Determine scaling factors for a given list of levels of theory
Based on DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.09.004
Adapted by Duminda Ranasinghe and Alon Grinberg Dana
import os
import time
from typing import List, Optional, Union
import shutil
from arc.common import (ARC_PATH,
from arc.level import Level
from arc.parser import parse_zpe
from arc.scheduler import Scheduler
from arc.species.species import ARCSpecies
from arc.settings import global_ess_settings
except ImportError:
global_ess_settings = None
logger = get_logger()
' written by \n'\
'Haoyu S. Yu, Lucas J. Fiedler, I.M. Alecu, and Donald G. Truhlar\n'\
'Department of Chemistry and Supercomputing Institute\n'\
'University of Minnesota, Minnesota 55455-0431\n'\
'1. I.M., Alecu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhao, D.G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 9, 2872-2887,\n'\
' DOI: 10.1021/ct100326h\n'\
'2. H.S. Yu, L.J. Fiedler, I.M. Alecu,, D.G. Truhlar, Computer Physics Communications 2017, 210, 132-138,\n'\
' DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.09.004\n\n'
[docs]def determine_scaling_factors(levels: List[Union[Level, dict, str]],
ess_settings: Optional[dict] = None,
init_log: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> list:
Determine the zero-point energy, harmonic frequencies, and fundamental frequencies scaling factors
for a given frequencies level of theory.
levels (list): A list of frequencies levels of theory for which scaling factors are determined.
Entries are either Level instances, dictionaries, or simple string representations.
If a single entry is given, it will be converted to a list.
ess_settings (dict, optional): A dictionary of available ESS (keys) and a corresponding server list (values).
init_log (bool, optional): Whether to initialize the logger. ``True`` to initialize.
Should be ``True`` when called as a standalone, but ``False`` when called within ARC.
list: The determined frequency scaling factors.
if init_log:
initialize_log(log_file='scaling_factor.log', project='Scaling Factors')
if not isinstance(levels, (list, tuple)):
levels = [levels]
levels = [Level(repr=level) if not isinstance(level, Level) else level for level in levels]
t0 = time.time()
logger.info('\n\nstarting ARC...\n')
# only run opt (fine) and freq
job_types = initialize_job_types(dict()) # get the defaults, so no job type is missing
job_types = {job_type: False for job_type in job_types.keys()}
job_types['opt'], job_types['fine'], job_types['freq'] = True, True, True
lambda_zpes, zpe_dicts, times = list(), list(), list()
for level in levels:
t1 = time.time()
logger.info(f'\nComputing scaling factors at the {level} level of theory...\n\n')
renamed_level = rename_level(str(level))
project = 'scaling_' + renamed_level
project_directory = os.path.join(ARC_PATH, 'Projects', 'scaling_factors', project)
logger.info(f'\nRunning in: {project_directory}\n')
if os.path.isdir(project_directory):
species_list = get_species_list()
if level.method_type == 'composite':
freq_level = None
composite_method = level
job_types['freq'] = False
freq_level = level
composite_method = None
ess_settings = check_ess_settings(ess_settings or global_ess_settings)
Scheduler(project=project, project_directory=project_directory, species_list=species_list,
composite_method=composite_method, opt_level=freq_level, freq_level=freq_level, sp_level=freq_level,
ess_settings=ess_settings, job_types=job_types, allow_nonisomorphic_2d=True)
zpe_dict = dict()
for spc in species_list:
zpe_dict[spc.label] = parse_zpe(os.path.join(project_directory, 'output', 'Species', spc.label,
'geometry', 'freq.out')) * 1000 # convert to J/mol
lambda_zpes.append(calculate_truhlar_scaling_factors(zpe_dict=zpe_dict, level=str(level)))
harmonic_freq_scaling_factors = [lambda_zpe * 1.014 for lambda_zpe in lambda_zpes]
return harmonic_freq_scaling_factors
[docs]def calculate_truhlar_scaling_factors(zpe_dict: dict,
level: str,
) -> float:
Calculate the scaling factors using Truhlar's method:
written by Haoyu S. Yu, Lucas J. Fiedler, I.M. Alecu, and Donald G. Truhlar
Department of Chemistry and Supercomputing Institute
University of Minnesota, Minnesota 55455-0431
1. I.M., Alecu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhao, D.G. Truhlar, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6, 9, 2872-2887
DOI: 10.1021/ct100326h
2. H.S. Yu, L.J. Fiedler, I.M. Alecu,, D.G. Truhlar, Computer Physics Communications 2017, 210, 132-138
DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.09.004
zpe_dict (dict): The calculated vibrational zero-point energies at the requested level of theory.
Keys are species labels, values are floats representing the ZPE in J/mol.
level (str): A string representation of the frequencies level of theory.
float: The scale factor for the vibrational zero-point energy (lambda ZPE) as defined in reference [2].
unconverged = [key for key, val in zpe_dict.items() if val is None]
if len(unconverged):
logger.info(f'\n\nWarning: Not all species in the standard set have converged at the {level} '
f'level of theory!\nUnconverged species: {unconverged}\n\n')
logger.info(f'\n\nAll species in the standard set have converged at the {level} level of theory\n\n\n')
# Experimental ZPE values converted from kcal/mol to J/mol, as reported in reference [2]:
exp_zpe_dict = {'C2H2': 16.490 * 4184,
'CH4': 27.710 * 4184,
'CO2': 7.3 * 4184,
'CO': 3.0929144 * 4184,
'F2': 1.302 * 4184,
'CH2O': 16.1 * 4184,
'H2O': 13.26 * 4184,
'H2': 6.231 * 4184,
'HCN': 10.000 * 4184,
'HF': 5.864 * 4184,
'N2O': 6.770 * 4184,
'N2': 3.3618 * 4184,
'NH3': 21.200 * 4184,
'OH': 5.2915 * 4184,
'Cl2': 0.7983 * 4184}
numerator, denominator = 0.0, 0.0 # numerator and denominator in eq. 5 of reference [2]
for label, zpe in zpe_dict.items():
numerator += zpe * exp_zpe_dict[label] if zpe is not None else 0
if zpe is not None:
denominator += zpe ** 2.0
logger.error('ZPE of species {label} could not be determined!')
lambda_zpe = numerator / denominator # lambda_zpe on the left side of eq. 5 of [2]
return lambda_zpe
[docs]def summarize_results(lambda_zpes: list,
levels: List[Union[Level, dict, str]],
zpe_dicts: list,
times: list,
overall_time: str,
base_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
Print and save the results to file.
lambda_zpes (list): The scale factors for the vibrational zero-point energy, entries are floats.
levels (list): Entries are the frequency levels of theory.
zpe_dicts (list): Entries are The calculated vibrational zero-point energies at the requested level of theory.
Keys are species labels, values are floats representing the ZPE in J/mol.
times (list): Entries are string-format of the calculation execution times.
overall_time (str): A string-format of the overall calculation execution time.
base_path (str, optional): The path to the scaling factors base folder.
base_path = base_path or os.path.join(ARC_PATH, 'Projects', 'scaling_factors')
if not os.path.exists(base_path):
i, success = 0, False
while not success:
info_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'scaling_factors_' + str(i) + '.info')
if os.path.isfile(info_file_path):
i += 1
success = True
with open(info_file_path, 'w') as f:
database_text = '\n\n\nYou may copy-paste the computed harmonic frequency scaling factor(s) to ARC ' \
'(under the `freq_dict` in ARC/data/freq_scale_factors.yml):\n'
database_formats = list()
harmonic_freq_scaling_factors = list()
for lambda_zpe, level, zpe_dict, execution_time\
in zip(lambda_zpes, levels, zpe_dicts, times):
harmonic_freq_scaling_factor = lambda_zpe * 1.014
fundamental_freq_scaling_factor = lambda_zpe * 0.974
unconverged = [key for key, val in zpe_dict.items() if val is None]
text = f'\n\nLevel of theory: {level}\n'
if unconverged:
text += f'The following species from the standard set did not converge at this level:\n {unconverged}\n'
text += f'Scale Factor for Zero-Point Energies = {lambda_zpe:.3f}\n'
text += f'Scale Factor for Harmonic Frequencies = {harmonic_freq_scaling_factor:.3f}\n'
text += f'Scale Factor for Fundamental Frequencies = {fundamental_freq_scaling_factor:.3f}\n'
text += f'(execution time: {execution_time})\n'
database_formats.append(f""" '{level}': {harmonic_freq_scaling_factor:.3f}, # [4]\n""")
for database_format in database_formats:
overall_time_text = f'\n\nScaling factors calculation for {len(levels)} levels of theory completed ' \
f'(elapsed time: {overall_time}).\n'
[docs]def get_species_list() -> list:
Generates the standardized species list.
list: The standardized species list initialized with xyz.
c2h2_xyz = {'symbols': ('C', 'C', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (12, 12, 1, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.203142), (0.0, -0.0, 2.265747), (-0.0, -0.0, -1.062605))}
ch4_xyz = {'symbols': ('C', 'H', 'H', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (12, 1, 1, 1, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.08744517), (1.02525314, 0.0, -0.36248173),
(-0.51262658, 0.88789525, -0.36248173), (-0.51262658, -0.88789525, -0.36248173))}
co2_xyz = {'symbols': ('C', 'O', 'O'), 'isotopes': (12, 16, 16),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.1594846), (0.0, 0.0, -1.1594846))}
co_xyz = {'symbols': ('O', 'C'), 'isotopes': (16, 12), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.12960815))}
f2_xyz = {'symbols': ('F', 'F'), 'isotopes': (19, 19), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.3952041))}
ch2o_xyz = {'symbols': ('O', 'C', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (16, 12, 1, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.674622), (0.0, 0.0, -0.529707),
(0.0, 0.935488, -1.109367), (0.0, -0.935488, -1.109367))}
h2o_xyz = {'symbols': ('O', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (16, 1, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.95691441), (0.92636305, 0.0, -0.23986808))}
h2_xyz = {'symbols': ('H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (1, 1), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.74187646))}
hcn_xyz = {'symbols': ('C', 'N', 'H'), 'isotopes': (12, 14, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, -0.500365), (0.0, 0.0, 0.65264), (0.0, 0.0, -1.566291))}
hf_xyz = {'symbols': ('F', 'H'), 'isotopes': (19, 1), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.91538107))}
n2o_xyz = {'symbols': ('N', 'N', 'O'), 'isotopes': (14, 14, 16),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.12056262), (0.0, 0.0, 2.30761092))}
n2_xyz = {'symbols': ('N', 'N'), 'isotopes': (14, 14), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.09710935))}
nh3_xyz = {'symbols': ('N', 'H', 'H', 'H'), 'isotopes': (14, 1, 1, 1),
'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.11289), (0.0, 0.938024, -0.263409),
(0.812353, -0.469012, -0.263409), (-0.812353, -0.469012, -0.263409))}
oh_xyz = {'symbols': ('O', 'H'), 'isotopes': (16, 1), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.967))}
cl2_xyz = {'symbols': ('Cl', 'Cl'), 'isotopes': (35, 35), 'coords': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.995), (0.0, 0.0, -0.995))}
c2h2 = ARCSpecies(label='C2H2', smiles='C#C', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
c2h2.initial_xyz = c2h2_xyz
ch4 = ARCSpecies(label='CH4', smiles='C', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
ch4.initial_xyz = ch4_xyz
co2 = ARCSpecies(label='CO2', smiles='O=C=O', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
co2.initial_xyz = co2_xyz
co = ARCSpecies(label='CO', smiles='[C-]#[O+]', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
co.initial_xyz = co_xyz
f2 = ARCSpecies(label='F2', smiles='[F][F]', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
f2.initial_xyz = f2_xyz
ch2o = ARCSpecies(label='CH2O', smiles='C=O', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
ch2o.initial_xyz = ch2o_xyz
h2o = ARCSpecies(label='H2O', smiles='O', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
h2o.initial_xyz = h2o_xyz
h2 = ARCSpecies(label='H2', smiles='[H][H]', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
h2.initial_xyz = h2_xyz
hcn = ARCSpecies(label='HCN', smiles='C#N', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
hcn.initial_xyz = hcn_xyz
hf = ARCSpecies(label='HF', smiles='F', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
hf.initial_xyz = hf_xyz
n2o = ARCSpecies(label='N2O', smiles='[N-]=[N+]=O', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
n2o.initial_xyz = n2o_xyz
n2 = ARCSpecies(label='N2', smiles='N#N', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
n2.initial_xyz = n2_xyz
nh3 = ARCSpecies(label='NH3', smiles='N', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
nh3.initial_xyz = nh3_xyz
oh = ARCSpecies(label='OH', smiles='[OH]', multiplicity=2, charge=0)
oh.initial_xyz = oh_xyz
cl2 = ARCSpecies(label='Cl2', smiles='[Cl][Cl]', multiplicity=1, charge=0)
cl2.initial_xyz = cl2_xyz
species_list = [c2h2, ch4, co2, co, f2, ch2o, h2o, h2, hcn, hf, n2o, n2, nh3, oh, cl2]
return species_list
[docs]def rename_level(level: str) -> str:
Rename the level of theory so it can be used for folder names.
level (str): The level of theory to be renamed.
str: The renamed level of theory
level = level.replace('/', '_')
level = level.replace('*', 's')
level = level.replace('+', 'p')
level = level.replace('(', 'b')
level = level.replace(')', 'b')
level = level.replace(')', 'b')
level = level.replace(' ', '_')
level = level.replace(':', '..')
return level