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Species properties

The rmg.species attribute is a list of dictionaries, each defines a chemical species. The following are possible keys and corresponding values for each species dictionary:

  • label (str, required): The species label.
  • concentration (Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]): Concentration units are mole fraction for gas phase and mol/cm3 for liquid phase. Defaults to 0. A concentration range can also be specified (a length-2 tuple).
  • smiles (str): The SMILES representation.
  • inchi (str): The InChI representation.
  • adjlist (str): The RMG adjacency list representation.
  • reactive (bool): Whether the species is treated by RMG as reactive. Default: True.
  • observable (bool): Whether the species should be used as an observable for both SA and UA. Default: False.
  • SA_observable (bool): Whether the species should be used as an observable for SA. Default: False.
  • UA_observable (bool): Whether the species should be used as an observable for UA. Default: False.
  • constant (bool): Whether the species concentration should remain constant throughout the simulation and model generation. Default: False.
  • balance (bool): Whether this is a balance species. Default: False.
  • solvent (bool): Whether this species should be used as the solvent in RMG. Can only be set to True for liquid phase simulations. Default: False.
  • xyz (list): Optional 3D coordinates for a species. Entries could be either string representation, ARC dictionary representation, or a file from which the coordinates could be parsed (either an XYZ file format or a supported ESS input/log file).
  • seed_all_rads (List[str]): The types of radical derivatives to add to the RMG input file for the species. Helpful for solving orphan radical issues early on in the model generation. Recommended for the main molecule undergoing oxidation/pyrolysis. Optional types are: 'radical' for simple R., 'alkoxyl' for RO., 'peroxyl' for ROO.


Either smiles, inchi, or adjlist must be specified for each species.


T3 includes the common RMG reactors. Note that the reactor names have been changed to explicitly represent their primary properties. The supported RMG reactors are:

  • gas batch constant T P which corresponds to the RMG simpleReactor
  • liquid batch constant T V which corresponds to the RMG liquidReactor


The RMG reactors are only used for model generation. The simulation is done using the reactor specified in the corresponding simulation adapter which may be different if the simulation adapter is not RMG.

Save an input file from the API

Saving an input file using the Python documentation may come handy in many cases, since often it is easier to define parameters using Python and auto-complete tools rather than hand-typing a YAML format.

To do this, define a T3 object like you would as if running using the API. However, instead of executing it, call write_t3_input_file. Here's an example:

from t3 import T3

rmg_args = {'database': {'thermo_libraries': ['primaryThermoLibrary',
                         'kinetics_libraries': ['BurkeH2O2inN2']},
            'species': [{'label': 'H2',
                         'smiles': '[H][H]',
                         'concentration': 0.67},
                        {'label': 'O2',
                         'smiles': '[O][O]',
                         'concentration': 0.33}],
            'reactors': [{'type': 'gas batch constant T P',
                          'T': 1000,
                          'P': 1,
                          'termination_conversion': {'H2': 0.9},
                          'termination_time': [5, 's']}],
            'model': {'core_tolerance': [0.01, 0.001]}}

t3_object = T3(project='T3_tutorial_1',


The corresponding auto-generated YAML input file for the above example would be:

project: T3_tutorial_1
    - BurkeH2O2inN2
    - primaryThermoLibrary
    - BurkeH2O2
    - 0.01
    - 0.001
  - P: 1.0
    T: 1000.0
      H2: 0.9
    - 5
    - 's'
    type: gas batch constant T P
  - concentration: 0.67
    label: H2
    smiles: '[H][H]'
  - concentration: 0.33
    label: O2
    smiles: '[O][O]'

The write_t3_input_file method accepts two arguments:

path (str, optional):

The full path for the generated input file, or to the folder
where this file will be saved under a default name.
If ``None``, the input file will be saved to the project directory.

all_args (bool, optional):

Whether to save all arguments in the generated input file
including all default values). Default: ``False``.

Writing simulation adapters

T3 implements many common choices to simulate a chemical mechanism, such as using constant TP, UV, or HP batch reactors. To create a custom simulator for your needs, first add a new file to T3/t3/simulate/, which contains the new simulate adapter. The new class must inherit from the abstract adapter class in T3/t3/simulate/ and should implement the following methods: set_up(), simulate(), get_sa_coefficients(), and get_idt_by_T(). All simulate adapters must accept the same arguments; the currently implemented Cantera, RMG, and RMS adapters provide examples. Finally, register the adapter at the bottom of the file, and initialize the simulator by importing it in T3/t3/simulate/ A more detailed coding example can be found in the tutorials section. Adding a test to T3/tests/test_simulate_adapters/ is also recommended. We welcome pull-requests to incorporate new simulate adapters.

Pre-QM, or: T3's iteration 0

Sometimes it is desired to conduct thermodynamic and/or rate coefficient calculations in advance, prior to the main T3 iterations. For example, one might want to compute thermodynamic properties for all important radicals of a fuel molecule in advance (before RMG generates a model).

This pre-QM computations is called the "iteration 0" of T3 and is achieved by specifying species and/or reactions in the QM section of the input. The corresponding computations will be executed, and the computed thermo-kinetic parameters will be used by RMG in all consecutive T3 iterations.

The RMG core tolerances

RMG uses the toleranceMoveToCore argument to control the size of the generated model (the "core"). See detailed explanation here. The corresponding T3 argument is called core_tolerance, and is set under rmg['model']. This core_tolerance argument is a list of floats, each will be used in a respective T3 iteration. For example, setting core_tolerance = [0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001] will make T3 use a toleranceMoveToCore of 0.02 for running RMG in iteration 1, and a toleranceMoveToCore of 0.001 for running RMG in iteration 4. All iterations further iterations use the last entry in core_tolerance. In the above example, iterations 5, 6, 7... will use a toleranceMoveToCore of 0.001 as well.

This feature is useful since at the first iteration RMG is normally executed without system-specific knowledge which is provided as thermodynamic properties and rate coefficients in later T3 iterations. If a RMG is given a too low tolerance in the early iterations it will likely explore unimportant chemistry. By gradually increasing the tolerance we allow RMG to hone in on the model.