Source code for arc.species.vectors

A module for manipulating vectors

import math
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Union

from rmgpy.molecule.molecule import Molecule

from arc.common import logger
from arc.exceptions import VectorsError
from arc.species import converter

[docs]def get_normal(v1: List[float], v2: List[float], ) -> List[float]: """ Calculate a normal vector using cross multiplication. Args: v1 (list): Vector 1. v2 (list): Vector 2. Returns: list A normal unit vector to v1 and v2. """ normal = [v1[1] * v2[2] - v2[1] * v1[2], - v1[0] * v2[2] + v2[0] * v1[2], v1[0] * v2[1] - v2[0] * v1[1]] return unit_vector(normal)
[docs]def get_angle(v1: List[float], v2: List[float], units: str = 'rads', ) -> float: """ Calculate the angle between two vectors. Args: v1 (list): Vector 1. v2 (list): Vector 2. units (str, optional): The desired units, either 'rads' for radians, or 'degs' for degrees. Raises: VectorsError: If ``v1`` and ``v2`` are of different lengths. Returns: float The angle between ``v1`` and ``v2`` in the desired units. """ if len(v1) != len(v2): raise VectorsError(f'v1 and v2 must be the same length, got {len(v1)} and {len(v2)}.') v1_u, v2_u = unit_vector(v1), unit_vector(v2) conversion = 180 / math.pi if 'degs' in units else 1 return float(np.arccos(np.clip(, v2_u), -1.0, 1.0)) * conversion)
[docs]def get_dihedral(v1: List[float], v2: List[float], v3: List[float], units: str = 'degs', ) -> float: """ Calculate the dihedral angle between three vectors. ``v2`` connects between ``v1`` and ``v3``. Inspired by ASE Atoms.get_dihedral(). Args: v1 (list): Vector 1. v2 (list): Vector 2. v3 (list): Vector 3. units (str, optional): The desired units, either 'rads' for radians, or 'degs' for degrees. Raises: VectorsError: If either ``v1`` or ``v2`` have lengths different than three. Returns: float The dihedral angle between ``v1`` and ``v2`` in the desired units. """ if len(v1) != 3 or len(v2) != 3 or len(v3) != 3: raise VectorsError(f'v1, v2, and v3 must have a length of three, got {len(v1)}, {len(v2)}, and {len(v3)}.') v1, v2, v3 = np.array(v1, np.float64), np.array(v2, np.float64), np.array(v3, np.float64) v2_x_v1 = np.cross(v2, v1) v2_x_v1 /= float(np.linalg.norm(v2_x_v1)) v3_x_v2 = np.cross(v3, v2) v3_x_v2 /= np.linalg.norm(v3_x_v2) dihedral = np.arccos(np.clip(np.vdot(v2_x_v1, v3_x_v2), -1, 1)) if np.vdot(v2_x_v1, v3) > 0: dihedral = 2 * np.pi - dihedral if np.isnan(dihedral): raise VectorsError(f'Could not calculate a dihedral angle for\nv1: {v1}, v2: {v2}, v3: {v3}.') conversion = 180 / math.pi if 'degs' in units else 1 return float(dihedral * conversion)
[docs]def calculate_distance(coords: Union[list, tuple, dict], atoms: list, index: int = 0, ) -> float: """ Calculate a distance. Args: coords (list, tuple, dict): The array-format or tuple-format coordinates, or the xyz dict. atoms (list): The 2 atoms to calculate defining the vector for which the length will be calculated. index (int, optional): Whether ``atoms`` is 0-indexed or 1-indexed (values are 0 or 1). Raises: VectorsError: If ``index`` is out of range, or ``atoms`` is of wrong length or has repeating indices. TypeError: If ``coords`` is of wrong type. Returns: float The distance in the coords units. """ if isinstance(coords, dict) and 'coords' in coords: coords = coords['coords'] if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f'coords must be a list or a tuple, got\n{coords}\nwhich is a {type(coords)}') if index not in [0, 1]: raise VectorsError(f'index must be either 0 or 1, got {index}') if len(atoms) != 2: raise VectorsError(f'distance atom list must be of length two, got {len(atoms)}') if len(set(atoms)) < 2: raise VectorsError(f'some atoms are repetitive: {atoms}') new_atoms = list() for atom in atoms: if isinstance(atom, str) and 'X' in atom: new_atoms.append(int(atom[1:])) else: new_atoms.append(atom) if not all([isinstance(a, int) for a in new_atoms]): raise VectorsError(f'all entries in atoms must be integers, got: {new_atoms} ({[type(a) for a in new_atoms]})') new_atoms = [a - index for a in new_atoms] # convert 1-index to 0-index coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float32) vector = coords[new_atoms[1]] - coords[new_atoms[0]] return get_vector_length(vector)
[docs]def calculate_angle(coords: Union[list, tuple, dict], atoms: list, index: int = 0, units: str = 'degs', ) -> float: """ Calculate an angle. Args: coords (list, tuple, dict): The array-format or tuple-format coordinates, or the xyz dict. atoms (list): The 3 atoms defining the angle. index (int, optional): Whether ``atoms`` is 0-indexed or 1-indexed (values are 0 or 1). units (str, optional): The desired units, either 'rads' for radians, or 'degs' for degrees. Raises: VectorsError: If ``index`` is out of range, or ``atoms`` is of wrong length or has repeating indices. TypeError: If ``coords`` is of wrong type. Returns: float The angle. """ if isinstance(coords, dict) and 'coords' in coords: coords = coords['coords'] if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f'coords must be a list or a tuple, got\n{coords}\nwhich is a {type(coords)}') if index not in [0, 1]: raise VectorsError(f'index must be either 0 or 1, got {index}') if len(atoms) != 3: raise VectorsError(f'angle atom list must be of length three, got {len(atoms)}') if len(set(atoms)) < 3: raise VectorsError(f'some atoms are repetitive: {atoms}') new_atoms = list() for atom in atoms: if isinstance(atom, str) and 'X' in atom: new_atoms.append(int(atom[1:])) else: new_atoms.append(atom) if not all([isinstance(a, int) for a in new_atoms]): raise VectorsError(f'all entries in atoms must be integers, got: {new_atoms} ({[type(a) for a in new_atoms]})') new_atoms = [a - index for a in new_atoms] # convert 1-index to 0-index coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float32) v1 = coords[new_atoms[1]] - coords[new_atoms[0]] v2 = coords[new_atoms[1]] - coords[new_atoms[2]] return get_angle(v1, v2, units=units)
[docs]def calculate_dihedral_angle(coords: Union[list, tuple, dict], torsion: list, index: int = 0, units: str = 'degs', ) -> float: """ Calculate a dihedral angle. Args: coords (list, tuple, dict): The array-format or tuple-format coordinates, or the xyz dict. torsion (list): The 4 atoms defining the dihedral angle. index (int, optional): Whether ``torsion`` is 0-indexed or 1-indexed (values are 0 or 1). units (str, optional): The desired units, either 'rads' for radians, or 'degs' for degrees. Raises: VectorsError: If ``index`` is out of range, or ``torsion`` is of wrong length or has repeating indices. TypeError: If ``coords`` is of wrong type. Returns: float The dihedral angle in a 0-360 degrees range. """ if isinstance(coords, dict) and 'coords' in coords: coords = coords['coords'] if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError(f'coords must be a list or a tuple, got\n{coords}\nwhich is a {type(coords)}') if index not in [0, 1]: raise VectorsError(f'index must be either 0 or 1, got {index}') if torsion is None: raise VectorsError(f'torsion cannot be None') if len(torsion) != 4: raise VectorsError(f'torsion atom list must be of length four, got {len(torsion)}') if len(set(torsion)) < 4: raise VectorsError(f'some indices in torsion are repetitive: {torsion}') new_torsion = list() for atom in torsion: if isinstance(atom, str) and 'X' in atom: new_torsion.append(int(atom[1:])) else: new_torsion.append(atom) if not all([isinstance(t, int) for t in new_torsion]): raise VectorsError(f'all entries in torsion must be integers, got: {new_torsion} ' f'({[type(t) for t in new_torsion]})') new_torsion = [t - index for t in new_torsion] # convert 1-index to 0-index if needed coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float32) v1 = coords[new_torsion[1]] - coords[new_torsion[0]] v2 = coords[new_torsion[2]] - coords[new_torsion[1]] v3 = coords[new_torsion[3]] - coords[new_torsion[2]] return get_dihedral(v1, v2, v3, units=units)
[docs]def calculate_param(coords: Union[list, tuple, dict], atoms: list, index: int = 0, ) -> float: """ Calculate a distance / angle / dihedral angle parameter. Default units (deg for angles) are used. Args: coords (list, tuple, dict): The array-format or tuple-format coordinates, or the xyz dict. atoms (list): The 2 atoms to calculate defining the vector for which the length will be calculated. index (int, optional): Whether ``atoms`` is 0-indexed or 1-indexed (values are 0 or 1). Returns: float The calculated parameter. """ if len(atoms) == 2: return calculate_distance(coords=coords, atoms=atoms, index=index) elif len(atoms) == 3: return calculate_angle(coords=coords, atoms=atoms, index=index) elif len(atoms) == 4: return calculate_dihedral_angle(coords=coords, torsion=atoms, index=index) else: raise ValueError(f'Expected 2, 3, or 4 indices in coords, got {len(coords)}: {coords}')
[docs]def unit_vector(vector: List[float]) -> List[float]: """ Calculate a unit vector in the same direction as the input vector. Args: vector (list): The input vector. Returns: list The unit vector. """ length = get_vector_length(vector) return [vi / length for vi in vector]
[docs]def set_vector_length(vector: List[float], length: float, ) -> List[float]: """ Set the length of a 3D vector. Args: vector (list): The vector to process. length (float): The desired length to set. Returns: list A vector with the desired length. """ u = unit_vector(vector) return [u[0] * length, u[1] * length, u[2] * length]
[docs]def rotate_vector(point_a: List[float], point_b: List[float], normal: List[float], theta: float, ) -> List[float]: """ Rotate a vector in 3D space around a given axis by a certain angle. Inspired by Args: point_a (list): The 3D coordinates of the starting point (point A) of the vector to be rotated. point_b (list): The 3D coordinates of the ending point (point B) of the vector to be rotated. normal (list): The axis to be rotated around. theta (float): The degree in radians by which to rotate. Returns: list The rotated vector (the new coordinates for point B). """ normal = np.asarray(normal) normal = normal / math.sqrt(, normal)) # should *not* be replaced by an augmented assignment a = math.cos(theta / 2.0) b, c, d = -normal * math.sin(theta / 2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d rotation_matrix = np.array([[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]]) vector = [b - a for b, a in zip(point_b, point_a)] new_vector =, vector).tolist() new_vector = [n_v + a for n_v, a in zip(new_vector, point_a)] # root the vector at the original starting point return new_vector
[docs]def get_vector(pivot: int, anchor: int, xyz: dict, ) -> list: """ Get a vector between two atoms in the molecule (pointing from pivot to anchor). Args: pivot (int): The 0-index of the pivotal atom around which groups are to be translated. anchor (int): The 0-index of an additional atom in the molecule. xyz (dict): The 3D coordinates of the molecule with the same atom order as in mol. Returns: list A vector pointing from the pivotal atom towards the anchor atom. """ x, y, z = converter.xyz_to_x_y_z(xyz) dx = x[anchor] - x[pivot] dy = y[anchor] - y[pivot] dz = z[anchor] - z[pivot] return [dx, dy, dz]
[docs]def get_lp_vector(label: str, mol: Molecule, xyz: dict, pivot: int, ) -> list: """ Get a vector from the pivotal atom in the molecule towards its lone electron pair (lp). The approach is to reverse the average of the three unit vectors between the pivotal atom and its neighbors. Args: label (str): The species' label. mol (Molecule): The 2D graph representation of the molecule. xyz (dict): The 3D coordinates of the molecule with the same atom order as in mol. pivot (int): The 0-index of the pivotal atom of interest. Raises: VectorsError: If the lp vector cannot be attained. Returns: list A unit vector pointing from the pivotal (nitrogen) atom towards its lone electron pairs orbital. """ neighbors, vectors = list(), list() if not mol.atoms[pivot].is_nitrogen(): logger.warning(f'The get_lp_vector specializes in nitrogen atoms, got {mol.atoms[pivot].symbol} ' f'(atom number {pivot}) in species {label}.') for atom in mol.atoms[pivot].edges.keys(): neighbors.append(mol.atoms.index(atom)) if len(neighbors) < 3: # N will have 3, S may have more. raise VectorsError(f'Can only get lp vector if the pivotal atom has at least three neighbors. ' f'Atom {mol.atoms[pivot]} in {label} has only {len(neighbors)}.') for neighbor in neighbors: # already taken in "reverse", pointing towards the lone pair vectors.append(unit_vector(get_vector(pivot=neighbor, anchor=pivot, xyz=xyz))) x = sum(v[0] for v in vectors) y = sum(v[1] for v in vectors) z = sum(v[2] for v in vectors) return unit_vector([x, y, z])
[docs]def get_vector_length(v: List[float]) -> float: """ Get the length of an ND vector Args: v (list): The vector. Returns: float The vector's length. """ return float(, v) ** 0.5)
[docs]def get_delta_angle(a1: float, a2: float, ) -> float: """ Get the difference between two (dihedral or regular) angles. Examples:: 3 - 1 = 2 1 - 3 = 2 1- 359 = 2 Args: a1 (float): Angle 1 in degrees. a2 (float): Angle 2 in degrees. Returns: float The difference between the angles in degrees. """ a1 %= 360 a2 %= 360 return min(abs(a1 - a2), abs(a1 + 360 - a2), abs(a1 - a2 - 360))