.running_jobs[label]: break else: if self.species_dict[label].multi_species: if self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species].get('scan', False): return self.output_multi_spc[self.species_dict[label].multi_species]['scan'] = True label = [species.label for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species] self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='scan', torsions=torsions, rotor_index=i, )
[docs] def run_irc_job(self, label, irc_direction='forward'): """ Spawn an IRC job. Args: label (str): The species label. irc_direction (str): The IRC job direction, either 'forward' or 'reverse'. """ self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory=self.irc_level, job_type='irc', irc_direction=irc_direction, )
[docs] def run_orbitals_job(self, label): """ Spawn orbitals job used for molecular orbital visualization. Currently supporting QChem for printing the orbitals, the output could be visualized using IQMol. Args: label (str): The species label. """ self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), level_of_theory=self.orbitals_level, job_type='orbitals', )
[docs] def run_onedmin_job(self, label): """ Spawn a lennard-jones calculation using OneDMin. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if 'onedmin' not in self.ess_settings: logger.error('Cannot execute a Lennard Jones job without the OneDMin software') elif 'onedmin' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=False), job_type='onedmin', )
[docs] def spawn_post_opt_jobs(self, label: str, job_name: str, ): """ Spawn additional jobs after opt has converged. Args: label (str): The species label. job_name (str): The opt job name (used for differentiating between ``opt`` and ``optfreq`` jobs). """ composite = 'composite' in job_name # Whether this was a composite job # Check whether this was originally a composite method that was troubleshooted as 'opt'. if not composite and self.composite_method: self.run_composite_job(label) return None # Check whether this is a composite job but wasn't originally so (probably troubleshooted as such). if composite and not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label, fine=self.fine_only) return None # Spawn IRC if requested and if relevant. if label in self.output.keys() and self.job_types['irc'] and self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.run_irc_job(label=label, irc_direction='forward') self.run_irc_job(label=label, irc_direction='reverse') # Spawn freq (or check it if this is a composite job) for polyatomic molecules. if label in self.output.keys() and self.species_dict[label].number_of_atoms > 1: if 'freq' not in job_name and self.job_types['freq']: # This is either an opt or a composite job (not an optfreq job), spawn freq. self.run_freq_job(label) if 'optfreq' in job_name: # This is an 'optfreq' job type, don't spawn freq (but do check it). self.check_freq_job(label=label, job=self.job_dict[label]['optfreq'][job_name]) # Spawn sp after an opt (non-composite) job. if not composite and self.job_types['sp']: self.run_sp_job(label) # Perceive the Molecule from xyz. # Useful for TS species where xyz might not be given at the outset to perceive a .mol attribute. if label in self.output.keys() and self.species_dict[label].mol is None: self.species_dict[label].mol_from_xyz() # Spawn scan jobs. if self.job_types['rotors']: if not self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict: self.species_dict[label].determine_rotors() self.run_scan_jobs(label) # Spawn post sp actions if this is a composite job. if composite and self.composite_method: self.post_sp_actions(label=label, sp_path=self.job_dict[label]['composite'][job_name].local_path_to_output_file) # Spawn orbitals job. if self.job_types['orbitals'] and 'orbitals' not in self.job_dict[label].keys(): self.run_orbitals_job(label) # Spawn onedmin job. if label in self.output.keys() and self.job_types['onedmin'] and not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.run_onedmin_job(label) # Spawn bde jobs. if label in self.output.keys() and self.job_types['bde'] and self.species_dict[label].bdes is not None: bde_species_list = self.species_dict[label].scissors() for bde_species in bde_species_list: if bde_species.label != 'H': # H was added in main.'Creating the BDE species {bde_species.label} from the original species {label}') self.species_list.append(bde_species) self.species_dict[bde_species.label] = bde_species self.unique_species_labels.append(bde_species.label) self.initialize_output_dict(label=bde_species.label) self.job_dict[bde_species.label] = dict() self.running_jobs[bde_species.label] = list() if bde_species.number_of_atoms == 1: logger.debug(f'Species {bde_species.label} is monoatomic') # No need to run opt/freq jobs for a monoatomic species, only run sp (or composite if relevant) if self.composite_method: self.run_composite_job(bde_species.label) else: self.run_sp_job(label=bde_species.label) # determine the lowest energy conformation of radicals generated in BDE calculations self.run_conformer_jobs(labels=[species.label for species in bde_species_list if species.number_of_atoms > 1]) # Check whether any reaction was waiting for this species to spawn TS search jobs. if label in self.output.keys() and not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.spawn_ts_jobs()
[docs] def spawn_ts_jobs(self): """ Check if any new reaction has all of its reactants and products optimized, and if so spawn the respective TSG jobs. Don't spawn TS jobs if the multiplicity of the reaction could not be determined. """ for rxn in self.rxn_list: rxn.check_done_opt_r_n_p() if rxn.done_opt_r_n_p and not rxn.ts_species.tsg_spawned: if rxn.multiplicity is None:'Not spawning TS search jobs for reaction {rxn} for which the multiplicity is unknown.') else: rxn.ts_species.tsg_spawned = True tsg_index = 0 for method in self.ts_adapters: if method in all_families_ts_adapters or \ ( is not None and in list(ts_adapters_by_rmg_family.keys()) and method in ts_adapters_by_rmg_family[]): self.run_job(job_type='tsg', job_adapter=method, reactions=[rxn], tsg=tsg_index, ) tsg_index += 1 if all('user guess' in tsg.method for tsg in rxn.ts_species.ts_guesses): rxn.ts_species.tsg_spawned = True self.run_conformer_jobs(labels=[rxn.ts_label])
[docs] def spawn_directed_scan_jobs(self, label: str, rotor_index: int, xyz: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Spawn directed scan jobs. Directed scan types could be one of the following: 'brute_force_sp', 'brute_force_opt', 'cont_opt', 'brute_force_sp_diagonal', 'brute_force_opt_diagonal', or 'cont_opt_diagonal'. Here we treat ``cont`` and ``brute_force`` separately, and also consider the ``diagonal`` keyword. The differentiation between ``sp`` and ``opt`` is done in the Job module. Args: label (str): The species label. rotor_index (int): The 0-indexed rotor number (key) in the species.rotors_dict dictionary. xyz (str, optional): The 3D coordinates for a continuous directed scan. Raises: InputError: If the species directed scan type has an unexpected value, or if ``xyz`` wasn't given for a cont_opt job. SchedulerError: If the rotor scan resolution as defined in is illegal. """ increment = rotor_scan_resolution if divmod(360, increment)[1]: raise SchedulerError(f'The directed scan got an illegal scan resolution of {increment}') torsions = self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['torsion'] directed_scan_type = self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['directed_scan_type'] xyz = xyz or self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(generate=True) if 'cont' not in directed_scan_type and 'brute' not in directed_scan_type and 'ess' not in directed_scan_type: raise InputError(f'directed_scan_type must be either continuous or brute force, got: {directed_scan_type}') if 'ess' in directed_scan_type: # Allow the ESS to control the scan. self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='scan', directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, torsions=torsions, rotor_index=rotor_index, ) elif 'brute' in directed_scan_type: # spawn jobs all at once dihedrals = dict() for torsion in torsions: original_dihedral = get_angle_in_180_range(calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=xyz['coords'], torsion=torsion, index=0)) dihedrals[tuple(torsion)] = [get_angle_in_180_range(original_dihedral + i * increment) for i in range(int(360 / increment) + 1)] modified_xyz = xyz if 'diagonal' not in directed_scan_type: # increment dihedrals one by one (resulting in an ND scan) all_dihedral_combinations = list(itertools.product(*[dihedrals[tuple(torsion)] for torsion in torsions])) for dihedral_tuple in all_dihedral_combinations: for torsion, dihedral in zip(torsions, dihedral_tuple): self.species_dict[label].set_dihedral(scan=torsion, index=0, deg_abs=dihedral, count=False, xyz=modified_xyz) modified_xyz = self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['number_of_running_jobs'] += 1 self.run_job(label=label, xyz=modified_xyz, level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='directed_scan', directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, torsions=torsions, dihedrals=list(dihedral_tuple), rotor_index=rotor_index, ) else: # increment all dihedrals at once (resulting in a unique 1D scan along several changing dimensions) for i in range(len(dihedrals[tuple(torsions[0])])): for torsion in torsions: dihedral = dihedrals[tuple(torsion)][i] self.species_dict[label].set_dihedral(scan=torsion, index=0, deg_abs=dihedral, count=False, xyz=modified_xyz) modified_xyz = self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz dihedrals = [dihedrals[tuple(torsion)][i] for torsion in torsions] self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['number_of_running_jobs'] += 1 self.run_job(label=label, xyz=modified_xyz, level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='directed_scan', directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, torsions=torsions, dihedrals=dihedrals, rotor_index=rotor_index, ) elif 'cont' in directed_scan_type: # spawn jobs one by one if not len(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices']): self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'] = [0] * len(torsions) if not len(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['original_dihedrals']): self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['original_dihedrals'] = \ [f'{calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=xyz["coords"], torsion=scan, index=1):.2f}' for scan in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['scan']] # stores as str for YAML rotor_dict = self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index] torsions = rotor_dict['torsion'] max_num = 360 / increment + 1 # dihedral angles per scan original_dihedrals = list() for dihedral in rotor_dict['original_dihedrals']: original_dihedrals.append(get_angle_in_180_range(dihedral)) if not any(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices']): # This is the first call for this cont_opt directed rotor, spawn the first job w/o changing dihedrals. self.run_job(label=label, xyz=self.species_dict[label].final_xyz, level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='directed_scan', directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, torsions=torsions, dihedrals=original_dihedrals, rotor_index=rotor_index, ) self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][0] += 1 return else: # this is NOT the first call for this cont_opt directed rotor, check that ``xyz`` was given. if xyz is None: # xyz is None only at the first time cont opt is spawned, where cont_index is [0, 0,... 0]. raise InputError('xyz argument must be given for a continuous scan job') # check whether this rotor is done if self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][-1] == max_num - 1: # 0-indexed # no more counters to increment, all done!'Completed all jobs for the continuous directed rotor scan for species {label} ' f'between pivots {rotor_dict["pivots"]}') self.process_directed_scans(label, rotor_dict['pivots']) return modified_xyz = xyz dihedrals = list() for index, (original_dihedral, torsion) in enumerate(zip(original_dihedrals, torsions)): dihedral = original_dihedral + \ self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][index] * increment # Change the original dihedral so we won't end up with two calcs for 180.0, but none for -180.0 # (it only matters for plotting, the geometry is of course the same) dihedral = get_angle_in_180_range(dihedral) dihedrals.append(dihedral) # Only change the dihedrals in the xyz if this torsion corresponds to the current index, # or if this is a diagonal scan. # Species.set_dihedral() uses .final_xyz or the given xyz to modify the .initial_xyz # attribute to the desired dihedral. self.species_dict[label].set_dihedral(scan=torsion, index=0, deg_abs=dihedral, count=False, xyz=modified_xyz) modified_xyz = self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz self.run_job(label=label, xyz=modified_xyz, level_of_theory=self.scan_level, job_type='directed_scan', directed_scan_type=directed_scan_type, torsions=torsions, dihedrals=dihedrals, rotor_index=rotor_index, ) if 'diagonal' in directed_scan_type: # increment ALL counters for a diagonal scan self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'] = \ [self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][0] + 1] * len(torsions) else: # increment the counter sequentially (non-diagonal scan) for index in range(len(torsions)): if self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][index] < max_num - 1: self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][index] += 1 break elif (self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][index] == max_num - 1 and index < len(torsions) - 1): self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_index]['cont_indices'][index] = 0
[docs] def process_directed_scans(self, label: str, pivots: Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]): """ Process all directed rotors for a species and check the quality of the scan. Args: label (str): The species label. pivots (Union[List[int], List[List[int]]]): The rotor pivots. """ for rotor_dict_index in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.keys(): rotor_dict = self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_dict_index] # avoid modifying the iterator if rotor_dict['pivots'] == pivots: # identified a directed scan (either continuous or brute force, they're treated the same here) dihedrals = [[float(dihedral) for dihedral in dihedral_string_tuple] for dihedral_string_tuple in rotor_dict['directed_scan'].keys()] sorted_dihedrals = sorted(dihedrals) min_energy = extremum_list([directed_scan_dihedral['energy'] for directed_scan_dihedral in rotor_dict['directed_scan'].values()], return_min=True) trshed_points = 0 if rotor_dict['directed_scan_type'] == 'ess': # parse the single output file results = parser.parse_nd_scan_energies(path=rotor_dict['scan_path'])[0] else: results = {'directed_scan_type': rotor_dict['directed_scan_type'], 'scans': rotor_dict['scan'], 'directed_scan': rotor_dict['directed_scan']} for dihedral_list in sorted_dihedrals: dihedrals_key = tuple(f'{dihedral:.2f}' for dihedral in dihedral_list) dihedral_dict = results['directed_scan'][dihedrals_key] if dihedral_dict['trsh']: trshed_points += 1 if dihedral_dict['energy'] is not None: dihedral_dict['energy'] -= min_energy # set 0 at the minimal energy folder_name = 'rxns' if self.species_dict[label].is_ts else 'Species' rotor_yaml_file_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, label, 'rotors', f'{pivots}_{rotor_dict["directed_scan_type"]}.yml') plotter.save_nd_rotor_yaml(results, path=rotor_yaml_file_path) self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_dict_index]['scan_path'] = rotor_yaml_file_path if trshed_points: logger.warning(f'Directed rotor scan for species {label} between pivots {rotor_dict["pivots"]} ' f'had {trshed_points} points that required optimization troubleshooting.') rotor_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, label, 'rotors') if len(results['scans']) == 1: plotter.plot_1d_rotor_scan( results=results, path=rotor_path, scan=rotor_dict['scan'][0], label=label, original_dihedral=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[rotor_dict_index]['original_dihedrals'], ) elif len(results['scans']) == 2: plotter.plot_2d_rotor_scan(results=results, path=rotor_path) else: logger.debug('Not plotting ND rotors with N > 2')
[docs] def process_conformers(self, label): """ Process the generated conformers and spawn DFT jobs at the conformer_level. If more than one conformer is available, they will be optimized at the DFT conformer_level. Args: label (str): The species label. """ plotter.save_conformers_file(project_directory=self.project_directory, label=label, xyzs=self.species_dict[label].conformers, level_of_theory=self.conformer_level, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge, is_ts=False, ) # before optimization self.species_dict[label].conformers_before_opt = tuple(self.species_dict[label].conformers) if self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz is None and self.species_dict[label].final_xyz is None \ and not self.testing: if len(self.species_dict[label].conformers) > 1: self.job_dict[label]['conformers'] = dict() for i, xyz in enumerate(self.species_dict[label].conformers): self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=self.conformer_level, job_type='conformers', conformer=i, ) elif len(self.species_dict[label].conformers) == 1:'Only one conformer is available for species {label}, using it as initial xyz.') self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = self.species_dict[label].conformers[0] # check whether this conformer is isomorphic to the species 2D graph representation # (since this won't be checked in determine_most_stable_conformer, as there's only one) is_isomorphic, spawn_jobs = False, True try: b_mol = molecules_from_xyz(self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge)[1] except SanitizationError: b_mol = None if self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d or self.species_dict[label].charge: # we'll optimize the single conformer even if it is not isomorphic with the 2D graph logger.error(f'The single conformer {label} could not be checked for isomorphism with the 2D ' f'graph representation {self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}.' f' Optimizing this conformer anyway.') if self.species_dict[label].charge: logger.warning(f'Isomorphism check cannot be done for charged species {label}') self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'Single conformer could not be checked for isomorphism; ' self.output[label]['job_types']['conformers'] = True self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic, spawn_jobs = True, True else: logger.error(f'The only conformer for species {label} could not be checked for isomorphism ' f'with the 2D graph representation ' f'{self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}. NOT calculating ' f'this species. To change this behaviour, pass `allow_nonisomorphic_2d = True`.') self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic, spawn_jobs = False, False if b_mol is None and (self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d or self.species_dict[label].charge): self.output[label]['job_types']['conformers'] = True if b_mol is not None: try: is_isomorphic = check_isomorphism(self.species_dict[label].mol, b_mol) except ValueError as e: logger.error(f'Could not determine isomorphism for species {label}. ' f'Got the following error:\n{e}') if are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz=self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz, mol=b_mol): # this is still considered isomorphic self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic, spawn_jobs = True, True else: self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic, spawn_jobs = False, self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d if is_isomorphic:'The only conformer for species {label} was found to be isomorphic ' f'with the 2D graph representation {b_mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}\n') self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'single conformer passed isomorphism check; ' self.output[label]['job_types']['conformers'] = True self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic = True else: logger.error(f'The only conformer for species {label} is not isomorphic ' f'with the 2D graph representation {b_mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}\n') self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic = False if are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz=self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz, mol=b_mol):'Using this conformer anyway (it is compliant with the 2D graph)') spawn_jobs = True elif self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d:'Using this conformer anyway (allow_nonisomorphic_2d was set to True)') spawn_jobs = True else:'Not using this conformer (to change this behavior, set allow_nonisomorphic_2d ' 'to True)') spawn_jobs = False if spawn_jobs: if self.species_dict[label].multi_species is None or \ all([species.initial_xyz is not None for species in self.species_list if species.multi_species == self.species_dict[label].multi_species]): if not self.composite_method: if self.job_types['opt']: self.run_opt_job(label, self.fine_only) else: # opt wasn't requested, skip directly to additional relevant job types if self.job_types['freq']: self.run_freq_job(label) if self.job_types['sp']: self.run_sp_job(label) if self.job_types['rotors']: self.run_scan_jobs(label) if self.job_types['onedmin']: self.run_onedmin_job(label) if self.job_types['orbitals']: self.run_orbitals_job(label) else: self.run_composite_job(label)
[docs] def parse_conformer(self, job: 'JobAdapter', label: str, i: int, ): """ Parse E0 (kJ/mol) from the conformer opt output file. For species, save it in the Species.conformer_energies attribute. Fot TSs, save it in the attribute, and also parse the geometry. Args: job (JobAdapter): The conformer job object. label (str): The TS species label. i (int): The conformer index. Returns: bool: Whether the conformer job is being troubleshooted by running a new job. """ if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': xyz = parser.parse_geometry(path=job.local_path_to_output_file) energy = parser.parse_e_elect(path=job.local_path_to_output_file) if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[i].energy = energy self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[i].opt_xyz = xyz self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[i].index = i if energy is not None: logger.debug(f'Energy for TSGuess {i} of {label} is {energy:.2f}') else: logger.debug(f'Energy for TSGuess {i} of {label} is None') else: self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies[i] = energy self.species_dict[label].conformers[i] = xyz if energy is not None: logger.debug(f'Energy for conformer {i} of {label} is {energy:.2f}') else: logger.debug(f'Energy for conformer {i} of {label} is None') else: logger.warning(f'Conformer {i} for {label} did not converge.') if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'errored' and job.times_rerun == 0: job.times_rerun += 1 self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level, conformer= job.conformer if job.conformer is not None else None) return True if job.times_rerun == 0 and self.trsh_ess_jobs: self._run_a_job(job=job, label=label, rerun=True) return True return False
[docs] def determine_most_stable_conformer(self, label): """ Determine the most stable conformer for a species (which is not a TS). Also run an isomorphism check. Save the resulting xyz as `initial_xyz`. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: raise SchedulerError('The determine_most_stable_conformer() method does not deal with transition ' 'state guesses.') if 'conformers' in self.job_dict[label].keys() and all(e is None for e in self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies): logger.error(f'No conformer converged for species {label}! Trying to troubleshoot conformer jobs...') for i, job in self.job_dict[label]['conformers'].items(): self.troubleshoot_ess(label, job, level_of_theory=job.level, conformer=job.conformer) else: conformer_xyz = None xyzs = list() if self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies: xyzs = self.species_dict[label].conformers else: for job in self.job_dict[label]['conformers'].values(): xyzs.append(parser.parse_xyz_from_file(path=job.local_path_to_output_file)) xyzs_in_original_order = xyzs energies, xyzs = sort_two_lists_by_the_first(self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies, xyzs) plotter.save_conformers_file(project_directory=self.project_directory, label=label, xyzs=self.species_dict[label].conformers, level_of_theory=self.conformer_level, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge, is_ts=False, energies=self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies, # after optimization ) # Run isomorphism checks if a 2D representation is available if self.species_dict[label].mol is not None: for i, xyz in enumerate(xyzs): try: b_mol = molecules_from_xyz(xyz, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge)[1] except SanitizationError: b_mol = None if b_mol is not None: try: is_isomorphic = check_isomorphism(self.species_dict[label].mol, b_mol) except ValueError as e: if self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d or \ are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz=xyz, mol=self.species_dict[label].mol): logger.error(f'Could not determine isomorphism for charged species {label}. ' f'Optimizing the most stable conformer anyway. Got the ' f'following error:\n{e}') conformer_xyz = xyz break else: logger.error(f'Could not determine isomorphism for species {label}. Got the ' f'following error:\n{e}') break if is_isomorphic or are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz=xyz, mol=self.species_dict[label].mol): if i == 0: b_mol_smiles = b_mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles() \ if b_mol is not None else '<no 2D structure available>''Most stable conformer for species {label} was found to be isomorphic ' f'with the 2D graph representation {b_mol_smiles}\n') conformer_xyz = xyz if 'passed isomorphism check' not in self.output[label]['conformers']: self.output[label]['conformers'] += f'most stable conformer ({i}) passed ' \ f'isomorphism check; ' self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic = True else: if energies[i] is not None: mol = molecules_from_xyz(xyzs[0], multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge)[1] smiles_1 = self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles() \ if self.species_dict[label].mol is not None else '<no 2D structure available>' smiles_2 = mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles() \ if mol is not None else '<no 2D structure available>''A conformer for species {label} was found to be isomorphic with the ' f'2D graph representation {smiles_1}.\n' f'This conformer is {energies[i] - energies[0]:.2f} kJ/mol above the ' f'most stable one corresponding to {smiles_2} (and is not isomorphic). ' f'Using the isomorphic conformer for further geometry optimization.') self.output[label]['conformers'] += f'Conformer {i} was found to be the lowest ' \ f'energy isomorphic conformer; ' conformer_xyz = xyz if 'Conformers optimized and compared' not in self.output[label]['conformers']: self.output[label]['conformers'] += \ f'Conformers optimized and compared at {self.conformer_level.simple()}; ' break else: if i == 0: self.output[label]['conformers'] += f'most stable conformer ({i}) did not ' \ f'pass isomorphism check; ' self.species_dict[label].conf_is_isomorphic = False smiles_1 = b_mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles() \ if b_mol is not None else '<no 2D structure available>' smiles_2 = self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles() \ if self.species_dict[label].mol is not None else '<no 2D structure available>' logger.warning(f'Most stable conformer for species {label} with structure ' f'{smiles_1} was found to be NON-isomorphic ' f'with the 2D graph representation {smiles_2}. ' f'Searching for a different conformer that is isomorphic...') else: # all conformers for the species failed isomorphism test smiles_list = list() for xyz in xyzs: try: b_mol = molecules_from_xyz(xyz, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge)[1] smiles_list.append(b_mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()) except (SanitizationError, AttributeError): smiles_list.append('Could not perceive molecule') if self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d or self.species_dict[label].charge: # we'll optimize the most stable conformer even if it is not isomorphic to the 2D graph logger.error(f'No conformer for {label} was found to be isomorphic with the 2D graph ' f'representation {self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()} ' f'(got: {smiles_list}). Optimizing the most stable conformer anyway.') self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'No conformer was found to be isomorphic with ' \ 'the 2D graph representation; ' if self.species_dict[label].charge: logger.warning(f'Isomorphism check cannot be done for charged species {label}') conformer_xyz = xyzs[0] else: # troubleshoot when all conformers of a species failed isomorphic test logger.warning(f'Isomorphism check for all conformers of species {label} failed at ' f'{self.conformer_level.simple()}. ' f'Attempting to troubleshoot using a different level.') self.output[label]['conformers'] += \ f'Error: No conformer was found to be isomorphic with the 2D graph representation at ' \ f'{self.conformer_level.simple()}; ' self.troubleshoot_conformer_isomorphism(label=label) else: logger.warning(f'Could not run isomorphism check for species {label} due to missing 2D graph ' f'representation. Using the most stable conformer for further geometry optimization.') conformer_xyz = xyzs[0] if conformer_xyz is not None: self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = conformer_xyz self.species_dict[label].most_stable_conformer = xyzs_in_original_order.index(conformer_xyz)'Conformer number {xyzs_in_original_order.index(conformer_xyz)} for species {label} is ' f'used for geometry optimization.') self.output[label]['job_types']['conformers'] = True
[docs] def determine_most_likely_ts_conformer(self, label: str): """ Determine the most likely TS conformer. Save the resulting xyz as the ``.initial_xyz`` attribute of the TS Species. Args: label (str): The TS species label. """ self.species_dict[label].cluster_tsgs() if not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: raise SchedulerError('determine_most_likely_ts_conformer() method only processes transition state guesses.') if not self.species_dict[label].successful_methods: # Only run this block once, not every time a TS is selecting a different guess. for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: if tsg.success: self.species_dict[label].successful_methods.append(tsg.method) for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: if tsg.method not in self.species_dict[label].successful_methods: self.species_dict[label].unsuccessful_methods.append(tsg.method) message = f'\nAll TS guesses for {label} terminated.' if self.species_dict[label].successful_methods and not self.species_dict[label].unsuccessful_methods: message += f'\n All methods were successful in generating guesses: ' \ f'{list(set(self.species_dict[label].successful_methods))}' elif self.species_dict[label].successful_methods: message += f'\nSuccessful methods: {self.species_dict[label].successful_methods}' elif self.species_dict[label].yml_path is not None and self.species_dict[label].final_xyz is not None: message += ' Geometry parsed from YAML file.' else: message += ' No method has converged!' logger.error(f'No TS methods for {label} have converged!') if self.species_dict[label].unsuccessful_methods: message += f'\nUnsuccessful methods: {self.species_dict[label].unsuccessful_methods}''\n') if all([ is None for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses]): logger.error(f'No guess converged for TS {label}!\n' f'Cannot compute a rate coefficient for {self.species_dict[label].rxn_label}.') else: # Select the TSG with the lowest energy given that it has only one significant imaginary frequency. # Todo: consider IRC well isomorphism e_min, selected_i = None, None self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses_exhausted = True for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: if tsg.success and is not None and (e_min is None or < e_min) \ and (tsg.imaginary_freqs is None or check_imaginary_frequencies(tsg.imaginary_freqs)) \ and tsg.index not in self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts_list: e_min = selected_i = tsg.index e_min = None if selected_i is None: logger.warning(f'Could not determine a likely TS conformer for {label}') self.species_dict[label].ts_number, self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts = None, None self.species_dict[label].populate_ts_checks() return None else: rxn_txt = '' if self.species_dict[label].rxn_label is None \ else f' of reaction {self.species_dict[label].rxn_label}''\n\nGeometry *guesses* of successful TS guesses for {label}{rxn_txt}:') for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: # Reset e_min to the lowest value regardless of other criteria (imaginary frequencies, IRC, normal modes). if is not None and (e_min is None or < e_min): e_min = for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: if tsg.index == selected_i: self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts = selected_i self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts_list.append(selected_i) self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts_method = tsg.method self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = tsg.opt_xyz self.species_dict[label].final_xyz = None self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses_exhausted = False if tsg.success and is not None: # guess method and ts_level opt were both successful -= e_min im_freqs = f', imaginary frequencies {tsg.imaginary_freqs}' if tsg.imaginary_freqs is not None else '' execution_time = str(tsg.execution_time) execution_time = execution_time[:execution_time.index('.') + 2] \ if '.' in execution_time else execution_time aux = f' {tsg.errors}.' if tsg.errors else '.''TS guess {tsg.index:2} for {label}. ' f'Method: {tsg.method:10}, ' f'relative energy: {} kJ/mol, ' f'guess ex time: {execution_time}{im_freqs}' f'{aux}') # for TSs, only use `draw_3d()`, not `show_sticks()` which gets connectivity wrong: plotter.draw_structure(xyz=tsg.initial_xyz, method='draw_3d')'\n') if self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts is None: raise SpeciesError(f'Could not pair most stable conformer {selected_i} of {label} to a respective ' f'TS guess') plotter.save_conformers_file( project_directory=self.project_directory, label=label, xyzs=[tsg.opt_xyz for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], level_of_theory=self.ts_guess_level, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge, is_ts=True, energies=[ for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], ts_methods=[f'{tsg.method} ' f'{tsg.method_direction if tsg.method_direction is not None else ""} ' f'{tsg.method_index if tsg.method_index is not None else ""} ' for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], im_freqs=[tsg.imaginary_freqs for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses] if any(tsg.imaginary_freqs is not None for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses) else None, )
[docs] def parse_composite_geo(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ) -> bool: """ Check that a 'composite' job converged successfully, and parse the geometry into `final_xyz`. Also checks (QA) that no imaginary frequencies were assigned for stable species, and that exactly one imaginary frequency was assigned for a TS. Returns ``True`` if the job converged successfully, ``False`` otherwise and troubleshoots. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The composite job object. Returns: bool: Whether the job converged successfully. """ logger.debug(f'parsing composite geo for {job.job_name}') freq_ok = False if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': self.species_dict[label].final_xyz = parser.parse_xyz_from_file(path=job.local_path_to_output_file) self.output[label]['job_types']['composite'] = True self.output[label]['job_types']['opt'] = True self.output[label]['job_types']['sp'] = True if self.job_types['fine']: self.output[label]['job_types']['fine'] = True # all composite jobs are fine if fine was asked for self.output[label]['paths']['composite'] = os.path.join(job.local_path_to_output_file) if self.composite_method is not None: self.species_dict[label].opt_level = self.composite_method.simple() rxn_str = '' if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: rxn_str = f' of reaction {self.species_dict[label].rxn_label}' \ if self.species_dict[label].rxn_label is not None else '''\nOptimized geometry for {label}{rxn_str} at {job.level.simple()}:\n' f'{xyz_to_str(xyz_dict=self.species_dict[label].final_xyz)}\n') plotter.save_geo(species=self.species_dict[label], project_directory=self.project_directory) if not job.is_ts: plotter.draw_structure(species=self.species_dict[label], project_directory=self.project_directory) else: # for TSs, only use `draw_3d()`, not `show_sticks()` which gets connectivity wrong: plotter.draw_structure(species=self.species_dict[label], project_directory=self.project_directory, method='draw_3d') frequencies = parser.parse_frequencies(job.local_path_to_output_file, job.job_adapter) freq_ok = self.check_negative_freq(label=label, job=job, vibfreqs=frequencies) if freq_ok: # Update restart dictionary and save a restart file: self.save_restart_dict() success = True # run freq / scan jobs on this optimized geometry if not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: is_isomorphic = self.species_dict[label].check_xyz_isomorphism( allow_nonisomorphic_2d=self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d) if is_isomorphic: self.output[label]['isomorphism'] += 'composite passed isomorphism check; ' else: self.output[label]['isomorphism'] += 'composite did not pass isomorphism check; ' success &= is_isomorphic return success elif not self.species_dict[label].is_ts and self.trsh_ess_jobs: self.troubleshoot_negative_freq(label=label, job=job) if job.job_status[1]['status'] != 'done' or (not freq_ok and not self.species_dict[label].is_ts): self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level) return False # return ``False``, so no freq / scan jobs are initiated for this unoptimized geometry
[docs] def parse_opt_e_elect(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ) -> bool: """ Parse electronic energy for 'opt' or 'optfreq' job if it converged successfully. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The optimization job object. """ multi_species = any(spc.multi_species == label for spc in self.species_list) if multi_species: for spc in self.species_list: if spc.multi_species == label: self.species_dict[spc.label].e_elect = parser.parse_e_elect(path=self.multi_species_path_dict[spc.label]) self.save_e_elect(spc.label) else: e_elect_value = parser.parse_e_elect(path=job.local_path_to_xyz or job.local_path_to_output_file) \ if label in self.species_dict.keys() else dict() self.species_dict[label].e_elect = e_elect_value self.save_e_elect(label)
[docs] def parse_opt_geo(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ) -> bool: """ Check that an 'opt' or 'optfreq' job converged successfully, and parse the geometry into `final_xyz`. If the job is 'optfreq', also checks (QA) that no imaginary frequencies were assigned for stable species, and that exactly one imaginary frequency was assigned for a TS. Returns ``True`` if the job (or both jobs) converged successfully, ``False`` otherwise and troubleshoots opt. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The optimization job object. Returns: bool: Whether the job converged successfully. """ success = False multi_species_opt_xyzs = dict() logger.debug(f'parsing opt geo for {job.job_name}') if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': multi_species = any(spc.multi_species == label for spc in self.species_list) species_labels = [spc.label for spc in self.species_list if spc.multi_species == label]\ if multi_species else list() opt_xyz = parser.parse_xyz_from_file(path=job.local_path_to_xyz or job.local_path_to_output_file) \ if label in self.species_dict.keys() else dict() if multi_species: for spc in self.species_list: if spc.multi_species == label: multi_species_opt_xyzs[spc.label] = parser.parse_xyz_from_file(path=self.multi_species_path_dict[spc.label]) if not job.fine and self.job_types['fine'] \ and not job.level.method_type == 'wavefunction' \ and self.species_dict[label].irc_label is None: # Run opt again using a finer grid. # Save the optimized geometry as ``initial_xyz``, since trsh looks there. if multi_species: for spc in self.species_list: if spc.multi_species == label: spc.initial_xyz = multi_species_opt_xyzs[spc.label] else: self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = opt_xyz self.run_job(label=species_labels if multi_species else label, xyz=opt_xyz if not multi_species else None, level_of_theory=job.level, job_type='opt', fine=True, ) else: success = True if multi_species: for spc in self.species_list: if spc.multi_species == label: self.species_dict[spc.label].final_xyz = multi_species_opt_xyzs[spc.label] self.post_opt_geo_work(spc.label, job) else: self.species_dict[label].final_xyz = opt_xyz self.post_opt_geo_work(label, job) if 'optfreq' in job.job_name: self.check_freq_job(label, job) self.save_restart_dict() if not multi_species: if not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: plotter.draw_structure(species=self.species_dict[label], project_directory=self.project_directory) if self.species_dict[label].irc_label is not None: self.check_irc_species(label=label) return False is_isomorphic = self.species_dict[label].check_xyz_isomorphism( allow_nonisomorphic_2d=self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d) if is_isomorphic: if 'opt passed isomorphism check' not in self.output[label]['isomorphism']: self.output[label]['isomorphism'] += 'opt passed isomorphism check; ' else: self.output[label]['isomorphism'] += 'opt did not pass isomorphism check; ' success &= is_isomorphic else: # for TSs, only use `draw_3d()`, not `show_sticks()` which gets connectivity wrong: plotter.draw_structure(species=self.species_dict[label], project_directory=self.project_directory, method='draw_3d') elif self.trsh_ess_jobs: self.troubleshoot_opt_jobs(label=label) return success
[docs] def post_opt_geo_work(self, spc_label: str, job: 'JobAdapter'): """ Few steps to finish after running the opt job. Args: spc_label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The optimization job object. """ self.output[spc_label]['job_types']['opt'] = True if self.job_types['fine']: self.output[spc_label]['job_types']['fine'] = True self.species_dict[spc_label].opt_level = self.opt_level.simple() plotter.save_geo(species=self.species_dict[spc_label], project_directory=self.project_directory) if self.species_dict[spc_label].is_ts: rxn_str = f' of reaction {self.species_dict[spc_label].rxn_label}' \ if self.species_dict[spc_label].rxn_label is not None else '' else: rxn_str = '''\nOptimized geometry for {spc_label}{rxn_str} at {job.level.simple()}:\n' f'{xyz_to_str(self.species_dict[spc_label].final_xyz)}\n') self.output[spc_label]['paths']['geo'] = job.local_path_to_output_file # will be overwritten with freq
[docs] def check_freq_job(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ): """ Check that a freq job converged successfully. Also checks (QA) that no imaginary frequencies were assigned for stable species, and that exactly one imaginary frequency was assigned for a TS. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The frequency job object instance. """ freq_ok, switch_ts = False, False wrong_freq_message = 'wrong number of negative frequencies; ' if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': if not os.path.isfile(job.local_path_to_output_file): raise SchedulerError('Called check_freq_job with no output file') vibfreqs = parser.parse_frequencies(path=str(job.local_path_to_output_file), software=job.job_adapter) freq_ok = self.check_negative_freq(label=label, job=job, vibfreqs=vibfreqs) if freq_ok: # Copy the frequency file to the species / TS output folder. folder_name = 'rxns' if self.species_dict[label].is_ts else 'Species' freq_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, label, 'geometry', 'freq.out') safe_copy_file(source=job.local_path_to_output_file, destination=freq_path) # Set species.polarizability. polarizability = parser.parse_polarizability(job.local_path_to_output_file) if polarizability is not None: self.species_dict[label].transport_data.polarizability = (polarizability, str('angstroms^3')) if self.species_dict[label].transport_data.comment: self.species_dict[label].transport_data.comment += \ str(f'\nPolarizability calculated at the {self.freq_level.simple()} level of theory') else: self.species_dict[label].transport_data.comment = \ str(f'Polarizability calculated at the {self.freq_level.simple()} level of theory') if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: if self.species_dict[label].rxn_index in self.rxn_dict.keys(): check_ts(reaction=self.rxn_dict[self.species_dict[label].rxn_index], job=job, checks=['freq'], skip_nmd=self.skip_nmd, ) if self.species_dict[label].ts_checks['NMD'] is False:'TS {label} did not pass the normal mode displacement check. ' f'Status is:\n{self.species_dict[label].ts_checks}\n' f'Searching for a better TS conformer...') self.switch_ts(label) switch_ts = True if wrong_freq_message in self.output[label]['warnings']: self.output[label]['warnings'] = ''.join(self.output[label]['warnings'].split(wrong_freq_message)) elif not self.species_dict[label].is_ts and self.trsh_ess_jobs: # Only trsh neg freq here for non TS species, trsh TS species is done in check_negative_freq(). self.troubleshoot_negative_freq(label=label, job=job) if not freq_ok: self.output[label]['warnings'] += wrong_freq_message if job.job_status[1]['status'] != 'done' or (not freq_ok and not self.species_dict[label].is_ts): self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level) if (job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done' and freq_ok and not switch_ts and species_has_sp(self.output[label], self.species_dict[label].yml_path)): self.check_rxn_e0_by_spc(label)
[docs] def check_negative_freq(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', vibfreqs: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ A helper function for determining the number of negative frequencies. Also logs appropriate errors. Returns ``True`` if the number of negative frequencies is as excepted, ``False`` otherwise. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The optimization job object. vibfreqs (list): The vibrational frequencies. """ neg_freqs = list() for freq in vibfreqs: if freq < 0: neg_freqs.append(freq) if not self.species_dict[label].is_ts: if len(neg_freqs) != 0: logger.error(f'Species {label} has {len(neg_freqs)} imaginary frequencies ({neg_freqs}), ' f'should have exactly 0.') if f'{len(neg_freqs)} imaginary freq for' not in self.output[label]['warnings']: self.output[label]['warnings'] += f'Warning: {len(neg_freqs)} imaginary freq for stable species ' \ f'({neg_freqs}); ' return False else: self.output[label]['job_types']['freq'] = True self.output[label]['paths']['geo'] = job.local_path_to_output_file self.output[label]['paths']['freq'] = job.local_path_to_output_file if not self.testing: # Update restart dictionary and save the yaml restart file: self.save_restart_dict() return True else: # This is a TS. Assign the imaginary frequencies to the respective TSGuess. tsg = None for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses: if tsg.conformer_index == self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts: tsg.imaginary_freqs = neg_freqs break if tsg is not None and not check_imaginary_frequencies(tsg.imaginary_freqs): # Imaginary frequencies are problematic, try choosing a different TSGuess, and optimize it. add_text = f' major imaginary frequency between {LOWEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ} and {HIGHEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ}.' \ if len(neg_freqs) == 1 and (neg_freqs[0] < LOWEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ or neg_freqs[0] > HIGHEST_MAJOR_TS_FREQ) else '' logger.error(f'TS {label} has {len(neg_freqs)} imaginary frequencies ({neg_freqs}), ' f'should have exactly 1{add_text}.') if f'{len(neg_freqs)} imaginary freqs for' not in self.output[label]['warnings']: self.output[label]['warnings'] += f'Warning: {len(neg_freqs)} imaginary freqs for TS ({neg_freqs}); ''TS {label} did not pass the negative frequency check. ' f'Status is:\n{self.species_dict[label].ts_checks}\n' f'Searching for a better TS conformer...') self.switch_ts(label=label) return False else:'TS {label} has exactly one imaginary frequency: {neg_freqs[0]}') self.output[label]['info'] += f'Imaginary frequency: {neg_freqs[0] if len(neg_freqs) == 1 else neg_freqs}; ' self.output[label]['job_types']['freq'] = True self.output[label]['paths']['geo'] = job.local_path_to_output_file self.output[label]['paths']['freq'] = job.local_path_to_output_file plotter.save_conformers_file( project_directory=self.project_directory, label=label, xyzs=[tsg.opt_xyz for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], level_of_theory=self.ts_guess_level, multiplicity=self.species_dict[label].multiplicity, charge=self.species_dict[label].charge, is_ts=True, energies=[ for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], ts_methods=[f'{tsg.method} ' f'{tsg.method_direction if tsg.method_direction is not None else ""} ' f'{tsg.method_index if tsg.method_index is not None else ""} ' for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses], im_freqs=[tsg.imaginary_freqs for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses] if any(tsg.imaginary_freqs is not None for tsg in self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses) else None, ) if not self.testing: # Update restart dictionary and save the yaml restart file: self.save_restart_dict() # Set the ts_checks attribute of the TS species: self.species_dict[label].ts_checks['freq'] = True return True
[docs] def check_rxn_e0_by_spc(self, label: str): """ Check the E0 (electronic energy + ZPE) of reactions related to a specific species. Requires all opt + freq computations to be converged for all species (and TS) participating in each reaction. Args: label (str): A label representing a species. """ for rxn in self.rxn_list: labels = rxn.reactants + rxn.products + [rxn.ts_label] if label in labels and rxn.ts_species.ts_checks['E0'] is None \ and all([species_has_sp_and_freq(output_dict, self.species_dict[spc_label].yml_path) for spc_label, output_dict in self.output.items() if spc_label in labels]): check_ts(reaction=rxn, checks=['energy'], species_dict=self.species_dict, project_directory=self.project_directory, kinetics_adapter=self.kinetics_adapter, output=self.output, sp_level=self.sp_level if not self.composite_method else self.composite_method, freq_scale_factor=self.freq_scale_factor, verbose=True, ) if rxn.ts_species.ts_checks['E0'] is False:'TS {rxn.ts_species.label} of reaction {rxn.label} did not pass the E0 check.\n' f'Searching for a better TS conformer...\n') self.switch_ts(rxn.ts_label)
[docs] def switch_ts(self, label: str): """ Try the next optimized TS guess in line if a previous TS guess was found to be wrong. Args: label (str): The TS species label. """'Switching a TS guess for {label}...') self.determine_most_likely_ts_conformer(label=label) # Look for a different TS guess. self.delete_all_species_jobs(label=label) # Delete other currently running jobs for this TS. self.output[label]['geo'] = self.output[label]['freq'] = self.output[label]['sp'] = self.output[label]['composite'] = '' freq_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', label, 'geometry', 'freq.out') if os.path.isfile(freq_path): os.remove(freq_path) self.species_dict[label].populate_ts_checks() # Restart the TS checks dict. if not self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses_exhausted and self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts is not None:'Optimizing species {label} again using a different TS guess: ' f'conformer {self.species_dict[label].chosen_ts}') if not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label, fine=self.fine_only) else: self.run_composite_job(label)
[docs] def check_sp_job(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ): """ Check that a single point job converged successfully. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The single point job object. """ if 'mrci' in self.sp_level.method and job.level is not None and 'mrci' not in job.level.method: # This is a CCSD job ran before MRCI. Spawn MRCI self.run_sp_job(label) elif job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': self.post_sp_actions(label, sp_path=os.path.join(job.local_path_to_output_file), level=job.level, ) # Update restart dictionary and save the yaml restart file: self.save_restart_dict() if self.species_dict[label].number_of_atoms == 1: # save the geometry from the sp job for monoatomic species for which no opt/freq jobs will be spawned self.output[label]['paths']['geo'] = job.local_path_to_output_file else: self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level, )
[docs] def post_sp_actions(self, label: str, sp_path: str, level: Optional[Level] = None, ): """ Perform post-sp actions. Args: label (str): The species label. sp_path (str): The path to 'output.out' for the single point job. level (Level, optional): The level of theory used for the sp job. """ original_sp_path = self.output[label]['paths']['sp'] if 'sp' in self.output[label]['paths'] else None self.output[label]['paths']['sp'] = sp_path if self.sp_level is not None and 'ccsd' in self.sp_level.method: self.species_dict[label].t1 = parser.parse_t1(self.output[label]['paths']['sp']) zpe_scale_factor = 0.99 if (self.composite_method is not None and 'cbs-qb3' in self.composite_method.method) \ else 1.0 self.species_dict[label].e_elect = parser.parse_e_elect(self.output[label]['paths']['sp'], zpe_scale_factor=zpe_scale_factor) if self.species_dict[label].t1 is not None: txt = '' if self.species_dict[label].t1 > 0.02: txt += ". Looks like it should be treated using a multireference single-point energy method." elif self.species_dict[label].t1 > 0.015: txt += ". It might have multireference characteristic."'Species {label} has a T1 diagnostic parameter of {self.species_dict[label].t1}{txt}') self.output[label]['info'] += f'T1 = {self.species_dict[label].t1}; ' if self.sp_level is not None and self.sp_level.solvation_scheme_level is not None: # a complex solvation correction behavior was requested for the single-point energy value if not self.output[label]['job_types']['sp']: # this is the first "original" sp job, spawn two more at the sp_level.solvation_scheme_level level, # with and without solvation corrections solvation_sp_level = self.sp_level.solvation_scheme_level.copy() solvation_sp_level.solvation_method = self.sp_level.solvation_method solvation_sp_level.solvent = self.sp_level.solvent self.run_sp_job(label=label, level=solvation_sp_level) self.run_sp_job(label=label, level=self.sp_level.solvation_scheme_level) else: # this is one of the additional sp jobs spawned by the above previously if level is not None and level.solvation_method is not None: self.output[label]['paths']['sp_sol'] = sp_path else: self.output[label]['paths']['sp_no_sol'] = sp_path self.output[label]['paths']['sp'] = original_sp_path # restore the original path if species_has_freq(self.output[label], self.species_dict[label].yml_path): self.check_rxn_e0_by_spc(label) if self.report_e_elect: self.save_e_elect(label) # set *at the end* to differentiate between sp jobs when using complex solvation corrections self.output[label]['job_types']['sp'] = True
[docs] def spawn_post_irc_jobs(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ): """ Spawn additional jobs after IRC has converged. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The IRC job object. """ self.output[label]['paths']['irc'].append(job.local_path_to_output_file) index = 1 if len(self.output[label]['paths']['irc']) == 2: index = 2 self.output[label]['job_types']['irc'] = True plotter.save_irc_traj_animation(irc_f_path=self.output[label]['paths']['irc'][0], irc_r_path=self.output[label]['paths']['irc'][1], out_path=os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', label, 'irc_traj.gjf')) irc_label = self.add_label_to_unique_species_labels(label=f'IRC_{label}_{index}') irc_spc = ARCSpecies(label=irc_label, xyz=parser.parse_xyz_from_file(job.local_path_to_output_file), irc_label=label, compute_thermo=False, multiplicity=job.species[0].multiplicity, charge=job.species[0].charge, ) if self.species_dict[label].irc_label is None: self.species_dict[label].irc_label = irc_spc.label else: self.species_dict[label].irc_label += f' {irc_spc.label}' self.species_list.append(irc_spc) self.species_dict[irc_spc.label] = irc_spc self.initialize_output_dict(label=irc_spc.label) self.run_job(label=irc_spc.label, xyz=self.species_dict[irc_spc.label].get_xyz(), level_of_theory=self.opt_level if not self.composite_method else self.freq_level, job_type='opt', fine=False, )
[docs] def add_label_to_unique_species_labels(self, label: str) -> str: """ Adds a label to self.unique_species_labels. Modifies the label if it is not unique. Args: label (str): A species label. Returns: str: The modified species label """ unique_label, i = label, 0 while unique_label in self.unique_species_labels: unique_label = f'{label}_{i}' i += 1 self.unique_species_labels.append(unique_label) return unique_label
[docs] def check_irc_species(self, label: str): """ Check that the optimized geometry of the two species created from a TS IRC runs makes sense Args: label (str): The label of one of the optimized IRC-resulting species. """ ts_label = self.species_dict[label].irc_label if len(self.output[ts_label]['paths']['irc']) == 2: irc_species_labels = self.species_dict[ts_label].irc_label.split() if all(self.output[irc_label]['paths']['geo'] for irc_label in irc_species_labels): check_irc_species_and_rxn(xyz_1=self.output[irc_species_labels[0]]['paths']['geo'], xyz_2=self.output[irc_species_labels[1]]['paths']['geo'], rxn=self.rxn_dict.get(self.species_dict[ts_label].rxn_index, None), )
[docs] def check_scan_job(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter'): """ Check that a rotor scan job converged successfully. Also checks (QA) whether the scan is relatively "smooth", and whether the optimized geometry indeed represents the minimum energy conformer. Recommends whether to use this rotor using the 'successful_rotors' and 'unsuccessful_rotors' attributes. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The rotor scan job object. """ # An 'Internal coordinate error' cannot be handled by troubleshooting, so we don't even try. # It is usually related to bond or angle changes which mess up the internal coordinates during the scan. invalidate, actions, energies, angles = False, list(), list(), list() invalidation_reason, message = '', '' if job.job_status[1]['status'] != 'done': if job.job_status[1]['error'] == 'Internal coordinate error': invalidate = True invalidation_reason = 'Internal coordinate error; ' else: self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=job.level) return None if job.rotor_index not in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.keys(): raise SchedulerError(f'Could not match rotor {job.rotor_index} of species {label} ' f'with pivots {self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["pivots"]} ' f'to any of the existing rotors in the species.\n' f'The rotors dict of {label} is:\n{pprint.pformat(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict)}') if self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['dimensions'] == 1: # This is a 1D scan. # Read energy profile (in kJ/mol), it may be used in the troubleshooting. energies, angles = parser.parse_1d_scan_energies( path=job.local_path_to_output_file, initial_angle=calculate_dihedral_angle( coords=self.species_dict[label].get_xyz(), torsion=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['torsion'])) self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['original_dihedrals'] = \ [calculate_dihedral_angle(, torsion=job.torsions[0], index=0, units='degs')] if energies is None: invalidate = True invalidation_reason = 'Could not read energies' message = f'Energies from rotor scan of {label} of pivots ' \ f'{self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["pivots"]} could not ' \ f'be read. Invalidating rotor.' logger.error(message) elif len(energies) > 5: trajectory = parser.parse_1d_scan_coords(path=job.local_path_to_output_file) \ if self.species_dict[label].is_ts else None invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions = scan_quality_check( label=label, pivots=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['pivots'], energies=energies, used_methods=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_methods'], log_file=job.local_path_to_output_file, species=self.species_dict[label], preserve_params=self.species_dict[label].preserve_param_in_scan, trajectory=trajectory, original_xyz=self.species_dict[label].final_xyz, ) if len(list(actions.keys())) \ and 'pivTS' not in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['invalidation_reason'] \ and self.trsh_ess_jobs: # The rotor scan is problematic (and does not block a TS reaction zone), troubleshooting is required.'Trying to troubleshoot rotor ' f'{self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["pivots"]} ' f'of species {label} ...') # Try to troubleshoot the rotor. sometimes, troubleshooting cannot yield solutions # actions from scan_quality_check() is not the actual actions applied, # they will be post-processed by trsh_scan_job. If troubleshooting fails, # The actual actions will be an empty list, indicating invalid rotor. trsh_success, actions = self.troubleshoot_scan_job(job=job, methods=actions) if not trsh_success: # Detailed reasons are logged in the troubleshoot_scan_job(). invalidation_reason += ' But unable to propose troubleshooting methods.' else: # Record actions, only if the method is valid. self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_methods'].append(actions) if invalidate: self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['success'] = False self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['invalidation_reason'] = invalidation_reason else: self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['success'] = True self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['symmetry'] = determine_rotor_symmetry( label=label, pivots=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['pivots'], rotor_path=job.local_path_to_output_file)[0] f'Rotor scan {self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["scan"]} between pivots ' f'{self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["pivots"]} for {label} ' f'has symmetry {self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["symmetry"]}') else: # This is an ND scan, pass for now as it is currently not used for computing Q. pass if invalidate: self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['success'] = None if len(actions) else False # Save the path and invalidation reason for debugging and tracking the file. # If ``success`` is None, it means that the job is being troubleshooted. self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['scan_path'] = job.local_path_to_output_file self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['invalidation_reason'] += invalidation_reason # If energies were obtained, draw the scan curve. if energies is not None and len(energies) and angles is not None and len(angles): folder_name = 'rxns' if job.is_ts else 'Species' rotor_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', folder_name, job.species_label, 'rotors') plotter.plot_1d_rotor_scan(angles=angles, energies=energies, path=rotor_path, scan=torsions_to_scans(job.torsions[0]), comment=message, label=label, original_dihedral=self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index][ 'original_dihedrals'], ) self.save_restart_dict()
[docs] def check_directed_scan(self, label, pivots, scan, energies): """ Checks (QA) whether the directed scan is relatively "smooth", and whether the optimized geometry indeed represents the minimum energy conformer. Recommends whether or not to use this rotor using the 'successful_rotors' and 'unsuccessful_rotors' attributes. This method differs from check_directed_scan_job(), since here we consider the entire scan. Args: label (str): The species label. pivots (List[List[int]]): The rotor pivots. scan (List[int]): The four atoms defining the dihedral. energies (List[float]): The rotor scan energies in kJ/mol. Todo: - Not used!! - adjust to ND, merge with check_directed_scan_job (this one isn't being called) """ # If the job has not converged, troubleshoot invalidate, invalidation_reason, message, actions = scan_quality_check(label=label, pivots=pivots, energies=energies) if actions: # the rotor scan is problematic, troubleshooting is required if 'change conformer' in actions: # a lower conformation was found deg_increment = actions[1] self.species_dict[label].set_dihedral(scan=scan, index=1, deg_increment=deg_increment) is_isomorphic = self.species_dict[label].check_xyz_isomorphism( allow_nonisomorphic_2d=self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d, xyz=self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz) if is_isomorphic: self.delete_all_species_jobs(label) # Remove all completed rotor calculation information for rotor_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): # don't initialize all parameters, e.g., `times_dihedral_set` needs to remain as is rotor_dict['scan_path'] = '' rotor_dict['invalidation_reason'] = '' rotor_dict['success'] = None rotor_dict.pop('symmetry', None) # re-run opt (or composite) on the new initial_xyz with the desired dihedral if not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label, fine=self.fine_only) else: self.run_composite_job(label) else: # The conformer is wrong, and changing the dihedral resulted in a non-isomorphic species. self.output[label]['errors'] += f'A lower conformer was found for {label} via a torsion mode, ' \ f'but it is not isomorphic with the 2D graph representation ' \ f'{self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}. ' \ f'Not calculating this species.' self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'Unconverged' self.output[label]['convergence'] = False else: logger.error(f'Directed scan for species {label} for pivots {pivots} failed with: ' f'{invalidation_reason}. Currently rotor troubleshooting methods do not apply for ' f'directed scans. Not troubleshooting rotor.') for rotor_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): if rotor_dict['pivots'] == pivots: rotor_dict['scan_path'] = '' rotor_dict['invalidation_reason'] = invalidation_reason rotor_dict['success'] = False else: # the rotor scan is good, calculate the symmetry number for rotor_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): if rotor_dict['pivots'] == pivots: if not invalidate: rotor_dict['success'] = True rotor_dict['symmetry'] = determine_rotor_symmetry(label=label, pivots=rotor_dict['pivots'], energies=energies)[0]'Rotor scan {scan} between pivots {pivots} for {label} has symmetry ' f'{rotor_dict["symmetry"]}') else: rotor_dict['success'] = False # Save the restart dictionary self.save_restart_dict()
[docs] def check_directed_scan_job(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter'): """ Check that a directed scan job for a specific dihedral angle converged successfully, otherwise troubleshoot. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The rotor scan job object. """ if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': xyz = parser.parse_geometry(path=job.local_path_to_output_file) is_isomorphic = self.species_dict[label].check_xyz_isomorphism(xyz=xyz, verbose=False) for rotor_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): if rotor_dict['pivots'] == job.pivots: key = tuple(f'{dihedral:.2f}' for dihedral in job.dihedrals) rotor_dict['directed_scan'][key] = {'energy': parser.parse_e_elect( path=job.local_path_to_output_file), 'xyz': xyz, 'is_isomorphic': is_isomorphic, 'trsh': job.ess_trsh_methods, } else: self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=self.scan_level)
[docs] def check_all_done(self, label: str): """ Check that we have all required data for the species/TS. Args: label (str): The species label. """ all_converged = True if label in self.output and not self.output[label]['convergence']: for job_type, spawn_job_type in self.job_types.items(): if spawn_job_type and not self.output[label]['job_types'][job_type] \ and not ((self.species_dict[label].is_ts and job_type in ['scan', 'conformers']) or (self.species_dict[label].number_of_atoms == 1 and job_type in ['conformers', 'opt', 'fine', 'freq', 'rotors', 'bde']) or job_type == 'bde' and self.species_dict[label].bdes is None or job_type == 'conformers' or job_type == 'irc' or job_type == 'tsg'): logger.debug(f'Species {label} did not converge.') all_converged = False break if label in self.output and all_converged: self.output[label]['convergence'] = True if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: self.species_dict[label].make_ts_report()[label].ts_report + '\n') zero_delta = datetime.timedelta(0) conf_time = extremum_list([job.run_time for job in self.job_dict[label]['conformers'].values()], return_min=False) \ if 'conformers' in self.job_dict[label].keys() else zero_delta tsg_time = extremum_list([job.run_time for job in self.job_dict[label]['tsg'].values()], return_min=False) \ if 'tsg' in self.job_dict[label].keys() else zero_delta opt_time = sum_time_delta([job.run_time for job in self.job_dict[label]['opt'].values()]) \ if 'opt' in self.job_dict[label].keys() else zero_delta comp_time = sum_time_delta([job.run_time for job in self.job_dict[label]['composite'].values()]) \ if 'composite' in self.job_dict[label].keys() else zero_delta other_time = extremum_list([sum_time_delta([job.run_time for job in job_dictionary.values()]) for job_type, job_dictionary in self.job_dict[label].items() if job_type not in ['conformers', 'opt', 'composite']], return_min=False) \ if any([job_type not in ['conformers', 'opt', 'composite'] for job_type in self.job_dict[label].keys()]) else zero_delta self.species_dict[label].run_time = self.species_dict[label].run_time \ or (conf_time or zero_delta) + \ (tsg_time or zero_delta) + \ (opt_time or zero_delta) + \ (comp_time or zero_delta) + \ (other_time or zero_delta)'\nAll jobs for species {label} successfully converged. ' f'Run time: {self.species_dict[label].run_time}') # Todo: any TS which did not converged (any rxn not calculated) should be reported here with full status: Was the family identified? Were TS guesses found? IF so, what's wrong? elif label in self.species_dict and (not self.species_dict[label].is_ts or self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses_exhausted) and not label.startswith('IRC_'): job_type_status = {key: val for key, val in self.output[label]['job_types'].items() if key in self.job_types and self.job_types[key] and (key != 'irc' or self.species_dict[label].is_ts)} logger.error(f'Species {label} did not converge. Job type status is: {job_type_status}') # Update restart dictionary and save the yaml restart file: self.save_restart_dict()
[docs] def get_server_job_ids(self): """ Check job status on all active servers, get a list of relevant running job IDs. """ self.server_job_ids = list() for server in self.servers: if server != 'local': with SSHClient(server) as ssh: self.server_job_ids.extend(ssh.check_running_jobs_ids()) else: self.server_job_ids.extend(check_running_jobs_ids())
[docs] def get_completed_incore_jobs(self): """ Check job status of all incore jobs, get a list of relevant completed job IDs. Todo: Add tests. """ self.completed_incore_jobs = list() for label, job_names in self.running_jobs.items(): for job_name in job_names: i = get_i_from_job_name(job_name) if i is None: job_type = '_'.join(job_name.split('_')[:-1]) # Consider job types such as 'directed_scan'. job = self.job_dict[label][job_type][job_name] elif 'conformer' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['conformers'][i] elif 'tsg' in job_name: job = self.job_dict[label]['tsg'][i] else: raise ValueError(f'Did not recognize job {job_name} of species {label}.') if job.execution_type == 'incore' and job.job_status[0] == 'done': self.completed_incore_jobs.append(job.job_id)
[docs] def troubleshoot_negative_freq(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', ): """ Troubleshooting cases where non-TS species have negative frequencies. Run newly generated conformers. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The frequency job object. """ if not self.trsh_ess_jobs: logger.warning(f'Not troubleshooting negative freq for {label} and job {job.job_name}. ' f'To enable troubleshooting, set the "trsh_ess_jobs" to "True".') return None current_neg_freqs_trshed, confs, output_errors, output_warnings = trsh_negative_freq( label=label, log_file=job.local_path_to_output_file, neg_freqs_trshed=self.species_dict[label].neg_freqs_trshed, job_types=self.job_types) self.species_dict[label].neg_freqs_trshed.extend(current_neg_freqs_trshed) for output_error in output_errors: self.output[label]['errors'] += output_error if 'Invalidating species' in output_error:'Deleting all currently running jobs for species {label}...') self.delete_all_species_jobs(label) self.output[label]['convergence'] = False for output_warning in output_warnings: self.output[label]['warnings'] += output_warning if len(confs):'Deleting all currently running jobs for species {label} before troubleshooting for ' f'negative frequency with perturbed conformers...')'conformers:') self.delete_all_species_jobs(label) self.species_dict[label].conformers = confs self.species_dict[label].conformer_energies = [None] * len(confs) self.job_dict[label]['conformers'] = dict() # initialize the conformer job dictionary for i, xyz in enumerate(self.species_dict[label].conformers): self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=self.conformer_level, job_type='conformers', conformer=i, )
[docs] def troubleshoot_scan_job(self, job: 'JobAdapter', methods: Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Tuple[bool, dict]: """ Troubleshooting rotor scans Using the following methods: 1. freeze: freezing specific internal coordinates or all torsions other than the scan's pivots 2. inc_res: increasing the scan resolution. 3. change conformer: changing to a conformer with a lower energy Args: job (JobAdapter): The scan Job object. methods (dict): The troubleshooting method/s to try:: {'freeze': <a list of problematic internal coordinates>, 'inc_res': ``None``, 'change conformer': <a xyz dict>} Returns: Tuple[bool, dict]: - ``True`` if the troubleshooting is valid. - The actions are applied in the troubleshooting. """ if not self.trsh_ess_jobs: logger.warning(f'Not troubleshooting failed scan job {job.job_name}. To enable troubleshooting, ' f'set the "trsh_ess_jobs" to "True".') return False, dict() label = job.species_label trsh_success = False actual_actions = dict() # If troubleshooting fails, there will be no action. used_trsh_methods = self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_methods'] \ if job.rotor_index in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict else list() # Check trsh_counter to avoid infinite rotor trsh looping. if self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_counter'] >= max_rotor_trsh: next_with_ordinal = get_number_with_ordinal_indicator(self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_counter'] + 1) logger.error(f"The rotor {self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['pivots']} of species " f"{label} was troubleshooted for " f"{self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_counter']} times, " f"will not troubleshoot for the {next_with_ordinal} time.") return trsh_success, actual_actions # Increase the trsh_counter. self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]['trsh_counter'] += 1 # A lower conformation was found. if 'change conformer' in methods: # We will delete all of the jobs no matter we can successfully change to the conformer. # If success, we have to cancel jobs to avoid conflicts # If not succeed, we are in a situation that we find a lower conformer, but either # this is an incorrect conformer or we have applied this troubleshooting before, but it # didn't yield a good result. self.delete_all_species_jobs(label) new_xyz = methods['change conformer'] # Check if the same conformer is used in previous troubleshooting for used_trsh_method in used_trsh_methods: if 'change conformer' in used_trsh_method \ and compare_confs(new_xyz, used_trsh_method['change conformer']): # Find we have used this conformer for troubleshooting. Invalid the troubleshooting. logger.error(f'The change conformer method for {label} is invalid. ' f'ARC will not change to the same conformer twice.') break else: # If 'change conformer' is not used, check for isomorphism. is_isomorphic = self.species_dict[label].check_xyz_isomorphism( allow_nonisomorphic_2d=self.allow_nonisomorphic_2d, xyz=new_xyz) if is_isomorphic: self.species_dict[label].final_xyz = new_xyz # Remove all completed rotor calculation information. for rotor in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values(): # Don't initialize all parameters, e.g., `times_dihedral_set` needs to remain as is. rotor['scan_path'] = '' rotor['invalidation_reason'] = '' rotor['success'] = None rotor['symmetry'] = None if rotor['scan'] == torsions_to_scans(job.torsions)[0]: rotor['times_dihedral_set'] += 1 # We can save the change conformer trsh info, but other trsh methods like # freezing or increasing scan resolution can be cleaned, otherwise, they may # not be troubleshot. rotor['trsh_methods'] = [trsh_method for trsh_method in rotor['trsh_methods'] if 'change conformer' in trsh_method] # Re-run opt (or composite) on the new initial_xyz with the desired dihedral. if not self.composite_method: self.run_opt_job(label) else: self.run_composite_job(label) trsh_success = True actual_actions = methods return trsh_success, actual_actions # The conformer is wrong, or we are in a loop changing to the same conformers again. self.output[label]['errors'] += \ f'A lower conformer was found for {label} via a torsion mode, ' \ f'but it is not isomorphic with the 2D graph representation ' \ f'{self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}. ' \ f'Not calculating this species.' self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'Unconverged' self.output[label]['convergence'] = False else: # Get the scan_list, useful for freezing or increasing the scan resolution. scan_list = [rotor_dict['scan'] for rotor_dict in self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict.values()] try: scan_trsh, scan_res = trsh_scan_job(label=label, scan_res=job.scan_res, scan=torsions_to_scans(job.torsions)[0], scan_list=scan_list, methods=methods, log_file=job.local_path_to_output_file, ) except TrshError as e: logger.error(f'Troubleshooting of the rotor scan of pivots ' f'{self.species_dict[label].rotors_dict[job.rotor_index]["pivots"]} for ' f'{label} failed. Got:\n{e}\nJob info:\n{job}') except InputError as e: logger.debug(f'Got invalid input for trsh_scan_job: {e}\nJob info:\n{job}') else: if scan_trsh or job.scan_res != scan_res: for action in used_trsh_methods: if isinstance(action, dict) and 'scan_trsh' in action and 'scan_res' in action \ and action['scan_trsh'] == scan_trsh and action['scan_res'] == scan_res: break else: # Valid troubleshooting method for freezing or increasing resolution. trsh_success = True actual_actions = {'scan_trsh': scan_trsh, 'scan_res': scan_res} self.run_job(label=label,, level_of_theory=job.level, job_type='scan', torsions=job.torsions, scan_trsh=scan_trsh, trsh={'scan_res': scan_res} if scan_res is not None else None, rotor_index=job.rotor_index, ) return trsh_success, actual_actions
[docs] def troubleshoot_opt_jobs(self, label): """ We're troubleshooting for opt jobs. First check for server status and troubleshoot if needed. Then check for ESS status and troubleshoot if needed. Finally, check whether the last job had fine=True, add if it didn't run with fine. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if not self.trsh_ess_jobs: logger.warning(f'Not troubleshooting failed opt job for {label}. To enable troubleshooting, set the ' f'"trsh_ess_jobs" to "True".') return None previous_job_num, latest_job_num = -1, -1 job = None for job_name in self.job_dict[label]['opt'].keys(): # get the latest Job object for the species / TS job_name_int = int(job_name[5:]) if job_name_int > latest_job_num: previous_job_num = latest_job_num latest_job_num = job_name_int job = self.job_dict[label]['opt'][job_name] if job.job_status[0] == 'done': if job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': if job.fine: # run_opt_job should not be called if all looks good... logger.error(f'opt job for {label} seems right, yet "run_opt_job" was called.') raise SchedulerError(f'opt job for {label} seems right, yet "run_opt_job" was called.') else: # Run opt again using a finer grid. self.parse_opt_geo(label=label, job=job) xyz = self.species_dict[label].final_xyz self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz = xyz # save for troubleshooting, since trsh goes by initial self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=self.opt_level, job_type='opt', fine=True, ) else: trsh_opt = True # job passed on the server, but failed in ESS calculation if previous_job_num >= 0 and job.fine: previous_job = self.job_dict[label]['opt']['opt_a' + str(previous_job_num)] if not previous_job.fine and previous_job.job_status[0] == 'done' \ and previous_job.job_status[1]['status'] == 'done': # The present job with a fine grid failed in the ESS calculation. # A *previous* job without a fine grid terminated successfully on the server and ESS. # So use the xyz determined w/o the fine grid, and output an error message to alert users. logger.error(f'Optimization job for {label} with a fine grid terminated successfully ' f'on the server, but crashed during calculation. NOT running with fine ' f'grid again.') self.parse_opt_geo(label=label, job=previous_job) trsh_opt = False if trsh_opt: self.troubleshoot_ess(label=label, job=job, level_of_theory=self.opt_level) else: job.troubleshoot_server()
[docs] def troubleshoot_ess(self, label: str, job: 'JobAdapter', level_of_theory: Union[Level, dict, str], conformer: Optional[int] = None, ): """ Troubleshoot issues related to the electronic structure software, such as conversion. Args: label (str): The species label. job (JobAdapter): The job object to troubleshoot. level_of_theory (Level, dict, str): The level of theory to use. conformer (int, optional): The conformer index. """ if not self.trsh_ess_jobs: logger.warning(f'Not troubleshooting failed {label} job {job.job_name}. ' f'To enable troubleshooting, set the "trsh_ess_jobs" argument to "True".') return None level_of_theory = Level(repr=level_of_theory)'\n') warning_message = f'Troubleshooting {label} job {job.job_name} which failed' if job.job_status[1]["status"] and job.job_status[1]["status"] != 'done': warning_message += f' with status: "{job.job_status[1]["status"]},"' if job.job_status[1]["keywords"]: warning_message += f'\nwith keywords: {job.job_status[1]["keywords"]}' warning_message += f' in {job.job_adapter}. ' if {job.job_status[1]["error"]} and job.job_status[1]["line"]: warning_message += f'The error "{job.job_status[1]["error"]}" was derived from the following line in the ' \ f'log file:\n"{job.job_status[1]["line"]}".' logger.warning(warning_message) if self.species_dict[label].is_ts and conformer is not None: xyz = self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[conformer].get_xyz() elif conformer is not None: xyz = self.species_dict[label].conformers[conformer] else: xyz = self.species_dict[label].final_xyz or self.species_dict[label].initial_xyz if 'Unknown' in job.job_status[1]['keywords'] and 'change_node' not in job.ess_trsh_methods: job.ess_trsh_methods.append('change_node') job.troubleshoot_server() if job.job_name not in self.running_jobs[label]: self.running_jobs[label].append(job.job_name) # mark as a running job if job.job_adapter == 'gaussian': if self.species_dict[label].checkfile is None: self.species_dict[label].checkfile = job.checkfile # Determine if the species is a hydrogen atom (or its isotope). is_h = self.species_dict[label].number_of_atoms == 1 and \ self.species_dict[label].mol.atoms[0].element.symbol in ['H', 'D', 'T'] output_errors, ess_trsh_methods, remove_checkfile, level_of_theory, \ software, job_type, fine, trsh_keyword, memory, shift, cpu_cores, couldnt_trsh = \ trsh_ess_job(label=label, level_of_theory=level_of_theory, server=job.server, job_status=job.job_status[1], is_h=is_h, job_type=job.job_type, num_heavy_atoms=self.species_dict[label].number_of_heavy_atoms, software=job.job_adapter, fine=job.fine, memory_gb=job.job_memory_gb, cpu_cores=job.cpu_cores, ess_trsh_methods=job.ess_trsh_methods, ) for output_error in output_errors: self.output[label]['errors'] += output_error if 'Could not troubleshoot' in output_error and 'tsg' in job.job_name: self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses[get_i_from_job_name(job.job_name)].errors += f'; {output_error}' if remove_checkfile: self.species_dict[label].checkfile = None job.ess_trsh_methods = ess_trsh_methods if not couldnt_trsh: self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=level_of_theory, job_adapter=software, memory=memory, job_type=job_type, fine=fine, ess_trsh_methods=ess_trsh_methods, trsh=trsh_keyword, conformer=conformer, torsions=job.torsions, dihedrals=job.dihedrals, directed_scan_type=job.directed_scan_type, rotor_index=job.rotor_index, cpu_cores=cpu_cores, shift=shift, ) elif self.species_dict[label].is_ts and not self.species_dict[label].ts_guesses_exhausted:'TS {label} did not converge. ' f'Status is:\n{self.species_dict[label].ts_checks}\n' f'Searching for a better TS conformer...') self.switch_ts(label=label) self.save_restart_dict()
[docs] def troubleshoot_conformer_isomorphism(self, label: str): """ Troubleshoot conformer optimization for a species that failed isomorphic test in ``determine_most_stable_conformer``. Args: label (str): The species label. """ if not self.trsh_ess_jobs: logger.warning(f'Not troubleshooting failed conformer job for {label}. To enable troubleshooting, set the ' f'"trsh_ess_jobs" to "True".') return None if self.species_dict[label].is_ts: raise SchedulerError('The troubleshoot_conformer_isomorphism() method does not yet deal with TSs.') num_of_conformers = len(self.species_dict[label].conformers) if not num_of_conformers: raise SchedulerError('The troubleshoot_conformer_isomorphism() method got zero conformers.') # use the first conformer of a species to determine applicable troubleshooting method job = self.job_dict[label]['conformers'][0] level_of_theory = trsh_conformer_isomorphism(software=job.job_adapter, ess_trsh_methods=job.ess_trsh_methods) if level_of_theory is None: logger.error(f'ARC has attempted all built-in conformer isomorphism troubleshoot methods for species ' f'{label}. No conformer for this species was found to be isomorphic with the 2D graph ' f'representation {self.species_dict[label].mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}. ' f'NOT optimizing this species.') self.output[label]['conformers'] += 'Error: No conformer was found to be isomorphic with the 2D ' \ 'graph representation!; ' else:'Troubleshooting conformer job in {job.job_adapter} using {level_of_theory} for species {label}') # rerun conformer job at higher level for all conformers for conformer in range(0, num_of_conformers): if conformer >= len(self.species_dict[label].conformers_before_opt): break # initial xyz before troubleshooting xyz = self.species_dict[label].conformers_before_opt[conformer] job = self.job_dict[label]['conformers'][conformer] if 'Conformers: ' + level_of_theory not in job.ess_trsh_methods: job.ess_trsh_methods.append('Conformers: ' + level_of_theory) self.run_job(label=label, xyz=xyz, level_of_theory=level_of_theory, job_adapter=job.job_adapter, job_type='conformers', ess_trsh_methods=job.ess_trsh_methods, conformer=conformer, )
[docs] def delete_all_species_jobs(self, label: str): """ Delete all jobs of a species/TS. Args: label (str): The species label. """ logger.debug(f'Deleting all jobs for species {label}') for value in self.job_dict[label].values(): if value in ['conformers', 'tsg']: for job_name, job in self.job_dict[label][value].items(): if label in self.running_jobs.keys() and job_name in self.running_jobs[label] \ and job.execution_type != 'incore':'Deleted job {value}{job_name}') job.delete() for job_name, job in value.items(): if label in self.running_jobs.keys() and job_name in self.running_jobs[label] \ and job.execution_type != 'incore':'Deleted job {job_name}') job.delete() self.running_jobs[label] = list() self.output[label]['paths'] = {key: '' if key != 'irc' else list() for key in self.output[label]['paths'].keys()}
[docs] def restore_running_jobs(self): """ Make Job objects for jobs which were running in the previous session. Important for the restart feature so long jobs won't run twice. """ jobs = self.restart_dict['running_jobs'] if not jobs or not any([job for job in jobs.values()]): del self.restart_dict['running_jobs'] self.running_jobs = dict() logger.debug('It seems that there are no running jobs specified in the ARC restart file. ' 'Assuming all jobs have finished.') else: for spc_label in jobs.keys(): if spc_label not in self.running_jobs.keys(): self.running_jobs[spc_label] = list() for job_description in jobs[spc_label]: if ('conformer' not in job_description or job_description['conformer'] is None) \ and ('tsg' not in job_description or job_description['tsg'] is None): self.running_jobs[spc_label].append(job_description['job_name']) elif 'conformer' in job_description: self.running_jobs[spc_label].append(f'conformer{job_description["conformer"]}') elif 'tsg' in job_description: self.running_jobs[spc_label].append(f'tsg{job_description["tsg"]}') for species in self.species_list: if species.label == spc_label: break else: raise SchedulerError(f'Could not find species {spc_label} in the restart file') job_description['species'] = [self.species_dict[label] for label in job_description['species_labels']] \ if 'species_labels' in job_description else None if 'species_labels' in job_description: del job_description['species_labels'] job_description['reactions'] = [self.rxn_dict[i] for i in job_description['reaction_indices']] \ if 'reaction_indices' in job_description else None if 'reaction_indices' in job_description: del job_description['reaction_indices'] job = job_factory(**job_description) if spc_label not in self.job_dict.keys(): self.job_dict[spc_label] = dict() if job_description['job_type'] not in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): if ('conformer' not in job_description or job_description['conformer'] is None) \ and ('tsg' not in job_description or job_description['tsg'] is None): self.job_dict[spc_label][job_description['job_type']] = dict() elif 'conformers' not in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): self.job_dict[spc_label]['conformers'] = dict() elif 'tsg' not in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): self.job_dict[spc_label]['tsg'] = dict() if ('conformer' not in job_description or job_description['conformer'] is None) \ and ('tsg' not in job_description or job_description['tsg'] is None): self.job_dict[spc_label][job_description['job_type']][job_description['job_name']] = job elif 'conformer' in job_description and job_description['conformer'] is not None: if 'conformers' not in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): self.job_dict[spc_label]['conformers'] = dict() self.job_dict[spc_label]['conformers'][int(job_description['conformer'])] = job # don't generate additional conformers for this species self.dont_gen_confs.append(spc_label) elif 'tsg' in job_description and job_description['tsg'] is not None: if 'tsg' not in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): self.job_dict[spc_label]['tsg'] = dict() self.job_dict[spc_label]['tsg'][int(job_description['tsg'])] = job self.server_job_ids.append(job.job_id) if self.job_dict: content = 'Restarting ARC, tracking the following jobs spawned in a previous session:' for spc_label in self.job_dict.keys(): content += f'\n{spc_label}: ' for job_type in self.job_dict[spc_label].keys(): for job_name in self.job_dict[spc_label][job_type].keys(): if job_type not in ['conformers', 'tsg']: content += job_name + ', ' elif job_type == 'conformers': content += self.job_dict[spc_label][job_type][job_name].job_name \ + f' (conformer{job_name}), ' elif job_type == 'tsg': content += self.job_dict[spc_label][job_type][job_name].job_name \ + f' (tsg{job_name}), ' content += '\n\n'
[docs] def save_restart_dict(self): """ Update the restart_dict and save the restart.yml file. """ if self.save_restart and self.restart_dict is not None: logger.debug('Creating a restart file...') self.restart_dict['output'] = self.output self.restart_dict['output_multi_spc'] = self.output_multi_spc self.restart_dict['species'] = [spc.as_dict() for spc in self.species_dict.values()] self.restart_dict['running_jobs'] = dict() for spc in self.species_dict.values(): if spc.label in self.running_jobs: self.restart_dict['running_jobs'][spc.label] = \ [self.job_dict[spc.label][job_name.rsplit('_', 1)[0]][job_name].as_dict() for job_name in self.running_jobs[spc.label] if 'conformer' not in job_name and 'tsg' not in job_name] \ + [self.job_dict[spc.label]['conformers'][get_i_from_job_name(job_name)].as_dict() for job_name in self.running_jobs[spc.label] if 'conformer' in job_name] \ + [self.job_dict[spc.label]['tsg'][get_i_from_job_name(job_name)].as_dict() for job_name in self.running_jobs[spc.label] if 'tsg' in job_name] logger.debug(f'Dumping restart dictionary:\n{self.restart_dict}') save_yaml_file(path=self.restart_path, content=self.restart_dict)
[docs] def make_reaction_labels_info_file(self): """ A helper function for creating the `reactions` file. """ rxn_info_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', 'reaction') old_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', 'reaction')) if os.path.isfile(rxn_info_path): if os.path.isfile(old_file_path): os.remove(old_file_path) shutil.copy(rxn_info_path, old_file_path) os.remove(rxn_info_path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(rxn_info_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(rxn_info_path)) with open(rxn_info_path, 'w') as f: f.write(str('Reaction labels and respective TS labels:\n\n')) return rxn_info_path
[docs] def determine_adaptive_level(self, original_level_of_theory: Level, job_type: str, heavy_atoms: int, ) -> Level: """ Determine the level of theory to be used according to the job type and number of heavy atoms. self.adaptive_levels is a dictionary of levels of theory for ranges of the number of heavy atoms in the species. Keys are tuples of (min_num_atoms, max_num_atoms), values are dictionaries with job type tuples as keys and levels of theory as values. The string 'inf' is accepted instead of an integer in max_num_atoms. Args: original_level_of_theory (Level): The level of theory for non-sp/opt/freq job types. job_type (str): The job type for which the level of theory is determined. heavy_atoms (int): The number of heavy atoms in the species. """ for atom_range, adaptive_level in self.adaptive_levels.items(): if atom_range[1] == 'inf' and heavy_atoms >= atom_range[0] or atom_range[0] <= heavy_atoms <= atom_range[1]: break else: raise SchedulerError(f'Could not determine adaptive level of theory for {heavy_atoms} heavy atoms using ' f'the following adaptive levels:\n{self.adaptive_levels}') for job_type_tuple, level in adaptive_level.items(): if job_type in job_type_tuple: return level # for any other job type use the original level of theory regardless of the number of heavy atoms return original_level_of_theory
[docs] def initialize_output_dict(self, label: Optional[str] = None): """ Initialize self.output. Do not initialize keys that will contain paths ('geo', 'freq', 'sp', 'composite'), their existence indicate the job was terminated for restarting purposes. If ``label`` is not ``None``, will initialize for a specific species, otherwise will initialize for all species. Args: label (str, optional): A species label. """ if label is not None or not self._does_output_dict_contain_info(): for species in self.species_list: if label is None or species.label == label: if species.label not in self.output: self.output[species.label] = dict() if species.multi_species not in self.output_multi_spc: self.output_multi_spc[species.multi_species] = dict() if 'paths' not in self.output[species.label]: self.output[species.label]['paths'] = dict() path_keys = ['geo', 'freq', 'sp', 'composite'] for key in path_keys: if key not in self.output[species.label]['paths']: self.output[species.label]['paths'][key] = '' if 'irc' not in self.output[species.label]['paths'] and species.is_ts: self.output[species.label]['paths']['irc'] = list() if 'job_types' not in self.output[species.label]: self.output[species.label]['job_types'] = dict() for job_type in list(set(self.job_types.keys())) + ['opt', 'freq', 'sp', 'composite', 'onedmin']: if job_type in ['rotors', 'bde']: # rotors could be invalidated due to many reasons, # also could be falsely identified in a species that has no torsional modes. self.output[species.label]['job_types'][job_type] = True else: self.output[species.label]['job_types'][job_type] = False keys = ['conformers', 'isomorphism', 'convergence', 'restart', 'errors', 'warnings', 'info'] for key in keys: if key not in self.output[species.label]: if key == 'convergence': self.output[species.label][key] = None else: self.output[species.label][key] = ''
def _does_output_dict_contain_info(self): """ Determine whether self.output contains any information other than the initialized structure. Returns: bool: Whether self.output contains any information, ``True`` if it does. """ for species_output_dict in self.output.values(): for key0, val0 in species_output_dict.items(): if key0 in ['paths', 'job_types']: for key1, val1 in species_output_dict[key0].items(): if val1 and key1 not in ['rotors', 'bde']: return True else: if val0: return True return False
[docs] def generate_final_ts_guess_report(self): """ Generate a TS report for this ARC project and saves it as a YAML file. """ content = dict() for species in self.species_dict.values(): if species.is_ts: ts_dict = dict() ts_dict['multiplicity'] = species.multiplicity ts_dict['charge'] = species.charge ts_dict['external_symmetry'] = species.external_symmetry ts_dict['optical_isomers'] = species.optical_isomers ts_dict['run_time'] = str(species.run_time) ts_dict['successful_methods'] = species.successful_methods ts_dict['unsuccessful_methods'] = species.unsuccessful_methods ts_dict['chosen_ts'] = species.chosen_ts ts_dict['chosen_ts_list'] = species.chosen_ts_list ts_dict['ts_guesses_exhausted'] = species.ts_guesses_exhausted ts_dict['ts_report'] = species.ts_report ts_dict['rxn_label'] = species.rxn_label ts_dict['rxn_index'] = species.rxn_index for reaction in self.rxn_list: if reaction.ts_label == species.label: ts_dict['family'] = if is not None else None break else: ts_dict['family'] = None ts_guesses = dict() for tsg in species.ts_guesses: ts_guesses[tsg.index] = tsg.as_dict(for_report=True) ts_dict['ts_guesses'] = ts_guesses content[species.label] = ts_dict tsg_fig_path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', species.label, 'ts_guesses.png') plotter.plot_ts_guesses_by_e_and_method(species=species, path=tsg_fig_path) path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'rxns', 'TS_guess_report.yml') if content: save_yaml_file(path=path, content=content)
[docs] def save_e_elect(self, label: str): """ Save the electronic energy of the corresponding species. It will append if the file already exists. """ path = os.path.join(self.project_directory, 'output', 'e_elect_summary.yml') content = dict() if os.path.isfile(path): content = read_yaml_file(path) content[label] = self.species_dict[label].e_elect save_yaml_file(path=path, content=content)
[docs]def species_has_freq(species_output_dict: dict, yml_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks whether a species has valid converged frequencies using it's output dict. Args: species_output_dict (dict): The species output dict (i.e., Scheduler.output[label]). yml_path (str): THe species Arkane YAML file path. Returns: bool Whether a species has valid converged frequencies. """ if yml_path is not None: return True if species_output_dict['paths']['freq'] or species_output_dict['paths']['composite']: return True return False
[docs]def species_has_geo(species_output_dict: dict, yml_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks whether a species has a valid converged geometry using it's output dict. Args: species_output_dict (dict): The species output dict (i.e., Scheduler.output[label]). yml_path (str): THe species Arkane YAML file path. Returns: bool Whether a species has a valid converged geometry. """ if yml_path is not None: return True if species_output_dict['paths']['geo'] or species_output_dict['paths']['composite']: return True return False
[docs]def species_has_sp(species_output_dict: dict, yml_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks whether a species has a valid converged single-point energy using it's output dict. Args: species_output_dict (dict): The species output dict (i.e., Scheduler.output[label]). yml_path (str): THe species Arkane YAML file path. Returns: bool Whether a species has a valid converged single-point energy. """ if yml_path is not None: return True if species_output_dict['paths']['sp'] or species_output_dict['paths']['composite']: return True return False
[docs]def species_has_sp_and_freq(species_output_dict: dict, yml_path: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks whether a species has a valid converged single-point energy and valid converged frequencies. Args: species_output_dict (dict): The species output dict (i.e., Scheduler.output[label]). yml_path (str): THe species Arkane YAML file path. Returns: bool Whether a species has a valid converged single-point energy and frequencies. """ return species_has_sp(species_output_dict, yml_path) and species_has_freq(species_output_dict, yml_path)