Source code for arc.species.species

A module for representing stationary points (chemical species and transition states).
If the species is a transition state (TS), its ``ts_guesses`` attribute will have one or more ``TSGuess`` objects.

import datetime
import numpy as np
import os
from math import isclose
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import rmgpy.molecule.element as elements
from arkane.common import ArkaneSpecies, symbol_by_number
from arkane.statmech import is_linear
from rmgpy.exceptions import AtomTypeError, InvalidAdjacencyListError
from rmgpy.molecule.molecule import Atom, Molecule
from rmgpy.molecule.resonance import generate_kekule_structure
from rmgpy.reaction import Reaction
from rmgpy.species import Species
from rmgpy.statmech import NonlinearRotor, LinearRotor
from rmgpy.transport import TransportData

from arc.common import (almost_equal_coords,
from arc.exceptions import InputError, RotorError, SpeciesError, TSError
from arc.imports import settings
from arc.level import Level
from arc.parser import (parse_1d_scan_energies,
from arc.species import conformers
from arc.species.converter import (check_isomorphism,
from arc.species.vectors import calculate_angle, calculate_distance, calculate_dihedral_angle

logger = get_logger()

valid_chars, minimum_barrier = settings['valid_chars'], settings['minimum_barrier']

[docs]class ARCSpecies(object): """ A class for representing stationary points. Structures (rotors_dict is initialized in conformers.find_internal_rotors; pivots/scan/top values are 1-indexed):: rotors_dict: {0: {'pivots': ``List[int]``, # 1-indexed 'top': ``List[int]``, # 1-indexed 'scan': ``List[int]``, # 1-indexed 'torsion': ``List[int]``, # 0-indexed 'number_of_running_jobs': ``int``, 'success': Optional[``bool``], # ``None`` by default 'invalidation_reason': ``str``, 'times_dihedral_set': ``int``, 'scan_path': <path to scan output file>, 'max_e': ``float``, # relative to the minimum energy, in kJ/mol, 'trsh_counter': ``int``, 'trsh_methods': ``List[str]``, 'symmetry': ``int``, 'dimensions': ``int``, 'original_dihedrals': ``list``, 'cont_indices': ``list``, 'directed_scan_type': ``str``, 'directed_scan': ``dict``, # keys: tuples of dihedrals as strings, # values: dicts of energy, xyz, is_isomorphic, trsh } 1: {}, ... } Args: label (str, optional): The species label. is_ts (bool, optional): Whether the species represents a transition state. rmg_species (Species, optional): An RMG Species object to be converted to an ARCSpecies object. mol (Molecule, optional): An ``RMG Molecule``. Atom order corresponds to the order in .initial_xyz xyz (list, str, dict, optional): Entries are either string-format coordinates, file paths, or ARC's dict format. (If there's only one entry, it could be given directly, not in a list). The file paths could direct to either a .xyz file, ARC conformers (w/ or w/o energies), or an ESS log/input files. multiplicity (int, optional): The species' electron spin multiplicity. Can be determined from the adjlist/smiles/xyz (If unspecified, assumed to be either a singlet or a doublet). charge (int, optional): The species' net charge. Assumed to be 0 if unspecified. smiles (str, optional): A `SMILES <>`_ representation for the species 2D graph. adjlist (str, optional): An `RMG adjacency list <>`_ representation for the species 2D graph. inchi (str, optional): An `InChI <>`_ representation for the species 2D graph. bond_corrections (dict, optional): The bond additivity corrections (BAC) to be used. Determined from the structure if not directly given. compute_thermo (bool, optional): Whether to calculate thermodynamic properties for this species. include_in_thermo_lib (bool, optional): Whether to include in the output RMG library. e0_only (bool, optional): Whether to only run statmech (w/o thermo) to compute E0. species_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary to create this object from (used when restarting ARC). yml_path (str, optional): Path to an Arkane YAML file representing a species (for loading the object). ts_number (int, optional): An auto-generated number associating the TS ARCSpecies object with the corresponding :ref:`ARCReaction <reaction>` object. rxn_label (str, optional): The reaction string (relevant for TSs). rxn_index (int, optional): The reaction index which is the respective key to the Scheduler rxn_dict. external_symmetry (int, optional): The external symmetry of the species (not including rotor symmetries). optical_isomers (int, optional): Whether (=2) or not (=1) the species has chiral center/s. run_time (timedelta, optional): Overall species execution time. checkfile (str, optional): The local path to the latest checkfile by Gaussian for the species. number_of_radicals (int, optional): The number of radicals (inputted by the user, ARC won't attempt to determine it). Defaults to None. Important, e.g., if a Species is a bi-rad singlet, in which case the job should be unrestricted, but the multiplicity does not have the required information to make that decision (r vs. u). force_field (str, optional): The force field to be used for conformer screening. The default is MMFF94s. Other optional force fields are MMFF94, UFF, or GAFF (not recommended, slow). If 'fit' is specified for this parameter, some initial MMFF94s conformers will be generated, then force field parameters will be fitted for this molecule and conformers will be re-run with the fitted force field (recommended for drug-like species and species with many heteroatoms). Another option is specifying 'cheap', and the "old" RDKit embedding method will be used. bdes (list, optional): Specifying for which bonds should bond dissociation energies be calculated. Entries are bonded atom indices tuples (1-indexed). An 'all_h' string entry is also allowed, triggering BDE calculations for all hydrogen atoms in the molecule. directed_rotors (dict): Execute a directed internal rotation scan (i.e., a series of sp or constrained opt jobs) for the pivots of interest. The optional primary keys are: - 'brute_force_sp' - 'brute_force_opt' - 'cont_opt' - 'ess' The brute force methods will generate all the geometries in advance and submit all relevant jobs simultaneously. The continuous method will wait for the previous job to terminate, and use its geometry as the initial guess for the next job. Another set of three keys is allowed, adding `_diagonal` to each of the above keys. the secondary keys are therefore: - 'brute_force_sp_diagonal' - 'brute_force_opt_diagonal' - 'cont_opt_diagonal' Specifying '_diagonal' will increment all the respective dihedrals together, resulting in a 1D scan instead of an ND scan. Values are nested lists. Each value is a list where the entries are either pivot lists (e.g., [1, 5]) or lists of pivot lists (e.g., [[1, 5], [6, 8]]), or a mix (e.g., [[4, 8], [[6, 9], [3, 4]]]). The requested directed scan type will be executed separately for each list entry in the value. A list entry that contains only two pivots will result in a 1D scan, while a list entry with N pivots will consider all of them, and will result in an ND scan if '_diagonal' is not specified. ARC will generate geometries using the ``rotor_scan_resolution`` argument in Note: An 'all' string entry is also allowed in the value list, triggering a directed internal rotation scan for all torsions in the molecule. If 'all' is specified within a second level list, then all the dihedrals will be considered together. Currently, ARC does not automatically identify torsions to be treated as ND, and this attribute must be specified by the user. An additional supported key is 'ess', in which case ARC will allow the ESS to take care of spawning the ND continuous constrained optimizations (not yet implemented). consider_all_diastereomers (bool, optional): Whether to consider all different chiralities (tetrahedral carbon centers, nitrogen inversions, and cis/trans double bonds) when generating conformers. ``True`` to consider all. If no 3D coordinates are given for the species, all diastereomers will be considered, otherwise the chirality specified by the given coordinates will be preserved. preserve_param_in_scan (list, optional): Entries are length two iterables of atom indices (1-indexed) between which distances and dihedrals of these pivots must be preserved. Used for identification of rotors which break a TS. fragments (Optional[List[List[int]]]): Fragments represented by this species, i.e., as in a VdW well or a TS. Entries are atom index lists of all atoms in a fragment, each list represents a different fragment. occ (int, optional): The number of occupied orbitals (core + val) from a molpro CCSD sp calc. irc_label (str, optional): The label of an original ``ARCSpecies`` object (a TS) for which an IRC job was spawned. The present species object instance represents a geometry optimization job of the IRC result in one direction. project_directory (str, optional): The path to the project directory. multi_species: (str, optional): The multi-species set this species belongs to. Used for running a set of species simultaneously in a single ESS input file. A species marked as multi_species will only have one conformer considered (n_confs set to 1). Attributes: label (str): The species' label. original_label (str): The species' label prior to modifications (removing forbidden characters). multiplicity (int): The species' electron spin multiplicity. Can be determined from the adjlist/smiles/xyz (If unspecified, assumed to be either a singlet or a doublet). charge (int): The species' net charge. Assumed to be 0 if unspecified. number_of_radicals (int): The number of radicals (inputted by the user, ARC won't attempt to determine it). Defaults to None. Important, e.g., if a Species is a bi-rad singlet, in which case the job should be unrestricted, but the multiplicity does not have the required information to make that decision (r vs. u). e_elect (float): The total electronic energy (without ZPE) at the chosen sp level, in kJ/mol. e0 (float): The 0 Kelvin energy (total electronic energy plus ZPE) at the chosen sp level, in kJ/mol. is_ts (bool): Whether the species represents a transition state. `True` if it does. number_of_rotors (int): The number of potential rotors to scan. rotors_dict (dict): A dictionary of rotors. structure given below. conformers (list): A list of selected conformers XYZs (dict format). conformer_energies (list): A list of conformers E0 (in kJ/mol). cheap_conformer (str): A string format xyz of a cheap conformer (not necessarily the best/lowest one). most_stable_conformer (int): The index of the best/lowest conformer in self.conformers. recent_md_conformer (list): A length three list containing the coordinates of the recent conformer generated by MD, the energy in kJ/mol, and the number of MD runs. Used to detect when the MD algorithm converges on a single structure. initial_xyz (dict): The initial geometry guess. final_xyz (dict): The optimized species geometry. _radius (float): The species radius in Angstrom. opt_level (str): Level of theory for geometry optimization. Saved for archiving. _number_of_atoms (int): The number of atoms in the species/TS. mol (Molecule): An ``RMG Molecule`` object used for BAC determination. Atom order corresponds to the order in .initial_xyz mol_list (list): A list of localized structures generated from 'mol', if possible. rmg_species (Species): An RMG Species object to be converted to an ARCSpecies object. bond_corrections (dict): The bond additivity corrections (BAC) to be used. Determined from the structure if not directly given. run_time (timedelta): Overall species execution time. t1 (float): The T1 diagnostic parameter from Molpro. neg_freqs_trshed (list): A list of negative frequencies this species was troubleshooted for. compute_thermo (bool): Whether to calculate thermodynamic properties for this species. include_in_thermo_lib (bool): Whether to include in the output RMG library. e0_only (bool): Whether to only run statmech (w/o thermo) to compute E0. thermo (HeatCapacityModel): The thermodata calculated by ARC. rmg_thermo (HeatCapacityModel): The thermodata generated by RMG for comparison. long_thermo_description (str): A description for the species entry in the thermo library outputted. ts_guesses (list): A list of TSGuess objects for each of the specified methods. successful_methods (list): Methods used to generate a TS guess that successfully generated an XYZ guess. unsuccessful_methods (list): Methods used to generate a TS guess that were unsuccessfully. chosen_ts (int): The TSGuess index corresponding to the chosen TS conformer used for optimization. chosen_ts_list (List[int]): The TSGuess index corresponding to the TS guesses that were tried out. chosen_ts_method (str): The TS method that was actually used for optimization. ts_checks (Dict[str, bool]): Checks that a TS species went through. rxn_zone_atom_indices (List[int]): 0-indexed atom indices of the active reaction zone. ts_conf_spawned (bool): Whether conformers were already spawned for the Species (representing a TS) based on its TSGuess objects. tsg_spawned (bool): If this species is a TS, this attribute describes whether TS guess jobs were already spawned. ts_guesses_exhausted (bool): Whether all TS guesses were tried out with no luck (``True`` if no convergence achieved). ts_number (int): An auto-generated number associating the TS ARCSpecies object with the corresponding :ref:`ARCReaction <reaction>` object. ts_report (str): A description of all methods used for guessing a TS and their ranking. rxn_label (str): The reaction string (relevant for TSs). rxn_index (int): The reaction index which is the respective key to the Scheduler rxn_dict. arkane_file (str): Path to the Arkane Species file generated in processor. yml_path (str): Path to an Arkane YAML file representing a species (for loading the object). keep_mol (bool): Label to prevent the generation of a new Molecule object. checkfile (str): The local path to the latest checkfile by Gaussian for the species. external_symmetry (int): The external symmetry of the species (not including rotor symmetries). optical_isomers (int): Whether (=2) or not (=1) the species has chiral center/s. transport_data (TransportData): A placeholder for updating transport properties after Lennard-Jones calculation (using OneDMin). force_field (str): The force field to be used for conformer screening. The default is MMFF94s. Other optional force fields are MMFF94, UFF, or GAFF (not recommended, slow). If 'fit' is specified for this parameter, some initial MMFF94s conformers will be generated, then force field parameters will be fitted for this molecule and conformers will be re-run with the fitted force field (recommended for drug-like species and species with many heteroatoms). Another option is specifying 'cheap', and the "old" RDKit embedding method will be used. conf_is_isomorphic (bool): Whether the lowest conformer is isomorphic with the 2D graph representation of the species. ``True`` if it is. Defaults to ``None``. If ``True``, an isomorphism check will be strictly enforced for the final optimized coordinates. conformers_before_opt (tuple): Conformers XYZs of a species before optimization. bdes (list): Specifying for which bonds should bond dissociation energies be calculated. Entries are bonded atom indices tuples (1-indexed). An 'all_h' string entry is also allowed, triggering BDE calculations for all hydrogen atoms in the molecule. directed_rotors (dict): Execute a directed internal rotation scan (i.e., a series of constrained optimizations). Data is in 3 levels of nested lists, converted from pivots to four-atom torsion indices. consider_all_diastereomers (bool, optional): Whether to consider all different chiralities (tetrahydral carbon centers, nitrogen inversions, and cis/trans double bonds) when generating conformers. ``True`` to consider all. zmat (dict): The species internal coordinates (Z Matrix). preserve_param_in_scan (list): Entries are length two iterables of atom indices (1-indexed) between which distances and dihedrals of these pivots must be preserved. fragments (Optional[List[List[int]]]): Fragments represented by this species, i.e., as in a VdW well or a TS. Entries are atom index lists of all atoms in a fragment, each list represents a different fragment. occ (int): The number of occupied orbitals (core + val) from a molpro CCSD sp calc. irc_label (str): The label of an original ``ARCSpecies`` object (a TS) for which an IRC job was spawned. The present species object instance represents a geometry optimization job of the IRC result in one direction. If a species is a transition state, then this attribute contains the labels of the two corresponding "IRC species", separated by a blank space. project_directory (str): The path to the project directory. multi_species: (str): The multi-species set this species belongs to. Used for running a set of species simultaneously in a single ESS input file. """ def __init__(self, adjlist: str = '', bdes: Optional[list] = None, bond_corrections: Optional[dict] = None, charge: Optional[int] = None, checkfile: Optional[str] = None, compute_thermo: Optional[bool] = None, include_in_thermo_lib: Optional[bool] = True, consider_all_diastereomers: bool = True, directed_rotors: Optional[dict] = None, e0_only: bool = False, external_symmetry: Optional[int] = None, fragments: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None, force_field: str = 'MMFF94s', inchi: str = '', is_ts: bool = False, irc_label: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, mol: Optional[Molecule] = None, multiplicity: Optional[int] = None, multi_species: Optional[str] = None, number_of_radicals: Optional[int] = None, occ: Optional[int] = None, optical_isomers: Optional[int] = None, preserve_param_in_scan: Optional[list] = None, rmg_species: Optional[Species] = None, run_time: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, rxn_label: Optional[str] = None, rxn_index: Optional[int] = None, smiles: str = '', species_dict: Optional[dict] = None, ts_number: Optional[int] = None, xyz: Optional[Union[list, dict, str]] = None, yml_path: Optional[str] = None, keep_mol: bool = False, project_directory: Optional[str] = None, ): self.t1 = None self.ts_number = ts_number self.conformers = list() self.conformers_before_opt = None self.ts_guesses = list() self.cheap_conformer = None self.most_stable_conformer = None self.recent_md_conformer = None self.conformer_energies = list() self.initial_xyz = None self.thermo = None self.rmg_thermo = None self.rmg_kinetics = None self._number_of_atoms = None self._number_of_heavy_atoms = None self._radius = None self.mol = mol self.mol_list = None self.adjlist = adjlist self.multiplicity = multiplicity self.multi_species = multi_species self.number_of_radicals = number_of_radicals self.external_symmetry = external_symmetry self.irc_label = irc_label self.occ = occ self.optical_isomers = optical_isomers self.charge = charge self.run_time = run_time self.checkfile = checkfile self.transport_data = TransportData() self.yml_path = yml_path self.keep_mol = keep_mol self.fragments = fragments self.original_label = None self.chosen_ts = None self.rxn_zone_atom_indices = None self.ts_checks = dict() self.project_directory = project_directory self.label = label if species_dict is not None: # Reading from a dictionary (it's possible that the dict contains only a 'yml_path' argument, check first) if 'yml_path' in species_dict: if 'label' in species_dict: self.label = species_dict['label'] self.yml_path = species_dict['yml_path'] else: self.from_dict(species_dict=species_dict) if species_dict is None or self.yml_path is not None: # Not reading from a dictionary. self.force_field = force_field self.is_ts = is_ts self.ts_conf_spawned = False self.ts_guesses_exhausted = False self.e_elect = None self.e0 = None self.arkane_file = None self.conf_is_isomorphic = None self.bdes = bdes self.directed_rotors = directed_rotors if directed_rotors is not None else dict() self.consider_all_diastereomers = consider_all_diastereomers self.zmat = None self.preserve_param_in_scan = preserve_param_in_scan self.rxn_label = rxn_label self.rxn_index = rxn_index self.successful_methods = list() self.unsuccessful_methods = list() self.chosen_ts_method = None self.chosen_ts_list = list() self.compute_thermo = compute_thermo if compute_thermo is not None else not self.is_ts self.include_in_thermo_lib = include_in_thermo_lib self.e0_only = e0_only self.long_thermo_description = '' self.opt_level = None self.ts_report = '' self.yml_path = self.yml_path or yml_path self.final_xyz = None self.number_of_rotors = 0 self.rotors_dict = dict() self.rmg_species = rmg_species self.tsg_spawned = False regen_mol = True if bond_corrections is None: self.bond_corrections = dict() else: self.bond_corrections = bond_corrections if self.yml_path is not None: # a YAML path was given regen_mol = self.from_yml_file(self.label) if regen_mol: if adjlist: self.mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adjlist=adjlist, raise_atomtype_exception=False, raise_charge_exception=False, ) elif inchi: self.mol = rmg_mol_from_inchi(inchi) elif smiles: self.mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles) self.set_mol_list() elif self.rmg_species is not None: # an RMG Species was given if not isinstance(self.rmg_species, Species): raise SpeciesError(f'The rmg_species parameter has to be a valid RMG Species object. ' f'Got: {type(self.rmg_species)}') if not self.rmg_species.molecule: raise SpeciesError('If an RMG Species given, it must have a non-empty molecule list') if not self.rmg_species.label and not label: raise SpeciesError('If an RMG Species given, it must have a label or a label must be given ' 'separately') self.label = self.label or self.rmg_species.label if self.mol is None: self.mol = self.rmg_species.molecule[0] self.multiplicity = self.rmg_species.molecule[0].multiplicity self.charge = self.rmg_species.molecule[0].get_net_charge() self.process_xyz(xyz) if multiplicity is not None: self.multiplicity = multiplicity if charge is not None: self.charge = charge if self.mol is None: if adjlist: self.mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adjlist=adjlist, raise_atomtype_exception=False, raise_charge_exception=False, ) elif inchi: self.mol = rmg_mol_from_inchi(inchi) elif smiles: self.mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles) if self.mol is not None: if self.multiplicity is None: self.multiplicity = self.mol.multiplicity if self.charge is None: self.charge = self.mol.get_net_charge() if regen_mol: # Perceive molecule from xyz coordinates. This also populates the .mol attribute of the Species. # It overrides self.mol generated from adjlist or smiles so xyz and mol will have the same atom order. if self.final_xyz or self.initial_xyz or self.most_stable_conformer or self.conformers or self.ts_guesses: self.mol_from_xyz(get_cheap=False) if not self.is_ts: # We don't care about BACs in TSs if self.mol is None: if self.compute_thermo: logger.warning(f'No structure (SMILES, adjList, RMG Species, or RMG Molecule) was given for ' f'species {self.label}, NOT using bond additivity corrections (BAC) for thermo ' f'computation.') else: # Generate bond list for applying bond additivity corrections if not self.bond_corrections and self.mol is not None: self.bond_corrections = enumerate_bonds(self.mol) if self.bond_corrections: self.long_thermo_description += f'Bond corrections: {self.bond_corrections}\n' if not self.bond_corrections and self.compute_thermo \ and self.number_of_atoms is not None and self.number_of_atoms > 1: logger.warning(f'Cannot determine bond additivity corrections (BAC) for species {self.label} based on ' f'xyz coordinates only. For better thermodynamic properties, provide bond corrections.') self.neg_freqs_trshed = list() if self.charge is None: self.charge = 0 if self.multiplicity is None or self.multiplicity < 1: self.determine_multiplicity(smiles, adjlist, self.mol) if not isinstance(self.multiplicity, int) and self.multiplicity is not None: raise SpeciesError(f'Multiplicity for species {self.label} is not an integer. ' f'Got {self.multiplicity} which is a {type(self.multiplicity)}.') if self.multiplicity is not None and self.multiplicity < 1: raise SpeciesError(f'Multiplicity for species {self.label} is lower than 1. Got: {self.multiplicity}') if not isinstance(self.charge, int): raise SpeciesError(f'Charge for species {self.label} is not an integer. ' f'Got {self.charge} which is a {type(self.charge)}.') if not self.is_ts and self.initial_xyz is None and self.final_xyz is None and self.mol is None \ and not self.conformers: raise SpeciesError(f'No structure (xyz, SMILES, adjList, RMG Species or Molecule) ' f'was given for species {self.label}') if self.preserve_param_in_scan is not None: if not isinstance(self.preserve_param_in_scan, list): raise SpeciesError(f'preserve_param_in_scan must be a list, got {self.preserve_param_in_scan}, ' f'which is a {type(self.preserve_param_in_scan)}') for entry in self.preserve_param_in_scan: if not isinstance(entry, list) or len(entry) != 2: raise SpeciesError(f'Each entry in preserve_param_in_scan must be a length 2 list, got ' f'{self.preserve_param_in_scan}') if 0 in entry: raise SpeciesError(f'preserve_param_in_scan must be 1-indexed, got:\n{self.preserve_param_in_scan}') self.label, self.original_label = check_label(label=self.label, is_ts=self.is_ts) allowed_keys = ['brute_force_sp', 'brute_force_opt', 'cont_opt', 'ess', 'brute_force_sp_diagonal', 'brute_force_opt_diagonal', 'cont_opt_diagonal'] for key in self.directed_rotors.keys(): if key not in allowed_keys: raise SpeciesError(f'Allowed keys for directed_rotors are {allowed_keys}. Got {key} for {self.label}') if self.bdes is not None: if not isinstance(self.bdes, list): raise SpeciesError(f'The .bdes argument (of {self.label}) must be a list, ' f'got {self.bdes} which is a {type(self.bdes)}') for bde in self.bdes: if not bde == 'all_h' and not (isinstance(bde, (list, tuple)) and len(bde) == 2 and all(b and isinstance(b, int) for b in bde)): raise SpeciesError(f'Something is wrong with the .bdes attribute of {label}. ' f'Expected tuples of two 1-indexed atoms, got:\n{self.bdes}') if self.mol is not None and self.mol_list is None: self.set_mol_list() if self.is_ts and not any(value is not None for key, value in self.ts_checks.items() if key != 'warnings'): self.populate_ts_checks() def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the object""" str_representation = 'ARCSpecies(' str_representation += f'label="{self.label}", ' if self.mol is not None: str_representation += f'smiles="{self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}", ' str_representation += f'is_ts={self.is_ts}, ' str_representation += f'multiplicity={self.multiplicity}, ' str_representation += f'charge={self.charge})' return str_representation @property def number_of_atoms(self): """The number of atoms in the species""" if self._number_of_atoms is None: if self.mol is not None: self._number_of_atoms = len(self.mol.atoms) else: xyz = self.get_xyz() if xyz is not None: self._number_of_atoms = len(xyz['symbols']) return self._number_of_atoms @number_of_atoms.setter def number_of_atoms(self, value): """Allow setting number of atoms, e.g. a TS might not have Molecule or xyz when initialized""" self._number_of_atoms = value @property def number_of_heavy_atoms(self) -> int: """The number of heavy (non hydrogen) atoms in the species""" if self._number_of_heavy_atoms is None: if self.mol is not None: self._number_of_heavy_atoms = len([atom for atom in self.mol.atoms if atom.is_non_hydrogen()]) elif self.final_xyz is not None or self.initial_xyz is not None: self._number_of_heavy_atoms = len([symbol for symbol in self.get_xyz()['symbols'] if symbol != 'H']) elif self.is_ts: for ts_guess in self.ts_guesses: if ts_guess.get_xyz() is not None: self._number_of_heavy_atoms = len([symbol for symbol in ts_guess.get_xyz()['symbols'] if symbol != 'H']) return self._number_of_heavy_atoms @number_of_heavy_atoms.setter def number_of_heavy_atoms(self, value): """Allow setting number of heavy atoms, e.g. a TS might not have Molecule or xyz when initialized""" self._number_of_heavy_atoms = value @property def radius(self) -> float: """ Determine the largest distance from the coordinate system origin attributed to one of the molecule's atoms in 3D space. Returns: float: The radius in Angstrom. """ if self._radius is None: self._radius = get_xyz_radius(self.get_xyz())'Determined a radius of {self._radius:.2f} Angstrom for {self.label}') return self._radius @radius.setter def radius(self, value): """Allow setting the radius""" self._radius = value
[docs] def copy(self): """ Get a copy of this object instance. Returns: ARCSpecies: A copy of this object instance. """ species_dict = self.as_dict(reset_atom_ids=True) return ARCSpecies(species_dict=species_dict)
[docs] def as_dict(self, reset_atom_ids: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ A helper function for dumping this object as a dictionary in a YAML file for restarting ARC. Args: reset_atom_ids (bool, optional): Whether to reset the atom IDs in the .mol Molecule attribute. Useful when copying the object to avoid duplicate atom IDs between different object instances. Returns: dict: The dictionary representation of the object instance. """ species_dict = dict() if self.force_field != 'MMFF94s': species_dict['force_field'] = self.force_field if self.is_ts: species_dict['is_ts'] = self.is_ts if self.t1 is not None: species_dict['t1'] = self.t1 species_dict['label'] = self.label if self.long_thermo_description: species_dict['long_thermo_description'] = self.long_thermo_description species_dict['multiplicity'] = self.multiplicity if self.multi_species is not None: species_dict['multi_species'] = self.multi_species if self.charge != 0: species_dict['charge'] = self.charge if not self.compute_thermo and not self.is_ts: species_dict['compute_thermo'] = self.compute_thermo if not self.include_in_thermo_lib: species_dict['include_in_thermo_lib'] = self.include_in_thermo_lib species_dict['number_of_rotors'] = self.number_of_rotors if self.external_symmetry is not None: species_dict['external_symmetry'] = self.external_symmetry if self.adjlist: species_dict['adjlist'] = '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in self.adjlist.splitlines() if line.strip()) if self.irc_label is not None: species_dict['irc_label'] = self.irc_label if self.optical_isomers is not None: species_dict['optical_isomers'] = self.optical_isomers if self.neg_freqs_trshed: species_dict['neg_freqs_trshed'] = self.neg_freqs_trshed.tolist() \ if isinstance(self.neg_freqs_trshed, np.ndarray) else self.neg_freqs_trshed if self.arkane_file is not None: species_dict['arkane_file'] = self.arkane_file if not self.consider_all_diastereomers: species_dict['consider_all_diastereomers'] = self.consider_all_diastereomers if self.is_ts: if len(self.ts_guesses): species_dict['ts_guesses'] = [tsg.as_dict() for tsg in self.ts_guesses] if self.ts_conf_spawned: species_dict['ts_conf_spawned'] = self.ts_conf_spawned if self.ts_guesses_exhausted: species_dict['ts_guesses_exhausted'] = self.ts_guesses_exhausted if self.ts_number is not None: species_dict['ts_number'] = self.ts_number if self.ts_report: species_dict['ts_report'] = self.ts_report if self.rxn_label is not None: species_dict['rxn_label'] = self.rxn_label if self.rxn_index is not None: species_dict['rxn_index'] = self.rxn_index if len(self.successful_methods): species_dict['successful_methods'] = self.successful_methods if len(self.unsuccessful_methods): species_dict['unsuccessful_methods'] = self.unsuccessful_methods if self.chosen_ts_method is not None: species_dict['chosen_ts_method'] = self.chosen_ts_method if self.chosen_ts is not None: species_dict['chosen_ts'] = self.chosen_ts if self.rxn_zone_atom_indices is not None: species_dict['rxn_zone_atom_indices'] = self.rxn_zone_atom_indices if len(self.chosen_ts_list): species_dict['chosen_ts_list'] = self.chosen_ts_list if self.ts_checks: species_dict['ts_checks'] = self.ts_checks if self.original_label is not None: species_dict['original_label'] = self.original_label if self.e_elect is not None: species_dict['e_elect'] = self.e_elect if self.fragments is not None: species_dict['fragments'] = self.fragments if self.e0 is not None: species_dict['e0'] = self.e0 if self.e0_only is not False: species_dict['e0_only'] = self.e0_only if self.tsg_spawned is not False: species_dict['tsg_spawned'] = self.tsg_spawned if self.yml_path is not None: species_dict['yml_path'] = self.yml_path if self.run_time is not None: species_dict['run_time'] = self.run_time.total_seconds() if self.number_of_radicals is not None: species_dict['number_of_radicals'] = self.number_of_radicals if self.opt_level is not None: species_dict['opt_level'] = self.opt_level if self.directed_rotors: species_dict['directed_rotors'] = self.directed_rotors if self.conf_is_isomorphic is not None: species_dict['conf_is_isomorphic'] = self.conf_is_isomorphic if self.bond_corrections is not None: species_dict['bond_corrections'] = self.bond_corrections if self.mol is not None: species_dict['mol'] = rmg_mol_to_dict_repr(self.mol, reset_atom_ids=reset_atom_ids) if self.initial_xyz is not None: species_dict['initial_xyz'] = xyz_to_str(self.initial_xyz) if self.final_xyz is not None: species_dict['final_xyz'] = xyz_to_str(self.final_xyz) if self.zmat is not None: species_dict['zmat'] = self.zmat if self.checkfile is not None: species_dict['checkfile'] = self.checkfile if self.occ is not None: species_dict['occ'] = self.occ if self.most_stable_conformer is not None: species_dict['most_stable_conformer'] = self.most_stable_conformer if self.cheap_conformer is not None: species_dict['cheap_conformer'] = xyz_to_str(self.cheap_conformer) if self.recent_md_conformer is not None: species_dict['recent_md_conformer'] = xyz_to_str(self.recent_md_conformer) if self._radius is not None: species_dict['radius'] = self._radius if self.conformers: species_dict['conformers'] = [xyz_to_str(conf) for conf in self.conformers] species_dict['conformer_energies'] = self.conformer_energies if self.conformers_before_opt is not None: species_dict['conformers_before_opt'] = [xyz_to_str(conf) for conf in self.conformers_before_opt] if self.bdes is not None: species_dict['bdes'] = self.bdes if self.preserve_param_in_scan is not None: species_dict['preserve_param_in_scan'] = self.preserve_param_in_scan if self.rotors_dict is not None and len(list(self.rotors_dict.keys())): rotors_dict = dict() for index, rotor_dict in self.rotors_dict.items(): rotors_dict[index] = dict() for key, val in rotor_dict.items(): if key == 'directed_scan': rotors_dict[index][key] = dict() for dihedrals, result in val.items(): rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals] = dict() for result_key, result_val in result.items(): if result_key == 'energy': rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][result_key] = str(result_val) elif result_key == 'xyz': rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][result_key] = xyz_to_str(result_val) \ if isinstance(result_val, dict) else result_val else: rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][result_key] = result_val else: rotors_dict[index][key] = val species_dict['rotors_dict'] = rotors_dict elif self.rotors_dict is None: # this marks the species to skip rotor scans (it is not an empty dict) # this is valuable information, store it in the restart file species_dict['rotors_dict'] = self.rotors_dict return species_dict
[docs] def from_dict(self, species_dict): """ A helper function for loading this object from a dictionary in a YAML file for restarting ARC """ try: self.label = species_dict['label'] except KeyError: raise InputError('All species must have a label') self.run_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=species_dict['run_time']) if 'run_time' in species_dict else None self.original_label = species_dict['original_label'] if 'original_label' in species_dict else None self.t1 = species_dict['t1'] if 't1' in species_dict else None self.e_elect = species_dict['e_elect'] if 'e_elect' in species_dict else None self.e0 = species_dict['e0'] if 'e0' in species_dict else None self.tsg_spawned = species_dict['tsg_spawned'] if 'tsg_spawned' in species_dict else False self.occ = species_dict['occ'] if 'occ' in species_dict else None self.arkane_file = species_dict['arkane_file'] if 'arkane_file' in species_dict else None self.yml_path = species_dict['yml_path'] if 'yml_path' in species_dict else None self.rxn_label = species_dict['rxn_label'] if 'rxn_label' in species_dict else None self.rxn_index = species_dict['rxn_index'] if 'rxn_index' in species_dict else None self._radius = species_dict['radius'] if 'radius' in species_dict else None self.most_stable_conformer = species_dict['most_stable_conformer'] \ if 'most_stable_conformer' in species_dict else None self.cheap_conformer = check_xyz_dict(species_dict['cheap_conformer']) if 'cheap_conformer' in species_dict else None self.recent_md_conformer = str_to_xyz(species_dict['recent_md_conformer']) \ if 'recent_md_conformer' in species_dict else None self.fragments = species_dict['fragments'] if 'fragments' in species_dict else None self.force_field = species_dict['force_field'] if 'force_field' in species_dict else 'MMFF94s' self.long_thermo_description = species_dict['long_thermo_description'] \ if 'long_thermo_description' in species_dict else '' self.initial_xyz = str_to_xyz(species_dict['initial_xyz']) if 'initial_xyz' in species_dict else None self.final_xyz = str_to_xyz(species_dict['final_xyz']) if 'final_xyz' in species_dict else None self.conf_is_isomorphic = species_dict['conf_is_isomorphic'] if 'conf_is_isomorphic' in species_dict else None self.zmat = check_zmat_dict(species_dict['zmat']) if 'zmat' in species_dict else None self.is_ts = species_dict['is_ts'] if 'is_ts' in species_dict else False self.ts_conf_spawned = species_dict['ts_conf_spawned'] if 'ts_conf_spawned' in species_dict \ else False if self.is_ts else None self.adjlist = species_dict['adjlist'] if 'adjlist' in species_dict else None if self.is_ts: self.ts_number = species_dict['ts_number'] if 'ts_number' in species_dict else None self.ts_guesses_exhausted = species_dict['ts_guesses_exhausted'] if 'ts_guesses_exhausted' in species_dict else False self.ts_report = species_dict['ts_report'] if 'ts_report' in species_dict else '' self.ts_guesses = [TSGuess(ts_dict=tsg) for tsg in species_dict['ts_guesses']] \ if 'ts_guesses' in species_dict else list() self.successful_methods = species_dict['successful_methods'] \ if 'successful_methods' in species_dict else list() self.unsuccessful_methods = species_dict['unsuccessful_methods'] \ if 'unsuccessful_methods' in species_dict else list() self.chosen_ts_method = species_dict['chosen_ts_method'] if 'chosen_ts_method' in species_dict else None self.chosen_ts = species_dict['chosen_ts'] if 'chosen_ts' in species_dict else None self.rxn_zone_atom_indices = species_dict['rxn_zone_atom_indices'] \ if 'rxn_zone_atom_indices' in species_dict else None self.ts_checks = species_dict['ts_checks'] if 'ts_checks' in species_dict else dict() self.chosen_ts_list = species_dict['chosen_ts_list'] if 'chosen_ts_list' in species_dict else list() self.checkfile = species_dict['checkfile'] if 'checkfile' in species_dict else None if 'xyz' in species_dict and self.initial_xyz is None and self.final_xyz is None: self.process_xyz(species_dict['xyz']) self.multiplicity = species_dict['multiplicity'] if 'multiplicity' in species_dict else None self.multi_species = species_dict['multi_species'] if 'multi_species' in species_dict else None self.charge = species_dict['charge'] if 'charge' in species_dict else 0 self.compute_thermo = species_dict['compute_thermo'] if 'compute_thermo' in species_dict else not self.is_ts self.include_in_thermo_lib = species_dict['include_in_thermo_lib'] if 'include_in_thermo_lib' in species_dict else True self.e0_only = species_dict['e0_only'] if 'e0_only' in species_dict else False self.number_of_radicals = species_dict['number_of_radicals'] if 'number_of_radicals' in species_dict else None self.opt_level = species_dict['opt_level'] if 'opt_level' in species_dict else None self.number_of_rotors = species_dict['number_of_rotors'] if 'number_of_rotors' in species_dict else 0 self.external_symmetry = species_dict['external_symmetry'] if 'external_symmetry' in species_dict else None self.irc_label = species_dict['irc_label'] if 'irc_label' in species_dict else None self.optical_isomers = species_dict['optical_isomers'] if 'optical_isomers' in species_dict else None self.neg_freqs_trshed = species_dict['neg_freqs_trshed'] if 'neg_freqs_trshed' in species_dict else list() self.bond_corrections = species_dict['bond_corrections'] if 'bond_corrections' in species_dict else dict() if 'mol' in species_dict: if isinstance(species_dict['mol'], str): try: self.mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(species_dict['mol'], raise_atomtype_exception=False, raise_charge_exception=False) except (ValueError, AtomTypeError, InvalidAdjacencyListError) as e: logger.error(f"Could not read RMG adjacency list {species_dict['mol']}.\nGot:\n{e}") else: self.mol = rmg_mol_from_dict_repr(species_dict['mol'], is_ts=self.is_ts) else: self.mol = None smiles = species_dict['smiles'] if 'smiles' in species_dict else None inchi = species_dict['inchi'] if 'inchi' in species_dict else None adjlist = species_dict['adjlist'] if 'adjlist' in species_dict else None if self.mol is None: if adjlist is not None: self.mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adjlist=adjlist, raise_atomtype_exception=False, raise_charge_exception=False) elif inchi is not None: self.mol = rmg_mol_from_inchi(inchi) elif smiles is not None: if isinstance(smiles, list): raise SpeciesError(f'Got a list value type for SMILES of species {self.label}:\n' f'{smiles}, type: {type(smiles)}\n' f'Did you mean to enter this as a string? Consider adding quotation marks ' f'before and after the SMILES value if entering through a YAML file.') self.mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles) # Perceive molecule from xyz coordinates. This also populates the .mol attribute of the Species. # It overrides self.mol generated from adjlist or smiles so xyz and mol will have the same atom order. if self.final_xyz or self.initial_xyz or self.most_stable_conformer or self.conformers or self.ts_guesses: self.mol_from_xyz(get_cheap=False) if self.mol is not None: if 'bond_corrections' not in species_dict and not self.is_ts: self.bond_corrections = enumerate_bonds(self.mol) if self.bond_corrections: self.long_thermo_description += f'Bond corrections: {self.bond_corrections}\n' if self.multiplicity is None: self.multiplicity = self.mol.multiplicity if self.charge is None: self.charge = self.mol.get_net_charge() if 'conformers' in species_dict: self.conformers = [str_to_xyz(conf) for conf in species_dict['conformers']] self.conformer_energies = species_dict['conformer_energies'] if 'conformer_energies' in species_dict \ else [None] * len(self.conformers) self.conformers_before_opt = [str_to_xyz(conf) for conf in species_dict['conformers_before_opt']] \ if 'conformers_before_opt' in species_dict else None if self.mol is None and self.initial_xyz is None and self.final_xyz is None and not self.conformers \ and not self.is_ts: # Only TS species are allowed to be loaded w/o a structure raise SpeciesError(f'Must have either mol or xyz for species {self.label}') self.directed_rotors = species_dict['directed_rotors'] if 'directed_rotors' in species_dict else dict() self.consider_all_diastereomers = species_dict['consider_all_diastereomers'] \ if 'consider_all_diastereomers' in species_dict else True self.bdes = species_dict['bdes'] if 'bdes' in species_dict else None if self.bdes is not None and not isinstance(self.bdes, list): raise SpeciesError(f'The .bdes argument must be a list, got {self.bdes} which is a {type(self.bdes)}') self.rotors_dict = dict() if 'rotors_dict' in species_dict and species_dict['rotors_dict'] is None: self.rotors_dict = None self.preserve_param_in_scan = species_dict['preserve_param_in_scan'] \ if 'preserve_param_in_scan' in species_dict else None if 'rotors_dict' in species_dict and self.rotors_dict is not None: for index, rotor_dict in species_dict['rotors_dict'].items(): self.rotors_dict[index] = dict() for key, val in rotor_dict.items(): if key == 'directed_scan': self.rotors_dict[index][key] = dict() for dihedrals, result in val.items(): self.rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals] = dict() for directed_scan_key, directed_scan_val in result.items(): if directed_scan_key == 'energy': self.rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][directed_scan_key] = \ float(directed_scan_val) elif directed_scan_key == 'xyz': self.rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][directed_scan_key] = \ str_to_xyz(directed_scan_val) else: self.rotors_dict[index][key][dihedrals][directed_scan_key] = directed_scan_val else: self.rotors_dict[index][key] = val
[docs] def from_yml_file(self, label: str = None) -> bool: """ Load important species attributes such as label and final_xyz from an Arkane YAML file. Actual QM data parsing is done later when processing thermo and kinetics. Args: label (str, optional): The specie label. Raises: ValueError: If the adjlist cannot be read. Returns: bool: Whether self.mol should be regenerated """ regen_mol = True rmg_spc = Species() arkane_spc = ArkaneSpecies(species=rmg_spc) # The data from the YAML file is loaded into the `species` argument of the `load_yaml` method in Arkane yml_content = read_yaml_file(self.yml_path) arkane_spc.load_yaml(path=self.yml_path, label=label, pdep=False) self.label = label or self.label or arkane_spc.label self.final_xyz = xyz_from_data(coords=arkane_spc.conformer.coordinates.value, numbers=arkane_spc.conformer.number.value) if 'mol' in yml_content: self.mol = rmg_mol_from_dict_repr(representation=yml_content['mol'], is_ts=yml_content['is_ts']) if self.mol is not None: regen_mol = False if regen_mol: if arkane_spc.adjacency_list is not None: try: self.mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adjlist=arkane_spc.adjacency_list, raise_atomtype_exception=False) except ValueError: print(f'Could not read adjlist:\n{arkane_spc.adjacency_list}') # should *not* be logging raise elif arkane_spc.inchi is not None: self.mol = Molecule().from_inchi(inchistr=arkane_spc.inchi, raise_atomtype_exception=False) elif arkane_spc.smiles is not None: self.mol = Molecule().from_smiles(arkane_spc.smiles, raise_atomtype_exception=False) if self.mol is not None: self.multiplicity = self.mol.multiplicity self.charge = self.mol.get_net_charge() if self.multiplicity is None: self.multiplicity = arkane_spc.conformer.spin_multiplicity if self.optical_isomers is None: self.optical_isomers = arkane_spc.conformer.optical_isomers if self.external_symmetry is None: external_symmetry_mode = None for mode in arkane_spc.conformer.modes: if isinstance(mode, (NonlinearRotor, LinearRotor)): external_symmetry_mode = mode break if external_symmetry_mode is not None: self.external_symmetry = external_symmetry_mode.symmetry if self.initial_xyz is not None: self.mol_from_xyz() if self.e0 is None: self.e0 = arkane_spc.conformer.E0.value_si * 0.001 # convert to kJ/mol return regen_mol
[docs] def set_mol_list(self): """ Set the .mol_list attribute from self.mol by generating resonance structures, preserving atom order. The mol_list attribute is used for identifying rotors and generating conformers. """ if self.mol is not None: if all([ == -1 for atom in self.mol.atoms]): self.mol.assign_atom_ids() if not self.is_ts: mol_copy = self.mol.copy(deep=True) mol_copy.reactive = True self.mol_list = generate_resonance_structures(mol_copy) if self.mol_list is None: self.mol_list = [self.mol] else: self.mol_list = [self.mol] success = order_atoms_in_mol_list(ref_mol=self.mol.copy(deep=True), mol_list=self.mol_list) if not success: self.mol_list = None
[docs] def is_monoatomic(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Determine whether the species is monoatomic. Returns: Optional[bool]: Whether the species is monoatomic. """ if self.mol is not None and len(self.mol.atoms): return len(self.mol.atoms) == 1 xyz = self.get_xyz() if xyz is not None: return len(xyz['symbols']) == 1 return None
[docs] def is_diatomic(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Determine whether the species is diatomic. Returns: Optional[bool]: Whether the species is diatomic. """ if self.mol is not None and len(self.mol.atoms): return len(self.mol.atoms) == 2 xyz = self.get_xyz() if xyz is not None: return len(xyz['symbols']) == 2 return None
[docs] def is_isomorphic(self, other: Union['ARCSpecies', Species, Molecule]) -> Optional[bool]: """ Determine whether the species is isomorphic with ``other``. Args: other (Union[ARCSpecies, Species, Molecule]): An ARCSpecies, RMG Species, or RMG Molecule object instance to compare isomorphism with. Returns: Optional[bool]: Whether the species is isomorphic with ``other``. """ if self.mol is None: return None if isinstance(other, ARCSpecies): if other.mol is None: return None other = other.mol if isinstance(other, Molecule): if self.mol_list is not None and len(self.mol_list): for mol_ in [self.mol] + self.mol_list: if mol_.copy(deep=True).is_isomorphic(other.copy(deep=True)): return True return False else: return self.mol.copy(deep=True).is_isomorphic(other.copy(deep=True)) if isinstance(other, Species): for other_mol in other.molecule: if self.mol_list is not None and len(self.mol_list): for mol_ in [self.mol] + self.mol_list: if mol_.copy(deep=True).is_isomorphic(other_mol.copy(deep=True)): return True else: return self.mol.copy(deep=True).is_isomorphic(other_mol.copy(deep=True)) return False raise SpeciesError(f'Can only compare isomorphism to other ARCSpecies, RMG Species, or RMG Molecule ' f'object instances, got {other} which is of type {type(other)}.')
[docs] def generate_conformers(self, n_confs: int = 10, e_confs: float = 5, plot_path: str = None, ) -> None: """ Generate conformers. Args: n_confs (int, optional): The max number of conformers to store in the .conformers attribute that will later be DFT'ed at the conformers_level. e_confs (float, optional): The energy threshold in kJ/mol above the lowest energy conformer below which all (unique) generated conformers will be stored in the .conformers attribute. plot_path (str, optional): A folder path in which the plot will be saved. If None, the plot will not be shown (nor saved). """ if self.is_ts: return if self.mol_list is None: self.set_mol_list() if self.mol_list is not None and not self.charge: mol_list = self.mol_list else: mol_list = [self.mol] if self.consider_all_diastereomers: diastereomers = None else: xyz = self.get_xyz(generate=False) diastereomers = [xyz] if xyz is not None else None lowest_confs = conformers.generate_conformers(mol_list=mol_list, label=self.label, charge=self.charge, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, force_field=self.force_field, print_logs=False, n_confs=n_confs, e_confs=e_confs, return_all_conformers=False, plot_path=plot_path, diastereomers=diastereomers, ) if len(lowest_confs): self.conformers.extend([conf['xyz'] for conf in lowest_confs]) self.conformer_energies.extend([conf['FF energy'] for conf in lowest_confs]) else: xyz = self.get_xyz(generate=False) if xyz is None or not xyz: logger.error(f'No 3D coordinates available for species {self.label}!')
[docs] def get_cheap_conformer(self): """ Cheaply (limiting the number of possible conformers) get a reasonable conformer, this could very well not be the best (lowest energy) one. """ if self.is_monoatomic(): self.cheap_conformer = \ conformers.generate_monoatomic_conformer(symbol=self.mol_list[0].atoms[0].element.symbol)['xyz'] self.initial_xyz = self.final_xyz = self.cheap_conformer elif self.is_diatomic(): self.cheap_conformer = \ conformers.generate_diatomic_conformer(symbol_1=self.mol_list[0].atoms[0].element.symbol, symbol_2=self.mol_list[0].atoms[1].element.symbol, multiplicity=self.multiplicity)['xyz'] else: num_confs = min(500, max(50, len(self.mol.atoms) * 3)) rd_mol = conformers.embed_rdkit(label=self.label, mol=self.mol, num_confs=num_confs) xyzs, energies = conformers.rdkit_force_field(label=self.label, rd_mol=rd_mol, mol=self.mol, num_confs=num_confs, force_field='MMFF94s', ) if energies: min_energy = min(energies) min_energy_index = energies.index(min_energy) self.cheap_conformer = xyzs[min_energy_index] elif xyzs: self.cheap_conformer = xyzs[0] else: logger.warning(f'Could not generate a cheap conformer for {self.label}') self.cheap_conformer = None
[docs] def get_xyz(self, generate: bool = True, return_format: str = 'dict', ) -> Optional[Union[dict, str]]: """ Get the highest quality xyz the species has. If it doesn't have any 3D information, and if ``generate`` is ``True``, cheaply generate it. Returns ``None`` if no xyz can be retrieved nor generated. Args: generate (bool, optional): Whether to cheaply generate an FF conformer if no xyz is found. ``True`` to generate. If generate is ``False`` and the species has no xyz data, the method will return None. return_format (str, optional): Whether to output a 'dict' or a 'str' representation of the respective xyz. Return: Optional[Union[dict, str]]: The xyz coordinates in the requested representation. """ conf = self.conformers[0] if self.conformers else None xyz = self.final_xyz or self.initial_xyz or self.most_stable_conformer or conf or self.cheap_conformer if xyz is None: if self.is_ts: for ts_guess in self.ts_guesses: if ts_guess.initial_xyz is not None: xyz = ts_guess.opt_xyz or ts_guess.initial_xyz return xyz return None elif generate and (self.mol is not None or self.mol_list is not None): self.get_cheap_conformer() if self.cheap_conformer is not None: xyz = self.cheap_conformer else: self.generate_conformers(n_confs=1) if self.conformers is not None: xyz = self.conformers[0] if return_format == 'str': xyz = xyz_to_str(xyz) return xyz
[docs] def determine_rotors(self, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """ Determine possible unique rotors in the species to be treated as hindered rotors, taking into account all localized structures. The resulting rotors are saved in a ``{'pivots': [1, 3], 'top': [3, 7], 'scan': [2, 1, 3, 7]}`` format in ``self.rotors_dict``. Also updates ``self.number_of_rotors``. """ if self.rotors_dict != {}: # This species was marked to skip rotor scans (when ``rotors_dict`` is ``None``), or a rotors dictionary already exist. return mol_list = self.mol_list or [self.mol] if mol_list is None or not len(mol_list) or all([mol is None for mol in mol_list]): if not self.is_ts: logger.error(f'Could not determine rotors for {self.label} without a 2D graph structure') else: for mol in mol_list: if mol is None: continue rotors = conformers.find_internal_rotors(mol.copy()) for new_rotor in rotors: for existing_rotor in self.rotors_dict.values(): if existing_rotor['pivots'] == new_rotor['pivots']: break else: self.rotors_dict[self.number_of_rotors] = new_rotor self.number_of_rotors += 1 if verbose: if self.number_of_rotors == 1:'\nFound one possible rotor for {self.label}') elif self.number_of_rotors > 1:'\nFound {self.number_of_rotors} possible rotors for {self.label}') if self.number_of_rotors > 0:'Pivot list(s) for {self.label}: ' f'{[self.rotors_dict[i]["pivots"] for i in range(self.number_of_rotors)]}\n') self.initialize_directed_rotors()
[docs] def initialize_directed_rotors(self): """ Initialize self.directed_rotors, correcting the input to nested lists and to torsions instead of pivots. Also modifies self.rotors_dict to remove respective 1D rotors dicts if appropriate and adds ND rotors dicts. Principally, from this point we don't really need self.directed_rotors, self.rotors_dict should have all relevant rotors info for the species, including directed and ND rotors. Raises: SpeciesError: If the pivots don't represent a dihedral in the species. """ if self.directed_rotors: all_pivots = [rotor_dict['pivots'] for rotor_dict in self.rotors_dict.values()] directed_rotors, directed_rotors_scans = dict(), dict() for key, vals in self.directed_rotors.items(): # Reformat as nested lists. directed_rotors[key] = list() for val1 in vals: if len(val1) != 2 and val1 not in ['all', ['all']]: raise SpeciesError(f'directed_scan pivots must be lists of length 2, got {val1}.') if isinstance(val1, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(val1[0], int): corrected_val = val1 if list(val1) in all_pivots else [val1[1], val1[0]] # re-order if needed directed_rotors[key].append([list(corrected_val)]) elif isinstance(val1, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(val1[0], (tuple, list)): directed_rotors[key].append([list(val2 if list(val2) in all_pivots else [val2[1], val2[0]]) for val2 in val1]) elif val1 == 'all': # 1st level all, add all pivots, they will be treated separately for i in range(self.number_of_rotors): if [self.rotors_dict[i]['pivots']] not in directed_rotors[key]: directed_rotors[key].append([self.rotors_dict[i]['pivots']]) elif val1 == ['all']: # 2nd level all, add all pivots, they will be treated together directed_rotors[key].append(all_pivots) elif len(val1) != 2: raise SpeciesError(f'directed_scan pivots must be lists of length 2, got {val1}.') elif isinstance(val1, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(val1[0], int): corrected_val = val1 if list(val1) in all_pivots else [val1[1], val1[0]] directed_rotors[key].append([list(corrected_val)]) elif isinstance(val1, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(val1[0], (tuple, list)): directed_rotors[key].append([list(val2 if list(val2) in all_pivots else [val2[1], val2[0]]) for val2 in val1]) for key, vals1 in directed_rotors.items(): # check for vals2 in vals1: for val in vals2: if val not in all_pivots: raise SpeciesError(f'The pivots {val} do not represent a rotor in species {self.label}. ' f'Valid rotor pivots are: {all_pivots}\n\n' f'Species coordinates:\n{xyz_to_str(self.get_xyz())}') # Modify self.rotors_dict to remove respective 1D rotors dicts and add ND rotors dicts. rotor_indices_to_del = list() for key, vals in directed_rotors.items(): # An independent loop, so 1D *directed* scans won't be deleted (treated above). for pivots_list in vals: new_rotor = {'pivots': pivots_list, # 1-indexed 'top': list(), # 1-indexed 'scan': list(), # 1-indexed 'torsion': list(), # 0-indexed 'number_of_running_jobs': 0, 'success': None, 'invalidation_reason': '', 'times_dihedral_set': 0, 'trsh_counter': 0, 'trsh_methods': list(), 'scan_path': '', 'directed_scan_type': key, 'directed_scan': dict(), 'dimensions': 0, 'original_dihedrals': list(), 'cont_indices': list(), } for pivots in pivots_list: for index, rotor_dict in self.rotors_dict.items(): if rotor_dict['pivots'] == pivots: new_rotor['top'].append(rotor_dict['top']) new_rotor['scan'].append(rotor_dict['scan']) new_rotor['torsion'].append(rotor_dict['torsion']) new_rotor['dimensions'] += 1 if rotor_dict['directed_scan_type'] == 'ess' and index not in rotor_indices_to_del: # Remove this rotor dict, an ND one will be created instead. rotor_indices_to_del.append(index) break if new_rotor['dimensions'] != 1: pass # Todo: consolidate top self.rotors_dict[max(list(self.rotors_dict.keys())) + 1] = new_rotor for i in set(rotor_indices_to_del): del self.rotors_dict[i] # Renumber the keys so iterative looping will make sense. new_rotors_dict = dict() for i, rotor_dict in enumerate(list(self.rotors_dict.values())): new_rotors_dict[i] = rotor_dict self.rotors_dict = new_rotors_dict self.number_of_rotors = i + 1 # Replace pivots with four-atom scans. for key, vals in directed_rotors.items(): directed_rotors_scans[key] = list() for pivots_list in vals: for rotors_dict in self.rotors_dict.values(): if rotors_dict['pivots'] == pivots_list: directed_rotors_scans[key].append(rotors_dict['scan']) break self.directed_rotors = directed_rotors_scans
[docs] def set_dihedral(self, scan: list, index: int = 1, deg_increment: Optional[float] = None, deg_abs: Optional[float] = None, count: bool = True, xyz: Optional[dict] = None, chk_rotor_list: bool = True): """ Set the dihedral angle value of the torsion ``scan``. Either increment by a given value or set to an absolute value. All bonded atoms are rotated as groups. The result is saved to ``self.initial_xyz``. Args: scan (list): The atom indices representing the dihedral. index (int, optional): Whether the atom indices are 1-indexed (pass ``1``) or 0-indexed (pass ``0``). deg_increment (float, optional): The dihedral angle increment in degrees. deg_abs (float, optional): The absolute desired dihedral angle in degrees. count (bool, optional): Whether to increment the rotor's times_dihedral_set parameter. `True` to increment. xyz (dict, optional): An alternative xyz to use instead of self.final_xyz. chk_rotor_list (bool, optional): Whether to check if the changing dihedral is in the rotor list. Raises: InputError: If both ``deg_increment`` and ``deg_abs`` are None. RotorError: If the rotor could not be identified based on the pivots. TypeError: If ``deg_increment`` or ``deg_abs`` are of wrong type. """ if deg_increment is None and deg_abs is None: raise InputError('Either deg_increment or deg_abs must be specified.') if deg_increment is not None and not isinstance(deg_increment, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f'deg_increment must be a float, got {deg_increment} which is a {type(deg_increment)}') if deg_abs is not None and not isinstance(deg_abs, (int, float)): raise TypeError(f'deg_abs must be a float, got {deg_abs} which is a {type(deg_abs)}') pivots = scan[1:3] torsion = convert_list_index_0_to_1(scan, direction=-1) if index else scan rotor = None xyz = xyz or self.final_xyz if xyz is None: raise ValueError('Cannot set dihedral without xyz') if deg_increment is not None: deg_abs = calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=xyz, torsion=torsion) + deg_increment if is_angle_linear(calculate_angle(coords=xyz, atoms=torsion[:3], index=0)) \ or is_angle_linear(calculate_angle(coords=xyz, atoms=torsion[1:], index=0)): logger.warning(f'Cannot change a dihedral that contains a linear segment. Got torsion:{torsion}, xyz:\n{xyz}') return None mol = self.mol if mol is None: mols = molecules_from_xyz(xyz, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, charge=self.charge) mol = mols[1] or mols[0] if chk_rotor_list: for rotor in self.rotors_dict.values(): if rotor['pivots'] == pivots: break if rotor is None: raise RotorError(f'Could not identify rotor based of pivots {pivots}:\n{list(self.rotors_dict.values())}') if count: if rotor['times_dihedral_set'] >= 10:'\n\n') for i, rotor in self.rotors_dict.items(): logger.error(f'Rotor {i} with pivots {rotor["pivots"]} was set ' f'{rotor["times_dihedral_set"]} times') rotor['success'] = False rotor['invalidation_reason'] = f'rotor set too many ({rotor["times_dihedral_set"]}) times' return rotor['times_dihedral_set'] += 1 if deg_increment == 0 and deg_abs is None: logger.warning(f'set_dihedral was called with zero increment for {self.label} with pivots {pivots}') else: new_xyz = modify_coords(coords=xyz, indices=torsion, new_value=deg_abs, modification_type='groups', mol=mol, ) self.initial_xyz = new_xyz
[docs] def determine_symmetry(self) -> None: """ Determine the external symmetry and chirality (optical isomers) of the species. """ xyz = self.get_xyz() symmetry, optical_isomers = determine_symmetry(xyz) if self.optical_isomers is None: self.optical_isomers = self.optical_isomers or optical_isomers elif self.optical_isomers != optical_isomers: logger.warning(f"User input of optical isomers for {self.label} and ARC's calculation differ: " f"{self.optical_isomers} and {optical_isomers}, respectively. " f"Using the user input of {self.optical_isomers}") if self.external_symmetry is None: self.external_symmetry = self.external_symmetry or symmetry elif self.external_symmetry != symmetry: logger.warning(f"User input of external symmetry for {self.label} and ARC's calculation differ: " f"{self.external_symmetry} and {symmetry}, respectively. " f"Using the user input of {self.external_symmetry}")
[docs] def determine_multiplicity(self, smiles: str, adjlist: str, mol: Optional[Molecule], ): """ Determine the spin multiplicity of the species. Args: smiles (str): The SMILES descriptor . adjlist (str): The adjacency list descriptor. mol (Molecule): The respective RMG Molecule object. """ if self.charge == 0 and not self.is_ts: self.determine_multiplicity_from_descriptors(smiles=smiles, adjlist=adjlist, mol=mol) if self.multiplicity is None or self.multiplicity < 1: self.determine_multiplicity_from_xyz() if self.multiplicity is None and not self.is_ts: raise SpeciesError(f'Could not determine multiplicity for species {self.label}')
[docs] def determine_multiplicity_from_descriptors(self, smiles: str, adjlist: str, mol: Optional[Molecule]): """ Determine the spin multiplicity of the species from the chemical descriptors. Args: smiles (str): The SMILES descriptor . adjlist (str): The adjacency list descriptor. mol (Molecule): The respective RMG Molecule object. """ if mol is not None and mol.multiplicity >= 1: self.multiplicity = mol.multiplicity elif adjlist: mol = Molecule().from_adjacency_list(adjlist, raise_atomtype_exception=False, raise_charge_exception=False, ) self.multiplicity = mol.multiplicity elif self.mol is not None and self.mol.multiplicity >= 1: self.multiplicity = self.mol.multiplicity elif smiles: mol = Molecule(smiles=smiles) self.multiplicity = mol.multiplicity
[docs] def determine_multiplicity_from_xyz(self): """ Determine the spin multiplicity of the species from the xyz. """ xyz = self.get_xyz() if xyz is None and len(self.conformers): xyz = self.conformers[0] if xyz: electrons = 0 for symbol in xyz['symbols']: for number, symb in symbol_by_number.items(): if symbol == symb: electrons += number break else: raise SpeciesError(f'Could not identify atom symbol {symbol}') electrons -= self.charge if electrons % 2 == 1: self.multiplicity = 2 logger.debug(f'\nMultiplicity not specified for {self.label}, assuming a value of 2') else: self.multiplicity = 1 logger.debug(f'\nMultiplicity not specified for {self.label}, assuming a value of 1')
[docs] def make_ts_report(self): """A helper function to write content into the .ts_report attribute""" self.ts_report = '' if self.chosen_ts_method is not None: self.ts_report += f'\nTS method summary for {self.label}' if self.rxn_label is not None: self.ts_report += f' in {self.rxn_label}' self.ts_report += ':\n' if self.successful_methods: self.ts_report += 'Methods that successfully generated a TS guess:\n' for successful_method in self.successful_methods: self.ts_report += successful_method + ',' if self.unsuccessful_methods: self.ts_report += '\nMethods that were unsuccessfully in generating a TS guess:\n' for unsuccessful_method in self.unsuccessful_methods: self.ts_report += unsuccessful_method + ',' if not self.ts_guesses_exhausted: self.ts_report += f'\nThe method that generated the best TS guess and its output used for the ' \ f'optimization: {self.chosen_ts_method}\n'
[docs] def cluster_tsgs(self): """ Cluster TSGuesses. """ if not self.is_ts or not len(self.ts_guesses): return None cluster_tsgs = list() for tsg in self.ts_guesses: for cluster_tsg in cluster_tsgs: if cluster_tsg.almost_equal_tsgs(tsg): cluster_tsg.cluster.append(tsg.index) if tsg.method not in cluster_tsg.method: cluster_tsg.method += f' + {tsg.method}' cluster_tsg.execution_time = f'{cluster_tsg.execution_time} + {tsg.execution_time}' break else: tsg.cluster = [tsg.index] cluster_tsgs.append(tsg) self.ts_guesses = cluster_tsgs
[docs] def process_completed_tsg_queue_jobs(self, yml_path: str): """ Process YAML files which are the output of running a TS guess job in the queue. Args: yml_path (str): The path to the output YAML file. """ if not isinstance(yml_path, str) or not os.path.isfile(yml_path): return None tsg_list = read_yaml_file(yml_path) if not isinstance(tsg_list, list) or not all(isinstance(tsg, dict) for tsg in tsg_list): return None tsgs = [TSGuess(ts_dict=tsg_dict) for tsg_dict in tsg_list] for tsg in tsgs: if tsg.initial_xyz is not None and not colliding_atoms(tsg.initial_xyz): if tsg.index is None: tsg.index = len(self.ts_guesses) self.ts_guesses.append(tsg) self.cluster_tsgs()
[docs] def mol_from_xyz(self, xyz: Optional[dict] = None, get_cheap: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Make sure atom order in self.mol corresponds to xyz. Important for TS searches and for identifying rotor indices. This works by generating a molecule from xyz and using the 2D structure to confirm that the perceived molecule is correct. If ``xyz`` is not given, the species xyz attribute will be used. Args: xyz (dict, optional): Alternative coordinates to use. get_cheap (bool, optional): Whether to generate conformers if the species has no xyz data. """ if xyz is None: xyz = self.get_xyz(generate=get_cheap, return_format='dict') if xyz is None: return None if self.mol is not None: if len(self.mol.atoms) != len(xyz['symbols']): raise SpeciesError(f'The number of atoms in the molecule and in the coordinates of {self.label} is different.' f'\nGot:\n{self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_adjacency_list()}\nand:\n{xyz}') # self.mol should have come from another source, e.g., SMILES or yml. mol_s, mol_b = molecules_from_xyz(xyz=xyz, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, charge=self.charge) perceived_mol = mol_b or mol_s if perceived_mol is not None: allow_nonisomorphic_2d = (self.charge is not None and self.charge) \ or self.mol.has_charge() or perceived_mol.has_charge() \ or (self.multiplicity is not None and self.multiplicity >= 3) \ or self.mol.multiplicity >= 3 or perceived_mol.multiplicity >= 3 isomorphic = self.check_xyz_isomorphism(mol=perceived_mol, xyz=xyz, allow_nonisomorphic_2d=allow_nonisomorphic_2d) if not isomorphic: logger.warning(f'XYZ and the 2D graph representation for {self.label} are not isomorphic.\nGot ' f'xyz:\n{xyz}\n\nwhich corresponds to {self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}\n' f'{self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_adjacency_list()}\n\nand: ' f'{self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()}\n' f'{self.mol.copy(deep=True).to_adjacency_list()}') raise SpeciesError(f'XYZ and the 2D graph representation for {self.label} are not compliant.') if not self.keep_mol: self.mol = perceived_mol else: mol_s, mol_b = molecules_from_xyz(xyz, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, charge=self.charge) if mol_b is not None and len(mol_b.atoms) == self.number_of_atoms: self.mol = mol_b elif mol_s is not None and len(mol_s.atoms) == self.number_of_atoms: self.mol = mol_s else: logger.error(f'Could not infer a 2D graph for species {self.label}')
[docs] def process_xyz(self, xyz_list: Union[list, str, dict]): """ Process the user's input and add either to the .conformers attribute or to .ts_guesses. Args: xyz_list (list, str, dict): Entries are either string-format, dict-format coordinates or file paths. (If there's only one entry, it could be given directly, not in a list) The file paths could direct to either a .xyz file, ARC conformers (w/ or w/o energies), or an ESS log/input files, making this method extremely flexible. Internal coordinates (either string or dict) are also allowed and will be converted into cartesian coordinates. """ if xyz_list is not None: if not isinstance(xyz_list, list): xyz_list = [xyz_list] xyzs, energies = list(), list() for xyz in xyz_list: xyz_ = '' if isinstance(xyz, str): xyz_ = os.path.join(self.project_directory, xyz) \ if self.project_directory is not None \ and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.project_directory, xyz)) else xyz if not isinstance(xyz, (str, dict)): raise InputError(f'Each xyz entry in xyz_list must be either a string or a dictionary. ' f'Got:\n{xyz}\nwhich is a {type(xyz)}') if isinstance(xyz, dict): xyzs.append(remove_dummies(check_xyz_dict(xyz))) energies.append(None) # dummy (lists should be the same length) elif os.path.isfile(xyz_): file_extension = os.path.splitext(xyz_)[1] if 'txt' in file_extension: # assume this is an ARC conformer file xyzs_, energies_ = process_conformers_file(conformers_path=xyz_) xyzs.extend([remove_dummies(xyz_) for xyz_ in xyzs_]) energies.extend(energies_) else: # assume this is an ESS log file xyzs.append(remove_dummies(parse_xyz_from_file(xyz_))) # also calls standardize_xyz_string() energies.append(None) # dummy (lists should be the same length) elif isinstance(xyz, str): # string which does not represent a (valid) path, treat as a string representation of xyz xyzs.append(remove_dummies(str_to_xyz(xyz))) energies.append(None) # dummy (lists should be the same length) for i, xyz in enumerate(xyzs): if colliding_atoms(xyz): raise SpeciesError(f'The following coordinates for species {self.label} have colliding atoms:\n' f'{xyz_to_str(xyz)}') if self.mol is not None: check_atom_balance(xyz, self.mol) elif i: check_atom_balance(xyz, xyzs[0]) if not self.is_ts: self.conformers.extend(xyzs) self.conformer_energies.extend(energies) else: tsg_index = len(self.ts_guesses) for xyz, energy in zip(xyzs, energies): self.ts_guesses.append(TSGuess(method=f'user guess {tsg_index}', xyz=remove_dummies(xyz), energy=energy, success=True, )) # user guesses are always successful in generating a *guess*: self.ts_guesses[tsg_index].success = True tsg_index += 1 if self.multiplicity is not None and self.charge is not None: for xyz in xyzs: consistent = check_xyz(xyz=xyz, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, charge=self.charge) if not consistent: raise SpeciesError(f'Inconsistent combination of number of electrons, multiplicity and charge ' f'for {self.label}.')
[docs] def set_transport_data(self, lj_path: str, opt_path: str, bath_gas: str, opt_level: Level, freq_path: Optional[str] = '', freq_level: Optional[Level] = None): """ Set the species.transport_data attribute after a Lennard-Jones calculation (via OneDMin). Args: lj_path (str): The path to a oneDMin job output file. opt_path (str): The path to an opt job output file. bath_gas (str): The oneDMin job bath gas. opt_level (Level): The optimization level of theory. freq_path (str, optional): The path to a frequencies job output file. freq_level (Level, optional): The frequencies level of theory. """ original_comment = self.transport_data.comment comment = 'L-J coefficients calculated by OneDMin using a DF-MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ potential energy surface ' \ 'with {0} as the bath gas'.format(bath_gas) epsilon, sigma = None, None with open(lj_path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if 'Epsilons[1/cm]' in line: # Conversion of cm^-1 to J/mol (see epsilon = (float(line.split()[-1]) * 11.96266, 'J/mol') elif 'Sigmas[angstrom]' in line: # Convert Angstroms to meters sigma = (float(line.split()[-1]) * 1e-10, 'm') if self.number_of_atoms == 1: shape_index = 0 comment += '; The molecule is monoatomic' else: if is_linear(coordinates=np.array(self.get_xyz()['coords'])): shape_index = 1 comment += '; The molecule is linear' else: shape_index = 2 if self.number_of_atoms > 1: dipole_moment = parse_dipole_moment(opt_path) or 0 if dipole_moment: comment += f'; Dipole moment was calculated at the {opt_level.simple()} level of theory' else: dipole_moment = 0 polar = self.transport_data.polarizability or (0, 'angstroms^3') if freq_path: polar = (parse_polarizability(freq_path), 'angstroms^3') comment += f'; Polarizability was calculated at the {freq_level.simple()} level of theory' comment += '; Rotational Relaxation Collision Number was not determined, default value is 2' if original_comment: comment += '; ' + original_comment self.transport_data = TransportData( shapeIndex=shape_index, epsilon=epsilon, sigma=sigma, dipoleMoment=(dipole_moment, 'De'), polarizability=polar, rotrelaxcollnum=2, # rotational relaxation collision number at 298 K comment=comment )
[docs] def check_xyz_isomorphism(self, mol: Optional[Molecule] = None, xyz: Optional[dict] = None, allow_nonisomorphic_2d: Optional[bool] = False, verbose: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> bool: """ Check whether the perception of self.final_xyz or ``xyz`` is isomorphic with self.mol. If it is not isomorphic, compliant coordinates will be checked (equivalent to checking isomorphism without bond order information, only does not necessitate a molecule object, directly checks bond lengths). Args: mol (Molecule, optional): A molecule to check instead of self.mol. xyz (dict, optional): The coordinates to check instead of self.final_xyz. allow_nonisomorphic_2d (bool, optional): Whether to allow non-isomorphic representations to pass this test. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to log isomorphism findings and errors. Returns: bool Whether the perception of self.final_xyz is isomorphic with self.mol, ``True`` if it is. """ mol = mol or self.mol xyz = xyz or self.final_xyz isomorphic = False if mol is not None: s_mol, b_mol = None, None # 1. Perceive try: s_mol, b_mol = molecules_from_xyz(xyz, multiplicity=self.multiplicity, charge=self.charge) except Exception as e: if verbose: logger.error(f'Could not perceive the Cartesian coordinates of species {self.label}. This ' f'might result in inconsistent atom order between the Cartesian and the 2D graph ' f'representations. Got:\n{e}') # 2. A. Check isomorphism with bond orders using b_mol if b_mol is not None: isomorphic = check_isomorphism(mol, b_mol) if not isomorphic and verbose: logger.error(f'The Cartesian coordinates of species {self.label} are not isomorphic with the 2D ' f'structure {mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()} when considering bond orders.') # 2. B. Check isomorphism without bond orders using s_mol (only for charged or high spin multiplicity) if not isomorphic and s_mol is not None: isomorphic = check_isomorphism(mol, s_mol, convert_to_single_bonds=True) if not isomorphic and verbose: logger.error(f'The Cartesian coordinates of species {self.label} with charge {self.charge} ' f'and multiplicity {self.multiplicity} are not isomorphic with the 2D ' f'structure {mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()} even without considering bond orders.') # 2. C. Check isomorphism without bond orders NOT using s_mol if not isomorphic: isomorphic = are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz=xyz, mol=mol) if not isomorphic and verbose: logger.error(f'The Cartesian coordinates of species {self.label} are not compliant with the 2D ' f'structure {mol.copy(deep=True).to_smiles()} even without considering bond orders.') # 3. Report and resolve if not isomorphic: if allow_nonisomorphic_2d: if verbose: logger.warning('Allowing nonisomorphic 2D') isomorphic = True elif verbose: if self.conf_is_isomorphic: # conformer was isomorphic, we don't allow nonisomorphism, but the optimized structure isn't logger.warning('Not allowing nonisomorphic 2D (the conformer WAS isomorphic with the 2D graph)') else: logger.warning('Not allowing nonisomorphic 2D') else: if verbose: logger.error(f'Cannot check isomorphism for species {self.label} ' f'without the 2D graph connectivity information.') if allow_nonisomorphic_2d: isomorphic = True if verbose: logger.warning('Allowing nonisomorphic 2D') return isomorphic
[docs] def label_atoms(self): """ Labels atoms in order. The label is stored in the atom.label property. """ for index, atom in enumerate(self.mol.atoms): atom.label = str(index)
[docs] def scissors(self, sort_atom_labels: bool = False, ) -> list: """ Cut chemical bonds to create new species from the original one according to the .bdes attribute, preserving the 3D geometry other than the scissioned bond. If one of the scission-resulting species is a hydrogen atom, it will be returned last, labeled as 'H'. Other species labels will be <original species label>_BDE_index1_index2_X, where "X" is either "A" or "B", and the indices are 1-indexed. Args: sort_atom_labels (bool, optional): Boolean flag, determines whether sorting is required. Returns: list The scission-resulting species. """ all_h = True if 'all_h' in self.bdes else False if all_h: self.bdes.pop(self.bdes.index('all_h')) for entry in self.bdes: if len(entry) != 2: raise SpeciesError(f'Could not interpret entry {entry} in {self.bdes} for BDEs calculations.') if not isinstance(entry, (tuple, list)): raise SpeciesError(f'`indices` entries must be tuples or lists, ' f'got {entry} which is a {type(entry)} in {self.bdes}') self.bdes = [tuple(bde) for bde in self.bdes] if all_h: for atom1 in self.mol.atoms: if atom1.is_hydrogen(): for atom2, bond12 in atom1.edges.items(): if bond12.is_single(): atom_indices = (self.mol.atoms.index(atom2) + 1, self.mol.atoms.index(atom1) + 1) atom_indices_reverse = (atom_indices[1], atom_indices[0]) if atom_indices not in self.bdes and atom_indices_reverse not in self.bdes: self.bdes.append(atom_indices) if sort_atom_labels: self.label_atoms() resulting_species = list() for index_tuple in self.bdes: new_species_list = self._scissors(indices=index_tuple, sort_atom_labels=sort_atom_labels) for new_species in new_species_list: if new_species.label not in [existing_species.label for existing_species in resulting_species]: # Mainly checks that the H species doesn't already exist. resulting_species.append(new_species) return resulting_species
def _scissors(self, indices: tuple, sort_atom_labels: bool = True, ) -> list: """ Cut a chemical bond to create two new species from the original one, preserving the 3D geometry. Args: indices (tuple): The atom indices between which to cut (1-indexed, atoms must be bonded). sort_atom_labels (bool, optional): Boolean flag, determines whether sorting is required. Returns: list The scission-resulting species, a list of either one or two species, if the scissored location is linear, or one if the scission is in a cycle. """ if any([i < 1 for i in indices]): raise SpeciesError(f'Scissors indices must be greater than 0 (1-indexed). Got: {indices}.') if not all([isinstance(i, int) for i in indices]): raise SpeciesError(f'Scissors indices must be integers. Got: {indices}.') if self.final_xyz is None: raise SpeciesError(f'Cannot use scissors without the .final_xyz attribute of species {self.label}') if len(indices) != 2: raise SpeciesError(f'Expected two indices, got {len(indices)}') indices = convert_list_index_0_to_1(indices, direction=-1) mol_copy = self.mol.copy(deep=True) # We are about to change the connectivity of the atoms in the molecule, # which invalidates any existing vertex connectivity information; thus we reset it. mol_copy.reset_connectivity_values() atom1 = mol_copy.atoms[indices[0]] atom2 = mol_copy.atoms[indices[1]] if not mol_copy.has_bond(atom1, atom2): raise SpeciesError('Attempted to remove a nonexistent bond.') bond = mol_copy.get_bond(atom1, atom2) if not bond.is_single(): logger.warning(f'Scissors were requested to remove a non-single bond in {self.label}.') mol_copy.remove_bond(bond) mol_splits, fragment_indices = split_mol(mol_copy) if sort_atom_labels: for split in mol_splits: sort_atoms_in_descending_label_order(split) if len(mol_splits) == 1: # If cutting leads to only one split, then the split is cyclic. spc1 = ARCSpecies(label=self.label + '_BDE_' + str(indices[0] + 1) + '_' + str(indices[1] + 1) + '_cyclic', mol=mol_splits[0], multiplicity=mol_splits[0].multiplicity, charge=mol_splits[0].get_net_charge(), compute_thermo=False, e0_only=True) spc1.generate_conformers() return [spc1] elif len(mol_splits) == 2: mol1, mol2 = mol_splits else: logger.warning(f'Could not split {self.label} between indices {indices}.') return [] used_a_label = False if len(mol1.atoms) == 1 and mol1.atoms[0].is_hydrogen(): label1 = 'H' else: label1 = self.label + '_BDE_' + str(indices[0] + 1) + '_' + str(indices[1] + 1) + '_A' used_a_label = True if len(mol2.atoms) == 1 and mol2.atoms[0].is_hydrogen(): label2 = 'H' else: letter = 'B' if used_a_label else 'A' label2 = self.label + '_BDE_' + str(indices[0] + 1) + '_' + str(indices[1] + 1) + '_' + letter added_radical = list() for mol, label in zip([mol1, mol2], [label1, label2]): for atom in mol.atoms: theoretical_charge = elements.PeriodicSystem.valence_electrons[atom.symbol] \ - atom.get_total_bond_order() \ - atom.radical_electrons - \ 2 * atom.lone_pairs if theoretical_charge == atom.charge + 1: # we're missing a radical electron on this atom if label not in added_radical or label == 'H': atom.radical_electrons += 1 added_radical.append(label) else: raise SpeciesError(f'Could not figure out which atom should gain a radical ' f'due to scission in {self.label}') mol1.update(log_species=False, raise_atomtype_exception=False, sort_atoms=False) mol2.update(log_species=False, raise_atomtype_exception=False, sort_atoms=False) xyz1, xyz2 = dict(), dict() xyz1['symbols'] = tuple(symbol for i, symbol in enumerate(self.final_xyz['symbols']) if i in fragment_indices[0]) xyz2['symbols'] = tuple(symbol for i, symbol in enumerate(self.final_xyz['symbols']) if i in fragment_indices[1]) xyz1['isotopes'] = tuple(isotope for i, isotope in enumerate(self.final_xyz['isotopes']) if i in fragment_indices[0]) xyz2['isotopes'] = tuple(isotope for i, isotope in enumerate(self.final_xyz['isotopes']) if i in fragment_indices[1]) xyz1['coords'] = tuple(coord for i, coord in enumerate(self.final_xyz['coords']) if i in fragment_indices[0]) xyz2['coords'] = tuple(coord for i, coord in enumerate(self.final_xyz['coords']) if i in fragment_indices[1]) xyz1, xyz2 = translate_to_center_of_mass(xyz1), translate_to_center_of_mass(xyz2) spc1 = ARCSpecies(label=label1, mol=mol1, xyz=xyz1, multiplicity=mol1.multiplicity, charge=mol1.get_net_charge(), compute_thermo=False, e0_only=True, keep_mol=True) spc1.generate_conformers() spc1.rotors_dict = None spc2 = ARCSpecies(label=label2, mol=mol2, xyz=xyz2, multiplicity=mol2.multiplicity, charge=mol2.get_net_charge(), compute_thermo=False, e0_only=True, keep_mol=True) spc2.generate_conformers() spc2.rotors_dict = None return [spc1, spc2]
[docs] def populate_ts_checks(self): """Populate (or restart) the .ts_checks attribute with default (``None``) values.""" if self.is_ts: keys = ['E0', 'e_elect', 'IRC', 'freq', 'NMD'] self.ts_checks = {key: None for key in keys} self.ts_checks['warnings'] = ''
[docs]class TSGuess(object): """ A class for representing TS a guess. Args: index (int, optional): A running index of all TSGuess objects belonging to an ARCSpecies object. method (str, optional): The method/source used for the xyz guess. method_index (int, optional): A sub-index, used for cases where a single method generates several guesses. Counts separately for each direction, 'F' and 'R'. method_direction (str, optional): The reaction direction used for generating the guess ('F' or 'R'). constraints (dict, optional): Any constraints to be used when first optimizing this guess (i.e., keeping bond lengths of the reactive site constant). family (str, optional): The RMG family that corresponds to the reaction, if applicable. success (bool, optional): Whether the TS guess method succeeded in generating an XYZ guess or not. xyz (dict, str, optional): The 3D coordinates guess. rmg_reaction (Reaction, optional): An RMG Reaction object. arc_reaction (ARCReaction, optional): An ARC Reaction object. ts_dict (dict, optional): A dictionary to create this object from (used when restarting ARC). energy (float, optional): Relative energy of all TS conformers in kJ/mol. t0 (datetime.datetime, optional): Initial time of spawning the guess job. execution_time (datetime.timedelta, optional): Overall execution time for the TS guess method. project_directory (str, optional): The path to the project directory. Attributes: initial_xyz (dict): The 3D coordinates guess. opt_xyz (dict): The 3D coordinates after optimization at the ts_guesses level. method (str): The method/source used for the xyz guess. method_index (int): A sub-index, used for cases where a single method generates several guesses. Counts separately for each direction, 'F' and 'R'. method_direction (str): The reaction direction used for generating the guess ('F' or 'R'). family (str): The RMG family that corresponds to the reaction, if applicable. rmg_reaction (Reaction): An RMG Reaction object. arc_reaction (ARCReaction): An ARC Reaction object. t0 (datetime.datetime, optional): Initial time of spawning the guess job. execution_time (str): Overall execution time for the TS guess method. success (bool): Whether the TS guess method succeeded in generating an XYZ guess or not. energy (float): Relative energy of all TS conformers in kJ/mol. index (int): A running index of all TSGuess objects belonging to an ARCSpecies object. imaginary_freqs (List[float]): The imaginary frequencies of the TS guess after optimization. conformer_index (int): An index corresponding to the conformer jobs spawned for each TSGuess object. Assigned only if self.success is ``True``. successful_irc (bool): Whether the IRS run(s) identified this to be the correct TS by isomorphism of the wells. successful_normal_mode (bool): Whether a normal mode check was successful. errors (str): Problems experienced with this TSGuess. Used for logging. cluster (List[int]): Indices of TSGuess object instances clustered together. """ def __init__(self, index: Optional[int] = None, method: Optional[str] = None, method_index: Optional[int] = None, method_direction: Optional[str] = None, constraints: Optional[Dict[List[int], int]] = None, t0: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, execution_time: Optional[Union[str, datetime.timedelta]] = None, success: Optional[bool] = None, family: Optional[str] = None, xyz: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None, rmg_reaction: Optional[Reaction] = None, arc_reaction: Optional = None, ts_dict: Optional[dict] = None, energy: Optional[float] = None, cluster: Optional[List[int]] = None, project_directory: Optional[str] = None, ): if ts_dict is not None: # Reading from a dictionary self.from_dict(ts_dict=ts_dict) else: # Not reading from a dictionary self.index = index self.method = method.lower() if method is not None else 'user guess' self.method_index = method_index self.method_direction = method_direction self.constraints = constraints self.t0 = t0 self.execution_time = execution_time if execution_time is not None else execution_time self._opt_xyz = None self._initial_xyz = None self.process_xyz(xyz, project_directory=project_directory) # populates self.initial_xyz self.success = success = energy self.cluster = cluster if 'user guess' in self.method: if self.initial_xyz is None: raise TSError('If no method is specified, an xyz guess must be given') self.success = True self.execution_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) self.rmg_reaction = rmg_reaction self.arc_reaction = arc_reaction = family self.imaginary_freqs = None self.conformer_index = None self.successful_irc = None self.successful_normal_mode = None self.errors = '' def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a string representation of the object""" str_representation = 'TSGuess(' str_representation += f'index={self.index}, ' str_representation += f'method="{self.method}", ' str_representation += f'method_index={self.method_index}, ' str_representation += f'method_direction="{self.method_direction}", ' if self.cluster is not None: str_representation += f'cluster="{self.cluster}", ' str_representation += f'success={self.success})' return str_representation @property def initial_xyz(self): """The initial coordinate guess""" return self._initial_xyz @initial_xyz.setter def initial_xyz(self, value): """Allow setting the initial coordinate guess""" self._initial_xyz = check_xyz_dict(value) @property def opt_xyz(self): """The optimized coordinates""" return self._opt_xyz @opt_xyz.setter def opt_xyz(self, value): """Allow setting the initial coordinate guess""" self._opt_xyz = check_xyz_dict(value)
[docs] def as_dict(self, for_report: bool = False) -> dict: """ A helper function for dumping this object as a dictionary. Args: for_report (bool, optional): Whether to generate a concise dictionary representation for the final_ts_guess_report. Returns: dict: The dictionary representation. """ ts_dict = dict() ts_dict['method'] = self.method ts_dict['method_index'] = self.method_index if self.method_direction is not None: ts_dict['method_direction'] = self.method_direction if self.execution_time is not None: ts_dict['execution_time'] = str(self.execution_time) if isinstance(self.execution_time, datetime.timedelta) \ else self.execution_time ts_dict['success'] = self.success if is not None: ts_dict['energy'] = ts_dict['index'] = self.index if self.imaginary_freqs is not None: ts_dict['imaginary_freqs'] = [float(f) for f in self.imaginary_freqs] ts_dict['conformer_index'] = self.conformer_index if self.successful_irc is not None: ts_dict['successful_irc'] = self.successful_irc if self.successful_normal_mode is not None: ts_dict['successful_normal_mode'] = self.successful_normal_mode if self.initial_xyz or for_report: ts_dict['initial_xyz'] = xyz_to_str(self.initial_xyz) if self.opt_xyz or for_report: ts_dict['opt_xyz'] = xyz_to_str(self.opt_xyz) if not for_report: ts_dict['t0'] = str(self.t0.isoformat()) if isinstance(self.t0, datetime.datetime) else self.t0 if self.cluster is not None: ts_dict['cluster'] = self.cluster if is not None: ts_dict['family'] = if self.rmg_reaction is not None: rxn_string = ' <=> '.join([' + '.join([spc.molecule[0].copy(deep=True).to_smiles() for spc in self.rmg_reaction.reactants]), ' + '.join([spc.molecule[0].copy(deep=True).to_smiles() for spc in self.rmg_reaction.products])]) ts_dict['rmg_reaction'] = rxn_string if self.errors: ts_dict['errors'] = self.errors return ts_dict
[docs] def from_dict(self, ts_dict: dict): """ A helper function for loading this object from a dictionary in a YAML file for restarting ARC """ self.t0 = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(ts_dict['t0']) if 't0' in ts_dict and isinstance(ts_dict['t0'], str) \ else ts_dict['t0'] if 't0' in ts_dict else None self.index = ts_dict['index'] if 'index' in ts_dict else None self.initial_xyz = ts_dict['initial_xyz'] if 'initial_xyz' in ts_dict else None self.process_xyz(self.initial_xyz) # re-populates self.initial_xyz self.opt_xyz = ts_dict['opt_xyz'] if 'opt_xyz' in ts_dict else None self.success = ts_dict['success'] if 'success' in ts_dict else None = ts_dict['energy'] if 'energy' in ts_dict else None self.cluster = ts_dict['cluster'] if 'cluster' in ts_dict else None self.execution_time = timedelta_from_str(ts_dict['execution_time']) if 'execution_time' in ts_dict \ and isinstance(ts_dict['execution_time'], str) \ else ts_dict['execution_time'] if 'execution_time' in ts_dict else None self.method = ts_dict['method'].lower() if 'method' in ts_dict else 'user guess' self.method_index = ts_dict['method_index'] if 'method_index' in ts_dict else None self.method_direction = ts_dict['method_direction'] if 'method_direction' in ts_dict else None self.imaginary_freqs = ts_dict['imaginary_freqs'] if 'imaginary_freqs' in ts_dict else None self.conformer_index = ts_dict['conformer_index'] if 'conformer_index' in ts_dict else None self.successful_irc = ts_dict['successful_irc'] if 'successful_irc' in ts_dict else None self.successful_normal_mode = ts_dict['successful_normal_mode'] if 'successful_normal_mode' in ts_dict else None if 'user guess' in self.method: if self.initial_xyz is None: raise TSError('If no method is specified, an xyz guess must be given (initial_xyz).') self.success = self.success if self.success is not None else True self.execution_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) = ts_dict['family'] if 'family' in ts_dict else None self.errors = ts_dict['errors'] if 'errors' in ts_dict else '' self.rmg_reaction = None if 'rmg_reaction' in ts_dict: rxn_string = ts_dict['rmg_reaction'] plus = ' + ' arrow = ' <=> ' if arrow not in rxn_string: raise TSError(f'Could not read the reaction string. Expected to find " <=> ".\n' f'Got: {rxn_string}') sides = rxn_string.split(arrow) reac = sides[0] prod = sides[1] if plus in reac: reac = reac.split(plus) else: reac = [reac] if plus in prod: prod = prod.split(plus) else: prod = [prod] reactants = list() products = list() try: for reactant in reac: reactants.append(Species(smiles=reactant)) for product in prod: products.append(Species(smiles=product)) self.rmg_reaction = Reaction(reactants=reactants, products=products) except AtomTypeError: pass
[docs] def process_xyz(self, xyz: Union[dict, str], project_directory: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Process the user's input. If ``xyz`` represents a file path, parse it. Args: xyz (dict, str): The coordinates in a dict/string form or a path to a file containing the coordinates. project_directory (str, optional): The path to the project directory. Raises: InputError: If xyz is of the wrong type. """ if xyz is not None: if not isinstance(xyz, (dict, str)): raise InputError(f'xyz must be either a dictionary or string, got:\n{xyz}\nwhich is a {type(xyz)}') self.initial_xyz = check_xyz_dict(xyz, project_directory=project_directory)
[docs] def get_xyz(self, return_format: str = 'dict', ) -> Optional[Union[dict, str]]: """ Get the highest quality xyz the TSGuess has. Returns ``None`` if no xyz can be retrieved. Args: return_format (str, optional): Whether to output a 'dict' or a 'str' representation of the respective xyz. Return: Optional[Union[dict, str]]: The xyz coordinates in the requested representation. """ xyz = self.opt_xyz or self.initial_xyz if return_format == 'str': xyz = xyz_to_str(xyz) return xyz
[docs] def almost_equal_tsgs(self, other: 'TSGuess') -> bool: """ Determine whether two TSGuess object instances represent the same geometry. Args: other (TSGuess): The other TSGuess object instance to compare to. Returns: bool: Whether the two TSGuess object instances represent the same geometry. """ if self.success != other.success or \ ( is not None and is not None and not isclose(,, abs_tol=0.1)) or \ (self.imaginary_freqs is not None and other.imaginary_freqs is not None and (len(self.imaginary_freqs) != len(other.imaginary_freqs) or len(self.imaginary_freqs) == len(other.imaginary_freqs) and any([not isclose(freq_1, freq_2, abs_tol=0.1) for freq_1, freq_2 in zip(self.imaginary_freqs, other.imaginary_freqs)]))): return False if almost_equal_coords(xyz1=self.get_xyz(), xyz2=other.get_xyz()) \ or compare_confs(xyz1=self.get_xyz(), xyz2=other.get_xyz(), rmsd_score=False): return True return False
[docs] def tic(self): """ Initialize self.t0. """ self.t0 =
[docs] def tok(self): """ Assign the time difference between now and self.t0 into self.execution_time. """ if self.t0 is not None: self.execution_time = - self.t0
[docs]def determine_occ(xyz, charge): """ Determines the number of occupied orbitals for an MRCI calculation. Todo """ electrons = 0 for line in xyz.split('\n'): if line: atom = Atom(element=str(line.split()[0])) electrons += atom.number electrons -= charge
[docs]def determine_rotor_symmetry(label: str, pivots: Union[List[int], str], rotor_path: str = '', energies: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None, return_num_wells: bool = False, log: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[int, float, Optional[int]]: """ Determine the rotor symmetry number from a potential energy scan. The *worst* resolution for each peak and valley is determined. The first criterion for a symmetric rotor is that the highest peak and the lowest peak must be within the worst peak resolution (and the same is checked for valleys). A second criterion for a symmetric rotor is that the highest and lowest peaks must be within 10% of the highest peak value. This is only applied if the highest peak is above 2 kJ/mol. Args: label (str): The species label (used for error messages). pivots (list): A list of two atom indices representing the pivots. rotor_path (str): The path to an ESS output rotor scan file. energies (list, optional): The list of energies in the scan in kJ/mol. return_num_wells (bool, optional): Whether to also return the number of wells, ``True`` to return, default is ``False``. log (bool, optional): Whether to log info, error, and warning messages. Raises: InputError: If both or none of the rotor_path and energy arguments are given, or if rotor_path does not point to an existing file. Returns: Tuple[int, float, int]: int: The symmetry number float: The highest torsional energy barrier in kJ/mol. int (optional): The number of peaks, only returned if ``return_len_peaks`` is ``True``. """ if not rotor_path and energies is None: raise InputError('Expected either rotor_path or energies, got neither') if rotor_path and energies is not None: raise InputError('Expected either rotor_path or energies, got both') if energies is None: if not os.path.isfile(rotor_path): raise InputError(f'Could not find the path to the rotor file for species {label} {rotor_path}') energies = parse_1d_scan_energies(path=rotor_path)[0] symmetry = None max_e = max(energies) if max_e > 2000: tol = 0.10 * max_e # tolerance for the second criterion else: tol = max_e min_e = energies[0] for i, e in enumerate(energies): # Sometimes the opt level and scan levels mismatch, causing the minimum to be close to 0 degrees, but not at 0. if e < min_e: min_e = e peaks, valleys = list(), list() # the peaks and valleys of the scan worst_peak_resolution, worst_valley_resolution = 0, 0 for i, e in enumerate(energies): # Identify peaks and valleys, and determine the worst resolutions in the scan. ip1 = cyclic_index_i_plus_1(i, len(energies)) # i Plus 1 im1 = cyclic_index_i_minus_1(i) # i Minus 1 if i == 0 and energies[im1] == e: # If the first and last scan points have same energy, change im1 im1 -= 1 logger.debug(f'im1: {im1}, ip1: {ip1}, em1: {energies[im1]}, e: {e}, ep1: {energies[ip1]}') if e > energies[im1] and e > energies[ip1]: # this is a local peak if any([diff > worst_peak_resolution for diff in [e - energies[im1], e - energies[ip1]]]): worst_peak_resolution = max(e - energies[im1], e - energies[ip1]) peaks.append(e) elif e < energies[im1] and e < energies[ip1]: # this is a local valley if any([diff > worst_valley_resolution for diff in [energies[im1] - e, energies[ip1] - e]]): worst_valley_resolution = max(energies[im1] - e, energies[ip1] - e) valleys.append(e) # The number of peaks and valley must always be the same (what goes up must come down), if it isn't then there's # something seriously wrong with the scan if len(peaks) != len(valleys): if log: logger.error(f'Rotor of species {label} in pivots {pivots} does not have the same number ' f'of peaks ({len(peaks)}) and valleys ({len(valleys)}).') if return_num_wells: return len(peaks), max_e, len(peaks) # this works for CC(=O)[O] else: return len(peaks), max_e, None # this works for CC(=O)[O] min_peak = min(peaks) max_peak = max(peaks) min_valley = min(valleys) max_valley = max(valleys) # Criterion 1: worst resolution if max_peak - min_peak > worst_peak_resolution: # The rotor cannot be symmetric symmetry = 1 reason = 'worst peak resolution criterion' elif max_valley - min_valley > worst_valley_resolution: # The rotor cannot be symmetric symmetry = 1 reason = 'worst valley resolution criterion' # Criterion 2: 10% * max_peak elif max_peak - min_peak > tol: # The rotor cannot be symmetric symmetry = 1 reason = '10% of the maximum peak criterion' else: # We declare this rotor as symmetric and the symmetry number is the number of peaks (and valleys) symmetry = len(peaks) reason = 'number of peaks and valleys, all within the determined resolution criteria' if log: if symmetry not in [1, 2, 3]:'Determined symmetry number {symmetry} for rotor of species {label} in pivots {pivots}; ' f'you should make sure this makes sense.') else:'Determined a symmetry number of {symmetry} for rotor of species {label} in pivots ' f'{pivots} based on the {reason}.') if return_num_wells: return symmetry, max_e, len(peaks) else: return symmetry, max_e, None
[docs]def cyclic_index_i_plus_1(i: int, length: int, ) -> int: """A helper function for cyclic indexing rotor scans""" return i + 1 if i + 1 < length else 0
[docs]def cyclic_index_i_minus_1(i: int) -> int: """A helper function for cyclic indexing rotor scans""" return i - 1 if i - 1 > 0 else -1
[docs]def determine_rotor_type(rotor_path: str) -> str: """ Determine whether this rotor should be treated as a HinderedRotor of a FreeRotor according to its maximum peak. """ energies = parse_1d_scan_energies(path=rotor_path)[0] max_val = max(energies) return 'FreeRotor' if max_val < minimum_barrier else 'HinderedRotor'
[docs]def enumerate_bonds(mol: Molecule) -> dict: """ A helper function for calling Molecule.enumerate_bonds. First, get the Kekulized molecule (get the Kekule version with alternating single and double bonds if the molecule is aromatic), since we don't have implementation for aromatic bond additivity corrections. Args: mol (Molecule): The 2D graph representation of the molecule. Returns: dict: Keys are bond types (elements and bond order symbol), values are number of occurrences per bond type. """ mol_list = generate_kekule_structure(mol) if mol_list: return mol_list[0].enumerate_bonds() else: return mol.enumerate_bonds()
[docs]def check_xyz(xyz: dict, multiplicity: int, charge: int, ) -> bool: """ Checks xyz for electronic consistency with the spin multiplicity and charge. Args: xyz (dict): The species coordinates. multiplicity (int): The species spin multiplicity. charge (int): The species net charge. Returns: bool: Whether the input arguments are all in agreement. True if they are. """ symbols = xyz['symbols'] electrons = 0 for symbol in symbols: for number, element_symbol in symbol_by_number.items(): if symbol == element_symbol: electrons += number break electrons -= charge if electrons % 2 ^ multiplicity % 2: return True return False
[docs]def are_coords_compliant_with_graph(xyz: dict, mol: Molecule, ) -> bool: """ Check whether the Cartesian coordinates represent the same 2D connectivity as the graph. Bond orders are not considered here, this function checks whether the coordinates represent a bond length below 120% of the single bond length of the respective elements. Args: xyz (dict): The Cartesian coordinates. mol (Molecule): The 2D graph connectivity information. Returns: bool: Whether the coordinates are compliant with the 2D connectivity graph. ``True`` if they are. """ checked_atoms = list() for atom_index_1, atom1 in enumerate(mol.atoms): if atom1.element.symbol != xyz['symbols'][atom_index_1]: logger.warning(f'Element order in xyz ({xyz["symbols"]}) differs from mol ' f'({[atom.element.symbol for atom in mol.atoms]})') return False for atom2 in atom1.edges.keys(): atom_index_2 = mol.atoms.index(atom2) if atom_index_2 not in checked_atoms: r = calculate_distance(coords=xyz['coords'], atoms=[atom_index_1, atom_index_2]) single_bond_r = get_single_bond_length(atom1.element.symbol, atom2.element.symbol) if r > single_bond_r * 1.2: return False checked_atoms.append(atom_index_1) return True
[docs]def colliding_atoms(xyz: dict, mol: Optional[Molecule] = None, threshold: float = 0.55, ) -> bool: """ Check whether atoms are too close to each other. A default threshold of 55% the covalent radii of two atoms is used. For example: - C-O collide at 55% * 1.42 A = 0.781 A - N-N collide at 55% * 1.42 A = 0.781 A - C-N collide at 55% * 1.47 A = 0.808 A - C-H collide at 55% * 1.07 A = 0.588 A - H-H collide at 55% * 0.74 A = 0.588 A Args: xyz (dict): The Cartesian coordinates. mol (Molecule, optional): The corresponding Molecule object instance with formal charge information. threshold (float, optional): The collision threshold to use. Returns: bool: ``True`` if they are colliding, ``False`` otherwise. """ if len(xyz['symbols']) == 1: # monoatomic return False for i in range(len(xyz['symbols']) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(xyz['symbols'])): actual_r = calculate_distance(coords=xyz['coords'], atoms=[i, j], index=0) charge_1 = mol.atoms[i].charge if mol is not None else 0 charge_2 = mol.atoms[j].charge if mol is not None else 0 single_bond_r = get_single_bond_length(xyz['symbols'][i], xyz['symbols'][j], charge_1, charge_2) if actual_r < single_bond_r * threshold: return True return False
[docs]def check_label(label: str, is_ts: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]: """ Check whether a species (or reaction) label is legal, modify it if needed. Args: label (str): A label. is_ts (bool, optional): Whether the species label belongs to a transition state. verbose (bool, optional): Whether to log errors. Raises: TypeError: If the label is not a string type. SpeciesError: If label is illegal and cannot be automatically fixed. Returns: Tuple[str, Optional[str]] - A legal label. - The original label if the label was modified, else ``None``. """ if not isinstance(label, str): raise TypeError(f'A species label must be a string type, got {label} which is a {type(label)}.') if label[:2] == 'TS' and all(char.isdigit() for char in label[2:]) and not is_ts: raise SpeciesError(f'A non-TS species cannot be named "TS" with a subsequent index, got {label}') char_replacement = {'#': 't', '=': 'd', '(': '[', ')': ']', ' ': '_', '%': 'c', '$': 'd', '*': 's', '@': 'a', '+': 'p', } modified = False original_label = label for char in original_label: if char not in valid_chars: if verbose: logger.error(f'Label {label} contains an invalid character: "{char}"') if char in char_replacement.keys(): label = label.replace(char, char_replacement[char]) else: label = label.replace(char, '_') modified = True if modified: if verbose: logger.warning(f'Replaced species label.\n' f'Original label was: "{original_label}".\n' f'New label is: "{label}"') else: original_label = None return label, original_label
[docs]def check_atom_balance(entry_1: Union[dict, str, Molecule], entry_2: Union[dict, str, Molecule], verbose: Optional[bool] = True, ) -> bool: """ Check whether the two entries are in atom balance. Args: entry_1 (Union[dict, str, Molecule]): Either an xyz (dict or str) or an RMG Molecule object. entry_2 (Union[dict, str, Molecule]): Either an xyz (dict or str) or an RMG Molecule object. verbose (Optional[bool]): Whether to log the differences if found. Raises: SpeciesError: If both entries are empty. Returns: bool: Whether ``entry1`` and ``entry2`` are in atomic balance. ``True`` id they are. """ if not entry_1 or not entry_2: raise SpeciesError(f'Cannot compare entries. Got:\n{entry_1}\nand\n{entry_2}') element_dict_1, element_dict_2 = dict(), dict() result = True # Count the number of each element. for element_dict, entry in zip([element_dict_1, element_dict_2], [entry_1, entry_2]): if isinstance(entry, Molecule): for atom in entry.atoms: symbol = atom.element.symbol element_dict[symbol] = element_dict.get(symbol, 0) + 1 else: xyz = check_xyz_dict(entry) for symbol in xyz['symbols']: element_dict[symbol] = element_dict.get(symbol, 0) + 1 # Compare elements. if len(list(element_dict_1.keys())) != len(list(element_dict_1.keys())): result = False if result: for symbol in element_dict_1.keys(): if symbol not in list(element_dict_2.keys()): result = False break num_1, num_2 = element_dict_1[symbol], element_dict_2[symbol] if num_1 != num_2: result = False break if not result: if verbose: logger.error(f'\nEntries have different types or numbers of elements, got:\n' f'{element_dict_1}\nand\n{element_dict_2}\n') return False return result
[docs]def split_mol(mol: Molecule) -> Tuple[List[Molecule], List[List[int]]]: """ Split an RMG Molecule object by connectivity gaps while retaining the relative atom order. Args: mol (Molecule): The Molecule to split. Returns: Tuple[List[Molecule], List[List[int]]]: - Entries are molecular fragments resulting from the split. - Entries are lists with indices that correspond to the original atoms that were assigned to each fragment. """ fragments, molecules = list(), list() unvisited_indices = list(range(len(mol.atoms))) while len(unvisited_indices): start = unvisited_indices[0] frag_indices = dfs(mol=mol, start=start, sort_result=True) unvisited_indices = [index for index in unvisited_indices if index not in frag_indices] molecules.append(Molecule(atoms=[mol.atoms[index] for index in frag_indices])) fragments.append(frag_indices) return molecules, fragments